I Trick Even the Lames to Stand up for Me

Chapter 7 - Ask for money, no money

Lying down! Huge man!

Zhao Pengyu realized that he had been saved, crawling away from the female ghost while breathing heavily, and almost shocked when he saw who was coming, “… Gu Ye?”

Gu Yexian glanced at Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen lying on the ground, and he didn’t sleep well after two nights. He was really indifferent. Called dad. “

Zhao Pengyu: “… buddy, are you fine? Second personality?”

Gu Ye’s character is so much worse when he meets at school in peacetime.

Gu Ye took a look at Zhao Pengyu, “You were born in a wealthy home, you were an attache to your ancestors, your grandfather joined the army, your father started business, your mother ’s family is richer and stronger, his personality is stronger, he has his own career, typical The strong woman, because you did n’t have time to take care of you when you were a kid, the relationship between your two mothers was ordinary, mainly because of you, you just want to work against her, to be honest, you owe it. When you were four years old, you almost died, your mother was trying to save You almost caught your life, and you should have forgotten it. You still have a catastrophe right now, as long as you pass it, it will become a great tool in the future. If you don’t get through, you will be cold. “

Zhao Pengyu hugged the stool in front of him with a look of eagerness, and held it tightly in his arms, as if only the stool could give him a sense of security. Gu Ye said that this was basically true.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, “Take money and show you a clear way to avoid disasters.”

Zhao Pengyu hurriedly paid for it, just because Gu Ye saved his life just now, he believed what he said.

Gu Ye saw that he was quite generous, and he just ticked off the corner of his mouth, feeling better, “Don’t take the bridge recently.”

Zhao Pengyu asked nervously: “What then?”

“If you do n’t walk on the bridge, there will be no more. If you walk on the bridge, you won’t have any more.” Gu Ye said and stepped on the female ghost again. Only then did Zhao Pengyu see the tragic situation of the female ghost, and the next words scared her back.

At this time, Lin Zihao also woke up, realizing that Gu Ye really has the ability, not a liar, crawling over when he cried, and hugged Gu Ye’s legs when he came up, “Gu Ye, save me! She really wants to kill me When Lin Zihao touched his face, the blood was still dry, and he was even more frightened. He firmly grasped Gu Ye, just like a drowning man grabbed the only floating board that could save lives.

Liu Yiwen was also scared that his spirit collapsed, and the rest of his life left him trembling. “We really didn’t do it on purpose. We played with curiosity just because we were curious. It was just curiosity.”

Gu Ye turned his back on his lips and said, “If you want money, you can’t talk without money.”

The three faces on the scene were aggressive, Zhao Pengyu asked curiously: “Aren’t people like you all looking at money like dung?”

Gu Ye sneered, “I’ve seen many of you in front of Qian, and I have never seen in front of Fei.”

“Oh!” Zhao Pengyu didn’t hold back, and he was happy. Gu Ye rushed in to save them when he was almost dead. This man’s heart is not bad, but his mouth is too poisonous.

Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen could only spend half of their living expenses.

“Not enough,” Gu Ye said, his eyes still indifferent. “Give all the pocket money.”

Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen glanced at the immobilized female ghost, and then paid for the pain. “But, I’ll give it to you, our money for this month …”

Zhao Pengyu couldn’t stand it. He snatched the wallets of both of them and took out all the money. He said angrily: “Life is gone, I can’t bear the money. Isn’t the school a living way to earn pocket money for poor students? You go to clean, five dollars a day, eat buns and sesame cakes, a month is enough. It just so happens that you two have a long memory! “

Gu Ye put all the money in his pocket and asked disgustingly, “Is the year-end exam good?”

The original pale faces of the two people suddenly turned red, as if they had been lifted up by a shame.

Zhao Pengyu was speechless. It turned out to know the exam questions in advance. The two talents asked for a pen to die, summoned such a thing, let’s say, how well they did the final exam before the end of the year!

Gu Ye was too lazy to care about them and remove the charm from the female ghost. “Sister, let’s talk.”

The three of them couldn’t bear to see the ghostly face of the female ghost. Starting today, they had a psychological shadow on the “Miss Sister”.

The female ghost was hurt by Gu Yexuan, lying on the corner of the wall, staring angrily at Gu Ye, while avoiding the spell in Ye’s hand, she dared not move.

Gu Ye sat on the stool handed over by Zhao Pengyu and crossed his legs. “What’s his name? How old? How did he die? What happened to be unhappy? Let’s talk.”

Zhao Pengyu looked at Gu Ye’s domineering tone. If it wasn’t for the season, he would like to give him a fan.

After a cross-examination, everyone present sympathized with the female ghost, it was too miserable!

The female ghost is called Wang Qianqian, who is a local. Seven years ago, after graduating from the performance department of a prestigious university, his future was just right, but he suddenly realized that he was pregnant. Her boyfriend was one year older than her. She studied vocal music. She had already entered the entertainment industry at that time. She had a small piece of fresh meat. She looked good and sang and danced. She also participated in a singing talent show. It was great.

Wang Qianqian, who was dazzled by love, decided to give up the drama, marry her boyfriend first, give birth to the child, and then give the child to her boyfriend’s parents. When she told her boyfriend about this idea, she never thought that the man who loved her would turn her face, and even refused to marry, not even letting her child give birth. The reason is very simple. He is at the height of his career and his girlfriends are all around him. In case fans know that he is married and even has children, it will be a great blow to his career.

Wang Qianqian naturally disagreed, her eyes became bigger and bigger, and her boyfriend ran away. She felt betrayed. She is an orphan, too eager to get the warmth of her family, and loves that man too much. She threatens her boyfriend with ruthless words, exposes her relationship without getting married, and lets his fans know who he is. Unexpectedly, this angry sentence caused the boyfriend’s killing.

She was too underestimated by men’s pursuit of fame and wealth, and also miscalculated her status in the other person’s mind. It was also a very quiet night. Wang Qianqian’s boyfriend called her to the fifth middle school, which was still under construction, and brutally stoned her to death. .

Before Wang Qianqian completely died, her boyfriend poured her a bucket of sulfuric acid and destroyed the body.

Wang Qianqian had no family members and no one reported the case. The Fifth Middle School continued to expand. No one knew that a nearly dead body was buried in the ground. Construction workers worked as usual. A tragedy that killed humanity was thus hidden for seven years. .

Wang Qianqian’s resentment could not be reborn, she just wanted revenge, but she became a ground-bound spirit and stayed in the dead forever. Until the death of Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen, summoned the pen fairy, and invited Wang Qianqian, who was only ten meters away from the body, to the boys’ dormitory.

If Wang Qianqian wanted to leave school, she had to kill someone and let the other’s soul replace her. She actually saw Xia Xiang at a glance. The plan was to eat his aura, and then kill Lin Zihao to replace himself, and then take revenge. Unfortunately, Xia Xiang always had something to protect her body. Later, she had a dormitory with Gu Ye. She couldn’t help but replace her target with Lin Zihao and Liu Yiwen.

Gu Ye sympathized after listening to Wang Qianqian’s remarks: “Then you are really miserable.”

There is a heavenly master sympathizing with ghosts! Wang Qianqian stared at Gu Ye’s eyes defensively, and found that he did not seem to be cheating. He also realized that Gu Ye was not the same as the legendary heavenly master. The purpose, in exchange, I will take their lives. “

Gu Ye boasted her seriously: “You only receive one for two people, you are really a merchant of conscience.”

Wang Qianqian nodded strongly, “Yes.”

Unexpectedly, with her movements, there was not much meat in the right eye socket. The eyeballs fell on the ground at once, and after kicking and kicking twice, Guru rolled in front of Gu Ye and them. .

You have to pick your eyes when they fall off, and you can’t stop them. Wang Qianqian subconsciously crawled over to pick her eyes.

“Ahhhhhhhhh!” The three boys behind Gu Ye were crying as if they were scared, and Liu Yiwen was scared to urinate on the spot, holding Gu Ye’s chair legs and crying loudly.

Wang Qianqian picked up her eyeballs, crawled back to the corner, and narrowed her eyes again, apologizing: “I’m sorry.”

Humans present: “…”

Gu Ye felt annoyed and touched the ears that were numb and shaken. The waste of these wastes did not make people pick up the ground?

“Gu Ye, save your life! The key point is what should we do?” Lin Zihao cried and pulled Gu Ye’s trouser legs, reminding Gu Ye in a low voice, stop talking and kill her! Let her go!

Gu Ye patted his paw with a slap and said to Wang Qianqian with a smile: “You let them go, and I can help you get revenge. That little ghost, too, come out, he is much more angry than you.”

Is there a more powerful kid? !!

The three men subconsciously looked at Wang Qianqian’s belly, yes, she was almost born when she died, and now her belly is flat. The three of them frightened to Gu Ye again, hoping to hide in his arms, feeling that only close to Gu Ye could be safe.

“Hee hee hee hee” A series of harsh ghost laughter irritated people’s scalp, Lin Zihao followed the sound in horror and looked at him, and saw his own duvet, slowly crawling out of a small group Black fog, because the room is dark, I can’t see what the black fog looks like. I can only see his limbs twisted, his head is particularly large, a pair of blood-red vertical pupils, and one that can swallow everything. Big mouth.

Lin Zihao thought that he had just slept in the quilt, and the little ghost didn’t know whether he was there or not. When he thought that he might be holding this thing in his arms, he was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground with his buttocks tightly. The heat flow ran down and was scared. How do you sleep in the future? As soon as I see the bed, there is a psychological shadow!

The ghost baby saw that his mother was knocked down, and did not mean to help. It was not very human, and felt the aura on Gu Ye. The mouth suddenly opened the basketball so large. He instinctively rushed at Gu Ye, and his body was black. Gu Ye’s **** smell was strong, and the bloodthirsty made Gu Ye frown: Is it okay to eat people?

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