I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 21

21 Pikachu, Thunderbolt!

“Mr. Lu, how could…”

Zhuo Churan felt dizzy.

If it is true as Gu Li said, Pichu will have lesions, then the previous investment will be wasted!

“Don’t worry, just wait and see.”

Lu Sheng said calmly.

Zhuo Churan bit his lower lip lightly, his heart tensed.

Suddenly, an electric current appeared from Pichu, who was curled up in a ball.


The current continued to increase, condensed into one, and enveloped Pichu Jiji’s body.

Come together as a Spark!

Many people in the audience also noticed this scene, holding their breaths, trying to see the changes in Spark.

Spark gradually disappeared.


Everyone heard a screeching sound.

Under Spark, a creature similar to Pichu appeared, but it was different from Pichu in many ways.

He still looks cute, with big blinking eyes, a short, chubby, round body, with yellow hair all over his body, blush on his cheeks, and a tail like jagged lightning…

“what’s the situation?”

“Wow, is it a genetic mutation?”

“It’s still cute, but what’s the situation, isn’t it a disease?”

There was a commotion in the audience, and everyone saw this scene for the first time.

I haven’t seen it before not only in life, but also in videos and news.

One by one is strange.

“Mr. Lu, Pichu it…”

Zhuo Churan covered her red lips.

“It’s a gene I’ve given to Pichu, and under certain circumstances, they will advance…”

Lu Sheng announced loudly to the audience, pretending to be surprised: “I call it morphological evolution! I thought it would be possible to see Pichu when he became an adult, but it may be affected by today’s environment, Pichu after evolution, no, now It should be called Pikachu, it has more power.”

“Form evolution?”

“Wow, a novel idea that only Pokémon can do?”

“I’ve never seen other companies say that, the design of Pichu’s Lu Sheng is amazing! A brand new attempt and breakthrough, I believe it will arouse heated discussions around the world…”

The audience was even more excited.

It turned out that when Lu Sheng designed Pichu, he had already added the advanced gene, which triggered the advanced condition for some unknown reason just now.

“Evolution, how is it possible!”

Miao Lina lost her mind.

She has not mastered such technology, and this is the first time she has heard it.

I have learned the most about some of the principles of gene mutation before, but like Pichu evolved into Pikachu at one time, I saw it for the first time.

Gu Li, who was beside him, clenched his fists tightly and said nothing, obviously also angry.

I wanted to use the term “pathological” to trip Lu Sheng, but it was not a disease, but a brand new concept——

Biological Advancement!

Change from one form to another.

Gu Li can be sure that once the matter spreads, it will definitely be studied and discussed all over the world, and the value of Pokémon company will surpass that of powerful companies in an all-round way.

“No, absolutely not.”

Gu Li gritted his teeth, looked at Da Qiang, the spirit dog grinning at his feet, and said in a low voice, “Da Qiang, go, kill it for me! Don’t let it live!”

This was originally an idea of ​​Coulee, sending the spirit dog to attack Pichu powerfully to show the strength of the spirit dog.

It can also be called “going to the doctor in a hurry”, the last resort in desperation!

There are many trainers today who use genetic creatures for gladiatorial combat.

After the spirit dog was designed, it meant to target the fighting market.

They have great speed, sharp teeth, and amazing bite force!


Daqiang roared, spread his wings, and rushed towards the Pokémon company’s booth.

Pichu Jiji has just advanced to become Pikachu, and is looking at his body curiously, with a foolish head and a foolish mind.

Suddenly, Gigi sensed a crisis.


Quick Attack, Gigi disappeared from the spot.

Spirit Dog Daqiang fluttered in the air.

The little Pichu on the stage was frightened and dodged around.

“Pikachu!!!” After Gigi stood still, she looked at Daqiang angrily.

Lu Sheng, Zhuo Churan and others were startled, but they didn’t expect that the spirit dog next door would attack Jiji!

Gu Li lost his mind?

Many people in the audience were also startled and exclaimed.

Just when everyone was worried about Gigi’s comfort, Lu Sheng’s face sank and he muttered: “Gigi, use Thunderbolt!”

How many times has Lu Sheng fantasized about it, and how many times he has seen it in animation games, now he can finally experience it in the real world.

When Gigi heard Lu Sheng’s order, a Spark flashed across her body.

Before everyone’s eyes, thunder just passed by…




The spirit dog Daqiang, who was about to rush forward, hit the Spark, let out a whimper, and fell from the air, with a burning smell coming from his body.

Da Qiang landed on the stage, his hands and feet twitching.

Not dead or half disabled!

After Gigi released Thunderbolt, he carefully observed Daqiang’s movements.

Seeing that there was no movement, Gigi proudly strutted on her short legs, circled around Daqiang, raised her chest and raised her head, as if she was showing off her victory to everyone.

“Wow, that’s amazing!”

“After the advanced level, it is indeed much more powerful than the previous body, so NM is so handsome!”

On and off the stage, many people shook.


So handsome!

The Spark just now was much stronger than the current released by Pichu.

Spirit dog, a face-to-face defeat.

It’s a far cry from…

Gu Li and Miao Lina turned black into coal.

Who would have thought that the Trump Card of his own company is not the enemy of others.

And, that Spark is so terrifying!


Gu Li watched the spirit dog Daqiang on the stage twitching and felt extremely distressed.

After a long time, I have always been by his side, loyal to him, and now…

According to Gu Li’s original plan, let Daqiang kill Pichu, and then he will randomly get a spirit dog to take the blame, and the civet cat will be replaced by the prince.

Give Lu Sheng some more money, and the matter is over.

At the speed of a spirit dog, Gu Li thought he could retreat without being obstructed by Pichu’s Thunder Shock.

The fact is that stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice. The key is to attack first. Pikachu is self-defense, what can you say?

Coulee suddenly realized that the rise of the Pokémon Company would be unstoppable.

Even the scene where the spirit dog attacked just now will become an event that everyone talks about.

It’s just that the protagonist becomes the Pokémon company, and his powerful company and spirit dog will become supporting roles, bringing out the magic of Pichu…

[Thank you for the reward of “one to ten”, and thank you for your flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, and comments~]

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