I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 4

4 Pichu Is Born! (For Flowers, Evaluation Tickets And Comments)

Pichu’s development is faster than Lu Sheng imagined.

It absorbs a lot of nutrients every day, and the molding speed is visible to the naked eye. In just one week, it has grown into 100 eggs!

After Lu Sheng received the news in the morning, he rushed to the laboratory.

“Mr. Lu, after our repeated inspections, these eggs are fully grown and can be taken out of the culture tank and placed in the incubator.”

There was a smile on Zhuo Churan’s face, with a hint of anticipation in it.

The round eggs are not small in size, and I don’t know what the creatures born inside will look like.

Recently, Zhuo Churan has searched for information a lot, and only found a few creatures with similar appearance and characteristics, but in terms of growth rate, there is no new species that matches them at all.

In only a week, he actually completed several stages, from a seed to today’s egg…

The rapid consumption of the culture medium in the culture tank is staggering.

At first, it was replaced every two days, and then it was replaced every day. The expenditure on the culture medium has exceeded two million.

The rest of the creatures in the Breeder process will not be as exaggerated as the new species provided by Lu Sheng.

Usually at most one round is replaced, and sometimes there is no need to replace, just inject the culture medium once.

“Okay, first take out one to observe the internal situation.”

Lu Sheng was gearing up, more excited than a few others.

They don’t know the new creature brewing in the Pokémon egg, they are curious at most, but Lu Sheng knows that it is Pichu, the first Pokémon that is about to be born in this world!

The recent consumption can make Lu Sheng feel bad.

Originally, the available funds were only more than 3 million yuan, and they directly threw out more than 2 million yuan. Now there are less than one million left on hand, which is enough for the current company’s various expenses.

At this time, Lu Sheng was a little fortunate that some employees had left, otherwise he would not be able to pay salaries.

Zhuo Churan and others took out a Pichu egg——

About the size of an ostrich egg, with light green patches on the surface.

The Pichu egg is placed under strong light for a search. Although the egg skin is relatively thick, you can still see the small movements inside.

The little guy is squirming slightly inside…

“Looks like a rat?”

“Hey, it doesn’t look alike in shape, it should be pretty cute after birth!”

Several people were discussing around Pichu eggs.

As for why rodents are in eggs, they are not at all surprised. There are many similar examples in new creatures in this world.

Zhuo Churan flipped through his mind quickly, but still couldn’t find the corresponding creature.

Could it be a new species designed by Lu Sheng?

Thoughts flashed by.

“Is it healthy?”

Lu Sheng asked impatiently.

“It doesn’t seem to be a problem, and the vitality is relatively tenacious. I could feel the egg shaking when the light was shining just now. The little guy can’t wait for Shell Smash to come out.”

Zhuo Churan showed the normal smile of his old mother.

After all, watching them grow up, they have some feelings.

“Okay, take them out one by one, observe the life situation, and put them into the incubator.”

Lu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Don’t know if the incubator can work?

If Pichu really comes out, will it be the same as the rest of the creatures in terms of food?

He closed his eyes, full of doubts.

In the next few days, Lu Sheng would go around the lab every day, often staying for an hour or two before leaving.

Watching the life inside the egg grow gradually every day, Lu Sheng has an indescribable and wonderful feeling, as if those eggs were laid by him…

When Lu Sheng extracted the genetic code, he doubled the speed gene of Pichu’s Shell Smash several times, which caused Pichu to take shape so quickly.

And, less than a week after the eggs were hatched, the little life inside the eggs became more and more active.

According to Zhuo Churan, a little life will be born within a day or two at most!

Lu Sheng can only sigh that more than 2 million yuan in the early stage was not in vain. Judging from the speed of development, it is too fast.

Others Breeder is a genetic creature, how can it be seen in two or three months?

Zhuo Churan and several people were surprised by this, and they worried that the little things from Shell Smash would not develop well. They couldn’t understand the development speed of Pichu.

This day, Friday morning.

Lu Sheng got up early and planned to take a look at the laboratory.

“Ding ding ding…”

The phone rang.

Lu Sheng saw that it was Zhuo Churan calling.

After answering the phone, a surprised voice came from there: “Mr. Lu, the little guys have Shell Smash!”

“Haha, I’ll go right there.”

Lu Sheng hung up the phone and went out quickly.

Unexpectedly, it took only half a month. From the initial investment of seeds to Shell Smash, the time was so short.


Lu Sheng drove fast on the road. He was anxious and overtaken a lot along the way.

The car stopped at the entrance of the laboratory Solaceon and rushed into the laboratory.

Zhuo Churan saw Lu Sheng coming, and his face was happy: “Mr. Lu, come and see, I’m not sure, these little things are too lively, too…”

So cute!

When seeing the little guy Shell Smash, Zhuo Churan’s first reaction was that he was so cute and cute, and he really wanted to have one.

It was obviously a little yellow-skinned mouse, with a round face, a pair of big ears, and a wagging tail…

Very dear!

Not long after the little guys Shell Smash came out, they opened their eyes, and when they saw a few people who cleaned the mucus for them, their heads actually rubbed against the backs of everyone’s hands and palms.

So, no matter male or female, they are all cute!

Lu Sheng kept walking and met those little guys in the hatching room.

First thought-

Too TM cute!

They haven’t been able to stand firm yet, but they are full of curiosity about the world, looking around and showing their cuteness.

A little yellow fluff has grown on his body, and over time, he will surely turn into a furry little creature.

In addition, the edges of the ears and the tail are black hair, and there is a circle of black “scarf” on the neck, and the cheeks are pink, and there are many cute points!

It looks like a little yellow-skinned mouse, but it doesn’t have the sharp mouth like a mouse.

“so cute……”

“awsl, is it rubbing against my chest?”

“I really want to raise one, but I don’t know if the road will give us one in the future.”

“Ouch, the little guy is too smart.”

Several female researchers were lying in front of the incubator, their eyes almost turning into hearts.


Zhuo Churan turned his head and smiled awkwardly: “Don’t blame them, it’s really cute little things.”

“Mr. Lu, can you tell us now, what is the little thing?”

When several people heard the words, they looked at each other.

Lu Sheng glanced at everyone and smiled: “They are the first batch to come to the world. Since the little guy’s voice sounds like Pichu, I decided to name it Pichu!”


Several people muttered in their hearts.

Weird name, sounds like a ball.

But with the appearance of the little guy, it seems that the name is also very cute!

“It really is a new species…”

Zhuo Churan was slightly absent-minded and couldn’t help but said, “Mr. Lu said last time that they were designed by you, didn’t you lie to me?”

Mr. Lu designed it himself?

Several people in the laboratory all looked strange and surprised.

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