I Want to be a Superstar

v4 Chapter 1171 - The peak battle of personal honor, unbelievably continued...

If there are two teams in the NBA that have the best relationship, there is no doubt that everyone will say that they are the Sonics and the Warriors.

Nelson, the head coach of the Seattle SuperSonics, is a former head coach of the Warriors. He has coached the Warriors for seven years and is one of the most popular head coaches in Golden State.

And the head coach of the Golden State Warriors, Steve Kerr, was born at the University of Washington and is a direct descendant of Seattle. Now that Nelson is aging, Kerr has always been the next head of the SuperSonics of major gambling companies. The coach’s number one favorite.

In addition, the Warriors boss Beasley and the Sonics second Durant are childhood sweethearts’righteous brothers’, and the Warriors second Curry is the apprentice of the Seattle Supersonic boss Yesh and the Warriors’ big brother. Yao Ming is the idol of Seattle SuperSonics boss and the national teammate.

In addition, the youngest of the Warriors Klay Thompson and James Harden of the Sonics have carried the gun together and beeped the relationship between the brothers together.

For example, Ray Allen, another big brother of the Warriors, is the former supersonic boss, and a very special former boss. Seattle has always remembered Ray Allen even now.

This is not to mention the relationship between senior brothers like Curry and Leonard, and senior and younger brothers like Eric Bledsoe and Rondo.

The Seattle SuperSonics are the hottest team in the league this season, and the Golden State Warriors are the hottest team in the league in the past three years.

One is the biggest demon this season, the other is one of the three brave men this season.

The collision of these two teams together, the public opinion outside can be imagined how excited and excited, how crazy the expectations for this game.

According to the warm-up and investigations of TNT and many American television organizations on this game, this game may create a new high in the regular season ratings this season.

Although the opening battle between Cavaliers and Supersonics was crazy, the ratings were also high.

But at that time was the first game of the season for the Seattle SuperSonics, the return battle of Yesh.

In that game, many spectators did not come back.

After the constant madness of Yesh and the Supersonics, these talents are following the trend of the world and returning to the team again.

The Seattle SuperSonics’ attention is now much greater than the first game at the beginning of the season.

And this game between the Sonics and the Warriors is definitely one of the most important games of the Seattle Sonics regular season this season.

However, unlike what the outside world expects of this game, the harmonious relationship between the two sides before the start of this game is really not the slightest tension when the war comes.

The players between the two teams hook up one by one, chat and laugh, and even make people think that this is just an ordinary regular season.

There is not even a plot between the devil and the brave.

So let alone the ordinary audience in front of the TV, even David Stern, who came to the scene, saw the faces of players constantly appearing on the big screen, and the expressions on his faces were slightly surprised.

The players of the two teams are really quite relaxed now!


The players of these two teams are really star-filled!

When he saw the players who were swept on the big screen, and listened to the introduction of the players who were swept by the live DJ, David Stern was secretly speechless.

“This game between the Seattle SuperSonics and the Golden State Warriors, even in the history of the NBA, will be a contest destined to be recorded in history. Because of this game, there have been six games for the first time in NBA history. The most popular regular season MVPs are playing on the same field. Yes, Durant, Rondo, Curry, Beasley, Yao Ming, Kenny, in your memory, there have been six games in the history of the NBA. The peak regular season MVP?”


The atmosphere in Oracle Arena is not very violent, but it is still very warm.

Kenny Smith shook his head without any hesitation after being asked this question by Barkley.

Six regular season MVPs in one game!

The lineup of these two sides is simply against the sky, OK!

The 2008 regular season MVPs were Ye Si and Yao Ming.

The 2009 regular season MVPs are Yes, Kobe, and O’Neal.

The 2010 regular season MVPs were Yes, Durant, and Rondo.

The 2011 regular season MVP is Yao Ming.

The 2012 regular season MVP is Beasley.

The 2013 regular season MVP was Curry.

In the past six years, there have been eight regular season MVPs in the NBA. In addition to Kobe and O’Neal, six of them appeared in this game.

It can even be said that this game has all the regular season MVPs of the NBA in the past six years!

And Yao Ming, Durant, Rondo, Yes, Beasley, and Curry are more than six regular season MVPs.

Ye Si is still the third FMVP!

Durant is a two-time FMVP!

Yao Ming, Beasley and Rondo are the first FMVPs!

Except for Curry, the other five MVPs are all MVP+FMVP honorary grand slams, and they are all ranked in the top 20 in NBA history!

“There are five top 20 players in NBA history in one game!”

According to the latest ESPN rankings in history, Yesh is the first in NBA history, Yao Ming is eleventh, Durant is 13th, Beasley is 18th, and Rondo is 19th.

Although, except for Yes, the other four people are relatively late in the top 20.

Even if it is further behind, it is also the top 20 in NBA history!

Although it is only ranked by ESPN, ESPN’s ranking is still very convincing, because of these five players, Yesh is the MVP+FMVP three times in the same year, Rondo, Beasley and Durant all have an MVP+ in the same year. FMVP, although Yao Ming did not have MVP+FMVP in the same year, he did have 2 MVP+1 FMVP.

This is a hard honor to make it into the top 20!

Because of such hard honors, even if Rondo has been so black in the past three years, ESPN dare not black out Rondo from the top 20 in history.

A player who has won the MVP+fmvp+ scoring king in the same year, plus the league regular season and playoffs triple-double, and the triple crown core, such an honorable player, you can’t black it out.

Just like Popovich, no matter how old he is, no matter how old he has dementia, there is no way to black out him from the top ten greatest coaches in NBA history. There is no way to erase the hard honor of winning three championships with the Spurs. To go.

Therefore, this game between the Sonics and the Warriors is really the coach with the highest personal honor in NBA history.

All players in this game add up to a total of 9 MVPs and 8 FMVPs!

“From the perspective of personal honor, this game is the pinnacle of NBA history!”

Even Kenny Smith had to admit this.

Perhaps in his mind, the Sonics and Cavaliers are the strongest contests in NBA history.

But the most honorable contest is undoubtedly the Supersonic and the Warriors.

After all, the Cavaliers have an FMVP for James.

James’ historical status is now only twentieth, one place lower than Rondo, who played as a substitute for the Seattle SuperSonics.

Of course, a peak matchup of personal honours like the SuperSonics and the Warriors may no longer be able to find such two opponents in the history of the NBA, but can such two opponents play a peak match of their personal honours? ?

For this, Kenny Smith is still very suspicious.

Of course, the warm-up is over at this time. Of course, all the Warriors and Supersonic players who appeared on the court would not care that the commentaries of various countries around the world are introducing the honors they are carrying now.

To be honest, besides Yao Ming, the oldest of the other six players is Rondo, only a little over 27 years old.

There is no time to consider historical status.

For them, the opponents in this game are more important than these honors.

For example, Beasley was watching Durant all the time.

For example, at this time, Yao Ming looked at Ye Si with a smile on his face.

And Curry, of course, was staring at Leonard.

As for Klay Thompson, he naturally stared at his ‘Brother’ James Harden.

And Antetokounmpo and Dreaming Green, the two are watching Mung Bean.

Well, the place where the two people look at each other is still in the middle circle.

Although Yao Ming is the starting center of the Golden State Warriors, Yao Ming’s jump ball level…

In order to prevent the team from being hit by a counterattack and fast break, Kerr can be regarded as Yao Ming’s face, and Yao Ming has no longer needed to jump the ball.

The jump ball representing the Warriors is Chasing Dream Green, the shortest jumper in the NBA.

I have to say, Cole is still very good at playing.

Of course, although Green is a little shorter, he is very flexible, and his reaction and bullet speed are also acceptable, so his jump ball performance is not bad, not as bad as imagined.

Moreover, he also likes to use some small movements when jumping the ball, so the power is even more powerful.

Faced with Antetokounmpo’s jump ball this time, chasing dreams is like using his’glare’ to make Antetokounmpo’shy’ and’fear’, so that Antetokounmpo falls into a petrification effect.

It’s just that Chasing Dream is a little embarrassing that he, a younger brother of the University of Washington, faces his anger. He is neither shy nor fearful. Naturally, he is not petrified, but he keeps grinning silly. Those two rows of white teeth full of youthful breath made the dream chasing a little dizzy.

The strategy failed and Green could only use his own strength to be slammed by Antetokounmpo. The Seattle Supersonics won the first wave of the game.

The Warriors were not surprised by the failure of the dream jump ball, and the speed of returning to defense was quite amazing.

After the jump ball was over, Greene even stayed in place as a defender just like the Seattle SuperSonics’ five small tactics after the jump ball ended.

“The Golden State Warriors and the Seattle SuperSonics have a lot of similarities!”

“Whether it’s this kind of in-situ defense after jumping the ball, or the obsession with perimeter players’ one-on-one defense, the Golden State Warriors and the Seattle SuperSonics are almost the same!”

As two teams playing five minors in the league, the Sonics have been looting for so long this season, and the Warriors used their five minors for so long last season. Now naturally there will be many people comparing the Sonics and the Warriors. The similarities and differences.

One of the most similar points is that both teams are very obsessed with one-on-one defensive defense.

Whether facing Kobe, Anthony or James, as long as these people are on the outside, they will never double-team.

No one doubles.

Even if Kobe faced them and broke the regular season and playoff scoring records, he would never double-team!

At this point, the Warriors and the Supersonics are extremely similar.

And this is one of the reasons why James and Anthony or Kobe can always play such amazing numbers when facing the Warriors.

And this time, after the Warriors failed to jump the ball, Dreaming Green defended on the spot, and the player he was about to face was Yesh, who is now holding the ball!

Watching Dream Chasing Green’s hands slap, a man bows in the middle circle, and no one of the other Warriors players wants to help defend. Everyone follows the previous defensive arrangement to find other supersonic players or go. The basket protects the inside. Many viewers in front of the TV who have not watched the Warriors game will be quite surprised by the Warriors’ defense.

“It’s fine if the Warriors don’t plan to double-team Yes. They don’t even plan to delay. Are they even going to make Chaimeng and Yes one-on-one?!”

This is indeed incredible for many NBA spectators returning this season.

The reputation of Chasing Dreams is still great. After they returned to watch the NBA, they also knew Chasing Dreams was the best defensive player for the two consecutive seasons.

“Does Dream Chasing really have the ability to defend Yes one-on-one?!”

“Is this best defensive player really better than Bowen?!”

Seeing the self-confidence of Chasing Dream and the Warriors, many people in front of the TV were full of expectations.

Especially Chasing Dream’s current defensive posture, not to mention it’s really impressive.

Although the 1.98-meter-high Dream Chaser does not seem to be much taller than Yes, his physique is quite broad, and Yes, he is still one of the thinnest players in the entire NBA.

Ye Si knows that his power is great, but his physique is very small, and such a small physique can contain so much power. Many people have always regarded it as a miracle that cannot be miraculous.

Therefore, although Dreamcatcher Green doesn’t seem to be much taller than Yes, his broad physique really feels like an eagle catching a chick with one pair of hands and a stride.

Seeing Ye Si getting closer and closer to him, the expression on Dreaming Green’s face was very excited.

Defending directly after the jump ball, he was not sent out by the team and Cole, he was a cannon fodder!

Yes is strong!

In this world, no one can defend one-on-one Yes!

Yes is now the legend of the NBA, the legend of the basketball world!

As a student at the University of Washington, he knew more clearly what this legend meant.

Even when he and Curry and Clay were in Washington for a few years, when they were learning the Five Minor Tactics, Yes was the teacher and apprentice. It was not Master Romar who taught them, but Yes taught them!

It can be said that although the relationship between them and Yes is not a master-disciple relationship like Curry, it is still a half-teacher relationship.

In the past, in their minds, Yesh really was a god-like existence!

Now, when their strength is strong enough, respect is of course still very respectable.

But chasing dreams, I still want to challenge the **** in my mind!

It doesn’t matter even if he is defeated by the **** in his heart.


“No one can beat me easily now. Kobe can’t, James can’t, Anthony can’t, and Yes can’t!”

Chasing Dream Green’s defensive momentum can be felt even across the TV screen.

Watching Green’s current posture on TV, James’ face went dark.

In this year’s finals, this kid has been clamoring for LeBron James to face him.

This year’s finals, the Warriors lost to the Cavaliers, the most dissatisfied is this kid.

This makes James very dislike.

But one thing he has to admit is that this kid’s defense is really strong.

The best defensive player in the NBA in the past two years.

This is not due to the Warriors’ defense so that the opponents score less. In fact, the Warriors’ opponents actually score a lot.

Green’s two best defensive players are not because of the Warriors’ overall defense, but his personal strength.

Green can be said to be the most defensive player in the league now.

He can defend from position one to position five, and he is not the kind of fake handle from one to five, but from one to five, and he can defend alone and assist, and he can defend against powerful ones. Fast, proficient in cutting **** and blocks.

If Green has many shortcomings on the offensive end, but on the defensive end, he is almost perfect.

Whether it is outside players or inside players in the entire league, not only James, Kobe, McGrady, and even Oden, are reluctant to beat him or face him.

Because this guy’s defense is too comprehensive.

Whether you are playing technology, speed, power, or other methods, it is basically ineffective for him.

In the end, you can only get entangled with him.

Neither he, Kobe nor Anthony, are unwilling to get into entanglement with such a person.

“Yes did not intend to pass the ball, nor did he intend to call a screen!”

James’ eyes flickered.

“Yes, I’m afraid I don’t know how difficult this guy’s defense is in the past three years, and he is really ready to face Green!”

Seeing that Yesh was not calling screens and not preparing to pass the ball, when he was about to chase his dream head-on, Cole, who was sitting on the bench on the sidelines, gave a cry.

At this time, the dream chasing on the court became even more exciting.

After Ye Si passed the middle circle, he rushed towards Ye Si with a howl.

“Whether it is a breakthrough or a dry pull, it is impossible!”


“You have no way to go back!”

The moment Yes stepped past the half-court, his defense came, but he calculated it carefully!

The opposite is Yes, the **** in his heart, he will not have the slightest underestimation, Yes and LeBron James are completely different opponents!

“not good!”

Therefore, seeing the dream-catching time card pounce on Yees so well, the Supersonic players on the court and Barkley on the sidelines were a bit bad.

“Master won’t be as happy as me when he comes up?”

Even Curry, who is always happy on the court~www.mtlnovel.com~, has his eyes lit up.

Dream Chasing has compressed the space of the master to the extreme!

The master has nowhere to escape!

Crotch! Crotch! Crotch! Crotch!

Bad luck!

Change direction! Change direction!

In the stunned world, Dreamcatcher Green, who was still right in front of Ye Si just now, was staggered to the right of Ye Si.

At this moment, Ye Si had already jumped high after receiving the ball on the spot.

“how can that be?!”

The expression on Green’s face, who turned and fluttered in the air, was not excited but sluggish!

So slow, so leisurely, he was deceived so far by Yes’s incredible dribble but there was no way!

Yes didn’t move, but he flew by himself!

Such a small space, such a small space!

Chasing Dream Green felt like his head exploded at this moment, and even now he couldn’t figure out how he was tricked into flying!

Not touched!

The basketball thrown by Yesh went over the fingertips of Dreamcatcher Green.

At this moment, the Oracle Center, which was still noisy just now, has silently dropped the needle.

It’s not just the Oracle Center.

All the spectators watching the game, including Irving in New York, at this moment Kyrie Irving not only stared in shock, but even put his hands on the TV.

As a ball-handling master who has always been extremely confident in his own ball handling, he is the same as an ordinary audience. At this moment, all of his mind is just taking a series of incredible dribbles just now!


The crisp sound of basketball netting pulled the silent world back from the incredible.

Three points in the middle circle!

The audience drawn back from the incredible has entered into another incredible…

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