I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 478

478 Think Ahead To Wailord’S Food

“One of the world’s largest genetically modified organisms – Wailmer!”

Lu Sheng was flipping through a scientific magazine with a Wailmer column on one page.

There are a few pictures of the Wailmer above, the giant Wailmer, which was loading cargo at Harbor.

Huge body, like a big ship!

It’s been a while since the Contest ended.

The final champion was not taken away by Milotic, but by a Lapras.

The breeders of Lapras have more tricks, conquer the audience, and finally take the championship.

Glory to the night!

Lu Sheng also personally awarded awards to the first few.

Someone got the evolution stone and made Pokémon evolve on the spot.

One of them is a Pokémon, which has a bad temper after evolution, is extremely impatient with its owner, and makes a lot of jokes on the scene.

The owner of Lapras also wanted to evolve, but was told that Lapras couldn’t evolve, so he was a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, he brought the rest of the Pokémon and used them on 057 other Pokémon.

As for White Rock Island, Wailmer has to move goods every few days, and he got used to it over time.

Each Wailmer has grown accustomed to shipping over this period of time, and they are extremely strong.

The largest of them, the Wailmer, became their leader, and his strength improved rapidly.

They took on part of White Rock Island’s load and cut some expenses.

The development of Baiyan Island is also extremely fast.

With the help of Pokémon, there were only a few buildings from the beginning, but now there are many small buildings in the living area, and there is also an extra entertainment area, where you can exercise, play basketball, and play football.

The Laboratory is expanding even more…

“Wailmer isn’t the biggest Pokémon.

Lu Sheng put down the magazine.

The data of the giant Wailmer was written up and down, which is indeed exaggerated, and the growth curve is strong enough.

Once evolved, it is no problem to create an aircraft carrier!

“I don’t know when it will evolve.

Lu Sheng was looking forward to the birth of Wailord.

However, once Wailord is born, it will inevitably bring about a big problem-


Wailmer’s current food is exaggerated enough, to the level of Wailord, the food intake is even more amazing, I am afraid that it will be able to eat the fish and shrimp in an area for a period of time.

If for the sake of marine ecology, Breeder must produce sea creatures with amazing reproductive capacity…

Several thoughts flashed in Lu Sheng’s mind.

The first way is to directly modify a certain marine Pokémon gene, add all the points to reproduction and development, do not add any intelligence, closeness to humans, ability, etc. to them, and cultivate them purely as food.

The second way is to buy genetically modified organisms from other companies.

As far as Lu Sheng knows, there are actually similar marine organisms on the market. They reproduce at an amazing rate. They eat marine microorganisms, seaweeds, etc., and grow extremely fast. From hatching to forming, it only takes a few months.

The lifespan of this type of genetic organism is usually very short, less than two months before death.

If it is made into Wailmer’s food, it is feasible.

Either way is feasible.

However, compared to buying genetic organisms, the cost of Breeder itself is not necessarily lower, after all, it takes up a lot of culture tanks.

While purchasing mature genetic organisms (aecb), hundreds of millions of fry can be purchased at one time, and the cost is extremely low.

Although they also belong to genetic organisms, they belong to very low-end food category, or marine food category. Compared with traditional fry, the price is not much different.

The third way is to use the omnivorous ability of Wailmer, not necessarily to eat all meat, but also to let them try to eat seagrass and the like.

At present, there are many genetically modified seaweeds and seaweeds on the market, which grow faster, can grow many full leaves each time, and the taste has been improved.

In addition, there are other ideas, not one by one.

“Wailmer will be bigger after evolution?

Zhuo Churan brought coffee to Lu Sheng, and when he heard Lu Sheng’s words, he asked curiously.


Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes and said: “I said that after evolution, the size of the body has increased at least several times, even ten times, do you believe it.


Zhuo Churan was surprised: “If it is more than ten times, the length is too exaggerated, especially the largest one, isn’t it comparable to an aircraft carrier?”

“It’s natural, but it’s not easy to evolve, and you don’t know when the conditions will be met.”

Lu Sheng thought of evolution fluid.

There is no way for Wailmer to use evolution stones to forcibly evolve, so he can only use evolution fluids to keep trying.

This dose must be more, and one washbasin should be drunk at a time!

As Lu Sheng thought to himself, he immediately called someone to prepare, and sent a batch of evolution fluid to Baiyan Island to try once a month.

“Isn’t the evolution stone not good?

Zhuo Churan also has a deep understanding of the role of evolutionary stones, but not all of them are applicable.

“Yeah. But I have a hunch that Wailmer’s evolution won’t be slow. He often trains with such high intensity, and his growth rate is quite fast.”

Lu Sheng paused for a moment and said, “By the way, how are Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres lately?35

“Still restless and likes to fly everywhere. 39

Zhuo Churan hesitated and said, “I think it’s impossible for them to be bound in a small place when they grow up, and they will run around like Suicune sooner or later.

“Normally, Soaring in the sky is their territory, and it’s definitely safer than Suicune traveling around the world.”

Lu Sheng was not surprised that the Three Holy Birds would leave.

They are only temporarily restrained, and they will have to wait for a while before they can travel far.

You have the same experience as Suicune, and you have to be trained to become a real strong man!

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