I Want to be a Superstar

v4 Chapter 1170 - Yes and Curry, epoch-making players who changed basketball!

In the NBA, every game needs to be taken seriously, even if the Seattle SuperSonics have become like they are now.

Thirteen consecutive games have beaten the opponent out fifty-eight.

Although Yees and the Seattle SuperSonics players were very arrogant when facing their opponents during the interview.

Even when I was training, I never avoided this season, all were open to the world.

This can be said to be the equivalent of a clear card in the NBA.

This is already a maddening behavior.

But Ye Si knew that he and his supersonic speed had always been quite cautious deep down.

The madness on the outside, the drifting on the outside and the cautiousness on the inside, and the steadiness on the inside are not at all contradictory.

In this regard, the supersonic players around him are doing very, very well.

Durant, Leonard, James Harden, Antetokounmpo…

Of course, his teammates are not deep-minded people, they are purely prudent, which he can still see.

But his big disciple.

To be honest, the disciples he educated were not without personalities, but there were none with such personalities as Curry.

Curry is sometimes more flying than Nick Young.

However, thinking of Curry’s talent, Ye Si can understand.

When you have the talent to feel your hand, are you sure you will not float?

Curry has no system and cannot see the numbers of his hand, but he can always feel his hand in the game. In this case, even when there is no teaching by Ye Si, there is no worship. When Si was a teacher, his body instinctively allowed him to practice faster shots, better grasp this talent, and better grasp the hand feeling he felt.

At that time, Curry’s style of play and his character had already been transformed by his talent.

After learning from Ye Si, after Ye Si gave him targeted teaching on his talents, Curry became more aware of his talents, and in the same way, his flying personality became even more flying.

The talent ‘I can see the hand’ is a talent that makes people fly, and if you don’t fly, you can’t control this talent.

In the same way, Rondo’s talent is a talent that makes people yin and hurts people. If you are not yin or not, you can’t use this talent.

And Kobe’s ‘I’m Stubborn’ talent, doesn’t it also transform Kobe’s stubbornness? If you are not stubborn, you can’t control this talent either.

Phil Jackson hopes Kobe will not be so stubborn, he is about to kneel to Kobe, isn’t Kobe still getting more and more stubborn?

He even used his own stubbornness to develop this talent to the second level, perhaps even higher.

Curry is very floating, and is very fond of eating or not playing.

This made Ye Si very distressed sometimes, especially after this year’s championship, the Warriors lost to the Cavaliers, Ye Si was also quite uncomfortable.

But Ye Si and other media reporters or fans always complain about the difference in Curry.

He had never complained about Curry’s drifting, he didn’t even deliberately let Curry become dignified.

Ye Si also has this talent, Ye Si knows it very well.

No need for him to make Curry dignified.

When Curry’s talent is developed to LV2 and he can feel the talent of his teammates, he will naturally not be so “poisonous”.

When he developed this talent to LV3 and could feel the hand of his opponent, he was naturally dignified and even wise.

This talent of Curry, the characteristic of the first stage, is floating!

The most agile floating in the world.

When Curry is no longer floating, either he has fallen, or his talent has been promoted.

Therefore, every time Curry was hurt because of his drifting, and the team was hurt, Yesh did not criticize him like the fans or the media, and asked him to change his style of play and style of play.

Instead, he still encourages Curry to continue his instinct. Ye Si doesn’t want Curry to fall. He has such a talent. If he can’t float and drift all the way to LV2, he is forced to castrate his talent, that’s too Pity.

If Curry didn’t meet him, Curry might suffer successive blows because of the characteristics of this talent, and he might eventually change himself, give up or castrate his talent.

But since I met him, since he is his apprentice, Ye Si certainly didn’t want this to happen.

Therefore, after this year’s finals, even if Yers, like other Warriors fans or media reporters who supported the Warriors, was mad at Curry and wanted to play Curry’s PP, in the end, Yers’s words to Curry were.

“Persist in being yourself, a person who is changed by others, is equivalent to giving up your own life. Your life can be longer and better.”

This year’s finals was the biggest setback for Curry in his life.

The setbacks he suffered in the two years in the NCAA, the MOP won to Thompson in the third year of the NCAA team, and the NBA championship that his team won last year. The finals MVP gave Yao Ming and Beasley a greater setback. .

Even through the phone and thousands of miles away, Ye Si could feel the despair of Curry, and Ye Si could really feel that Curry really wanted to give up his agility and specialness and make himself mediocre.

I can see that the talent of hand feel is a double-edged sword-like talent for Curry.

Curry is different from him, Curry’s ‘seeing the hand’ is different from his ‘seeing the hand’.

As Curry’s teacher, he certainly knows what Curry’s ‘seeing the hand’ is all about.

Curry can feel the change in his hand during the game.

Suppose the jitter of the hand feel is 35…… 36…… 40…… 60…… such jitter.

Curry wouldn’t know the specific value of his hand feeling.

He can only feel that when his hand is beating to 60, he can feel strongly that his hand is much better than before.

Curry’s body will instinctively throw the basketball on his hand at this point.

Even if it is a few meters away from the three-point line, even if the defender in front can interfere with his shot, he will throw the shot on his hand.

The final result, of course, is a bang!

Curry’s “I can see the feel” allows him to screen out most of the shot points that feel the best in a night’s game, but he doesn’t know the specific talent of this shot point.

And because the timing of these good shots is very random, many of Curry’s shots appear very random.

It makes people want to hit someone.

Curry himself sometimes feels bad.

If it hadn’t been for Yeth’s encouragement, Curry would have given up on his own.

Of course, Curry also understood if Yes encouraged him.

After all, if the best shot point he feels comes, he will give up because the defense is great and it is not suitable for offense. Then suppose the feel of the shot point is 90 or 100?

Is he giving up too?

Even the feel of 80 is quite good for Curry’s shooting ability.

If Curry gives up these, then his talent ceiling and his ceiling will be greatly reduced.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Si is not willing to see Curry give up.

For Ye Si, who knows the development of this talent, he knows that after this talent is upgraded to LV2, it is the difference between heaven and earth.

When Curry can feel the touch of his teammates, he has a reference. Even if there is no system and no specific numbers, he has a reference.

How powerful will it be when a Curry who can feel his hand and has a reference object?

For such a library, the system and specific numbers have no meaning for the library.

Therefore, for the sake of his own apprentice, even if the apprentice encounters no amount of criticism, Ye Si is willing to help Curry withstand the pressure, and continue to support him behind Curry and support him.

Even after the end of this year’s finals, the Warriors coach Cole wanted to deprive Curry of a large part of the ball and was ready to transfer a large part of the ball from Curry to Green.

From Curry master Green times, become Green master Curry times.

As the team’s head coach, Kerr’s choice is not wrong. He doesn’t know how Curry feels. What he sees more is that Curry’s possession of the ball sometimes hurts the team too casually. He wants to The ball has been transferred more to the more stable Green, which is really no problem.

However, if this is really successful, it means that Curry, who lost the ball, will be imprisoned in LV1 forever. Even if Curry is willing to accept it, Ye Si is absolutely unwilling to see such cruel things happen.

In the end, he came forward and asked coach Romar to recall Steve Kerr. After he criticized Kerr severely, he gave up the idea.

This is to tell Cole that Curry is not a person without a backstage. Don’t always think that Curry has a good personality and is good for bullying. Just put Curry’s wool on and work hard instead of using Curry not to hold the ball to make the team stronger. , Why not let Green practice his shooting?

In this year’s finals, Green’s shooting can be a little more accurate, and the Warriors will not lose.

Curry is the eldest disciple of Yes, and Leonard is his little disciple.

Although he has many disciples, these two are undoubtedly what he cares most about.

Even he was more attentive to Curry than to Leonard.

It’s just a lot of hard work that others don’t know.

“Master, thank you.”


Just as Ye Si was thinking about these messy things, Curry, who had turned around and was about to leave after chatting with him, stopped and said to him.

I don’t know if Curry felt Ye Si’s current doubts, and Curry turned his head back to Ye Si, and the smile on his face was all grateful.

“Master, thank you for your silent support and encouragement over the years. Without you, I would have given up either actively or passively.”

“I’m not a smart apprentice. I have been following the master for seven years, only to understand the master’s painstaking efforts, and also understand the master’s hard work more persistently than me.”

“In this game, I don’t just want Kawhi to know who is the master, I will also surprise the master.”

“I will let the master know that the master’s support for me over the years is worthwhile. Although my growth is slow, I have only grown in seven years, but my growth will never let the master down!”


Seeing Curry’s back still flying when he left, Ye Si’s face was still surprised.

At this time, Curry, who had forgotten his coaching bench and walked over, had a tangled expression on his face.

“Obviously, this game will give the master a surprise!”

“Why can’t I help it? I told the master so much and so much!”

This season, Curry has endured it for a long, long time.

This huge defeat in this year’s finals was on the verge of giving up, and the master’s support once again allowed him to continue to persevere.

And this time the biggest failure in history finally made him see something different from this deadwood.

In the past seven years, how many failures has he encountered?

He couldn’t count it himself.

If it weren’t for the master, he would have been completely numb and bewildered everyone.

When he failed this time, with the support and hard work of his master, he finally stepped into that brand new field. Only then did he know how much he had received from his master.

That is a whole new field.

After entering this field, Curry even felt that even if his 2k value was only 94, let alone 94, even 90, he would be able to pierce this sky!

Even his invincible master can be defeated!

He certainly knew that his junior brother had been recognized as a super giant first.

However, this is just a mere super giant!

In my brand new library, any super giant in this world is my supporting role!

Like the master, I will revolutionize the entire NBA and basketball world!

There are not many super giants in the NBA, but not many.

However, there are very few epoch-making players who have changed the entire NBA and basketball. They are just a few of the masters and so on!

I, Stephen Curry, will become the second epoch-making player in active service after becoming a master!

Kawhi, it’s just that I held back for so long, endured so long, and proved myself a stepping stone in front of the master!

In this game, my real goal is the master!

He had endured it all the time, and didn’t tell the master anything about this new world.

He has been waiting. This game gave the master a surprise before telling the master.

“Well, let’s just say it anyway. Although there is no more sudden attack, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, Master Xi’an doesn’t know what this new world is like, the new world of LV2!”

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if you remind the master in advance.

“In case, in this game, I beat the master and the supersonic too hard, will the master lose face?”

He still wanted to see the master, who was always like a god, slumped in front of him.


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