I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 5

5 Can Discharge? (New Book For Support)

Everyone knows that Lu Sheng’s university major is Biodesign!

This major mainly corresponds to the creation of genetic organisms.

When the flame of new century biology was raging all over the world, biodesign came into being, and major colleges and universities set up corresponding majors.

Gu Li, a classmate of Lu Sheng in college.

At that time, Gu Li was in charge of the laboratory. We heard Gu Li several times that Lu Sheng’s grades in college were not very good.

Now they tell them that the cute little balls in the incubator are created by Lu Sheng, can they not be surprised?

Privately, everyone complained about Lu Sheng. If it weren’t for Lu Sheng, how could the company have come to a dead end.

At that time, Gu Li took away the hard work of the laboratory. Afterwards, everyone knew that Lu Sheng did not sign a contract with Gu Li, and a group of people blamed Lu Sheng for being stupid.

Later, Lu Sheng was stupid again and shot himself in the foot, causing the company’s reputation to plummet.

Today, we can still see the Porcelain Touching Scandal of Lulu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. on the Internet…

Although the company name has now been changed to “Pokémon Biotechnology”, it is notorious for the connection between the two companies.

Such a boss can actually create new species and make breakthroughs in certain technologies?


“What are you doing, it’s not me, is it you?”

In the face of Zhuo Churan’s questioning, Lu Sheng refuted in a serious manner without blushing.

He added in his heart: The system passes through my hand, and of course it is my creation!


Zhuo Churan was almost suffocated by internal injuries, and opened his rosy lips: “Lu Zong can speed up embryo development. Have you ever thought about exposing this technology to the public? It can save the company’s reputation…”

Considering that the company is currently being hacked in the outside world, and that Gu Li’s navy is secretly playing tricks, she is suddenly angry.

If Lu Sheng’s new technology is released, it will not only save his reputation, but also leave a strong legacy in biology!


How could Lu Sheng have technology, he pretended to be cool and said: “I don’t care about the name. If the technology is disclosed, others may study it and learn it.”

As for whether the name can be remembered in history…

Lu Sheng is not worried at all. When the Pokémon come to this world one after another, if they are mentioned in future generations, there must be his name Lu Sheng!

In the same way, when Pichu goes public, the original remarks will be self-defeating.

Facts are the strongest evidence.


The crowd was speechless.

The boss is really unique.

“Everyone, check baby Pichu’s physical condition.”

Lu Sheng smiled: “Also, determine their food as early as possible.”

So, Zhuo Churan and others started busy.

The physical examination can assist the instrument, and the final result is that 100 Pichu babies are healthy.

In terms of food selection, after a simple test, the popular S168 nutritional supplement on the market has been recognized by Pichu babies.


Zhuo Churan was feeding a Pichu baby when he suddenly exclaimed.

“What’s wrong?”

“What happened?”

Everyone looked at each other.

Lu Sheng also asked curiously, “Is there something wrong with that little thing?”

“No, no…”

Zhuo Churan was both surprised and delighted: “Just now, it seemed to electrocute me!”


Seeing that several people were puzzled, Lu Sheng explained: “When designing the Pichu gene, I actually added some special genes, and they can indeed be Discharged.”

“Currently the power is very small, but it can cause a certain degree of paralysis. I didn’t expect them to be able to Discharge. You should wear insulating gloves when you go back to feed.”

I was so happy just now that I forgot about it all at once.

The crowd widened their eyes.

Even if Zhuo Churan had personally experienced it, he was still amazed.

Genetic organisms capable of emitting electrical currents…

A price can fly!

There are also genetic organisms that can release the flow of Discharge in the outside world, and the price of one can reach hundreds of thousands.

Their bosses not only designed new species, but also added special abilities to the new species.

Two words: awesome!

“Little things don’t know the harm of electric current to the human body now, so I need to educate them later.”

Lu Sheng believes that with Pichu’s IQ, he will be able to learn quickly.

“I hope that little Pichu can understand, otherwise the review of genetic biology evaluation will be more difficult. If it is labeled as ‘dangerous and uncontrollable’, it will not be a good thing for us.”

Zhuo Churan expressed everyone’s worries.

After the birth of some genetic organisms, accidents occur during the evaluation and review of specialized institutions, and they are labeled as “dangerous and uncontrollable”, so it is difficult for them to spread on the market.

“do not worry.”

Lu Sheng said: “Let’s feed them for a while, and you will teach them slowly. When they understand how to control Thunder Shock and don’t hurt people casually, go to apply for review.”

Everyone can just do it.

Although there are concerns about the evaluation and review, a new species has been born in the laboratory. Everyone’s evaluation of Lu Sheng has improved, and they are also looking forward to the company’s prospects.

Perhaps, Lulu Biotechnology…

No, it’s now called Pokémon Biotechnology Company. Maybe it will be able to show its strength in the future?

Maybe it was the right thing to do without choosing to leave!

[Thank you for the reward from the “white~night asdfzxcqaz” boss, thank you for your flowers and evaluation tickets~~]

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