I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 99

The screeched the followed Virah's proclamation came from above, it didn't catch the woman off guard but her quick retreat gave Virah ample time to retaliate with her own attack.

She punched, aiming for the ninja's stomach but her hand was swiftly caught on the wrist, "slow, sloppy, and your posture looks like it's from someone who barely knows how to punch," the ninja laughed, "you sure you can win this fight little girl?"

"Little?-" Virah pulled her hand back to no avail, and that was when Jet came down from the skies to go and help her, the ninja released her hand once the Zubat neared the two of them and she pulled herself back.

"Oh?" The ninja watched Jet fly off, amusement clear in her voice, "that's quite interesting, so you only have a Zubat huh?"

The woman grabbed a PokeBall from her hip and Virah reacted accordingly, she took out the vial of thunder dust in her backpack and prepared to toss it at the newcomer, she only had one for now, but disabling a Pokemon of her opponent would even out the playing field.

'Assuming her remaining two are weak,' Virah considered, though she knew that was a problem for when it's finally revealed.

The woman released a Golbat from her Pokeball and Virah quickly threw the vial at it.

"Huh, I wonder what this is?" The woman, unphased by Virah's action, asked nonchalantly as she checked on the golden dust that rained all around them, "some sort of… powdered thunder stone?"

She paused, "what…" fear lingered on the undertone of her voice and she swerved her head towards her Golbat in concern, "fly high!"

"Jet intercept its flight with Aerial Ace!" Virah moved as she barked out a command, within her, her aura stirred, releasing out a noxiating aura that protected her from the miniscule clouds of dust leftover from the vial.

She didn't know if the ninja also had something like this up her sleeve but for now, what she was doing was enough to give her an edge and she purposefully played dirty knowing full well of that fact.

She didn't bother punching the ninja, deeming that she was right, Virah had no clue how to actually release a punch, even with Grene's basic training, she never actually bothered to ask the martial artist for a spar, and now that she's in a situation where practical demonstrations of martial arts is needed, she came out lacking.

But that was fine, because she still had the edge thanks to her trump card.

The ninja's movements were slow as Virah closed in tackled her shoulder first, her bone connected with the ninja's chest, causing her to heave out the air in her lungs.

Virah reacted swiftly when the ninja tried to grab her, ducking sideways before attempting to push the ninja down.

It resulted in nothing but her opponent staggering back but Virah thought that was fine, it bought her time to release Nitro and now that the battle was a 2 on 1, she deemed that her chances of victory had increased.

"Don't let her release her Pokemon," Virah ordered, "pressure her with attacks until she's unconscious,"

"Beedrill!" Nitro answered with a reassured nod, the Pokemon flew forward, drill pulled back in a fascimile of a punch.

Virah on the other hand grabbed rocks and infused it with her aura, she opted to support her Pokemon from the back, knowing that she could both direct him this way and also spot any tricks the ninja might pull.

The three of them fought as Jet and the Golbat attacked each other in the skies, their opponents were slowed down thanks to the paralyzing effect of thunder dust and they had the edge, but Virah didn't know just for how long.

Ninjas, much like her, had tricks up their sleeve and if that's the case, Virah wouldn't be surprised if their enemy suddenly did something to catch them all off guard.

Virah and Nitro worked in tandem, their attacks complimenting each other as she covered the Beedrill with thrown rocks infused with Poison Type aura whenever the ninja stepped out of bounds.

Virah ensured that with her support, their enemy never got the chance to put distance between her and Nitro nor could she retaliate, all the ninja could do was dodge and even that option was slowly closing off.

They were both nearing a wall, and soon, Nitro would be able to land a clean hit on his opponent, Virah waited for that opportune moment, in which she'll go and finish the fight.

When the time came, the Golbat from above flew downward and attacked Nitro, distracting both him and Virah who moved to assist the Beedrill.

She fueled Nitro with Poison Type energy, raising his defenses in such a way that he survived the Flying Type's attack, then she threw rocks at the Golbat, hoping to distract it as Jet caught up with his opponent's sudden burst of speed.

It took a single second for her Zubat to strike its next evolution using Quick attack, and with Nitro's help, they sent the larger bat to the ground, it rolled with its wings furled around its body before stopping.

It didn't move but Virah remained vigilant on its presence, she'll keep her guard against it right as long as the ninja doesn't recall it.

And speaking of the ninja, shurikens flew from the darkness and straight for Virah's hide, if it wasn't for Jet's quick thinking…

The poison specialist feared for the worst as her heavy breathing filled her ears, her heartbeat reached her head and her mind was starting to dull from the adrenaline.

"Surprised?" The ninja laughed from the safety of a higher elevation, specifically the ledge of a window, "this is a fight girl, so you better expect to lose your life, that goes double when you go and willingly search for a fight!"

Multiple stars flew at Virah, their dark forms glistening even under the lightless alleyway.

Virah weaved, dodging the attacks now that she was aware of them, she moved her body efficiently, running to the sides in order to get away from the barrage of shurikens sent her way.

"Jet! Attack her!" Virah commanded.

Her Zubat hesitated for a moment, his front facing Virah's before it turned and flew towards the ninja, his speed quick and his mouth pursed in a grim expression.

The Zubat met the Ninja, and the two clashed for a brief second before the human jumped away to another balcony.

"Nitro, attack the down Golbat and make it faint!" Virah ordered, uncaring of just how dirty she would look as a trainer, the ninja was right, this was a fight and if that was the case then she should be ready for dirty tactics to be used.

Virah threw rocks at the ninja as Jet chased after her, the poison specialist tried to predict where her opponent was heading but she only had so many rocks to throw her enemy's way.

'I need projectiles,' Virah mentally noted, she scolded herself for not thinking of this sooner, 'a lot of them,' Virah thought as her rocks ran out.

The fight went on with Virah and her team continuing to assault the ninja with attacks, Jet continuously followed after the human, ensuring she doesn't retaliate against Virah, who kept up with her projectiles even as the rocks ran out, she moved to using sticks and even bottles, all were infused with her aura.

Soon, the Golbat fainted from Nitro's one sided attacks and that was when the fight shifted from Virah and her team losing to them genuinely winning, the ninja herself noticed this and thus, with a laugh, she recalled her Golbat and jumped up high.

"It was fun, little girl," she says, "but most of my team are out of commission and I don't have the time to deal with you," she says, "yet,"

"Jet catch her," Virah didn't know why she said this, but she only felt disappointment when, after the ninja threw a smoke bomb, she was quickly nowhere to be seen.

It only ever occured to Virah after the fight that she needed to ask the ninja why she was selling drugs to the war veterans of Cianwood.

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