I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 373: The Only Winner of the Civilization War

Chapter 373: The Only Winner of the Civilization War

In this war, the Terran Civilization had both succeeded and failed. Their success lay in the fact that they had decimated the gods’ foundation. As a result, the gods had lost their ability to act freely and faced a race against time before they were completely destroyed.

The remaining lifeforms on San Soliel couldn’t sustain their existence. The end of the gods was in sight. The only way for them to survive was to drive the Terran Civilization out of their world before they fell so that they could recuperate and escape from the crisis.

This was a real race against death.

The Terran Civilization could be said to have conducted a successful opening battle.

But at the same time, the Terran Civilization had failed. Their initial attack relied on a great deal of luck. Although the Terran Civilization had sent out scouts in advance, the end result of that was concluded with the San Soliel being a vulnerable civilization. The Terran Civilization even looked down on the so-called magic that could make cities fly.

In fact, the report was not wrong. With the power that the Terran Civilization observed, they were indeed weak, but even if the Terran scouts observed magical wars, there was one thing that they never fully understood — the gods.

The gods did not live with mortals. They hardly fought in front of mortals, so no matter how much the Terran Civilization investigated, they could not find any information on the gods. In the end, the Terran Civilization passed it off as the gods being some stronger people in the magic world. From the performance of the legendary powerhouses and demigods, they concluded that the gods could not be that much stronger.

This was the wrong perception that brought about their failure. The Terran Civilization could never have imagined that gods and mortals were already different creatures. There was no comparison between the two at all.

The Terran Civilization’s success in wreaking havoc on the seventeen realms made them arrogant, but under the united power of the gods, they were immediately suppressed. From being the strong, they had become the weak that were being hunted. During this moment, the Goddess of Night who was part of the stronger side chose to betray them. Shae had contacted the technological civilization and then clearly and unmistakably told the Terran Civilization of their miserable situation and their weakness.

It was then that the Terran Civilization understood that the gods were created through faith and that they were on their last legs. In fact, as long as they went on the defensive and avoided fighting, the gods would fall on their own.

This time, the situation was reversed once more. The Terran Civilization did not fight the gods head-on anymore. They did not send any biological weapons or technological weapons to confront them. Instead, they fought a war of attrition with their special capabilities and advantages.

With the level of the Terran Civilization’s technology, they had long solved the problem of having no energy. They began to use a variety of long-ranged weapons to attack the gods’ divine kingdoms, so as to consume the gods’ last reserves of divine power. The Terran Civilization utilized the space-time wormholes to hide against the gods after launching long-range strikes so that the gods could not do anything.

Moreover, the gods did not dare leave the Crystal Wall System, as that would turn them into mortals. They had already guessed that those Space-time wormholes were connected to a different universe, so they did not dare go in at all. They could only stay passive and be beaten to death. It was easy to imagine how much hatred the gods had towards Shae. They could have survived the war, but now the situation had turned dire once more.

It was at this point in time that the Terran Civilization thought became lax. With the thought that they were winning, they gained a deep curiosity to study such incredible creatures, which was a common problem for almost every technological civilization. As a result, they had chosen to try to capture Shae who had been in contact with them, to study her.

Unfortunately, they failed to do so, and Shae escaped the attack of the Terran Civilization. At this time, the Five-colored Dragon God who had lost a lot of faith and was about to fall launched an all-out attack before he died. He alone rushed into the space-time wormhole. Even if he degenerated into a mortal, he still tore apart the Terran Civilization’s army, which was consistent with a dragon’s cruelty and madness.

At this time, none of the gods knew that the space-time wormhole was different from magic. While in the space-time wormhole, the Five-colored Dragon God not only did not turn into a mortal, but also discovered a possibility of going to the alien universe, but unfortunately, the Five-colored Dragon God was already exhausted. He could not pass the news to the gods and was beaten to death.

It was also fortunate that the Dragon God did not spread the information, otherwise, the gods who knew this would rush into the space-time wormhole. If that happened, the Terran Civilization would not be able to fight against them. If the gods gained the techniques of the Terran Civilization to cross dimensions, the gods of San Soliel would have been able to gain faith from various dimensions. If that happened, Louie would not be here now. Louie’s biggest card now was the only remaining space-time wormhole of the world of San Soliel.

In the end, the Five-colored Dragon God had fallen. The gods had prepared for this eventuality because they assumed that the wormhole was a path to death, and any god who entered it would become a mortal.

Search Hosted Novel for the original.

The Terran Civilization also obtained a valuable specimen – a powerful god and a dragon at the same time.

This time, the Terran Civilization was waiting to overthrow the gods and completely occupy the world of San Soliel. They planned to study the existence of the gods to allow their civilization to evolve once more. Everything should have been so, but Shae had a deep grudge at the Terran Civilization for attempting to capture her. After coming in contact with them, Shae understood civilization enough.

One of the most important things that she understood was that although the Terran Civilization was technologically advanced, they were all mortals and no gods existed among them. Moreover, their power lay in external objects instead of something within them. This gave the gods something to take advantage of!

Shae informed the gods of all this. Although the gods hated her for her betrayal, the survival of San Soleil was more important. The gods did not understand the technological civilization, but after knowing that these horrible war machines were all made by mortals, they all made a decision.

The final outcome was that the twenty or so powerful gods who were still alive burned all their divinity at the cost of their godhood and created a powerful curse on the entire race and civilization of the Terran Civilization.

This curse could never be explained by technology since they could not understand how divine power worked. The Terran Civilization collapsed under the curse created by the gods’ sacrifice. In the end, the war between the two civilizations ended in a lose-lose situation.

The world of San Soliel was almost completely destroyed and not many lives survived. Most of the gods also fell and only a few managed to awaken. They all fell into a deep sleep and only 30,000 years later did some of them wake up.

The Terran Civilization’s battlefront collapsed. Even the most important research ship that was studying the Five-colored Dragon God had crashed on Earth. As a result, the information from the world of San Soliel greatly influenced the culture of Earth, resulting in magical creatures like elves and dragons appearing in their literature.

Then, the Terran Civilization’s Intelligent Brain accumulated the power to modify Louie’s genes as a human with their unbelievable technology and turned him into a lizard. After which Louie was guided into the Intelligent Brain’s lair to become its experimental subject. It then turned him into a dragon and sent him to the world of San Soliel.

This was the conclusion Louie came to after watching the memories of the Goddess of Morning and combining them with the information he had. It had a high likelihood of being correct in his opinion.

Perhaps Louie was the only one who knew the detailed history of both the Terran Civilization and San Soliel. Even those gods who lived 30,000 years ago did not know the final end of the Terran Civilization, nor could they have known that the Terran Civilization’s research ships crashed on Earth.

‘In that case, the entire Terran Civilization should have collapsed, which is exactly the same as what I guessed.’

Louie guessed that the Terran Civilization had been dealt a huge blow when such an important research subject was just left on Earth without anyone looking for it. Now, he knew that the gods sacrificed themselves to send a curse to the entire civilization. This meant that even if the Terran Civilization had not gone extinct, its situation was not much better and was definitely far from its peak era.

But the gods were actually in a similar situation. The world had just regained its vitality after 30,000 years. If the gods were to return to their glorious era, it would take a few tens of thousands of years. There was no winner in this war.

‘No, there is a winner in this war, and that is me!’

Louie felt enlightened. He obtained the crystallization of the Terran Civilization’s most important research and also received the strength of one of the strongest gods of San Soliel. If there was no war that caused both sides to almost collapse, how could he have the chance to rise?!

The entire Pantheon was silent. Those new gods who had just ascended thought about the significance of the history of this era. Some of the gods had great mood swings. Apparently, these new gods did not expect the so-called Era of Disaster to be such a scene. It could really be said that it was a disaster for the entire world, a disaster for the gods!

“But why did the Terran Civilization invade the world of San Soliel, could it be that this civilization is extremely aggressive?”

Louie muttered in doubt.

[It’s because of the soul.]

Suddenly, the voice of the Intelligent Brain echoed in Louie’s head. The intelligent brain could not probe Louie’s thoughts, so it only responded when Louie muttered this.


He did not expect the Intelligent Brain would simply answer his doubts, so Louie continued to ask without reserve.

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