I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 19

19 Change Booth!

Lu Sheng’s booth attracted the attention of the organizers because there were too many people.

It is difficult for the organizers to pay attention. The spectators gathered here are almost the same as some large booths, which can easily cause crowding.

Director Zhu, who was in charge of the site layout, came to booth 068 in person and squeezed in from the outside.

“Which one is Mr. Lu?”

Director Zhu was a little embarrassed watching the crowd crowded around him.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t know the strength of the other party in advance, so I randomly arranged a booth and accidentally caused congestion here.

Knowing this earlier, we should arrange a medium-sized booth for the other party!

“I’m Lu Sheng, who are you?”

Lu Sheng looked at the clothes of the other group of people, and it seemed that they were the staff of the venue.

“Hello, I’m the person in charge of the current venue. My surname is Zhu.”

Director Zhu’s eyes fell on Pichu, who was interacting with people, and exclaimed: “No wonder so many people gather here. I heard that your company’s Pichu is not only cute, but also has the ability of Thunder Shock?”


Lu Sheng responded calmly.

“Cough, it’s like this. We didn’t investigate in detail before, and arranged a small venue for your company. Look at Mr. Lu, so many people gathered around…”

“I can’t drive others away.”

“I did not mean that.”

Director Zhu scratched his head: “We plan to arrange another venue for your company, with a special booth for performances.”

“Oh? Of course we agree. To be honest, it’s really crowded here.”

Lu Sheng looked around, many people gathered together, and the darkness was so overwhelming that people could hardly breathe.

He thought about it and asked, “I wonder if it can be arranged near the 012 booth? I have seen it before, and there is a large space there.”

When I passed by in the morning, because it was the booth of Coulee, I took a look.

“Is there…”

Director Zhu pondered for a moment and said, “I’ll have someone go and have a look, Mr. Lu will wait a moment.”

A few minutes later, Director Zhu came back and said that the problem was not big, but it would not be possible to build it until the noon break.

It’s interesting to think about Lu Sheng’s time to be a “neighbor” with a strong biotechnology company!

Morning time flies by.

After Pichu’s hard work, many new faces came one after another near the booth.

There are a number of related media among them, who document whatever is new at the show, and Pichu and Pokémon fit their criteria.

So throughout the morning, many media reported on the Internet, and there was an earlier time, and the fame of the Pokémon company was pushed to a peak!

A video related to Pichu on one of the sites quickly exceeded one million views and received numerous likes and praise.

The left-behind employees in the company sent a message to Lu Sheng that there was not one of the 145 pre-order spots left!

Originally, 100 Pichus were bred, plus the second batch of 50 Pichus, but Lu Sheng wanted to keep 5 Pichus.

I raised one by myself, sent one to Zhuo Churan, and the remaining three stayed in the company.

lunch break.

Gu Li and Miao Lina had a heavy heart after the incident in the morning.

The two discussed in private that they must surpass Lu Sheng in the future.

After returning from the lunch break, I found that there was an extra booth next to it.

I found out that the organizer temporarily built a booth for the Pokémon company!

“Lu Sheng must have done it on purpose, I GTMD!”

Gu Li was furious, and even wanted to ask the organizer for an explanation.

Isn’t this obviously a face-to-face Taunt?

There are still two and a half days in the future. Is it possible to be blocked by others every day to show off?

Things haven’t happened yet, Gu Li has been able to make up the scene at that time, his face is terrifyingly gloomy.

“Oh, Mr. Gu, we really have a fate. I didn’t expect the organizer to arrange me to be with you, hahaha.”

There is a voice on the side.

Gu Li didn’t need to look at the person to know who the person was.

He gritted his teeth and said, “Lu Sheng, don’t be complacent!”

“Haha, what am I proud of? Let’s compete fairly and see if your spirit dog is popular or my Pichu is popular.”

It was Lu Sheng who came.

The employees of the Pokémon company began to set up the booth.

Because of the temporary changes, Lu Sheng spent a lot of money to find a group of long-legged models and dancers. When the afternoon session started, they would perform on stage.

At the same time, Lu Sheng also changed a batch of Pichu from the laboratory, with a quantity of 20.

In the morning, due to the limited booth, Pichu couldn’t show his talents.

Lu Sheng intends to use the booth in the afternoon to detonate the audience again!

“Let’s wait and see!” Gu Li’s eyes flashed fiercely.

In the afternoon the exhibition will be open again.

One after another, people entered the exhibition.

Some people rushed to booth 068, but did not see the Pokémon company.

“Hey, aren’t they coming this afternoon?”

“No, they moved to another place, everyone went to booth 012, it seems they moved there!”

A group of people rushed to the booth again, and sure enough, they saw many cute little guys playing on the stage.

Much cuter than in the video!

“Fuck, long-legged girl.”

“Pichu is so cute, I really want to hug the little sister on the stage…”

Male compatriots are not only interested in Pichu, but also in the long-legged models and dancers on stage.

Zhuo Churan has a good image and acts as a host.

When she took the stage, many people were amazed and directly attracted the audience from booth 012 next door.

“After the afternoon everyone, we are Pokémon Biotechnology Company, this time to participate in the new century pet exhibition, we brought a new species Pichu.”

“You may not know about Pichu, so let me briefly introduce it.”

Zhuo Churan bent down and picked up a Pichu passing by her feet. The little Pichu was Struggle in her palm, another innocent and helpless cute appearance, which caused many people in the audience to laugh and take pictures.

“See, the little guy in my hand is Pichu! It was designed by Mr. Lu of our company. The appearance is only one of its advantages. It is soft and cute, and it feels fluffy. It is kept at home and you can look at it every day. Very good.”

“In addition, everyone should know that Pichu can release a certain amount of electricity, but don’t worry, little Pichus are relatively intelligent. After our training, they will not harm people unless they are in danger!”

“I know everyone will doubt the intelligence of the little guy, but it doesn’t matter, this afternoon we will show you that Pichu’s intelligence is definitely more trustworthy than most genetic creatures.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, the performance is about to start, don’t go away~”

[Continue to ask for everything, ask for everything~~]

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