I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 459

459 Slowking’S First Lesson

For some time, Wailmer will travel once a week.

With the increase of the number of times, their physical strength has been well exercised, and their endurance has increased a lot than before.

At the end of August, the autumn recruitment period for foreign universities.

Lu Sheng allocated two people to Slowking in advance, and arranged for Slowking to check in as soon as the enrollment time arrived.

Unlike the last time I went to Jianqiao University, those professors strongly opposed it, but this time, many professors wanted to take Slowking in person.

Lu Sheng let Slowking choose for himself, without interfering – it chooses a professional.

While most students only take Joshua majors in college, Slowking is interested in physics and mechanics, both of which it wants to take.

Lu Sheng also promised to help Slowking. After entering Jianqiao University, he will study with the professors of these two majors.

In fact, Lu Sheng hopes that Slowking can learn genetic biology, and can also act as a helper in the future, and even take over the banner from Lu Sheng…

But Slowking doesn’t like it, that’s all.

In addition, if Slowking can really design genetic creatures in the future, there may be some risks, such as anti-human and anti-social.

It’s better if you don’t learn Slowking, so as to save some people from outside making a lot of noise.

As for why Slowking is interested in physics and mechanics, the more reason is that it has seen a lot of cars and planes, and it has sprouted a long time ago. He is very interested in such things as cars and planes, and wants to understand the principle.

This time is naturally an opportunity.

Lu Sheng also asked what Slowking would do in the future, and it said that it would build planes and cars…

If he is really capable in the future, Lu Sheng will naturally invest in Slowking to see how much Slowking can do.

A few days later, Slowking successfully enrolled.

Although there is a special professor, it is the same as the rest of the students in class.

On the first day of class, Slowking walked into the classroom accompanied by two specialists.

The two left when they arrived at their destination, and waited to pick up Slowking after class. Their daily work was nothing more than that.

Easy, but well paid.

If they give too little money, they will easily be bought by outsiders and sell some information.

Slowking walked into the classroom with his arms on his back.

In an instant, dozens of students in the classroom all fell silent.

A second ago, they had an excited discussion, introduced themselves, and got to know each other some friends.

Seeing Slowking all of a sudden now, and immediately realizing that they will be Slowking’s classmates for some time to come…

One by one, their expressions suddenly became strange.

Some were excited, some were curious, and some were dismissive, thinking that taking a class with Slowking was too humiliating.

Slowking also has a shoulder bag, which contains the textbooks required for the course, as well as some stationery, mobile phones and so on.

“Wow, it’s Slowking!”

“I didn’t expect it to be our physics major too!””

“I thought it was a genetic biology major.

“Slowking, sit with me!

Many students were very enthusiastic about Slowking and waved at it, hoping that such a special classmate could sit beside them.

Slowking calmly walked to the third row and found an empty seat to sit down.


The girl next to her waved timidly.

“Hi, I’m Slowking.””

Slowking put the satchel on the table and looked back with a kind smile.

“Wow, it’s talking to me.

The girls danced exaggeratedly.

The rest of the people around were also quite surprised.

Even though he knew for a long time that Slowking could speak and speak English, he was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

0…. ask for flowers ·

“Hello everyone.

Slowking greeted the rest of the class again.

Another exclamation.

The students around took out their mobile phones to shoot and record.

There are also come up to co-production, or to ask for autographs.

Slowking’s handwriting is correct, and after they are about to sign, they are full of emotions and feel incredible.

This farce continued for ten minutes before the teacher came to the classroom.

He was also the first to see Slowking, and he was only stunned for a moment, then began to lecture.

Slowking was quieter than he had imagined, and listened to the lecture carefully.

“Next, I need to ask some students about this question, uh…”

He fixed his eyes on Slowking and subconsciously said: “Slowking? 99

For the first time in his life, Slowking was asked in class.

“Can you explain this question?

Teacher asked with a smile.

The rest of the students wondered how Slowking would answer.

The difficulty of this question is not low. After all, it is Jianqiao University. Everyone is an elite from all over the world. Some people are not convinced by the IQ tested by Slowking and want to see it as a joke.

“This question…”

Slowking thought for a moment, and quickly had an answer.

Everyone saw that Slowking spoke eloquently, explained the topic very smoothly, and did not give one way to answer, but three, advancing layer by layer.

“As expected of an IQ exceeding three hundred! 99

“It’s amazing! I can’t answer this question so quickly. 35

“Three answers, ox!

“How does it manage to figure out the answer?”

The surrounding classmates were stunned.

The classmates who had despised Slowking at first also looked solemn at this time, and put away the contempt.

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