I Was Called A Demon

Arc 5: Chapter 10

“Ah, Bianca, you’re back!” Song Ming spotted her first, and leapt onto her, holding on as though she would never let go.

“Your negotiations took quite a while, cutie. It’s fortunate for you that Yan Taijun prefers to meets friends later in the day,” Xue Yaling said after, smirking, “Did you two have fun? I see you’ve got a new bag that likely doesn’t contain my commission.”

“It took a while. I had no idea what any of the things you wanted are, she wanted to tease me, and then it turned out we had a… shared interest. That’s how this came about. Apparently, she decided to take pity on me and not ask for any planar shards,” Bianca lied without hesitation, the post-orgasmic clarity proving rather useful in keeping her expression straight, “I wasn’t about to refuse that, or her gift, so…”

“Uh-huh. Is that why you smell of cum?”

That nearly shocked Bianca out of her calm state, but then she realized that she would’ve certainly been the first to make out the scent – which she could, but it was faint enough even with it being seared into her mind that she knew that the kitsune wouldn’t be able to notice… though even if she did, what did it matter? She didn’t have her dick anymore, so in order to get rid of it, she must’ve done something.

And since she had that fact to explain anyway, she relaxed and prevented the worry from showing on her face.

“I would’ve preferred to say this in private, but I did masturbate. I decided I had enough of that thing for now, and if I was going to do anything with you, or my pet, I’d rather do so as the normal me.”

She spoke while patting Song Ming’s head affectionately.

“Well, that makes sense. Still, we’re not going to get much time to ourselves for the moment, so let’s not focus on that matter for the moment. We’ll be going to meet with the leader of this place, and while she is not especially strict in most matters, I would still like for you to refrain from attempting to offend her for whatever reason.”

“Do I usually do that stuff?” Bianca asked.

“No, but you can be somewhat careless. Your demonic self is rather good at diplomacy – from a certain point of view – but you as you are…”

The kitsune left it unsaid, though she could imagine a number of insults that Xue Yaling could produce. Fortunately, after dealing with Han Rushu for a while, especially in her aroused state, it got a little easier to handle the kitsune’s insults, whether true or purely imaginary ones.

Then again, the bump in her cultivation also helped in that regard. Somehow, fucking Han Rushu gave her a whole two stages, meaning that she was only one stage behind Song Ming’s eighth stage, and likely contributing to her appearance changes once more, though she hadn’t had the time to check on those, and judging by how neither Song Ming or Xue Yaling were pointing them out, it was safe to assume that they weren’t exceptionally significant.

Perhaps her skin got a little lighter, perhaps her eyes would get a little more red, maybe her cock would grow a bit – well, that third point was almost certain, since it certainly liked to do so.

To start with, her length had been only around 11 and a half centimetres, whereas it had two additional centimetres when Han Rushu had been fucking her ass. The breakthrough in her realm didn’t seem to make much of a difference in that regard, but then again, it felt as though it was semi-random, invented by some insane mind that really shouldn’t have been allowed to come up with anything not involving their own life.

Or, something along those lines.

“So, we just pop over, ask for help, then do whatever until Han Rushu’s done?”

“Not quite that simple, but it’s of no significance to you. Ultimately, all of this will be between me and her, so as long as you don’t make her think of the worse parts of our friendship, then that’s fine.”

Bianca was about to ask further, but then the kitsune turned and pointed in a direction.

“Alright, let’s head out and visit my old friend. I’m sure she’s looking forward to it.”


“Xue Yaling…” a woman standing at the top of the steps leading into one of the largest structures in the city looked down, her expression unclear.

However, that didn’t stop Bianca from staring and taking in the sight. This woman, who appeared to be Yan Taijun, was rather incredible to behold, with an hourglass figure and huge boobs and a full, soft-looking ass that easily showed through the tight dress she was wearing. Her height was roughly average, but everything else was anything but. White hair, gorgeous teal eyes, light albeit tanned skin, and an overall wonderful appearance that certainly ignited the flames of lust within her.

‘I wonder if she’d let me sleep with- No, enough of that. Bad horny brain,’ Bianca pushed those feelings down – endlessly glad that she had dealt with her cock prior to this – and glanced between Yan Taijun and Xue Yaling.

They had arrived a short while prior, but the silence continued for quite the long time, making her wonder if the kitsune had been fucking with her and Song Ming all along and didn’t know Yan Taijun at all. It wouldn’t be the first time she had made something up for her own reasons, assuming the book she’d heard about was as dangerous to impressionable youths as others claimed.

“Xue Yaling… It’s been a hundred years, yet you still look like a young brat. Lucky you.”

“And you’ve aged into the wet dreams of countless people living here, and beyond. Considering what you’re into, that should be far nicer than remaining as a young brat,” the kitsune shrugged, “But really, do we have to do this? Couldn’t we just share a hug?”

“That’s not impossible, but… Well, let us not stay out here any longer. There are too many people paying attention to us, and while I don’t mind showing off, some things are best done in the privacy of one’s own home,” Yan Taijun said, waving them in before turning around and stepping past the open doors of her residence.

They followed, ascending the steps and heading in as well. Bianca paused at the top step, glancing back to confirm that although most were rather subtle about it, there were at least a hundred pairs of eyes staring at them, both from the lit streets and darker alleyways. If she was to rely on her feelings alone, she might even estimate two or three hundred observers, though in the moment she took to count the various faces, she couldn’t spot more than a hundred at best.

‘Maybe it’s spiritual perception bullshit again. Doesn’t matter,’ she turned around and went in, especially since she could say without a doubt that at least one person within the large residence was glaring at her.

The moment she stepped inside, the doors behind her began to shut, and she felt a sensation of… separation. It was as though she ended up in some other place than the world she had grown used to.

“There, now they won’t be able to look inside. I never thought that becoming the leader of a faction would get me quite so much attention, but here I am…” the woman sighed, looking at the kitsune, “Now, since you mentioned a hug-”

Before she even finished talking, Yan Taijun disappeared into a flurry of ribbons that flew towards Xue Yaling and surrounded her before the kitsune even managed to react. Just as quickly, they scattered, and all that remained was Yan Taijun hugging Xue Yaling tightly, their height difference meaning that the lower half of the kitsune’s face was buried in Yan Taijun’s boobs.

“Hmphmphphp…” Xue Yaling produced a set of sounds while returning the hug.

“Yes yes, I’ve missed you too, my lovely fox. Who are the friends you’ve brought along with you this time?” she looked at the two of them, though her gaze noticeably lingered on Bianca, “And with a cultivation like that…”

Yan Taijun might’ve been in the fourth realm – a fact stated by Xue Yaling, since Bianca wouldn’t be sure otherwise – but her physical strength wasn’t much greater than the kitsune’s, and as soon as the latter invested enough effort into breaking free, she did so easily. She took a deep breath to refill her lungs, then sighed and responded.

“The one you’re staring at is Bianca. She’s got an unusual cultivation technique that generates the aura you’re feeling. Meanwhile, the other one is Song Ming, who… isn’t from anywhere important.”

“Right, of course, that’s why I received a request from the Blazing Skies sect to look for her… Don’t worry, though, it was more of an off-handed comment, and I don’t care what they think of me while war is so close to my doorstep.”

“Ah…” Song Ming looked down unconsciously, trying to not catch her attention, a little too late for it to matter.

“Wait, Xue Yaling mentioned that there weren’t any wanted posters for us. Is that thanks to you?”

“Maybe. I get a lot of things to review every single day, and I tend to do so in the morning, which is why we’re meeting now. Perhaps I saw the posters and decided they weren’t worth bothering anyone to put up, maybe I recognised a certain foxy cutie and knew that I shouldn’t let her be bothered by anyone while she’s here…”

‘I have no idea if she’s into Xue Yaling or just teasing her…’ Bianca thought, ‘Do I even want to know? I mean, horny me does, and horny me is quite the convincing voice when I let it be…’

“Enough of that, those two will misunderstand. I see your cultivation has been going well,” the kitsune muttered.

“Mhm, thanks in part to you. Your book – and your insights – might be looked down upon by quite a few people out there, but they’re wrong. Despite your lower realm, you had managed to accurately analyse quite a bit about the higher realms.”

“Really?” Bianca spoke before thinking, getting everyone to stare at her again.

“Mhm, really. But, let’s not talk here, at the entrance. There’s plenty of room within where we can make ourselves comfortable,” Yan Taijun replied, then led them further into the building, remaining silent as she did so.

This gave Bianca – and likely the other two, though she wasn’t especially concerned by what they were doing or looking at – the time to examine her surroundings for once, and they were quite something.

While the city outside resembled something from Orbis, at least vaguely, the residence that Yan Taijun occupied had all the makings of an older mansion. Beautiful wooden walls, floors made of a polished purple stone covered by numerous carpets along any corridor they travelled down, chandeliers that burned with something that clearly wasn’t normal flame… Well, it was similar to a regular mansion in concept, at least. All the fantasy elements could be disregarded if one was to drink enough.

Better yet, the entrance led to a grand hall with steps on either side to a second floor, with passages leading left and right and forward on either floor, making for quite the grand introduction to the place. The rest of the building was, naturally, less impressive, but in comparison to what Bianca was used to from this world, it felt like an absolute miracle.

They eventually arrived at one of the smaller rooms, though that didn’t stop it from being rather dazzling. The floor was switched to wood, presumably to reduce the chances of slipping on that shiny stone outside, and it had a window facing into the centre of the building, where a large garden stood. However, the reason they came there specifically was that there was a large, low table in the middle, with couches and seats surrounding it, as well as a set of various snacks scattered around.

“Take a seat, I’ll bring over the tea in a moment. And then, since two of you are close to the third realm, I’ll explain a little more about it.”


Bianca wasn’t sure which one influenced which, but it seemed that Xue Yaling and Yan Taijun were both incredibly fond of tea and snacks. This was somewhat evident from the presence of this room and all the biscuits and what not scattered about, but the way the two almost leapt at them confirmed it without a shadow of a doubt.

“Don’t be afraid to dig in, I have more than enough to spare for all of you. And while you do, I’ll share my understanding of the third realm, since it’s relevant,” Yan Taijun said, practically swallowing a large biscuit in one breath, “Whereas the first two realms are relatively trivial to enter, the third is where the tribulations begin. The nine round tribulation is relatively straightforward compared to the fourth realm’s elemental tribulation and the subsequent Display of Excellence, but that doesn’t mean that it’s easy to overcome.”

“Xue Yaling did share something about that, though, if I’m to be honest, it’s slipped my mind a little…”

“Not unusual for you, honey,” the kitsune muttered, scarfing down a checkerboard biscuit as if to not be outdone by Yan Taijun.

“Shush. Anyway, this lightning… can’t you just put a metal pole nearby and ignore it, or does it lock on to you?”

“If it was trivial to overcome, then it wouldn’t be a tribulation, it would be an inconvenience. No, the lightning will fall onto you no matter what, and even if you try to get help from someone else, you’ll just get lightning bolts falling onto their heads as well,” the leader of the Dancer’s Abode sighed, “You either need to block or otherwise endure the damage they inflict, or destroy the lightning before it strikes you.”

‘Wha… Destroy the lightning? Is she fucking drunk- Wait, no, Planar Continents, what shouldn’t work does and vice versa, so…’ Bianca did her best to keep her expression from showing her irritation and asked, “How strong do you need to be able to do something like that?”

“Well, the heavens are fair, so one simply needs to have strong offensive capabilities in the second realm. Assuming that your aura isn’t a complete inverse of what your technique actually provides, then you ought to be fine with a few of the bolts at least. After that, it would be best for you to prepare a defensive skill, or perhaps an artefact or talisman that you’re able to activate on your own. Remember, the moment you bring others into the tribulation is when things go wrong.”

“Strong offense and defence… Guess I have those. What about Song Ming, though?”

That question took a while to get a reply, as Yan Taijun spent quite a while examining her with – presumably – her spiritual perception.

“Water archetype, right? How many skills have you cultivated?”

“Other than my River Purification technique, I’ve only got Eidolon Lunge for my combat skill, and… well, it’s not a skill, but I’ve got a physique, too.”

“Oh? Could you release some of its energy for me?” Yan Taijun leaned in and asked.

“O-okay,” Song Ming raised her left hand and brought out a small amount of energy, though even that was enough for the scar on her arm to begin burning with a faint bluish-green light.

That immediately caught Yan Taijun’s attention, as she frowned and glanced towards Xue Yaling, who simply shrugged in reply. After a few seconds of back and forth stares, the leader of the Dancer’s Abode stood up and came over, closely examining the scar and Song Ming’s energy in general, remaining silent all the way up to her return to the couch she’d taken when they entered the room.

“Well, that’s the first time I’ve ever heard of Crusader’s Runes manifesting in this form… And the scar makes me think that you happened to awaken it after sustaining a grievous injury, causing the physique energy to permeate this particular spot and make it glow like that…”

“That’s correct, I was wounded and then it just… lit up.”

“Hm. Well, I would recommend you switch away from the Water archetype while you still can, because this physique is best suited for Lightning, Fire, Light- well, with the way it’s looking, perhaps Dark, and the Planar archetypes. Fortunately for you, you’ve only cultivated a single skill – and not to Full Success, either – so switching should be relatively painless.”

“W-Wait, switch?” Song Ming stuttered, “B-But I’m already in the second realm!”

“It’s not impossible. In fact, with powerful physique energy and a lightning tribulation, you could cleanse much of your body and, if you exhaust your planar energy at the last lightning bolt, you could take the opportunity to cultivate a different archetype…” the kitsune said.

Bianca had no idea what they were on about, so she just grabbed a few biscuits to herself and quietly bit off a piece to chew on.


“She’s not wrong. While your technique isn’t bad, and could be useful for the physique regardless, if you use an archetype and element that aligns more with the Crusader’s Runes, you’ll be able to handle its power more easily, and more easily imbue it into your attacks. If you do as I suggest, you wouldn’t even need to lose your cultivation progress, and you’ll be able to take advantage of the third realm breakthrough to switch relatively painlessly.”


“I could spare you a technique and some skills, as long as you leave them here when you depart. In fact, I’d happily give you more if you pay for them, and at a far cheaper rate than I’d offer anyone else,” Yan Taijun smiled, “You’re the foxy cutie’s friends, after all.”

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