I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 458

458 Return Of Wailmer

There was heavy rain on the way.

Fortunately, the two pilots were well prepared, put on raincoats, and lay on the back of Lapras.

Behind Lapras, Wailmer is pulling the load hard.

They don’t swim very fast, but they have enough strength. The cargo is half-submerged and half-floating in the sea water, and they can easily be pulled.

From Baiyan Island to Tai Island, they also rested and ate in the middle, starting at 7:00 in the morning and arriving in the evening before the sun went down.

This time, when I returned to Baiyan Island, there were large and small goods behind me, and the speed of travel slowed down. It might take an extra six or seven hours.

Therefore, they only set off at 5:00 in the morning, trying to return to Baiyan Island before 0:00 the next day.

Now encountering heavy rain, the forward speed has been delayed a little.

Fortunately, the rain came in a hurry and went away in a hurry.

It stopped after ten minutes.

Or rather, they have left the rain zone.

“The journey is half over!

“Yeah, why don’t you stop and rest for half an hour?”

“it is good!”

The two pilots decided immediately.

Under the arrangement of the two, the whole line stopped.

057 They look back, and Wailmer is really tired!

Most Wailmers pull a few big balls, and the largest Wailmer pulls the goods is the sum of the rest. It has great strength and can pull so many goods for a long time without feeling too tired.

After they stopped and rested, they broke free from the noose, either resting, or foraging nearby.

Come back half an hour later, get into the noose again, and continue the journey…

It was getting dark.

The pilot took out the lights, like a lighthouse.

When they came out, it was all day sailing, and now it’s really dark at night, and there is only Lapras underneath them, and they feel a little uneasy.

Especially in the sea, except for the sound of the waves, at a glance, there is an endless darkness.

The lights in their hands are also silent, but they can bring a little warmth to them.

Every now and then they adjust the Lapras direction according to the navigation.

In fact, Lapras rarely stray, they keep in mind the direction of White Rock Island and sometimes adjust themselves.

Behind him, Wailmer surfaced from time to time, chasing the lights.

A Wailmer was almost lost in the middle of the road because of the dark lights.

Before departure, each Wailmer will have a tracker on it.

The pilot found it in time, and after being guided by the lights, the trailing Wailmer caught up.

It was not until eleven o’clock in the middle of the night that they saw the lights not far away and knew that they were approaching Baiyan Island.

Lu Sheng first came to Harbor to meet Wailmer.

At night, he has been observed through the Pokémon monitor.

When he saw Wailmer left behind, he was still worried.

Fortunately, the pilot found it in time and guided it, and soon resumed normal navigation.

Yesterday, he also observed some problems on the voyage, and naturally he saw them.

Same thing when you come back.

Overall, this trip was a success.

In the future, you can make them run once a week instead of going back and forth every day, which will tire Wailmer to death.

Lu Sheng also happened to assist in the delivery of goods and train Wailmer.

(aecb) “You two, welcome back.

Lu Sheng stepped forward and patted the pilot’s shoulder.

One of the pilots scratched his head and smiled shyly: “Mr. Lu, the main credit is not us, we both have a relatively easy journey on this journey, with Lapras and Wailmer as the labor, we are just guiding the direction.


Lu Sheng smiled and said, “You guys are tired too. Go take a Scald bath and rest early.”9

The two leave.

They are really tired.

Although they are not required to swim, Lu Sheng stipulates that they are not allowed to rest on this journey, and they are required to supervise each other.

Both of them did.

If they have a break in the middle, Lu Sheng can find out from the perspective of Lapras and Wailmer, and he will not be pleasant to them.

“These two are reliable and can be cultivated well.”

The two did not know that it was just such a trivial matter that Lu Sheng had already kept it in his heart and gave him a high evaluation.

Lu Sheng asked the two to supervise each other on the road.

They were easily able to convince each other that they could work in shifts and finish the trip comfortably without worrying too much about it.

After all, it’s a small team, and it’s Pokémon, they’re smart and easy to lead.

The whole journey was lost once because it was too dark, and the rest was very smooth. One person rested and one piloted, and there would be no problem.

Lu Sheng asked Machop to drag the ball to the shore, and there was no need to assist the rest of the machine to hit the ground.

Then open the big ball, take out various items from it, and then gradually transport them to the warehouse.

This trip brought a lot of supplies to Baiyan Island, but compared with a fleet, there are still many gaps.

Lu Sheng is already satisfied.

After all, Wailmer hasn’t evolved yet, and there aren’t many goods that can be pulled.

After the evolution, it will be different from the past, and the cargo that can be dragged at a time will be expanded ten times or twenty times!

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