I suddenly became the villain and I liked it

Facing yourself

“How do you wanna do this?”

Red hair asked me.

“Is it not fitting for us to fight against ourselves?”

“That is what I was thinking. But will your copy not do anything?”

“Do not worry. I can assure you that they will not do anything.”


Red hair and I walk to opposite sides. Our copies follow suit.

“Let’s go!”

Red hair dashes towards her copy and starts their combat while my copy and I just stare at each other.

“Can you speak?”

It shakes its head. How sad. I wanted to hear my own voice.

“Do you want to fight?”

It shrugs.

“Hmm, I see. Then how about you come closer?”

My copy approaches me as we stand face to face.

“I do want to see if it is a perfect copy. You would not mind if I were to check right?”

My copy tilts its head.

“I shall interpret that as your agreement.”

I approach my copy. Putting my hand on its face.

“Oh my, so smooth. It feels good to the touch.”

I caress the cheek, pinching it and running my fingers across its face. I touch the forehead, its eyebrows, and its ears.

“How about here then?”

I insert my finger in its mouth.

“Ah, how sad. It seems you do not have any saliva.”

It can replicate the feel and the look but it does not have any bodily functions. It probably does not have a heartbeat either. I hold its tongue and look at it.

“The tongue is also very smooth. Seems like there are no traces of the things that help with taste.”

The thing does not move.

“How about I check other places as well?”

I touch its hair.

“Wow, so smooth.”

I run my hands through its hair. Then its arms, legs, hips, shoulders, and so on and so forth throughout its whole body. All on top of a copy of my clothes of course. Then, the most important parts were next. I grabbed the soft surfaces on the bottom half of the body.

“How firm and nice to the touch.”

I squeeze my copies behind.

“Hmm, such a nice feeling.”

Even on top of the clothes. I could feel it properly.

“Now that I think about it. I have never tried to do such a thing to anyone before. So, as my copy you will agree, yes?

My copy does not respond. I pull it close and hug it from behind as I grab its bosom.

“Ah, how comfortable. Your smell is something truly enticing and your body heat is just right. I wonder if I could take you home. I would most certainly take the utmost care for you.”

How I truly wish for it to be so. I would make sure to hug it every day.

“What the hell are you doing?”

I turn my head and I see two red hairs looking at me.

“What are you two doing here? Are you not supposed to be fighting?”

“Who the hell can fight when you’re harassing your own copy!? Even my copy can’t concentrate!”

Her nods vigorously.

“Oh? Are you two jealous? Do you wish to join us?”

My copy seemed to take the hint as it spread its hands as if inviting them.

“Hell no! Besides, we’re supposed to beat them! That’s the point, right!?”

“How do you know that? The sign just said to face yourself. I am indeed facing myself.”

“You’re behind it! How are you facing it!?

“You are so smart.”

“Don’t get sassy with me!”

“But the copy is letting me do this. So, would you not say that it is perfectly within the scope of whatever rules are in place?”

Red hair tried to speak back but she did not. She kept thinking for a while.

“Is that really the case?”

Red hair asked my copy. My copy just shrugged. Red hair looked at her own and it also just shrugged.

“Here is a word of advice, red hair. Feel free to do as you fit for this trial. I have already chosen to do what I wish after all.”

“Fine, whatever.”

Red hair and her clone walked away and I was left with my clone.

“Excuse me, trial place. Can you please provide a seat for us.”

Surprisingly, a stump appeared behind us.

“Oh. Thank you. Now you, come and sit on my lap.”

My clone sat on my lap as we watched red hair fighting against her copy.

“They will probably take a while so let me try something new. Face me now.”

My clone turned around as she straddled me.

“Now be a good little girl and let me check.”

My copy and I were wearing the uniform. I hold a button and try to remove it.

“As I expected.”

I tried but I could not. Something within my body reacted in revulsion. The very act of removing my clothes fills me with disgust. The only time I could remove my clothes without experiencing extreme discomfort is when I will take a bath. Even then, I could only do so when I am alone.

“Is it because I view this copy as myself or-“

“I’m done. I don’t wanna do it anymore.

The two red hairs were here again.

“Back so soon?”

“I ain’t gonna let you strip your copy naked alright!? No way in hell I wanna watch that! And you! Why the hell are you just letting it happen!?”

She addressed my copy but it shrugs. Her own copy puts its hand on her shoulder.

“Damnit. I am being comforted by own copy.”

Her copy holds red hairs sword and puts it over its chest and smile wearily at red hair.

“See? My own copy gives up because of you two!”

Red hair stabs her copy and it disappears. Wait, did I just kill it with cringe? How amusing. Then, I had an idea.

“Oh, hero. Please save us by defeating the villain!”

I present my copy to red hair. Red hair looked confused.

“Oh, hero. This villain has committed great evil! Please strike her down and save us from her schemes!

Red hair finally understands as she rolls over her eyes.

“You’re the one acting like a real villain here. Making me kill your copy.”

“Just think of it as me and release your anger at it.”

“Nah, no thanks. Let’s just get this over with.”

With a light stab, my copy disappears and we clear this trial. Ah, how amusing.

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