I Want to be a Superstar

v4 Chapter 1215 - Dumbfounded Curry!

28 points!

In the three-pointer contest with a perfect score of 30, only one colored ball was lost!

Yes Memorial Arena exploded instantly after a brief silence!

“This TM is too strong?!”

Not to mention the audience, even the All-Stars on the sidelines, at this time, are very incredible looking at Curry who is challenging Yeth at this time.

Unbelievable, unbelievable, at this time the entire Yes Memorial Arena, the whole world watching the game in front of the TV are all admiring Curry’s performance.

“The previous game between Kobe and Durant, Nowitzki and Leonard, I thought it was a three-pointer between the superstars. I can do it with me. Now, after watching Curry’s performance, I think I Really can not.”

This year’s All-Star Weekend is such a grand party, how could there be no other active players next to it.

To be fair, Kobe Durant’s performance before the three-pointer contest was really shameful. During the game, you were so accurate. Why did you pull your hips in such a somewhat performance-oriented occasion?

Forget about other people pulling their hips, Durant has not known how many times they have pulled their hips in the All-Star three-pointer contest.

Knowing this a long time ago, we will fight for reasons, and try it anyway.

Maybe, we can still get the most watched three-pointer in the history of the All-Star Weekend this time.

However, Curry’s performance now severely shattered their thoughts.

With Curry’s performance, who can do it? !

“28 points, the highest score in the three-pointer contest so far!”

“Even if it was Yes, he couldn’t do it!”

Curry’s performance even Barkley was quite excited.

Because Yesh’s highest score in the three-pointer contest was 25 points.


“Although Curry’s 28 points is the highest score in the history of the three-pointer contest, and 25 goals are just one goal lost, there is still a slight gap between Curry’s performance and Yes.”

After marveling at Curry, Barkley said with a smile.

Kenny Smith and O’Neal next to Barkley also agree.

28 points is very strong, the strongest in history.

But, do you still remember the incredible performance of Yes in the 2007 All-Star three-pointer contest?

Preliminaries, 20 goals in a row, 24 points to reach the final!

In the final, when the opponent scored 24 points and needed 25 points to win the championship, a total of 21 goals were shot, 21 goals in a row, 25 points to win the championship!

Throughout the three-pointer contest, no point was lost!

41 of 41 three-pointers!

Therefore, in the 2007 three-pointer contest, Yesh’s performance is also known as the craziest three-pointer performance in history.

“Although Curry’s performance is not the strongest in history, it is possible to force the strongest in history. In the 2007 three-pointer contest, the opponent was too weak. Yes only shot 20 goals in the preliminaries and only shots in the final. With 21 goals, he won without even playing his full strength. This time, Yes wants to beat Curry, wants the Sonics to enter the finals, wants to win the three-pointer, and must show all his strength. , Hit all 25 goals in 1 minute!”

“Of course, 29 shots lost a goal, 29 points can also enter the final, but this means that Yes’s strength has also been tested, he did not get 30 points or stronger strength, after the 2007 three-pointer contest, Yes There may not be all the hits that make people think.”

Although Kenny Smith recognized that Barkley said that the 2007 All-Star Jess three-point game performance was the craziest in history.

However, he now does not think that Yesh is the strongest in history.

In 2007, Ye Si’s shot was too slow. Although all hits, but the score is not high, if Ye Si increases the speed, can he hit all?

This is difficult to say.

If Yes can’t hit all, then Yes’s three-pointer strength is about the same as Curry, and at most it is a little bit stronger.

The incomparable space created by Yes in 2007 is naturally disillusioned.

So, he is really very happy for Curry now.

“Not only will it let us see the strongest Yes, but also let us see the strongest three-pointer!”

The strongest Yes is that Yes has completed 30 consecutive hits.

The strongest three-pointer can’t even be done by Yes. Curry’s three-pointer is the strongest three-pointer in NBA history.

For the audience, no loss.

“We can also beat the Sonics in this three-pointer contest!”

Kobe and the All-Star team players are very excited now.

Skills Challenge Wade has won the championship.

If you win the three-pointer contest again, it will be two consecutive victories!

More importantly, the three-pointer contest is the most promising for the Sonics to win tonight.

If the Sonics loses even the three-pointer contest, then tonight will completely become the stage for the league’s All-Star performance.

“Tonight we can shave a bald head for the Sonics!”

Before the start of the All-Star Game, shaving the supersonic bald head in the All-Star Weekend Skills Game will greatly improve the league team!

“Stephen, good job!”

When Curry got off the court, everyone congratulated him and gave him high fives.

No way, he missed one. This performance was invincible.

This result, even if it is Yes, I am afraid that it will not be able to win.

It is even impossible to win with a high probability.

However, Curry, who was congratulated by the All-Stars of the league, didn’t have the same excitement on his face when he challenged Yesh on the court.

Because his master, the one who can always create miracles, hasn’t done anything yet.

A score of 28 points is enough for others.

But for his master, it was not enough.

In fact, he feels very good tonight. If it weren’t for his sudden mental relaxation due to the constant continuous hitting at the time, he could even hit all of them this time.

But there is no way to lose consciousness suddenly and mentally.

In this world, only his master, Yes, can be like a machine on the court, and his strength is not affected by any negative emotions.

Speaking of which is also a very magical thing.

His master, Ye Simming, didn’t play as many games as he did, but the control of the spirit and the control of strength were terrifying to incredible.

There are almost no mistakes and emotional changes on the court.

In this regard, Curry can’t learn no matter how much he learns.

Many people say that the master’s three-point shooting skills are the most difficult to learn. For Curry, the master’s skills are not difficult to learn. The incredible mind control and the technical stability of the master’s skills are the most difficult. Hard to learn.

“Master, you won’t let me down!”

Like many people, Curry wants to see the strongest master!

He challenged the master not to win, but to see the strongest master. He wanted to be the one who could force the strongest Yes!

Because of Curry’s magical performance, Yesh needs to hit all 25 basketballs to keep his reputation.

In this regard, many fans of coconut powder and supersonics around were worried after being shocked.

Not to mention fans, even Supersonic players are worried at this time.

All in!

This Nima’s, the strongest can’t guarantee that he will score all 25 goals, right?

Even if Yes achieves all goals, it will be 20 goals and 21 goals. This is not a concept at all!

In fact, if it was Yesh three years ago, he really had no way to face Curry’s performance in this game.

Unless he feels as good as Curry tonight.

Every shot feels good,

But it is a pity that he feels mediocre tonight.

One minute can’t be all good hands, good or bad.

The good is more and the bad is less.

But overall, it is impossible for him to be like Curry tonight, because he feels good, and he doesn’t have to consider the impact of the feel at all.

In the 2007 three-division competition, Yesh pitched 20 goals in the preliminaries and 21 goals in the finals, definitely not for the 13th.

The main reason is that he really doesn’t have time to complete all his shots.

At that time, his three-pointers weren’t that strong. It all relied on the touch bonus. It was impossible for him to shoot when the touch was not enough, so he could only slow down his shooting speed to find the hit rate.

Moreover, he felt good in that game, and he could shoot more than 20 goals in one minute.

If his hand feels like it is now, he can only shoot when he finds the hand he needs at the time, and he can shoot up to 15 shots a minute.

Of course, that was three years ago, not now.

Yeth’s three-pointer ability is now 100.

Coupled with the 20% bonus of Zhu Fangyu’s instant four-star card, Ye Si can raise the three-pointer to 120.

If you get a good feel when you jump up, quickly shoot.

If you jump up and get a bad touch, use Zhu Fangyu’s four-star card. Even if the 120 three-pointer ability is added to the hand touch, he can hit without defense.

Therefore, Zhu Fangyu’s four-star card is useful not only for sneak attacks on the court.

Participating in three-pointers is also very useful.

So, after seeing Curry scored 28 points and only conceded one goal, Yees was also very surprised.

But after being surprised, there are not many other ideas.

Unless Ye Si’s hand feels bad tonight, he needs a Zhu Fangyu four-star card for every shot, and every time he needs to double his shot time, it is impossible for Ye Si to overtime and get full marks!

He is not the same as Curry. Curry could have scored full marks, but he failed because of excitement and loss. He has played more than 3,000 finals. His body and spirit are like an indestructible rock. Same, there will be no accidents.

Of course, Yesh has no problems now, but other viewers don’t think so.

“It’s Yes, Curry is the most likely to win this time!”

“This three-pointer contest seems to have been won by the league. The protagonist tonight does not appear to be the Sonics, but the league!”

James, who had been very low-key during the All-Star weekend, was like other All-Star players at this time, stepping into the court with excitement, ready to observe the failure of Yers from a close range.

Curry’s performance shocked him, and he is indeed a player who can send him five or eight.

He is so happy now that he can see Yes and his apprentice’s dog biting the dog again.

Before, Yes beat the dog, now he hopes Yes can be bitten by the dog!

“This time, the win is set, tonight, Yes is really going to be ashamed!”

James is in a very happy mood now.

And at this time, Yesh on the court has already started the game.

“Yes, like Curry, is also a regular game starting from the shooting point on the left bottom corner!”

“Yes’ shot was a bit slow, but it’s still his perfect incredible shot!”

“Moreover, Yes’s shots are completely different from Curry’s shots. Yes’s posture is very standard, while Curry’s shots are upside down.”

“Goal in, Yes hit the first score in the three-pointer contest!”

As far as Yesh’s reputation on three-pointers is concerned, making shots won’t surprise anyone.

Missing is news.

After Yesh started, everyone was surprised because Yesh’s first shot was slow.

“This shot speed is at least twice as slow as the usual Yes!”

“Don’t say 30 points at this speed, even if you finish 25 shots, it’s impossible?”

“Yes must be to increase the hit rate and reduce the speed!”

James was even more pleased to see Yess lowering his speed in order to hit the ball.

The league team players next to James are also very happy.

However, the expression on Curry’s face is not so relaxed.

“Is the master really reducing his shooting speed in order to increase his hit rate?”

He didn’t believe it.

1 point!

2 minutes!

3 points!

After scoring three very slow shots, Yes’s fourth shot…

Watching Yesh’s fourth shot on the court, the look on Curry’s face changed from doubt to shock.

Not only Curry, but many people were shocked by the sudden acceleration of the rhythm by Ye Si.

“Yes hastened the shooting rhythm!”

“Don’t you know that the most important thing in the three-pointer contest is to keep the rhythm consistent? This different rhythm is not only taboo in the three-pointer contest~www.mtlnovel.com~ even in the usual games, Ye Si is taboo!”

“Is Yes already panicking now?!”

Seeing the slow and fast pace of his shots.

Kenny Smith in the commentary was already shouting excitedly.

Barkley and O’Neal next to them were a little dumbfounded.

“Curry won’t really make Yes panic, right?”

Sixth ball!

Seventh ball!

Eighth goal!

Yesh’s shots on the court are still switching between fast and slow rhythms.

It is still advancing.

But at this time, the supersonic fans on the scene were not at all happy, but worried and nervous.

But James and the All-Stars of the league team are very happy.

“Even if you are still in the middle, what if the rhythm has been chaotic, the heart is already panicked, this time Yes and Curry will lose!”

James has even clenched his fists into fists, waiting for Yes to miss his first ball, and he will raise it high.


Until Yesh on the court shot all 25 shots, James failed to raise his fists high.

Looking at the scores of Yesh after completing all the shots on the scoreboard at this time, James, the All-Stars of the league team next to him, and the audience were all dumbfounded.

30 points!

all hit!

This kind of flustered rhythm is actually all in? !

how can that be!

“The master is not panicking, but deliberately disrupting his rhythm?”

“I have played the strongest and still can’t force the strongest master!”

Curry was dumbfounded than everyone at the moment.


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