I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 192

An illusion spread through the ashes.

“Yes. I heard it myself. ”

“… you heard it yourself? ”

He said it was unbelievable, and the doll frowned at the old taste buds.

Immediately, my eyes opened wide.

“You must have run into someone with an item?! ”


“ · · · ”

Which means the White Wolves have breached the borders of the two nations and reached their destination.

“Fantastic. I wonder if they needed us. ”

“There are things that cannot be done alone. If you think about the variables, it’s a wise choice to bring you in. ”


I nodded my head as if the doll had made sense.

The White Wolf spits out a jealous word.

“And we found out that what we were after was not an item, but an Awakener. ”

“… what? ”

“Lower your voice. ”

The doll obeyed the White Wolf’s words.

Makes me look difficult to understand.

“Awakened, not an item. This… is a big variable. ”

“Yes. I wouldn’t have found out if I hadn’t met them. ”


Let’s see if the puppet understands.

The white wolf smiles slowly.

‘It’s better to tell the puppeteer the truth. Giving me these variables will make it easier to lead the clan, and above all, avoid the possibility of me being hunted. ’

He was the head of the clan, but he was the puppet master of the clan.

‘And above all, avoid behavior that could lead to suspicion. ’

As soon as I found out that he had found the item.

Of course, the doll asked me if I had any items.

‘If you do, you’ll be bothered in many ways. ’

So he only found out about the puppeteer as if he had discovered something new here.

It was a release of the information I knew.

“I can see why you were empty-handed. ”

“After all, as our purpose has changed, we need to take movement differently. ”

“But… are you sure about that Awakening Man? ”

A puppet who keeps asking worryingly.

“We need to think about whether the Awakening has already established some sort of relationship with other countries, or if we have fallen into a trap that we have already dug to deal with other countries. ”

In other words, the puppet is from two existing countries, China and the United States.

And I was worried about the kind of relationship between the builders.

His worries were reasonable enough.

“Of course, I’m sure you’ve accepted the offer, but I can’t help but worry. ”

“You don’t have to worry about it. If we deliver on their offer and they don’t give us the item, then…”

The White Wolf’s eyes widen.

The puppet asks quietly.

“Are you going to kill him? ”

“Of course. It means they didn’t intend to keep their promises in the first place, and the kidnappers won’t use their powers for us.” Besides, you don’t have to give other countries a chance. ”

Of course, through ‘knowing the truth’.

I knew that wasn’t gonna happen.

The white wolf roared low, gazing north.

“ · · · ”

I wonder if he was overwhelmed by his murder.

The doll nods silently and opens its mouth carefully.

“If what the Awakener wanted was the death of the monsters, it would have been easier. There won’t be any friction with other countries. ”

“You don’t know that. Always be ready. ”

“Got it. Better get some men in here now.” ”

A white wolf who shakes his head at the doll’s words.

“The sun has already fallen. It’s hard to move right now. First, gather only those with detection abilities and those in the battle line to form a group. ”

“I see. But…”

The doll hesitates for a moment.

“Let me know if you have anything to say. I don’t know about the others, but you deserve it. ”

He squirms as if to speak comfortably.

“On second thought, I don’t think the other countries will stand idly by as you say. ”

“Why did you think that? ”

“They would have negotiated with the Awakener you mentioned, and they must have heard the same thing. But I think if we eliminate the monsters, they’ll see us as rivals. ”

The white wolf smiles at his words.

“You’ve read the gist well. ”

“It’s not funny. If we hit them on the back while we deal with the monsters, we may have to bury the bones here. ”

The doll’s words were reasonable enough.

‘If the bomber party removes the monsters, they will definitely sense their movements and try to disturb us. ’

Especially since this is the Billon cartel.

I tried to kill them again and again.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of that. ”

“.. can it be solved? ”

Even though the White Wolf is a tremendous Awakener.

It was hard to imagine that it would be possible to contain the forces of both countries.

“Get rid of unnecessary competitors. ”

“Is there some good way? ”

A white wolf smiling at the doll’s question.

“I intend to sever their lifeline. Earlier, I was scouting, and I found the transporters entering each base. ”

“That’s odd. Of course I thought we could use the space capability to transport supplies. ”

“That’s what I thought, but I guess there was no Awakening to move the bulk of the supplies. ”

In his words, a faint smile grows in the mouth of the doll, following the clan.

“Destroying the transport routes will lead them to retreat eventually. ”

“Of course, there are no variables. China is close to the region and will be able to support it immediately. ”


The doll is pouting.

The white wolf gazes northwest and utters his last words.

“Crushing them as well as the route of transportation shouldn’t be too bad. ”

“… what? ”

The doll surprised by his recitation flinches.

The white wolf shrugs.

“They still have debts to collect. ”

“ · · · ”


In a few hours.


An owl flies over the dark sky.


An owl that looks down at the ground and continues its powerful wingspan.

Soon, he repeats his wings above the base to the northwest.

‘Ugh… My eyes are all broken. ’

There was a bright light coming out of it like daylight.

It might be an owl, but my eyes were all sore.

‘There don’t seem to be many soldiers on guard. Perfect for a fire. ’

Before it burns the lifeline.

If we burn the originals, they’ll have to retreat.

‘We’ll burn down the stronghold, then destroy the transport routes. ’


An owl looking down at the ground with a sly smile.

Soon the beak will open.

“Go and have a fight. ”

When orders are made against someone,

[Puhehehehe! Slaughter! Fire! Let’s burn it all!]

[Light a fire! Light it up!]

Excellent horses, surrounded by fire, begin to fall from the sky.

[Fire! Let’s burn them all!]

[Heheh heh heh! Burn it!]

Start unleashing a fire on the base like a piece of meat that fell off the ground.


Suddenly there’s a strong breeze in the air.

He built a fire in an instant.

“F-fire! Fire!!”

“W-where’s the… fire? Crazy…”

Chinese soldiers are distracted by the rain falling from the air.

“Catch the fire first! Stop it from spreading! ”

“Those monsters are burning! Take care of them first…”

“Goddamn it… just as much as it spreads to the storehouse… N-no! ”

Through fires spreading everywhere.

Soldiers burst out.


Let’s catch a fire later.

Some Awakened shoot at the stream.

Glug glug

The flames were already spreading, and I didn’t think they were going to spread very often.


The owl was watching him comfortably from above.

[You know how to play this game.]

Icarus, who follows him through the wind, gives you a nagging word.

“A joke… it sure looks like a joke to you, but I’m pretty serious about this. ”

[Is this some kind of serious joke?]

“If he thought it was a joke in the first place, he would have tried to kill himself. But you didn’t give that order, did you? ”

His orders to the horses were to burn down the base and destroy it.

“Better control the wind. They’re already trying to put out the fire. ”

[Knng… Got it.]

When his orders come through.

Icarus unleashes a fierce wind towards the flames.

Glug glug

The fire that followed the wind suddenly revived.

The base burns to the ground.

“Yes, this is it. ”

[I feel sorry for your enemies. I can only be beaten without even knowing it.]

“Well, if you have an idea, you can guess. I took out the horses.”

Just as I took out the White Wolf’s trademarks and magic.

They would have been fully aware of his existence.

[It’s nice to have a little fun.]

Icarus laughs and raises a stronger wind.

“W-we ‘re going down! Move! Move! ”

“Abandon… base! Fall back! Fall back to the outskirts! ”

The Node that already has a foundation has collapsed like a domino.

Chinese soldiers had to withdraw helplessly before the disaster.

“Let’s just burn it over there and finish it. ”


A few hours later, I watched the Chinese Node burn to a crisp.

An owl with a satisfactory smile.

‘Competitor? You have to compete somewhat to be called a competitor. ’

Those who could not respond to a unilateral attack were embarrassed to even call themselves competitors.

‘Let’s call it a day. If you harpoon this much, you’ll retreat, but you’ll have to move again after the reaction. ’

As he smiled, he soon recovered the active horses.


It turns and disappears into the night sky.


“ · · · ”

A man staring blankly at a fiery base.

“What… what the…”

He still doesn’t believe in this situation.

I can’t escape the shock.

“My Lord…”

“I’m fine. It’s okay.

Unlike saying it was okay, my lips were trembling rarely.

“What’s the damage? ”

“The base has been destroyed beyond repair. And the supplies…”

The madness in Xiao Mai’s eyes echoes in a report of a dark situation.

“Cause… cause confirmed? ”

“Well… it looks like the White Wolf’s horses are mobilized. ”

“White… wolf? ”

Xiao Mai rolls her head for a moment to recall information.

“He’s… he’s Korean, isn’t he? ”

“Th-that’s right. ”

“Then why did he suddenly come here and set the fire? ”

Does the scorched face of Xiao Mai look like an evil spirit?

Awakeners dare not answer questions.

How did they know we were here in the first place? Did information about the maester leak out in time? ’

Then who leaked this information? The United States or some other force? ’

Xiao Mai was rolling her head like crazy over the current situation.

Suddenly, a hypothesis hits his head.

Did the United States hire mercenaries? Is it hard for him to be a problem? ’

The White Wolf is not officially a Awakening member of Korea.

Even if I tried to be diplomatic, it was difficult for me to make a move on that side.

‘Is that why you handed over information to the Korean side and hired the White Wolves? No, but can you hire him? No, actually, what if he’s the camouflage and the wake-up call that South Korea uses to deal with penises? What if that’s what you did for America? ’

Given the friendly relationship between the United States and Korea.

I don’t think it’s impossible.

These Yanks are calling the cavalry? ’

Of course, there was a possibility of a fire going off at the Yankees’ base.

The likelihood seemed significantly lower.

‘I don’t think this is something that Billan can do on his own. It’s clear that Korea and the United States have an implicit alliance! And Korea intervened using an Awakener with his identity to get out of the way. Yeah, that’s for sure! ’


I’m increasingly convinced of my fury and madness.

“Xiao Mei, what do you say? ”

A cautious voice wakes him from his thoughts.

“First… fix the situation. And call for backup immediately. ”



Xiao Mai’s gaze brightens the east.

“Ask for the criminals and the fruits of the ban in bulk. ”

“Y-you mean the fruit of the… forbidden? ”

A Awakened Awakener who is furious with Xiao Mai’s orders.


“Oh, I get it. ”

The Awakened get out of the way as soon as they can.

“ · · · ”

Xiaomai looks to the east, where the American base is located.

I recite it in a cheerful voice.

“If you want war, I’ll accept it. ”


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