I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World

Chapter 9

Until I can be a receptionist – 7

I’m in sixth grade.

He is 18 years old and nearing graduation.

Me and everyone were moving from the beginning of the school year toward graduation.

Miss Maris said she would inherit the Marquis family, so it seems that after graduation she will return to the nobility’s natural life. She said her parents would tell her how to run the territory and everything else. The Marquis said that I am the one, but the other girls are waiting for days to party and play when they get home.

They just have to contribute at least when it comes to war, etc., so the magic training will continue at your house.

He said that was also a kind of bridesmaid training.

Benjamin said he was going to start his life as a demon wrecker, so during his extended vacation he seemed busy going to Hare and studying the basics of demonic exorcism from a simple request, accompanied by your parents.

Nike trains his magical arms and body day and night to join the Knights of the Kingdom. I also occasionally hang out with special training, and before this, we did it to the point where we wore each other out.

Nike is becoming less and less relentless, so even as far as I’m concerned, I’m having fun doing it. The admission exam just took place a week ago and no results have yet been received. Good news or bad news seems to be bound to reach school, so me and Benjamin watching beside them was thrilling.

In my case, I was given a letter of recommendation to Hare in fifth grade, and that went brilliantly over there, so I am determined to work there after graduation. She was able to send me work descriptions and other materials around the beginning of the school year, so from then on, she had tapped them into her head in parallel with her six year study.

Looking at the material, the first item reads: “Hare is the place to offer work to demons.” Naturally, but I know that, too.

And the next item was the main job description.

First, the information management of the client who brings the request to Hare. Next, confirm with the client whether there are any deficiencies in the request details. And when it comes to the demonic exorcism system, based on the information received from the client side, this one has to go over the details of the request. It said what was happening in what places, what was happening to the terrain, and the price negotiations for the request were also the work carried out by Hare’s staff.

Because of his responsibilities as the provider of the job, the officials who go to the site before the demonstrators and go to check in with less information carry a risk to their lives.

And the reception I hope for is a task within that series, and it seems that mainly women work on a rotational basis. For one thing, even if I say reception, I need to know everything from what I asked to what the demons told me, so I need to do Hare’s work in general, even outside of reception.

So in order to become an employee of Hare, good wizard skills and intelligence are required. and.

… I see, that’s why I had to get top grades in school.

“My shoulder…”

Place the brush and extend your arms up. My shoulders were stiff. I’ve been here for two hours.

This library was supposed to be available only to sixth grade students after school until well before the lights out time in the dorm.

Looking at the clock, there’s still over an hour to that time. Then I guess I’ll rest my head for about thirty minutes.

If you look beyond the seat where you are sitting, when you came, you had about twenty students, but at some point, it was just me and the boys students standing in front of the bookshelf.

“Um, hel…”

If you were trying to exhale and rest your eyes, someone could talk to you.

“? What?

I shook my head gently and turned my sitting body to the side, where there was a boy with a book in one hand. He was the kid who was standing in front of the bookshelf earlier.

Sure, his name is Titos Hamilton, and he’s a classroom kid next door.

“Hell, next time if you like…”

“Next time?

“Next time.” Hey, Nanary! Were you here again?

Miss Maris came into the library whispering Hamilton’s voice. It’s the library, so I was wondering if I should be quiet, but since it’s just me and Hamilton, I decide not to care.

“Oh no, you haven’t forgotten your promise to me, have you?

“Hey, what is it?”

“I told you yesterday that I was waiting for you in my room because I would teach you to dance!?… Oh, what can I do for you?

Her red dress is burning with melameras.

A metaphorical expression, of course, but that was as much momentum. Originally, I’m sorry I forgot my promise.

“Uh, that.”

Hamilton, voiced by Miss Maris, mumbles.

Exactly, because he’s pathetic, he was talking to me until just now, and she honestly apologized, ‘I’m sorry for that.’ Although Miss Maris is a little misguided by her usual words and actions, the roots are serious girls, so I can like them.

“What’s wrong?

“Yes, no!

Hamilton, who apologized to her, has no extermination! So I rushed out of the library. Speaking of which, I wonder what he was going to say to me. I asked back, but in the end I couldn’t hear it till the end. But the fact that he’s gone, maybe it wasn’t even that important.

Miss Maris found me for now, so I clean up the book early. I looked mainly at the material, and the book was easily cleaned up because I only had one eye.

You shouldn’t have bothered to come here for this. You should have done it in your room, I can’t believe it, but it’s a shame to get out of here because it’s like coming here to get away from her.

“Don’t you like dancing that much?


If I get out of the library with the materials, she asks me if I don’t like dancing to her waiting at the door.

The hallway in front of me suddenly felt long.

The day after tomorrow.

Sixth grade students have something called an apophyty party before graduation. Simply put, it’s a graduation party.

They plan to use the big hall in the school that day and throw a big party, and everything from decorations to cooking to everything the teachers will be ready for. It’s a tough but pretty fun task, the teachers laughed and said.

Being the star, we change into a costume…… I mean, it’s a dress, but we change into it and come to the party.

Besides, there’s something about dancing a circus or something. But it’s individual freedom, and it seems that only those who want to dance should do so. But those who had the right person, and those who didn’t want to blur while their lovers were around, were desperate to find someone to dance with, for example, by finding a partner beforehand.

Everyone’s eyes glow like they did when they were holding back that offensive major-tech match.

“‘Cause you don’t have to dance…”


“My ear hurts!

Miss Maris’ voice echoes Keane on her eardrum.

‘Cause I’ve never talked, never danced in the first place. I didn’t think it was necessary for the future, and I don’t normally think I’m going to teach it unless I’m noble.

This was the first time in my life my mother bought me a dress because I was told it was mandatory…

So some teachers used their after-school time for those kids to hang out with them for dance practice. The tolerant children among the nobles say they teach their common people friends by gesturing. We’re very close.

As far as I’m concerned, I probably don’t want to dance, let alone like anyone else. I don’t dance if I don’t have to, and I want to concentrate on you if there’s going to be good food.

If I have time to dance to it, it is my idea that I want to spend my time after graduation, and I am not going to bend it. They’ll say he’s a bore though.

But even with so many like me, the party just siraches, so I was objectively pleasant to watch for the noise around me.

Where and who did you hear about me like that, all of a sudden you came to my seat and said, ‘I’ll teach you how to dance!’ And Miss Maris was sniffing yesterday after school.

I won’t do it, even if I say no, I’m quite persistent, and I’m being chased to this day in the end.

I saw Benjamin, who likes to talk about the Satanists, thoughtfully inviting him to his partner, though this was the last time. It was in the school backyard, and Nike and I, who happened to pass there, realized the situation and hid ourselves sassy. That’s when I fell and rubbed my knee kid off, but I was so thrilled that I didn’t feel that pain. I’m not even in person.

And with the results, she and he made a brilliant partner.

We both made fun of Benjamin back in the room, but you were really happy. His face was turning bright red, and we were watching it, too, and his face turned red.

“We don’t have time, so you’ll just remember the basics.”

“No way.”

“Hello, Pecha Pie.”

“Shut up!

I was the one who took great care of her guidance in the dorm room while Nike and Benjamin ended up watching me.

There are many sister attributes around me.


I’ll be at this school in a few days.

Today is free time in the name of self-study.

In a classroom without a teacher or something, they might have spoken awesome back in the day, but now they were all focused on what they were supposed to do and it was very quiet.

No one ever moved their seats, and they were getting to their seats and running their brushes pale on paper, or reading books.

I don’t leak into examples. I even read magic plant books. With all the knowledge in mind, there’s nothing I don’t understand! And as much as I can tell anyone, let’s learn what we can.

I have always been interested in magic plants, from nectar of flowers that instantly heal human wounds just by applying them to something called a cannibal plant that eats and grows people. There are even things that can’t help but wonder what the hell use they have, from poisonous to medicinal, and magical plants don’t see an end to it.

By the way, people whose magic type is the earth say they can grow that plant from the earth depending on the spell. They have a lot of that spell in the magic type specialty book of the land that says “Blood of the Earth,” but I regret it because it’s of no use where I’ve seen it.


When I tried to open the next page, one small piece of paper fell on top of the book.

That piece of paper that came to my desk dancing with leeches says something. I thought someone dropped it, but that’s impossible because this is the back seat. That would mean someone sent me a letter.

“Hell. After school, I want you to come to the backyard”

When I looked at the paper, it said so.

I didn’t write my name anywhere, and I don’t know who wrote it.


Then the other two fly up to me. If I wasn’t in a hurry to say what the hell, one of them went to Rockman and the other fell to me. He seems to have noticed, too, reading the letters on the paper. If I pulled my eyeballs to the edge to see what it said softly, I immediately felt my signs like that in my chest pocket…. okay, a little bit or so.

Gosh, I see another piece of paper that came to me. There,

“I’ll be waiting in front of the fountain after school today”

It said: And I don’t have a name again. What an unfriendly letter. If only I knew his name, I could go and ask him about something right now. But as much as I bothered to send you a letter, I wonder if it’s something I can’t talk about on this occasion…. No, it must be something I can’t talk about. Who is the kind of person who tells me such stories? This is not Miss Maris’ letter, and I can’t identify it.

The handwriting is not the same as what you just did.


I got two errands done after school.

I was studying because of it, but I can’t concentrate.

Even while I’m at it, a piece of casserole and paper fall on my head. Not again! And when I see the paper, I can do my third errand today.

When this happened, I grew angry with the Lord of this letter step by step. ‘Cause I hope you wrote about your name. Why not?

If this happens anymore, I’ll put the letters in their respective places and ‘I’m sorry because I have business to do’ and I’ll tone it down. I can’t go that way or this way, and even if I went to any one of them, I shouldn’t do the other two errands.

At the end of your self-study time, everyone leaves the classroom. That’s the end of today’s class, so whoever goes back to the dorm went to the dorm, and whoever else needs anything else went to their respective places. After I show my face to Nike that I will be late today, I write a no reply to the pieces of paper I prepared during my self-study, and put a spell on them and fly them to their respective places.

Phew, now you can’t manage to ignore it, can you?

“Dear Alwes! Please wait.”

And as I walked down the hallway to the library today, it caught my eye that an aristocratic girl was chasing Rockman on a small run. Pink dress draws beautiful waves.

Stopped by a voice calling himself, he stood still on the spot waiting for the girl to chase him.


“I, um…”

Lately, Rockman was more swarmed by women than usual. He doesn’t have any disgusting faces either, so I think it’s easy to lean on the basics. Anyway, he’s the one who says things like, “Girls have to take care of ’em,” or Ibo standing there looking serious and fine.

Then it’s like being told far away that I’m not a woman, so I’m a little upset.

“Dear Alwes, uh, could you come with me to the party?

That’s what I heard, and apparently the girl offered to be my partner.

I get a little concerned and listen.

A student passing nearby looked at me with suspicious eyes, so I whistled and twisted my neck. I didn’t do anything.

“I’m not going with anyone, but I’d love to dance with you. It’s just, you know, it’s gonna be later because you’re making promises to other kids, but still?

“I don’t mind!

The girl ran out.

According to Miss Maris, inviting men from women was an embarrassing act in the social world. But because it’s a school party that has nothing to do with the parents, the house, or the public, the last thing they want to regret is that they’re desperate.

What about Maris like that? When I heard that, I booked a third one, and he said proudly. If I spoke of that character of hers, I wouldn’t normally like the third. I guess not making you feel that at all means you really wanted to dance with that rock man, which made me cry.

I think that guy is a lot of sinners, too. Not only me, but the next time Miss Maris makes me cry, I won’t just.


Party day.

I woke up after noon because I slept late yesterday. I’m dazzled by the day I shove it through the window. I woke up, but I didn’t wake up on my own. Nike and Benjamin beat me up. You will never forget the success of Benjamin’s leg, which showered me full of kicks, as he kept sleeping despite being dropped from bed…. Ouch.

“Ah, it’s sappy”

We shower and dry our hair. I left the dress on the bed because it hasn’t come up yet.

The party is just two hours away. It is an unspeakable time to say that there is plenty of time… so there is no rush.

I comb Benjamin’s hair with a hammer and do the magic of tying my hair as I look at the book. I imagined the three of us would try it out, wondering if that might be a good idea. The truth is, I’ve been talking about this haircut for days and stuff, but I figured it was the woman that bothered me just before. Still, I managed to decide what suited her and I could give her the perfect makeup…. Although Nike did most of the makeup.

Nike’s better. I did the magic on her hair, and Benjamin politely did her makeup. They both had good finishes, they were originally beautiful, and now they’re divine like goddesses. I’m so dazzled, my eyes tickle.

“Look, you’re next.”

Um, and I hid my eyes with both hands, and now it’s Nanary’s turn, she said.

Well, now that you two are done, is it my turn?

“Watery hair, it’s always beautiful to see”

Nike takes my hair.

“Uh-huh, which hairstyle do you think is good? I put it down all the time, so it might be a good idea to show a nod. How’s Nike?

“Let’s braid the back and let it drip a little before. And if your hair is this color, it’s also ant to plug little white flowers in sparsely.”

“That could be good!

It keeps progressing without asking my opinion. Sounds like a lot of fun, more importantly. If you two enjoy it, that’s all I need.

Are you done with your hair, now Nike moves in front of me and takes out your makeup tools.

“Then meditate your eyes”

The feeling of hair slipping on the skin is dull.

“I just wanted to put makeup on Nanary’s face for once. You don’t always let me do it, no more.”

“Uh, because”

“But it’s good to have this party. Thanks to you, we were able to put our hands on Nanary’s sunshine.”


He says a lot of things.

When we finished makeup, we changed into the dress we left on the bed. Benjamin had an elegant purple dress, perfect for red hair. Nike goes well with blonde hair in a bright yellow dress. I was a light blue dress and my mother chose something to match the color of my eyes.

I’ve never worn a dress with such open shoulders or a long hem, so the opposite is soggy than the shorter length. Besides, when I thought I was going to have to wear high heeled shoes, I also thought it was hard for noblemen to be out of place.

“See you later.”

We’ll make a final check with each other and get out of the dorm room.

Benjamin, who is making a promise to Satanas, split up to go to the men’s dorm, and Nike was invited by Nike again, so he headed to the meeting place. In doing so, they said, ” If you do something weird, freeze it right away. Right? ” But what is that weird thing?

I want you to tell me specifically.

With all that doubt, I headed to the venue alone.

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