I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 66

66 When The Battery Is Full, It Overflows (Thanks To “Gundam Valkyrie”, “Black Zero And White Zero”, “Drunk And Wake Up” For The Reward)

The Ice and Fire Alliance did not have any impact on Lu Sheng.

The events at the International Exchange Conference were publicized by the media, and there were some bad voices against him!

Some foreign media think that Lu Sheng has no dedication and is unwilling to share technical points, and Lu Sheng should not be invited to the exchange meeting in the future.

Mainstream media believes that Lu Sheng has no such obligation.

Even the Grand Duke company like the polar bear publicly spoke out for Lu Sheng, thinking that it was a commercial secret and could not be disclosed casually.

And accused the Norson Group of Fern’s actions against the behavior of researchers, there may be a villain behind the instructions…

Basically pointing at the nose of the Northam Group and swearing!

Polar Bear Biological Group is affiliated to Saudi Arabia and has a national background behind it, and has never dealt with Northam Group.

Moreover, the people of the Polar Bear Group have heard that Lu Sheng threatened the words of “740” Hobbes, and they wished that the Northum Group and Lu Sheng would conflict, so as to benefit from it.

Lu Sheng paid no attention to the war of words from the outside world. After the international exchange conference, he once again observed the Pichu that had been sold.

Then Lu Sheng found out that someone had already started training Pichu and successfully mastered the new ability!

In the afternoon of this day, Lu Sheng finished his morning affairs and planned to lie down and rest for a while.

Bored in his spare time, he uses the Pokémon watch function again, and Solaceon picks a few to check.

Basically every Pichu has been integrated into the family and is well loved.

“It seems that we don’t need to monitor them in the future. After all, there are only 300,000 people who don’t cherish them…”

Lu Sheng changed his perspective and suddenly stayed in Pichu Keke’s perspective.

Zhou Ke, the first lucky person to receive Pichu.

At this time, she was standing in front of Pichu Keke, holding a mobile phone in her hand, as if she was looking at the website in the manual, chanting words in her mouth.

“Pichu, the little mouse Pokémon, Pikachu looks like before evolution, with a small body, but it can release Thunder Shock that can be paralyzing. Power storage is not their specialty, even if the power storage is a little full, they may accidentally electrocute themselves.

“It’s best to always direct them to release a certain amount of electricity…”

Zhou Ke was stunned: “No wonder Keke accidentally released the amount of Discharge yesterday and called me. It turned out that it wasn’t intentional. It’s like… boys are in a certain physiological state of puberty, and Rest will be careless at night…”

When she thought of the popular science in physiology class, two blushes appeared on her cheeks.

“Mild temperament; Static Ability, melee attack Pichu has a chance to be paralyzed; Lightning Rod Ability, reduce the influence of Electric Type moves? You can learn moves like…”

“Thunder Shock? It’s back.”

“Charm? Oh, does this count as a move? Keke can indeed Charm.

“Thunder Wave? Well, that trick is called Thunder Wave, and Keke has also used it.””

“Iron Tail? Keke hasn’t learned yet, wow, can you really turn a limp tail into an Oreburgh hard? It’s amazing!

“Electro Web? This trick is very special, can it form a net-like electric current, like fishing?”


After looking at the abilities in the list, Zhou Ke decided to give it a try.

So she stopped Keke who was eating the Sydney slices and confiscated the Sydney slices.

“Ke Ke, you are already mature… Pokémon, you need to learn skills today. As the saying goes, more skills can’t be overwhelmed. Come on, let’s start with the simple ones, Iron Tail!”

Zhou Ke flipped through the phone again and found a specific description on it—

The energy gathers in the tail to form Oreburgh Normal!

What the hell, no tutorial?

Zhou Ke can only put it down, think about it for a moment, hug Keke, and tell it to gather the current on its tail, and then what to do.


Keke looked serious, her eyes widened.

The current converges in the tail…


When the current dissipated, Keke lowered her head and cried out in dejection: “Pichu Pichu…’

“It’s okay, we Encore.”

Zhou Ke gave it for a slice of Sydney, and whispered encouragement.

With Zhou Ke’s encouragement again and again, in order to be able to eat Sydney, Keke finally…

The tail glows.

But only for a moment.

“Great, I’m such a talented trainer! Let’s go on, there’s a first time and a second time! 55

Zhou Ke hugged Keke and kissed her again.

Keke Charm and rolls in her arms, also full of sense of accomplishment.

Again and again, after 20 minutes of training, Keke mastered Iron Tail0….

Although the hardness is not particularly enough, the initial mastery is already good.

Zhou Ke thought that he taught well, but in fact, this batch of Pichu has basically learned from Pikachu or Mianmian, and has already mastered some tricks…

Lu Sheng watched the whole process and said with a smile: “It’s also a talent to be able to make the battery overflow when it’s full, and treat it as J when it’s full.

“In any case, it seems that buyers will continue to conduct targeted training according to the website’s Coaching, which is a good thing!”

“The first step to achieve the goal, at least they need to develop a habit, understand that Pokémon training can be enhanced, and understand the tricks…”

Lu Sheng changed his perspective a few more times.

One of them is a professional trainer who has already started to train Pichu and will ask Pichu to participate in a little training every day.

Of course, Pichu is still young, and the other party pity Pichu. Combined with the way of play, he mainly trains Pichu’s movement and Thunder Shock accuracy.

“This guy seems to believe in his own training methods. He hasn’t read the introduction on the official website at all, right? No, they must understand this! 99

Lu Sheng frowned.

It can be seen that this guy is a veteran trainer, and there are other genetic creatures around him.

The training method is basically not much different from genetic biology.

Didn’t realize that Pichu was different from genetic organisms.

Lu Sheng pondered for a moment and asked his staff to send a 2.0 text message to the buyers’ phones.

The content is about reminding them to check the Pokémon official website, and they can familiarize themselves with Pichu’s habits and skills.

The trainer probably picked up the phone, saw the news, wanted to put the phone away, thought about it, and turned on the screen again…

Lu Sheng noticed that the trainer was focusing on the phone screen and knew that the trainer should have noticed the difference.

“Can you still master various skills?”

“Very good, it seems that the training plan needs to be slightly revised in the future, as an attempt…”

The trainer muttered.

Lu Sheng turned off the Pokémon watch function and noticed that the triangular cone dice were about to cool down.

Last time he unlocked three kinds, plus the Mew from the extra lottery, how many can be unlocked by rolling the dice this time?

He was thinking about which Pokémon to unlock first…

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