I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World

Chapter 10

Until I can be a receptionist – 7-2.

We went a little farther so we got to the big hall late.

Because if you go down the road, every place is full of students with an atmosphere like lovers to each other.

I was seen walking alone, avoided, avoided and avoided. And as a result, it arrived a little after the scheduled time.

I just wanted to go to the big hall and be like this adventure. It’s also because he’s wearing shoes with high heels. It’s difficult to walk.

– – -… hahahaha

– Oh… no.

The door is open and you can hear the gay and busy noises and voices. There was no one in the aisle where I was, and I was in a hurry to see if I was the last. I get worried about an old, somewhere inorganic space.

I peered inside through the door chilling, erased the signs and slowly entered.

There are already a lot of people in there, and although it’s not a crowd that stuffs my breath, I’m not impressed that there were so many of them.

Plus, everyone dressed in costumes looks more adult than usual. Slightly shifting his gaze again, he saw Nike with the boy in the next classroom. I haven’t heard the details, but I’m like a lover.

Even as I watched, I was inwardly seen in the decorations of the Great Hall.

There are several white lights on the ceiling, like petals, which seem to play a lighting role. The floor, which was made of wood, was turning into white and gray marble with a beautiful glow. On the wall is a line of delicious looking dishes on a black platform. The space felt wider than usual, though it might be because of that or my mind. Maybe even the magic of space expansion.

I found a classroom teacher sitting at the table.

“Oh, finally here, Nana,… Lee”

“? Yes”

Fill in your name on the paper in attendance.

“See you soon…… No, you’re the slowest. Now we can finally get started.”

“Excuse me.”

Was it the slowest? Well, I thought so.

When the teacher puts the paper on, hey, it’s good – and raises his hand at someone.

“Yeah…… well. There are only a few left to face you every day. You’re all going to graduate here and each one of you is going their own way. As teachers, as one adult who has seen you, we hope you will enjoy this meeting as a seat to spare and celebrate your farewell and travels.”

A healing teacher is dressed in a light-colored dress. I didn’t know he was a teacher for a moment.

She bows gently on the spot as she greets everyone in the Great Hall. The figure of the teacher standing on a small round stage was so beautiful, illuminated by the white light floating on the ceiling.

“Then today, have full fun!

When that’s what the man’s teacher who was next door said, light music starts to play from nowhere.

Wow, I was just wondering if we were going to dance, and it didn’t seem like that was the time yet, and everyone was starting to enjoy talking and enjoying the food.

It’s the beginning of the party.


I also try to fully enjoy the food and walk to a place where there is a black platform on the wall.

But I think my gaze is piercing me every time I walk earlier, but I guess it stands out when I’m moving alone. You’re supposed to be alone if you want to look.

I want you to look at that. No, look.

“-… right?”

“Haha, you’re right”

Then there was Miss Maris in a bright red dress in the direction I was walking. Next door is Rockman and Prince Zenon, and next door is a lot of different noble ladies. The ladies’ dresses are sumptuous, bold as they are from a child who sees a raised chest just sticking out of the dress, to a child with an open back.

Wow… I’m at the limit of my shoulders.

The boys are wearing swallowtail clothes, and when they become aristocrats, do they also have personality in swallowtail clothes, wearing bright white or bright red objects? Rockman, who felt free among them, was wearing a blue swallow tail outfit with gold embroidery.

Longer blonde hair is dripping beside her, and her neutral, beautiful face is reflected in it.

Prince Xenon was a black swallow tail suit, but decorated on his shoulders and hem to an undisturbed degree as to whether it was royal specification. Always Rin, but I feel more Rin today.

Everyone was bickering with a glass in one hand, and one nodded, Cheng Cheng Cheng, whether this was the world of nobility.

“Well! Nanary, if you don’t think I’ll see… when did you get here?

You noticed me, Miss Maris smiled and called my name. I can’t even not go if they talk to me, so I slowly approach them, being careful not to fall.

I just got here.

“You’re swallowing even at a time like this.”

She’s brilliantly arrayed next to the person she wants, that’s right, or something.

Second, I have eyes for Rockman, who’s supposed to be talking to the girl next door. How clever is he to look at me while we talk or something? Besides, he says he’s surrounded by such beautiful and cute girls, but he looks pretty cool without even stretching under his nose. Because you’re used to it, that’s awesome. Looks like some polygamous king. And then Prince Xenon.

To try, I’ll try to acambe towards Rockman like one day.

But this time the reaction was also thin, rather than unresponsive anymore. Is there nothing left to do with this? You don’t have any tension.

“More than that.”

“I thought it was beautiful, but you’ve transformed into something different.”

“Maris is the one who’s nicer than usual…. both of us did this, except for the dress”

“Really? It must have been a logical finish that made you understand.”

“Really?… that changed the music?

While I was talking to Miss Maris, the music on in the background changed and the sound was louder than just now.

Shortly thereafter, the center of the great hall is opened and the men and women continue to dance.

I could see Benjamin and Satanas in it, and my heart jumped cum even though it was about someone else.

Rockman and Prince Zenon seem to be the first girls next door to each other, arms up and head to the center.

Or this, a circular song?

“You’re on. I’m going to dance with Lord Alwes for the third time, so I’ll wait here for a little while.”

Then I’m gonna go get something delicious. ”

“This is exactly what eating is more than colour.”

I left a lot to say and I stopped by the wall. Grab a dish in one hand and get a skewer of roasted ravioli legs. Uh-huh. Delicious. The gravy is great too. I feel like this party, which wasn’t much of a ride, is going to be the best night ever thanks to the rabbit.

In the meantime, one song is over, and I’ll be in the next one again. When Miss Maris’ turn turned to the center somehow about its next song, Maris was already starting to dance with Rockman.

Oh, isn’t this one song at a time or something?

I don’t know much about it, so I don’t know the common sense around there.

“Hey, hey.”

“Eh, yes!

“Isn’t this the same opponent for a whole song or something?

The same classroom boy who was nearby also looked at the plate with one hand, so I asked him a few questions. I’m a nobleman, so I’m sure you’ll see.

According to him, it is good or bad according to the occasion. It’s only a party within a student that’s happening today, so it’s okay to be free. I see. There’s a lot going on.

Miss Maris dances happily, happily. Watching her like that, my body swayed like it was dancing too.

“Um, Nana.”

“Thanks for letting me know”

Bye, then. Off the spot. You can stay here all the time, but I’ve been cramped by the sweet atmosphere of the place.

If you open the door behind the big hall, there’s a backyard, so it might be a good idea to go there. Act as soon as you think of it! motto, I make a small run not to fall in unfamiliar shoes.

“Not yet…”

I looked at the clock as I flipped the dress. The clock needle still doesn’t tell the end.

I felt the time was longer than usual.

Let’s just go outside.

While checking around, gently open the door at the back door to make sure no one is there. Because of the loud volume of the music, even though I knew it couldn’t be heard by anyone, I proceeded with my feet as far as possible without making any noise.

And if you step outside slowly and shortly mowed grass, a crisp scent wraps me up that makes me want to inhale into a cup of chest.

The sound of the water flowing through the fountain is also pleasant to the ears.

I opened my hands and looked up into the sky. The colour of the sky that is likely to turn into the night sky. You must be able to see the full starry sky in a few moments.

I walked to the fountain and watched the sky for a while.


Once the circumference stops, the teacher’s ceremony begins. The first teacher was putting out a round clear glass ball that said he might see the future and show him the future that might be by the three students he wanted. Each reaction is different and I quite enjoy everyone around me, from bright-faced students to blue-faced students.

“Then let’s say we start my ceremony next. The guy who got hung up on this will only be a transparent person for a while. Now, to whom should I put this… oh, may I put it on the lady there”

Here is one teacher who was following her with his eyes as she walked out of the Great Hall.

Leonidas Bordon, who is in charge of classes for Nanaries and Rockmen. He’s been watching the classroom for six years, but every day he was famous by the other faculty as a caretaker.

A female teacher finds a good person from an acquaintance if she worries about the absence of a man, and if a friend is having trouble in a relationship, she tries to use her hand to solve the problem.

Originally, he likes to see things called people smiling, and therefore when he sees people who aren’t laughing or who are stuck doing so, he can’t help but move.

But he doesn’t even know why.

The only thing I can say is that he wants to entertain people and he loves the students in his classroom.

“Doctor! Master Alwes is just nice to women!

“That’s right!

A warrant surrounding him protested to Bordon, who said so when he saw Rockman. He feels sympathetic and envious that it’s something he’s blindly fond of.

But without changing his aim, he laughed at Rockman, who did not distort his complexion in any way.


“Be my guest.”

Rockman laughs back at Bordon so much.

There is usually room for this student that no other student has. From the standpoint of a teacher who knows everything, that was natural and difficult. And those of aristocracy who would know his year (…) age (…). There is no point in saying anything else about him on campus, and even rumors about it are forbidden. Because he also has something called honor.

Therefore, the person always strived to take the top in academia, and did not allow anyone to lose. Was it a good thing or a bad thing that he was chosen to be the closest in his life as an escort to the Third Prince?

Either way, as far as the six years he’s spent, Bordon wonders if they’ve been fulfilling.

“Come on, then.”

Bordon raised his hand with the word. At the next moment, Rockman’s figure disappears from the Great Hall with a bong of noise.

Those around him were blind. He called his name to look for him, or teased him. The ladies walk around the hall trying to find us first.

“Dr. Bordon, what have you done to him?

A female teacher introduced to him in the past sees Bordon with suspicious eyes. This man teacher is swinging at me, and now she’s worried about what she did to her students.

Because I was uncomfortable with the magic he put on.

That is not magic that becomes transparent, it is another magic. That magic doesn’t make normal noises.

I put it on without a spell, so I can’t identify it, but I slapped him on the shoulder wondering what the hell happened to Rockman.

“Hmm? Is that Rockman? Beautiful as a student.”

“Another extra thing…”

“Well, well. Well, let’s have some fun.”

When Bordon waved his finger, he began to launch many fireworks into the great hall saying that this was the real event to come.


Production at night.

It’s not cold outside and it’s easy to spend even in a dress with shoulders out.

The flowers in the backyard were beautiful. Even when it comes to school gardens, it looks like a professional gardener is taking care of them, so they are always in order to look at them. No white fountain, no colorful flowers, no extra one little ocean lamp with many beside the garden.

When I get home, I’ll even try to remodel the garden with my mother.

– Boom. – Boom.


From behind, I heard Bong and the sound of summoning the demon.


Turn around worried.


Behind me, there was for some reason Rockman standing alone. When the hell did you get here? He has a glass in his hand and looks at me with a very grumpy face.

… Why are you grumpy? I was dancing like a lot of fun earlier, but I wonder if there was something I didn’t like about it. And what brings you here?

Besides, I should have heard the sound of the use demon summons right now, maybe Rockman?

“Have you summoned Yuri now?

“… No, I didn’t”

Says Rockman with a busty look.

Then I wonder what that sound was…. but well, it doesn’t matter.

“Why did I come to you…”

“What? Speaking of which, why are you here? You were dancing like fun earlier.”

I sit on the edge of the fountain and face the immobile Rockman standing off the spot. I told him it was the next seat, but he talked decently enough, I’m sure, to count with both hands. Something kind of sentimental came up when I thought I was graduating already.

For the past six years, I’ve been desperately trying to take first place with myself and Rockman, who kept reigning in first place without even having me like that. It seemed long and really short.

If Rockman flames, I freeze it, and if I ice it, Rockman melts it. One step further and you will be returned one step, the perfect opponent as a good enemy.

Now it’s enough to have a verbal fight, and we’re not having a magical bump. I guess I should say I grew up in a good way, but for some reason, just a little bit. I was bored.

Besides, Rockman stopped calling me ‘you’. The tone is more polite than it used to be, although ‘Ice Woman’ or something is said when you’re having an occasional oral fight.

So, although not, I also started to fix the tone a little when talking. Man, try not to be speechless, in a girl tone as much as possible. Maybe it was because there was a little antagonism. Sometimes I was starting to hate it when he left me trying to grow up on my own.

“? Smells. It kind of smells like perfume.”


“He was surrounded there, so maybe he moved.”

There was an artificial scent, unlike that of grass and flowers. I smelled it since Rockman arrived, so maybe it’s the perfume the girls were wearing.

“… Speaking of which, don’t you call me stupid flames anymore?

That’s what he said and mocked as he rubbed the tip of his chin with one hand.

Is it because I said it smelled, or I’m going to poke at you. I don’t think you have a place like this yet.

“What. You’re the one who doesn’t call me stupid iced?

The loser and I say it back.

Rockman approached me one or two steps at a time, laughing with a slightly derogatory smile this time, saying, really oh, so to speak.

Are you gonna do an attack or something? and with both hands I pose for battle.

“Right, compete?

“What, yeah?

“Do the magic…”

My hips move away from the edge of the fountain and my body floats within the bounds of Rockman. The hem of the dress fluttered and swayed, hitting the waves like wind-blown curtains. The glass Rockman had in his hand also floats in the night sky and leaves his hand.

Suddenly I wonder what you’re going to say, the word ‘battle’ I haven’t heard in a long time. Sure, I was going to set it up, too, but when they say this, I feel close to clapping it out.

That’s why I wanted to complain about the floating magic that hung on me, but I completely forgot and was out of my mind.

“I heard you don’t like dancing, but if you’re floating, you’re fine.”


“Are you sure you want to keep losing to me? Even though it’s under me on grades and everything, even if I suck at dancing on top of it.”

This is, they’re selling fights… right?

That’s right. You don’t have to decide if you want to keep losing or not.

“A battle is a dance? Magically?”

“At the dance”


“Dance with me and I’ll see if you’re good or bad.”

The music of the Great Hall is leaking into this garden.

“This is the last song”


As he straightened his posture, he turned one hand back and bent his hips. And give me your other hand.

“Beautiful ice witch, can you dance with me”

If I had blinked at the behavior, I would have looked up bent over and smiled gently.


That was a look I had never seen before, and I almost fell behind unexpectedly, even though I was floating.

The other aristocratic children did do this, but I don’t know why. This one is more logical, I don’t know. It’s like standing on the same mound as Prince Zenon.

But what am I supposed to do with this hand?

He lifted his right hand softly as he was nagging.

“Put your hands on it”


If they lifted it so it stayed that way, now they wouldn’t tangle and grip to make sure each finger slowly.

It tickled a little.

Put one hand on my arm.

“Yeah, but”

‘Cause it’s okay.

He spun a glimmer with the momentum he was drawn to his hips.

Inevitably, the pale Bi dress swoops into the night breeze. My hands on my back were warm, and I exhaled.

Then a few seconds later, if you let out your right foot, which is floating unexpectedly when you quietly say, “Get your right foot out” in your ear, this time you go around the fountain facing each other like you’re taking steps.

Smooth, but loose.

Fall into the illusion that you are dancing freely in the dance hall.

But if you think about it, I’m not dancing myself. I just feel like Rockman is circling me to be rolled over the palm of my hand and I’m not good or bad.

No, it won’t be for sure. I wonder if they put their hands on my hips, and they immediately let me go and they crept under my arms.

I can’t get to the ground, I get fluffy and fluffy.


Night sky where the stars are likely to descend now.

I don’t have to worry about my feet stumbling because I’m floating, but for some reason I wanted to look down, not in the front or up.

Honestly, I don’t know where to look. So I try to open my mouth to talk about something, but I get lost instead of having the same atmosphere where I can tap a light mouth like I always do.

Every time I approached it, Rockman’s blonde hair hit my cheek. I was tickled and avoided my face, but I couldn’t touch my hair at a normal distance, and now I realize that we are very close.

“Think about it?”

The more my head sticks, the more I look at it.

My loose, slightly open lips and soft cleavage eyes looked at me.

I see, do aristocrats always dance so close together? How disgraceful.

“Heh, yeah. Kind of, you know, after graduation.”

“Are you sure you’re Hare?”

“When you graduate, it’s hard to see everyone,” he said.

“There’s no such thing as… being under the skies of the same kingdom.”

“I guess so.”

Unexpected or unexpected. Stuttering at myself for being able to speak to Rockman and decently pu (…) tong (…). I’ve never even called him by name, and I’ve never been called.

“Even if we can’t meet for a year, five, ten years, it doesn’t change that we were here.”

He turns his body in his arms again. It caught my eye that the white little flower that was attached to my hair was attached to Rockman’s golden hair. It’s crazy and makes me laugh a little.

Seeing me laughing like that, he pulls his face to his nose. Not a girl’s perfume for a moment. A warm scent went through my nose through my throat.


“I don’t like being laughed at”

My forehead made me eat my head poke.

I was alarmed, this is what he was!

“Damn, before I die, I’ll beat you once!

“Heh, yeah. I’ll think about it by the time I become a yo-yo master.”

“That’s not my grandma either!!

I couldn’t take first place this past year after all. Second place stop.

At the end of the day, I regret it, rather than, well, maybe it’s the other way around if it’s not like this, too.

I’ve been competing for years, but this order is probably the calmest in a way.

Again this year, the number one grader was Alwes Rockman.

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