I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 191

The Meister’s Needs

“Take it out!”

After the transformation, the falcon begins to flock to the electric field.


Immediately, the electric field covered him strongly.

Ordinary birds… no, monsters can be hard to resist, but I can’t. ’


However, a steel falcon pierced through the electric field.

Hawks that penetrate the electric field and enter the city start flying low.

“Very well. Now we can find a Awakener somewhere to negotiate.” ’

Thinking about your plan after you meet the Awakener.

The White Wolf conquered the city.

‘What? Why isn’t there a single person? ’

Different from what he thinks.

I couldn’t find a human figure.

Then why do you have those weapons installed? ’

Don’t you usually install walls to protect things?

But what is there to protect in this city? Why did they install such weapons?

Is it possible that this city is actually a trap? This city is a pile, and there’s a real place to live. Or, um…

He’s been flying around in the air thinking about assumptions.


Tiny movements at the edge of the city were captured by a sharp eagle’s eye.


The eagle swiftly turns and flies in the direction it was seen moving.


There were machines building farms.

In the meantime, people are rare.

‘A city within a city. No, a town in the city. ’

The number of people who look great is a few hundred.

It was an outrageous number to maintain the city.

‘Anyway, the important thing is that I found a clue. ’

I’m sure there’s an eagle among them he’s looking for.


Soon he landed on the ground and took human form.

Approach people.

“B-intruder! Intruders incoming!”

“Haha, he’s a good joker. An intruder… who can penetrate the walls of your protection? ”

Then the people who were passionate about their work, going back and forth between the machines, started running away screaming.

The White Wolf nods as if that reaction was natural.

‘Suddenly, there was no sign. By the way… This is quite useful. Can you really hear everything translated? ’

A white wolf touching a small jewel on its ear.

‘As expected, it’s expensive. ’

After hearing from Director Kim about the Awakening of Crafting Skills.

The item I bought with laughter just in case I need it makes me pay good money.

Meanwhile, while he was touching the jewels.

Chop chop.

“It must be the Chinese nagging! Kill him!”

“You can’t kill him! We need to find out how we got here! ”

Pointing a gun at the survivors of the city.

Exchange opinions with each other

‘Extracting information… That’s a natural order, but it won’t be easy with a gun. ’

Of course, it was true there was no weapon of any kind.

The fear of guns was gone a long time ago.

Above all, he had no intention of fighting with the inhabitants of the city.

‘I’m here to negotiate, but I can’t overthrow it. ’

“ · · · ”

A white wolf staring straight at the villagers.

“I have no intention of fighting you. ”

The villagers’ eyes widen.

“W-what are we talking about? ”

“What… an Awakener with an ability to interpret?” ”

“Or maybe he borrowed the power of an item. Careful anyway. He’s over Myster’s wall of protection. I don’t know what to do! ”

When the villagers made a legend about the White Wolf.

The White Wolf speaks again.

“Again, I have no intention of fighting you. I want to meet the leader who leads you. ”

“Leader? Are you talking about Mr. Meister? But the negotiations are over, right? ”

“Maybe it’s from a third party, not China and the United States. ”

Residents come to their own conclusions in exchange for opinions.

“He’s busy! And believe in something that doesn’t even know who you are! Come back another time! ”

“There is no next. ”

The White Wolf lifts the spear at some point.

Chop chop.

When the guns moved with his movements and were about to start pouring out bullets.

“Everyone, stop. ”

A young woman in a shabby mechanic walks out among the residents.


“There was a commotion, and there was a reason for that. ”

A woman looking at a white wolf with her eyes turned.

She scans him up and down, and buries him indifferently.

“Who do you work for? ”


“Yes, affiliation. China or the Awakenings from the United States? ”

White wolf smiles at her question.

“I don’t belong anywhere. ”

“Why don’t you tell a more plausible lie? ”

“You’d know if you cared a little bit about me or not. ”

He replied in a big way.

She stares at him and asks.

“Then where did you come from? ”

“One of the Korean clans, Awakened. ”

“.. Korea? ”

A woman who tilts her head at the appearance of a sudden country.

“That’s unusual. Well, good. Suppose you could. What brings you all the way from Korea? through the wall of protection. ”

“I’m here to pick up an Awakener with crafting abilities. ”

In his words, this time, the woman with the spanner smiles.

“So you came here with the same purpose as the others. ”

“I won’t deny it. ”

“Well, let me be clear. Go back. Anything you say will never get me out of here. ”

In her words, knocking over the negotiating table in advance.

The White Wolf continues the conversation without hesitation.

“You don’t even need to hear the proposal? ”

“You’re going to want to discuss money and honor. Am I wrong? ”

“Then I guess you want something else. ”

He says she shakes her head.

“Even if it is, you can’t help it. So go back.”

“I can’t listen to you? ”

“Even the two great powers have shaken their heads at my request, how is it different from you? ”

Even the words of those who despise him.

The White Wolf maintains a sudden attitude.

“So what did you ask them? ”

“ · · · ”

Let’s not show him much of a retreat.

Myster sighs and clears his lips.

“There’s only one thing I want. My country goes back to normal, like the rest of the world. Re-engineering a peaceful life. ”

“So you want me to kill all the monsters in Vietnam? ”

“Not all of them, but at least I want to secure a place where people can live safely. ”

White wolf clutching her head at her words.

“I understand. But I have one question at the same time. We can use your powers to drive all the monsters out. Isn’t that what you’re capable of? ”

“… and I don’t know when it’s going to happen, but it’s not going to happen now. ”

She looks at the machine she was farming and quietly recounts.

“Even if you build one of those devices, you’ll get an item. And at the very least, everything I put together was spent on building walls. Do you understand now? ”

due to environmental challenges.

Even though she says it’s hard to wake up.

The White Wolf asks indifferently.

“Did you give those terms to the two countries outside? ”

“Yes, there were many opinions, but they asked me if I could change my mind later. So first, when they got me, they said they would listen to me, but I couldn’t trust them either. ”

‘Hmmm.. so the negotiations were not concluded because of their disbelief in each other. ’

Of course, it made sense to both sides.

For both countries, we don’t want to waste power in an uncertain future.

Mystery doesn’t trust them either, so there hasn’t been any progress in the relationship so far.

‘I guess that gives me a chance. ’

When he had a faint smile.

She continues to talk as if she is frustrated.

“Besides, they were busy fighting amongst themselves later. even though the parties have no idea. ”

“Was there already a battle between them? ”

“Now I don’t know if I’m in a sluggish state, but just a few days ago, there were Air Force and American corpses everywhere. ”

What the target is saying is true.

“Oh, by the way, since those facts are not officially mentioned, they were both fighting in complete secrecy. ’

While he was lost in thought.

She sighs and continues to speak.

“You get it now, right? I don’t know what kind of man you are, but this is not the place for a clan leader. Of course, I have to admit, you’re amazing. It’s really great to get through to my wall, to avoid both countries’ eyes. But that’s it.”

A master who vomits his last words with a bitter smile.

“No matter how special the power you have, a handful can’t beat the majority. ”

To the end.

She gestures helplessly as if to ask you to go back.

“ · · · ”

But the white wolf was not even moved by her reaction.

Rather, he asks a sudden question.

“If I create a safe zone for your people to operate in, will you come under me? ”

“Huh? That’s… that’s a lot of bragging. It’s not something you can do. ”

Even two countries shaken their heads.

How could he do such a thing alone?

“We’ll see if it’s bullshit or not. Answer me more clearly. If I fulfill all the requirements you want, will you risk your life to follow me? ”

“ · · · ”

The White Wolf asked me again.

Myster thinks bear.

What kind of confidence is that? ’

The two great powers also withdrew, saying it was a ridiculous proposition.

But what the hell is this guy thinking?

“No matter how hard you think about it… Are you making fun of me?” ’

But his expression was too serious to make fun of.

‘Let’s just pretend we’re lying and accept it… it can’t get any worse if we accept it anyway, right? ’

If he fails, nothing hits this side.

Moreover, if he succeeds, her wish will come true.

He was also welcome.

“Very well. If you truly deliver Vietnam from the hands of the monsters, I will follow your orders completely. ”

What the target is saying is true.

Let her answer truthfully.

It takes a faint half moon to reach his mouth.

“Don’t forget that now. ”

“Don’t get me wrong. I don’t trust you. I just have no expectations. ”

“Once I know what you want, I’ll be back soon. ”

At the end of the sentence, the white wolf quickly left his post.

“ · · · ”

The Meister and the people of the city stare blankly at where he left them.

In a few hours.

The white wolf returns to its original place.

“Stay out of sight as much as possible! Cover for me! ”

“God damn it, then you do it! ”

There were plausible homes in empty spaces.

Clan members cover busy houses with wild vines and leaves.

‘I thought it might take a little while, but it’ll be quick. ’

Of course, underneath that is the work of a puppet maker who proceeds without much friction.

‘I’ll give you a small prize later. ’

Consider the rewards of your hard work.

A white wolf headed towards the puppet master who controls the Busy Clan members.

“Did you get anything? ”

In his question, the doll frowns and shakes his head.

“I have some bad news. ”

“Bad news? ”

“I don’t think we’re the only ones after that item. ”

The doll reports that the white wolf acted surprised.

My eyes twitch.

“There are competitors. ”

“Yes. A large force has been captured in the dolls’ sights. The flags may have looked Chinese and American, but there’s something suspicious about them. ”

“Suspicious feeling.”

A puppet who keeps talking to his response.

“I didn’t mention it in the press. You must have been working very secretly. But I feel like I have a flag like that. It looks like another country may have been disguised. ”

He nods at a reasonable doll’s house.

“I can think that way. Or maybe he’s hiding as much information as he can, but he thinks he doesn’t have to hide his identity in plain sight. ”

“Fair point. There won’t be any more competitors after all. ”

Who can stand in the way of the United States and China already?

“I just… I might have to run a little more now that this is over. I don’t know if the common clans are opponents, but they are a national organization. ”

“You want to run away? ”

“Falling back can also be part of the way. I find it very difficult to deal with a large force like that. Even if we put all our power into it, we can only do so much damage for both of them. ”

According to a report by a doll who seems to have analyzed the situation calmly,

He seems to agree somewhat.

“You speak plainly, but we don’t need to fight them. ”

“I wish I didn’t fight, but as long as they’re competing for the same goal, they’ll always come after the prime minister. ”

“You’re right. But we’re going to have a different approach, and there’s very little chance of direct friction with them. ”

Let’s speak my opinion as if the Clan leader is convinced.

The puppet stares at him with a questionable face.

“What does that mean? ”

“Our objective is to kill the monsters that are feeding on this land and secure the safe zone. ”

“.. the goal seems to have changed a bit. I remember the original purpose of obtaining crafting ability items. ”

He nods with a faint smile at the doll’s rebuttal.

“Yes, but to achieve that goal, the purpose I just spoke of must be preceded. ”

“.. I don’t understand. If we kill monsters, will that item suddenly fall in front of us? ”

“That’s right.”

I threw a bunch of nonsense.

The White Wolf nods as if the answer is correct.

“… is that right? ”

The doll stares at him dazed.

The End

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