I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 374: The Divine Authority of Killing

Chapter 374: The Divine Authority of Killing

[The Terran Civilization is highly advanced in the field of biotechnology and can easily create any organ or even replicate an entire body, but even so, the Terrans will still die naturally after a thousand years. According to research by countless Terran scientists, every creature has a soul. Even if their physical body can be immortal, the soul can not be the same.]

[After researching about the soul for countless years, they still could not make anything of it, instead, they inadvertently discovered the civilization of San Soliel which was a world largely proactive in things related to the soul. According to observations from outposts, San Soliel was a civilization that was categorized as a backward indigenous civilization, thus the Terran leaders launched a preemptive annihilatory strike.]

Louie sat on his seat, ignoring the whispers of the surrounding gods as he continued to listen to the Intelligent Brain.

At this time, Louie finally knew why the Terran Civilization would launch an invasion of the world of San Soliel. It was because the magic civilization of San Soliel was a huge allure to them — the temptation of eternal life!

Since it was impossible to observe and study the soul by means of material science, then it would be possible to study the soul by means of magic.

For the Terran Civilization, this was the biggest hurdle, and the soul remained only a theory, but San Soleil’s magic treated the understanding of the soul as a baseline for further arts. The soul might even be able to materialize in this world, like how Noella could use her soul and shadow energy to transform herself into a shadow dragon. Even if her physical body was gone, she continued to stay alive.

The advanced biotechnology of the Terran Civilization was able to create an eternity of a physical body, and the world displayed to them the mystery of an eternal soul. They could hardly resist the temptation to harmonize the two.

The observations of the Terran outposts were not wrong. The magical civilization of San Soliel was truly backward compared to the highly advanced technological civilization of Terra. That was why the Terran Civilization was able to conquer all seventeen major realms in just three days.

In war, there was a theory of the first strike. In a war between two civilizations that had developed large-scale thermonuclear weapons, whoever struck first would be able to occupy an absolute advantage, or even destroy the other side in one fell swoop. Moreover, the huge gap in civilization allowed the Terran Civilization to dominate San Soliel in just three days.

The reason why the Terran Civilization left a portion of life was to enslave these living beings and then seize the entire magic civilization’s research results to allow the Terran Civilization to evolve.

From this point of view, the civilizational war made sense. No matter what race, each one had limitations in their own thinking. Even the various races on Earth had different thinking in terms of philosophical research.

Some philosophers studied the relationships between man and objects, some between man and god, and some between men themselves. With one planet having such diversity in thought, how could such a huge galactic race not be the same?

Eliminating the other civilization, extracting their core essence, and using it to modify and strengthen themselves to make the entire civilization evolve; fell under the principle of the strong eating the weak.

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If the Terran Civilization truly won the war, they would be able to obtain information on magic and the gods. After ten thousand years passed, there was no telling how far they would develop.

‘Unfortunately, they took one wrong step after another. Their greed for immortality and their disdain for the indigenous civilization has turned hundreds of thousands of years of development into ashes. I wonder what has happened to it now.’

Thinking like this, Louie asked the Intelligent Brain once more.

In the past, Louie had asked this question before, but the Intelligent Brain answered that it didn’t know. Even know, however, it could not answer, and so Louie began to think it was truly cut off from its creators.

[If the host wants to know about the present-day situation of the Terran Civilization, please quickly return to Earth and find the missing energy sources. With sufficient energy, this assistive unit can explore the star field where the Terran Civilization was located today.]

In just a few phrases, the Intelligent Brain once more brought up the topic of energy sources. Louie guessed that its energy reserves were minuscule.

Towards this, he sneered and did not say a word. He could not spoil this foreign entity attached to him, but he would still return to Earth to gain benefits. He could not give up on the faith he could gather from Earth. The simplest way to make faith stable was to create miracles from time to time so that the human race would not forget about its existence.

Louie did not bother paying attention to the Intelligent Brain anymore and instead continued to look at the gods of the Pantheon. Except for the crazy gods, most of the gods had reeled in their emotions. After the initial commotion, the place went silent again and all eyes were on the Goddess of Morning.

“Your Highnesses, this is the truth of the Era of Disaster. The entire world of San Soliel was almost destroyed once by a foreign civilization. Although they were weak, they possessed powerful weapons and abilities. It’s been 30,000 years since then, and they have not launched another invasion, but we can’t let our guard down. I hope that everyone’s incarnation would pay more attention to any abnormalities when you move around the major realms.

The Goddess of Morning’s words caused the gods to nod. The Era of Disaster caused the gods to fall from the skies like meteor showers. It was extremely terrifying. Among the hundreds of gods, only tens had survived. For the newly ascended gods, they did not want to die, so they did not dare let down their guard.

They had just gained immortality, so how would they be willing to just fall?

“Secondly, let us talk about the Goddess of Night, Shae. We have gained a decent understanding of this alien civilization and are confident that if they invaded again, we could pay a small price to solve the crisis, but we have to pay close attention to Shae’s presence. 30,000 years ago, Shae betrayed the gods and caused many of us to fall. We have to be careful about Shae joining forces with the alien civilization again.”

“Therefore I propose that your highnesses issue oracles to your respective churches and do their utmost to eliminate the remnants of Shae’s church in the main continent and make sure that Shae wouldn’t have the opportunity to ascend once more!”

The Goddess of Morning’s words made Louie exclaim. This was simply a bloodless killing of one’s enemy.

Although there were many divine authorities in Shae’s possession, as long as she had not ascended, those divine authorities would automatically move. If the gods really united in attacking Shae like this, then She would fall after a thousand years and lose her divine authority of darkness.

However, Shae was also very strong. She betrayed the gods and almost annihilated them through treachery, but in the end, she also betrayed the Terran Civilization and allowed the gods to pay a price in destroying them. She was truly worthy of possessing the divine authority of betrayal. He was thinking if he could just expose Shae. In the past and in the present, Shae could already be called one of the most powerful gods in San Soliel.

She had played herself and was now a rat on the streets that everyone wanted dead.

“I agree with Her Highness Lorentia’s proposal!”

As expected, the Goddess of Silver Moon was the first to support Lorentia. They might have been enemies in the struggle over divine authority, but in the face of Shae, the two might even be able to join forces.

“I also agree with your Highness’ proposal!”

Later, Mismisella, the Goddess of Magic who had a long-standing feud with Shae also agreed.

With the two gods taking the lead, the other gods began to follow up which blocked off all of Shae’s exits.

When Selune saw this, her entire body that was enveloped in the glow of the Silver Moon was a little shaken. It was easy to imagine how joyful and excited she was. She had fought Shae for millions of years and almost died to her numerous times. She had suffered time and again, but now, it was Shae who was going to be finished.

Louie looked at Shae who was beside him. The fake ‘God of Kobolds’ was also speaking angrily against Shae’s crimes. Her acting skills were simply amazing which made people feel that the ‘Kobold God’ also had deep hatred against Shae.

However, Louie knew that it was impossible for Shae to be calm inside and wondered if the Goddess was now regretting making an enemy of the gods.

‘There is great danger in sheltering Shae, but there is also great benefit in taking her in. Money comes from danger, and Shae has great uses. I can’t give her up for the time being. Now that the gods are on the same side, Shae would be in a worse situation. The only one she can rely on is me. As long as I don’t ask for too much, she will definitely satisfy me and submit to me.’

‘There are many divine authorities in Shae’s body. Other than darkness, she should be willing to give up all other divine authorities to live.’

Louie’s eyes lit up. He made a decision in his mind and quickly scanned all the gods once more and kept their main divine authorities in mind.

‘The god of killing should already be dead. Even if a new god obtains the divine authority of killing, it would be impossible for them to master it!’

It wasn’t that a demigod could become a god just because they had divine authority. They were also required to understand it. Even if a demigod were to obtain a complete divine authority, they would usually lose a part of it because new gods had a hard time in keeping hold of divine authorities. As for legendary rank powerhouses, even if they gained divinity, they would take thousands of years to combine with the divinity to become a demigod. This was the real and harsh difficulty of ranking up in the world.

Louie was an odd man out. He had become a god from a mortal in one fell swoop without any difficulties.

The majority of the divine authority of killing should be in Shae’s hand. Louie was now prepared to make Shae pass him the divine authority of killing.

Killing could also be called murder. It was a powerful divine authority in terms of both faith and fighting power. If Louie could obtain the complete divine authority and support it with ‘dream’ and ‘time’, he could definitely become stronger than the powerful ‘Prince of Lies’ who had traumatized the gods. He could become the King of Killers!

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