I Trick Even the Lames to Stand up for Me

Chapter 8 - Come, kidnap!

Zhao Pengyu, they were scared by the imps that came over, “Mom”, they all shrank behind Gu Ye, at this time they saw Gu Ye raised his hand, just like slap the ball, and slap the ghost on the ground. Then he clenched his head and rubbed them in the horrified eyes of the crowd, “Don’t make trouble, obediently.”

The ghost babies acted by instinct, scared by that slap, and looked at Gu Ye in a timid expression, seeing a smile on his face, and didn’t mean to hit him anymore, carefully approached Gu Ye’s feet, choked He scratched his trouser legs and looked like a coquettish.

Gu Ye bent over and hugged him, put it on his lap, and touched his head again, and praised him: “How good, but we have no fate, otherwise we will let you be my number one elf. “

Zhao Pengyu almost knelt to Gu Ye and backed up two meters in an instant.

Wang Qianqian explained in a hurry: “This child doesn’t understand anything. He just couldn’t be born, he was born with grievances, and he didn’t hurt anyone. Don’t take him away!”

Gu Ye smiled and rubbed on the baby’s head, “I can see it.”

Found that Gu Ye didn’t mean to hurt them, Wang Qianqian asked unsurely, “Do you really help me?”

Gu Ye nodded, “I never lie to ghosts.”

Liu Yiwen whispered: “Is it really good to help the ghosts?”

Zhao Pengyu was on Gu Ye’s side. “Scum is going to get retribution.”

Lin Zihao frowned and disagreed with this view. “It’s not right to help a ghost to harm a person. She is dead. Gu Ye, let her disappear, it’s too dangerous.”

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, and he could tell from his attitude that he really couldn’t wait to see Lin Zihao. “In fact, it is not unreasonable for ghosts to find you first. Dark things, instinctively look for the soil that breeds darkness.”

Zhao Pengyu heard it. Gu Ye said that Lin Zihao was impure. He didn’t see it at the moment, but he really felt that Lin Zihao was becoming more and more stupid. You can’t see it, kill two lives, stare at your two light bulbs to make it? Isn’t the ghost a human?

Lin Zihao was dumbfounded by Zhao Pengyu, and he did not dare to speak.

Gu Ye stood up holding the little ghost, slammed his finger, shattered the enchantment set by the female ghost, pulled out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket, and said to the female ghost: “Hide here first Wait until the end of the month, I will take you to find him. “

The little ghost was also looking at the bottle, and his head went straight forward. Gu Ye picked him up and stuffed it in first. The ghost baby was better to pretend. In case he bit someone, he couldn’t help hitting him.

The female ghost’s feelings for the child were also complicated. When she saw the child being stuffed in, the female ghost hesitated for a moment, and turned into a ray of black mist, and got into it. Finally, he also took a special look at Lin Zihao, his eyes were regrettable.

“You can sleep peacefully in the future.” Gu Ye waved and yawned away.

Looking at his back, Zhao Pengyu really wanted to call his father on his knees, buddy is so awesome! He also wanted to change the dormitory, and left these two idiots to go to Xia Xiang and Gu Ye.

After Gu Ye returned to the dormitory, the roommates were still asleep, because the magic curse was useful, Xia Xiang slept, it is estimated that he hadn’t slept so well for a long time. Gu Ye put the bottle under the pillow and lay down to sleep.


When eating the next evening, Gu Ye ate cakes, measured where Wang Qianqian’s mother and son’s bones were, and found a place to bury the bones in the mixed atmosphere. There is a small hill next to the wall on the west side of the playground. In fact, it is a small earth mound made of soil and sand and gravel when the school was built. Over time, the small mound is covered with weeds. I don’t see what it is. Students joked that this is the highest peak of the school, and when they are fine, they will climb up and stand on top to see the scenery outside the school. No one knows, there is a dead body buried at the bottom of this mound.

The small bottle in his pocket felt his own burial ground, and moved emotionally unstable. Gu Ye nudged gently with his fingers, and said lightly, “I have waited for seven years, still care about this month?”

The bottle in his pocket was quiet immediately, Gu Ye shoved the last bite into his mouth, took out a tissue from his pocket, and wiped his hands. He was about to go back, and suddenly felt a bad wind behind his head. He tilted his head and a basketball The cricket flew past the ear, hit the ground, and bounced several meters high, showing the strength of the force.

Gu Yexian raised an eyebrow, and looked upset unhappyly. A big boy froze his teeth and said without guilt: “Sorry, my hands slipped.”

Gu Yexuan smiled and gave the student a sympathetic glance, too lazy to care about him and left.

“Don’t say that Gu Ye’s brain is better, why are you so stupid?”

“Who knows, stepmother raised, who knows what to eat and grow up.”

“The stepmother’s milk is poisonous? Hahahahaha …”

Gu Ye had already taken a few steps. When he heard this, he stopped and looked coldly at the boys who said that his eyes, such as Mo Mo’s eyes, could not see a little emotion, and was taunting him. Several of the boys immediately murmured, and the next words were all stung back. Realizing that he was frightened by Gu Ye’s eyes, the boy who smashed Gu Ye’s head with a basketball took the lead to react and became angry, “What the **** are you looking at, what’s wrong with you?”

Gu Ye sneered, “I have at least a stepmother. You don’t even have a stepmother, orphan.”

Si Hongxing was buzzed by the words “orphan” and rushed to hit Gu Ye. “My parents are alive and well, who are you fools?”

Gu Ye grabbed Si Hongxing’s wrist and used his shoulders to resist. In the eyes of everyone’s surprise, he fell over the shoulder and slammed the opponent on the runway. He went up and stepped on the other’s chest and was mad. Laughed, “I personally want to play campus bullying with me, you really think I’m stupid!”

Gu Ye is all drunk. What kind of life did the original owner have before, a young master who was bullied by a group of bad students, it is a personal matter how dare to mock him stupid, and dare to hit his head with a ball, even if not stupid. Can be smashed silly.

Several students who were with Si Hongxing were frightened by Gu Ye’s cold eyes and sharp skills. Si Hongxing was half a head taller than Gu Ye, so Gu Ye’s thin body. Where did he come from? Strength?

Gu Yeliang glanced at them, and Liangsi asked, “Who else would disagree? Come!”

“Why? Fight?” At this time, the unguarded security guard who was patrolling on the spot just patrolled to the playground and saw them shouting with their throats. The students immediately realized that it was not good, like a group of little sheep chased by wolves Yes, spread your feet and run. Gu Ye left his mouth and deliberately stepped on Si Hongxing and ran away.

Uncle Security ran over, and only caught Si Hongxing, who was lying on the ground and covering his stomach. The student was usually skinned, often late, and climbed the wall to slip out. Uncle Security frowned at him: “Sihong Xing, are you fighting again? I’ll tell you the class teacher! “

Si Hongxing climbed up, flattering, and said, “Don’t stop, play, play with buddies.”

Si Hongxing could only interrupt his teeth and swallowed in his stomach, and tossed in two words, and ran away while Uncle Security eased his face. In my heart, I yelled at Gu Ye thousands of times, saying that this little fool was waiting, and he must be killed for a chance!

As soon as Si Hongxing ran to the corner, he was stopped by Qian Zhen face to face. As soon as the two met, Qian Zhen took hold of Si Hongxing’s neck, and asked inscrutablely: “I heard that you have a cousin who is foolish of?”

Si Hongxing asked defensively: “What does Brother Zhen mean?”

Qian Zhen said somberly: “I want to clean up Ye Ye severely. There is no way to shoot in school. If your cousin can help, money is not a problem.”

Si Hongxing was hesitant. A little sparrow on his head flew over, and a **** of feces fell from the sky and crackled on Qian Zhen’s nose.

Qian Zhen froze his face, wiped the excrement with his sleeve without expression, gritted his teeth and asked, “How?”

Si Hongxing: “Okay, me, let me ask you.”


When Gu Ye returned to the dormitory at night, he found that his roommate had changed again.

Xia Xiang was sitting on the upper bunk, pulling his two legs, eating bread while shaking, and when he saw Gu Ye coming back, he handed him one, “Would you like to add energy?”

Eighteen- or nine-year-old boys, just when they could eat, said that Gu Ye was a bit hungry. Then he took the package and asked, “Who is this newcomer?”

Xia Xiang narrowed her eyes with a smile. “Zhao Pengyu, he flew Wang Kai and Ma Xiaojiang to our previous dormitory, and said that he would feel safe living with you.”

Gu Yezhen was disgusted. Zhao Pengyu came back with a basketball. Everyone was wearing a sweater. He was wearing a thin sportswear, sweating his brain, shouting open the door and shouting enthusiastically: “Yo ~ Gu Xiaoye is back? Introduce yourself, I am your new roommate, Zhao Pengyu! “

Gu Ye took down a large piece of the bread he hadn’t bitten, and patted it into Zhao Pengyu’s mouth. “Live with me, please keep quiet, thank you.”

Zhao Pengyu drummed his cheeks and smiled with his eyes: rest assured! It must be quiet!

After turning off the lights, Gu Yegang lay down and saw a carp from the opposite Zhao Pengyu jumping up. “I’m so hungry! Would you like to eat pork trotters? I brought several.”

Gu Ye sighed, this is a master who can’t be quiet. In the future, it will be lively.

Senior high school students’ days are studying, studying, and studying again. In the full and busy study, three and a half weeks passed in the blink of an eye, to the end of the month. Teacher Yu came to the classroom after finishing the two lessons in the morning, and knocked on the table, drawing the minds of the excited students who wanted to go home, “Classmates, the two-week class is over. During the winter vacation It ’s time to take back my crazy heart. Starting next month, it ’s our last sprint countdown. I ’ve prepared all the banners for you, and I ’ll hang them for you when you come back. The most important time is coming soon! As the saying goes, do n’t steam your buns and sigh, we have always been at the bottom of the sixth class. I believe you are not stupid. As long as you work hard, you will get good results and come on!

“Oh!” The students in Class 6 were excited to carry the schoolbag that they had brought to the classroom since early self-study, and rushed out of the classroom.

There is a bus for students at the gate of the school. Private cars are not allowed to park at the gate of the school. The main reason is that there are too many cars, which affects traffic.

Gu Ye stuffed the bottle containing the female ghost into the schoolbag. After packing it, in addition to the classroom, he thought as he walked. He had to buy a few bottles tomorrow and buy some daily materials. As soon as he left the classroom, Gu Ye felt that his eyelids jumped uncontrollably. Gu Ye suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Generally, when his right eyelid jumped, there was nothing good. As the saying goes, the healer does not self-medicate, so does the calculation of the hexagrams, which is generally inaccurate.

Good and bad spirits, as soon as Gu Ye walked out of the school gate, he was stopped by a little idiot, “Are you Gu Ye?”

Gu Ye shook his head innocently, “No.”

I unknowingly glanced at the photos on my mobile phone and laughed, “Our boss invites you to eat hot pot and enjoy the face?”

Gu Ye still shook his head: “Don’t go.”

“Hey, show you something.” Xiaozun handed the phone to Gu Ye’s eyes, opened a video, and Gu Ye immediately drew the corner of his mouth. His stupid little brother didn’t know how to be deceived, Squatting in the middle of a group of tattooed little punks, holding their heads in both hands, looking at the camera pitifully. Gu Ye, who is behind him, is extremely familiar. On the one hand, Qian Zhen, who was rectified by him, and on the other, Si Hongxing, who was stabbed by him. Both of them looked at Gu Yang with ridicule and badness. Gu Yang has to suffer.

Gu Ye sighed helplessly, and said to the lunatic: “Let’s lead the way.”

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