I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 20

20 Evolve, Pichu! (Ask For Flowers, Evaluation Tickets)

Under the command of Zhuo Churan, Pichu made various movements.

Line up neatly, divide labor and cooperate for a fun ball game, play simple puzzles…

The intelligence of the little Pichus far exceeded the expectations of the audience.

Every time Pichu did something unexpected, there was always a burst of cheers from below.

Lu Sheng was also enjoying himself in the audience.

In contrast, the performance at booth 012 next door immediately became dull!

Back and forth is not to let the spirit dog fly in the sky, or to let the spirit dog search in a certain area, or to show the speed on the stage.

Of course, there are also many viewers who prefer to watch the dog show.

But compared with Lu Sheng’s booth, it’s a bit shabby, and its popularity is less than one-tenth of this!

Most of them are females, and the females have male companions beside them.

Pichu’s shape is much cuter than the spirit dog.

At present, the spirit dog of Qianqi Biotech is three months old.

If it is a normal dog, it will still be a puppy for three months, and it will still look stupid.

However, in order to take into account Flying, speed and other abilities, the spirit dog does not look good in appearance.

Recently, the publicity of powerful biotechnology companies has moved closer to “ugly and cute”, but in any case, people prefer creatures that look good-looking and cute at first glance.

In addition, the entertainment performance of the two sides is too different, although as neighbors, the popularity is very different.

Gu Li gritted his teeth under the stage, and the exclusive spirit dog “Da Qiang” lying on the side seemed to sense the change in the owner’s mind, and grinned at Lu Sheng’s booth from time to time.

As long as Guli gave an order, it promised to teach those little things a lesson.

“Baby, now is not your chance to play.”

Gu Li’s eyes flashed fiercely, stroking the strong dog’s head,

“Ow…” Da Qiang squinted slightly, enjoying the moment.

The Pokémon Company booth gathered more and more audiences, and from time to time someone was selected to interact with the Pichus.

They are also discussing Pichu and Spirit Dogs for a simple comparison.

“Hey, if it weren’t for the cheaper price of the spirit dog, I would want to buy a Pichu. The intelligence is too high.”

“Indeed, compared to Spirit Dog, Pichu is obviously better. Look, he can still Discharge. It’s still in his childhood. If he grows up, tsk tsk.”

“I think some of Lu Sheng’s words may be okay now. Have you read the discussion thread on the XX forum? Everyone feels that something is wrong now. It’s impossible to touch porcelain like Leng Touqing…”

Some people had louder voices, and Gu Li could hear them clearly from the side.

His face sank.

The fishing reel that worked so hard was turned over by Lu Sheng unexpectedly.

At this moment, Lu Sheng walked to the booth, cooperated with Zhuo Churan, and gave some instructions to little Pichu.

Every time after completing the instructions, little Pichu always pats his belly and asks for snacks.

If Zhuo Churan didn’t give it, it would roll on the ground, and its cuteness caused bursts of laughter.

“Gigi, go get on the little bike.”

Lu Sheng took a mini-bike from the side and asked Gigi to sit on it.

After a simple gesture, Jiji really went up, but because of short hands and short feet, her feet were kicking in the air, and she was very naive!

“Hahaha, it’s so fun.”

“Fuck, my blood tank is empty!”

“Mom, the little guy is fooled.”

The audience was stunned by Gigi’s operation.

Little Pichu Gigi seemed to realize that he was a little stupid, got off the bicycle angrily, and kicked him by the way.

“Pichu Pichu!”

It begged Lu Sheng for an explanation, with his hands on his hips, like a little adult.

The video is being recorded below, it feels incredible, and everyone feels that Pichu’s intelligence is not Normal!

“Don’t be angry, I’ll give you something delicious.”

Lu Sheng called up the system interface, put his hand into his pocket, and actually took out the “advanced pill” given by the system.

When the hand is taken out again, it is not a snack, but an advanced pill!

That’s right, Lu Sheng intends to make Pichu Jiji evolve into Pikachu in public.

Creating Pichu was just a matter of getting a lot of attention, but not enough to make the Pokémon company famous enough.

Let Pichu evolve into Pikachu, and the headline of Samson’s day must be the Pokémon company!

Creatures in parallel worlds only have creation, not evolution.

Even for some genetic organisms, when they grow to a certain level, there will be mutations in their genes, which is a slow process.

It is unheard of for Pokémon to evolve into another form at once!

Lu Sheng took a deep breath and pretended to deliver a snack to Pichu Gigi.

“Gigi, eat.”

He didn’t know if Gigi would like it or not, and spread his palms in front of Gigi.

“Pichu Pichu?”

Gigi stared curiously at the small Black pill in Lu Sheng’s palm, sniffed it, and ate it in one bite.

Lu Sheng took a deep breath, got up, and pretended that nothing happened, laughing at Gigi just now with the audience.

And Pichu Jiji, after chewing just now, the Swallow Advanced Pill, actually shrank into a ball.

“Mr. Lu, what happened to Gigi?”

Someone in the audience noticed something was wrong and shouted loudly.

Everyone also found out that something was wrong with Jiji, and even Zhuo Churan approached to check.

“Mr. Lu, what’s going on?” Zhuo Churan asked with concern.

Every little Pichu has a deep affection for her.


Lu Sheng stopped Zhuo Churan.

The rest of Pichu seemed to notice the changes in Gigi for the first time, and gathered together to observe carefully…

There was already a commotion in the audience.

Everyone doesn’t know what the situation is, and they are discussing whether the new species is unstable.

“what’s the situation?”

Gu Li couldn’t help getting up and asked Miao Lina beside him.

Miao Lina’s eyes flickered, and she suddenly smiled proudly: “Haha, I see, because Pichu’s genes are not stable because of the ability to forcibly join the Discharge flow, it must have been ‘diseased’ because of a certain condition just now! ”

The so-called disease is one of the conditions that are often seen in genetic organisms.

Often because of a disease, the design of a species fails!


Gu Li was also very happy, he stood up and said loudly: “Everyone, see, Pichu is not perfect, what you see now is called disease! You should have heard of disease, in short, Pichu is a disease. A genetically engineered organism with a failed design, the evaluation agency should take back the certificate of the previous method!”

As soon as this statement came out, there was a sensation all around.

How quickly did things turn around?

At this time, on the stage, Pichu was surging with electricity and turned into a luminous body!

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