I Want to be a Superstar

v4 Chapter 1216 - unprecedented!

25 of 25 shots!

In just one minute, all 25 **** were thrown.

One second is not much, one second is not much.

After shooting 25 basketballs in one minute, Ye Si still breathed a sigh of relief.

Even for him, it is difficult to hit all 25 goals in a bad hand.

If the hand feels a little bit worse, he will not be able to complete all the hits this time.

It has to be said that Curry’s only one goal this time really caused a lot of pressure on him.

And when Ye Si returned to his country in relief, he looked back at the stand at this time, and was a bit taken aback by the arena that was quieter than after Curry’s shot.

Then, when he looked at the supersonic players standing behind him, the expressions on the faces of these supersonic players were all dumbfounded to the extreme.


Ye Si was taken aback again, and at this time, the originally extremely quiet Yes Memorial Arena seemed to explode.

In the commentary, Barkley and O’Neal, who were worried and nervous, had already started yelling again at this time.

“Yes used the weirdest and most incredible shooting rhythm to complete the first full score in the history of the three-point contest!”

“Faced with Curry’s incredible 28-point miracle, Yes didn’t even use all his strength and easily defeated Curry!”

Barkley was crazy, and O’Neill next to him didn’t just listen to the hoarse voice.

“Everyone felt that Yes was panicked by Curry just now. Only I in the world know that Yes was deliberate. The last time he participated in a three-pointer contest, he deliberately only exceeded his opponent by one point and deliberately slowed down. His own shooting rhythm, and this time, Yes deliberately disrupted his own rhythm, using such an incredible rhythm to get all the hits, which is no more than using a jump pass to get 20 assists and 1 turnover. It’s also amazing!”

“Yes’s three-pointer strength is still bottomless, even if Curry’s three-pointers are already very, very strong, but there is still no way to test the depth of yes!”

Barkley felt his voice was loud enough, but after O’Neal spoke up, he was still directly suppressed.

For a while, the voices of O’Neill and Barkley came and went as if they were getting stronger.

Kenny Smith beside them felt like his ears and head exploded.

In fact, Kenny Smith’s head did explode at this time.

Such a strange rhythm hits all!

O’Neal’s words always haunted his mind. He felt that although O’Neal was exaggerating, the evaluation was indeed correct.

That is, all the hits of Yes’s chaotic rhythm this time are more magical than 20 assists with jump passes without errors.

Jumping to pass the ball and shooting the ball hesitate to chaotic rhythm, this is a big taboo in the NBA game!

But these two great taboos didn’t actually get to Yes. Do you think this is magical?

Yes can not only use random rhythm to get full marks in the three-pointer contest.

And he is also the strongest player to jump and pass the NBA.

Don’t be so accurate because Yes is passing the ball right now, just like a missile.

Most of the childlike passes before Yes were jump passes, and there were very, very few turnovers!

Yes jumped and passed the ball like a taboo, earning him the title of NBA’s first pass master.

And now, Yes has made him the first three-point shooter in NBA history with taboo-like random shooting!

Listen to the cheers on the scene at this time, and look at the All-Star players of the Union team who are still dumbfounded on the big screen at this time. Kenny Smith feels that Yes’s three-pointers are stronger than Curry, and much stronger. This is definitely a consensus!

“This player is incredible!”

Even Kenny Smith was sincerely amazed at this time.

On the court, Curry, who had recovered from the shock, also shook his head with a wry smile.

“When I pointed to the master and challenged the master just now, the master must have seen the unwillingness in my eyes, because my state just now can indeed get a full score. Therefore, in order to dispel the unwillingness in my heart, if the master only gets it normally The full score will never convince me, so the master deliberately used such a random rhythm to get the full score, and then convinced me.”

After Curry smiled bitterly and finished speaking, Kobe, Yao Ming, Beasley and other league players who had recovered from the dumbfounded next to him were once again dumbfounded.

Yes, this chaotic shooting is really intentional!

Was it because I saw Curry’s unwillingness to convince him, so he chaotic rhythm and bound his hands to get full marks? !

In other words, the pressure on Yes is not 28 points, not Curry who only conceded one goal.

In fact, in Yes’s heart, what he wants to beat is a Curry who scored 30 points!

How to beat a Curry who thinks he can get 30 points?

This is the choice of Yes!

Thinking of this, the surrounding All-stars include Curry. Apart from being dumbfounded, everyone’s admiration for Ye Si is truly unstoppable.

What a great opponent this is!

This is no longer taking advantage of others’ danger, not to fight the opponent’s weakness, this is simply adding Buf to your opponent before the duel!

I will add whatever buf you want, and then knock you down, leaving you speechless.

“No wonder Yes can gain such a huge respect in the NBA…”

Feeling the uncontrollable respect of the surrounding teammates looking at Yes, Wade murmured to himself.

Everywhere he blinded his eyes with hatred and couldn’t see the great qualities of Yes.

If you put away all the hatred, Yes is really a great opponent that can’t be greater.

He used to hear those who praised Yes and praised Yes as a peerless white lotus. He always felt that it was very fake and very unreal.

But now, after putting down his tinted glasses, Yes is really such a person.

Any vocabulary touted by the outside world, the media, fans, players, celebrities, experts, and everyone is not enough to describe his greatness and integrity.

And he has always wanted to surpass such Yes.

Wade looked at James not far away, his eyes were filled with sympathy and mockery.

James is not a sensitive person, but Wade and other All-Star players from time to time look at his own eyes, he still feels what it means.

This is mocking his style of confronting opponents in the game.

Add Buf to the opponent like Yes before defeating the opponent.

Even the strongest opponents on the front face upright can’t do it.

In the last few years of the Cavaliers and Warriors Finals, he has been playing Curry in the finals pick-and-roll, defensive and anti-dreaming Green has been ridiculed, even if he won the championship, he was ridiculed.

At this time, although the teammates next to him did not speak.

But his ears seemed to be able to hear a voice.

“Only you, also trying to compare with Yes? Are you worthy!”

For a time, even James, who was already prepared for Buddhism and low-key, was a little emotional at this time, and his blood surged.

However, in the end, he suppressed everything.

Compared with Yes, he is a loser.

The loser must accept all ridicule, this is the cruelty of the NBA.

He understands.

So he took the prefix KING from Twitter.

So now he has learned to keep a low profile, no longer showing off his personal settings like a king.

When he was a loser, the more he did and said, the more wrong he was.

When he stands in front of Yes and becomes the final winner, even if he does nothing or say nothing, he can also stand up countless gorgeous personalities like Yes and enjoy countless respect and admiration!

After a brief absence, James’s eyes became firm again.

The current him is really not the past him.

The idol, Liu Xiu, is just like him the son of heaven.

But if the idol Liu Xiu couldn’t bear the humiliation after her brother was killed, and didn’t abandon everything and start from scratch, she would also be unable to achieve her own kingly career!

Now he is following the old path of idol Liu Xiu, abandoning everything from scratch, after a strong foundation, he will push the world and achieve hegemony in one fell swoop!

The world slander me, deceive me, humiliate me, laugh at me, despise me, deceive me, evil me, deceive me, how to deal with it?

The wise man said: Just tolerate him, let him, let him, avoid him, be patient with him, respect him, ignore him, stay for a few more years and look at him.

Even, within a few years, the whole world can look at him!

Thinking of this, the look on James’s face was once again calm.

Yesh and Curry’s three-pointer matchup. After Curry scored 28 points, Yesh scored 30 points and finally defeated Curry.

This also allowed the Sonics, who had reached a 1-1 tie in the previous three-pointer contest, to finally defeat the Union team by a big score of 2-1. In the end, the three All-Stars of the Sonics, Yes, Durant and Leonard. Entered the final of the three-pointer contest.

Of course, no matter who won the final three-pointer contest, the big scores of the four games tonight will be 1-1.

In the end, Durant was the first to enter the three-pointer contest. This time, Durant finally broke his record of not scoring double figures in N consecutive three-pointers.

Durant also participated in a lot of three-pointers, all of which were eliminated in the preliminaries.

And all the points are not double.

This time, it was the first time to enter the final with a score that was not double.

When it came to the finals, Durant seemed to be a different person, and he made a few basketball shots.

In the final 30 points, Durant scored 26 points, which is already the third-best scoring three-pointer in NBA history.

Yesh’s 30 points, Curry’s 28 points, Durant’s 26 points, all came from this competition.

I have to say that this has completely shut up the audience who had previously despised this three-pointer contest.

Durant scored 26 points. The SuperSonics fans on the scene were very happy, and finally washed away Durant’s notoriety as the first iron in the three-pointer contest.

Previously, because he was not in double figures in a row, his three-pointer contest was considered to be stronger than Rondo and Jordan.

He is the player with the most irons in the three-pointer contest.

Of course, although the SuperSonic fans are very happy for Durant.

Even Durant himself is very happy, but no one thinks Durant’s 26 points can win him a championship, whether it is a SuperSonic fan, Durant himself or other audiences.

This score can be used to win the championship in any three-pointer contest, but not for the three-pointer contest with Yes.

The 25 goals of Yes just now are quite amazing!

That’s when Yes didn’t go all out at all.

In the preliminaries of the three-pointer contest, Durant and Leonard did not perform very well, but in the finals, both broke out.

Durant scored 26 points, and Leonard next scored 23 points.

Although Leonard’s performance is not as good as Durant, it is actually quite strong.

However, these two achievements are destined to be only supporting roles tonight.

After Yesh came on the field, the whole scene once again gave out incredible cheers.

“Yes’ shooting rhythm has finally returned to normal!”

“The first shot was all hit, 6 points!”

“The second shot was all hit, 12 points!”

“The third shooting point all hits, 18 points!”

“The fourth shooting point, or all hits, 24 points!”

“Fifth shot point, one, time is not enough, Yes took the last flower ball, hit, 27 points!”

22 out of 22, 27 points!

“it is as expected!”

O’Neal had such a hunch when he saw Yees recover his average shooting rhythm.

This Nima’s really scored 27 points!

27 points are one point more than 26 points!

“TM’s, Yes, this kid is too good at pretending to be B!”

Nima’s, I knew Yes when I was at the peak, and I learned how to act like Yes. I can also be the first person in history!

O’Neill is really eager at this time~www.mtlnovel.com~ It’s a pity, knowing Yes, when he saw Yes’s amazing pretend trick, he was already old.

He really doesn’t understand the personal design and packaging!

Sora has the strongest dominance, but there is no corresponding position.


A sigh.

O’Neal was sighing, the scene was crazy.

Everyone thinks Yers is giving Durant face.

In fact, Ye Si knew that, he really couldn’t finish the shot…

Finally, why not continue to shoot at random, because shooting at random, even for him, is mentally stressful.

In any case, Yesh finally won the three-pointer contest.

Although only one point more than Durant.

But no one would think that he just narrowly beat Durant.

Except for himself.

“Congratulations to Yes for winning the NBA All-Star Three-Point Contest once again. He took 47 shots and made all 47 shots in the entire game. At the same time, Yes has made 98 consecutive hits in the three-point contest!”

“Yes is the most well-deserved three-pointer in NBA history!”


Even if there is no one before, there is no one to come after.

But at this time, no one will complain about O’Neill.

Not to mention the audience at the scene.

Look at the players Leonard, Durant, Curry, Kobe, Nowitzki on the stadium, their applause and cheers are more enthusiastic than the audience!

What is historically recognized?

This is recognized by history!

The opponent’s recognition is the best recognition, many times stronger than those media reporters’ nonsense for traffic.


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