I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 477

477 How He Created Slowking!

Lu Sheng’s tough attitude finally made Laboratory give in, and several countries behind it were under pressure from fishing reels, and finally agreed to Lu Sheng’s request.

“He’s greater.

Not only can you get the competition rewards, but also the sponsorship fee of the big competition, why not do it!

Including Mewtwo, Mew, and the three holy birds, all of which are not Rival.

“`~ It’s incredible.

The professor patted Slowking on the shoulder and said with a smile: “In time, you will shock the whole world, it’s really incredible, how on earth did Mr. Lu create you.

Lu Sheng conducted a round of tests on Suicune’s ability. After a long run, Suicune’s ability is already extremely strong.

According to the current technology, it is completely possible to do live broadcasts in the field 24 hours a day.

Some surprises happen every day.

On the side, there are several sheets of paper, also full of formulas.

Lu Sheng just has an idea, and it must not be implemented at present.

In addition to the eye-catching Contest competition this month, the number of open Pokémon homes has continued to increase, and tourists from all over the world have entered to share their experience of capturing wild Pokémon with the world, and the popularity is still high.

When the Meteorite rain came, Lu Sheng not only collected it himself in the villa area, but also asked people to spend money to buy it. At least 80% of the Meteorite fell into the hands of Lu Sheng in the space of Yunhai City.

For the Pokémon company, there are more than a dozen yuan left on hand, which is basically enough, not to mention that Lu Sheng has hundreds of yuan in his hand, most of which are sealed in the warehouse.

For example, is it possible to hold a contest themed on catching wild Pokémon in the future!

“Professor, this is nothing (Li Zhao), I know that in your human history, some geniuses are also very powerful. Compared with them, I am much worse.”

Of course, it also has something to do with their young age.

If Slowking is willing to hand over this unique skill to Mewtwo, it will at least increase Mewtwo’s Confusion ability by a quarter.

That’s Slowking with Confusion control.

A professor who was in charge of taking Slowking stood aside and watched some of the formulas listed by Slowking, and couldn’t help sighing with emotion.

After each match, there will always be a large number of Pokémon and trainers on the hot search list, and their worth has risen rapidly. Some people speculate that if the Contest is held next time, there will be a lot of sponsors looking for them.

The power of space in Meteorite is continuous, as long as it is soaked in water, it will not decrease at all.

A pen that writes quickly on paper without touching it.

Lu Sheng has too much of this stuff.

In order to sponsor the Laboratory, Lu Sheng also provided them with some space for Meteorite.

The professor of Jianqiao University smiled bitterly: “Not only are you ahead of your time in physics, but also in mechanics, and I heard from your mechanics teacher that you have mastered mechanics for four years, and you can take the postgraduate entrance exam next. righteous.”

Because there are not many Pokémon, there is no way to capture them arbitrarily.

Different from other Pokémons, Slowking has been improving at a very fast speed after getting acquainted with Confusion, and now it is no less than Mewtwo’s technique.

Slowking was staring down at the white paper, which was filled with dense formulas.

“Slowking, your learning ability is amazing. In such a short period of time, you have mastered the knowledge that others can only learn in two years. Next, I will teach you the knowledge for the third year. I hope you can make persistent efforts.

Slowking is not about being humble, but the more you learn, the more you realize the power of human knowledge.

Slowking thought of a sentence he had seen in a book, and agreed.

“Although there are still many people inside and outside the school who have opinions on you and don’t agree with your identity, but…”

Mewtwo has always regarded him highly, but was pale.


As long as the delivery machine technology matures, Pokémon will be the most profitable after that.

Lu Sheng is naturally satisfied with the result.

The Contest competition is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Their will is far inferior to Suicune, and in terms of skill understanding, they are even worse than Suicune.

Under such an atmosphere, the training of the rest of the Pokémon became more and more difficult.

Slowking bowed his head slightly, respectfully.

Like Pokémon Homes, only a few spots are released each week to limit the number of churns.

By increasing the purchase priority of Lu Sheng, the Laboratory also received a huge amount of funding from Lu Sheng, and neither side suffers.

“knowledge is power”,

After the defeat, Mewtwo trains harder and strives for an early Retaliate…

Throwing it to the Laboratory for a while is also to speed up the research and development progress.

It is only as a backup study, and those human ancestors, they are the pioneers, and many strange theories are developed by them, otherwise how can it be learned now.

Slowking stopped, the pen slowly landed on the table, and rolled out to the side.

Gradually, some people took fishing rods and went inside to catch Feebas, Magikarp, etc.

Not long ago, Slowking mastered Confusion, and when he took a physics course, he learned more about the nature of energy, and on a whim, mastered the Confusion skill.

Suicune did not leave immediately after returning to the word.

Bridge University.

Because of the mastery of the principle, it is handy to use, and some modifications are made from the essence of Confusion…

It is stipulated that a certain number of Pokémon are captured within a certain period of time, and points are calculated according to the captured Pokémon to determine the outcome.

Seeing the popularity of the wild Pokémon project, Lu Sheng had an idea.

Even if its potential is not weaker than that of Suicune, it is still incomparable.

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