I Was Called A Demon

Arc 5: Chapter 11

Bianca could only stare at the numerous manuals that the leader of the Dancer’s Abode was able to bring out. She would’ve loved to learn any of them, but her non-existent talent combined with the limit of her Demonic Tyrant slots meant that she had no chance whatsoever. Worse yet, if she did manage to comprehend something enough to actually use it, it might be incompatible with her archetype, and that would just make everything miserable.

Her pet had quite a few to catch her attention, though. Numerous skills and numerous techniques were scattered across the table, replacing the snacks that covered it prior – though the tea remained. Apparently, the people of this world liked tea more than the Nerians, whose tea exports were famous all across Orbis.

“This… all of these… Could I pick out any of them?”

“Provided you’re able to memorise their contents prior to leaving my Dancer’s Abode, then of course,” Yan Taijun nodded, “As I said, I’d rather not let these go, and while I could copy these down, there’s something about the originals that is endlessly enticing.”

“Don’t lie to her, these are copies – likely of copies of copies of other copies. Most of these skills aren’t anything new,” retorted the kitsune, pointing to one of the hundreds of manuals, “For instance, this one is Purity of Storm, a Lightning archetype manual produced countless years ago. It’s rumoured to have originally been created, or at least conceptualised, when the first cultivator saw a lightning tribulation, and believed that in it they saw the purest will of the heavens looking down upon them.”

The kitsune grabbed the manual and quickly flipped through it, nodding as she did so.

“Mhm, there’s even a section in here which describes how they saw the heavenly light illuminate them and guide them to study the lightning and master it. It claims to record such things as the birth of the world and the appearance of the Western Continent’s Primordial Deities… pfft, as if. We cannot know what happened at the start of our world, and if this was correct, every single sect and family would study it without hesitation.”

“The rest of it is very effective and useful,” Yan Taijun responded, “Though it was likely written by someone with an unfortunate mental state. That’s a shame, but there’s no sense to removing those parts of the manual, especially if they can provide inspiration for other cultivators.”

“I suppose,” Xue Yaling muttered.

While they were debating that, Song Ming had been looking through the various techniques and eventually picked up one of the books, looking to Bianca while showing her the front of the book.

“This… what do you think of this one?”

“I think asking me is a mistake, but…” Bianca read the title and muttered it out loud, “Purity of Essence? Another purity?”

“What are you two- Oh, Purity of Essence. That’s quite the technique, and of the Planar archetype at that,” Yan Taijun exclaimed, “And yes, there are a number of purities out there, mainly techniques that seek to evoke the purest power of the archetype, and in this case, the Purity of Essence… If I recall correctly, it seeks to evoke the adaptability of pure planar energy and allow it to better support other energies. It is especially effective if you possess a physique, have powerful spiritual will, killing intent or bloodline power, which, coincidentally, you do.”

“So, wouldn’t this have been the perfect technique for her? How come you decided to throw all these in front of her as well?” Bianca asked, frowning.

“To be honest, I had been curious to see what Song Ming would select, as it would be an indication of her innate… talent, I suppose,” Yan Taijun said, turning to Song Ming, “Of course, I wouldn’t have failed to remind you of it if you had made another choice, though I also wouldn’t have stopped you if you ended up choosing something else. If a technique or archetype doesn’t suit you and your needs, then even if it was the best in all the world, it wouldn’t be worth picking.”

“I see…” Song Ming responded while still looking at Bianca.

‘Well, I can’t say for sure if she’s telling the truth or not, but it’s still a rather dick move, to put it one way,’ Bianca thought, then looked at Yan Taijun and Xue Yaling and said, “Don’t test people like that if you’re genuine about treating us as friends. Maybe that’s normal around here these parts, but it’s hardly polite.”

“…” Yan Taijun looked at her for a while, then bowed her head a little, “My apologies, I should’ve considered that. Though, I have to say, holding in your aura as you say that would’ve been for the best.”

“Hm?” Bianca glanced down at herself – as though she could actually witness said aura – then sighed, “That isn’t really… intentional. It’s part of my technique.”

“Hm, that does seem to be the case. I would assume that it’s not one you can afford to switch away from, however.”

“Mhm. Well, it’s not even that I can’t afford to switch, I just… can’t. It’s the only technique I’m capable of using for… reasons,” Bianca admitted, since she had already revealed this to Xue Yaling and she imagined that the kitsune wouldn’t have an issue with sharing things like this, “As such, it’s even more important for Song Ming to be able to get something that fits her and the teachings of those that are more knowledgeable – than me, anyway.”

“I see. Well, in that case, I will do my best to share what knowledge I can for the benefit of you both, since… well, now that I realise it, your fates have been rather unfortunate so far. To be chased by the Blazing Sky Sect despite only being in the second realm, to be stuck with a technique that automatically generates animosity against you, to have to wander around the world like this… And while Xue Yaling might have said nothing on this particular matter, I know that this isn’t some casual trip. You three are seeking something.”


“Considering the direction you’re heading it, It ought to relate to either the Blooming Orchid, Phoenix or Burnt Oak Sects… or the God’s Grave Temple, but knowing my foxy cutie, I doubt that she’d be willing to spend a long time among those people.”

“No comment,” the kitsune muttered.

“I could try to guess, but in truth, I don’t know enough of your needs and desires. Perhaps you’re even searching for a conceptual artefact, in which case I can only wish you luck and little more.”

“What’s a conceptual artefact?” Bianca asked, as the term seemed rather familiar.

“Each and every one is a miracle, lacking form and embodying essence. There are a certain known number of them, and each is the most powerful artefact of its type, though not necessarily because of pure strength, rather due to the fact that each one will perfectly reflect the user’s needs and match their growth, supposedly being able to improve up to the ninth realm,” Yan Taijun stated, “Imagine it as such: You head out to a store and pick up a random rusted blade, and it suddenly transforms into a sword with a grip that matches your hand, a blade that matches your skills and strength, and even unique properties that reflect your cultivation. With a single thought, it will disappear and reappear whenever you need it, and as you grow in power and learn new skills, it too will grow with you.”

“That…” even Bianca couldn’t help but be amazed, ‘That sounds really… what did people call it? Overpowered? Yeah, that sounds rather overpowered in a world like this.’

Her wording certainly couldn’t be guessed by her expression, but the feeling behind it could, and so Yan Taijun couldn’t help but notice and chuckle.

“Yes, that’s what I was told I looked like when I first read of them… It’s nearly impossible to know if something is a conceptual weapon before you claim it, unless the current owner shows something that is specific to one. For instance, pulling it out of thin air without a spatial storage method, or having it transform during their breakthrough or the comprehension of some new skill.”

“I wouldn’t have told them so that they didn’t start looking at every random sword, spear and cloak lying around, but since you’ve started it… You two, would you like to know of the known conceptual artefacts?” Xue Yaling asked, receiving nods in response almost instantly.

Even Yan Taijun joined in, looking surprisingly child-like as she did so, as though she was begging her parents to hear a tale.

“Boundless Edge, an embodiment of the sword and blade. Silent Point, spike and knife. Piercing Haft, the spear. Endless Arc, the bow. Infinite Barrier, a shield. Divine Shell, a suit of armour. Soaring Shards, a set of wings. Finally, Flowing Cloth, a cloak,” the kitsune listed them out, “I cannot tell you what they do or what they currently look like, however, as that’s the issue with conceptual items. If it’s in someone’s possession, all they have to do is not make it blatant that they own them. If it’s not, then it could resemble anything that fits its essence.”

“And they can do literally anything?” Bianca asked.

“Not quite. If you take Boundless Edge, for instance, it can only be a blade of some kind, and any abilities that it will have in the hands of a particular wielder will match that nature. It’s unlikely to create a defensive field around the self, for instance, though it might have a natural tendency to block strikes and provide defence in that way.”

“In other words… They could just about anything that makes sense within that realm?” Song Ming asked, clearly thinking more within the logic of the Planar Continents.

“Mhm, and it’s… well, if you obtain a conceptual artefact, it’s probably best you don’t tell anyone, maybe even us. It’s not that we’d steal it, of course – at least, I wouldn’t do such a thing to you, not sure about our cute fox – but if it happens to be heard by anyone else, they’d want it at all costs.”

“I wouldn’t steal anything either, and while I would like to remind you that there are just a few of these things throughout the entirety of the Eastern Continent, I would have to agree. It could amplify your energy, release energy of its own, improve your combat instincts, or more, and with every realm reach, it would only show more of its prowess. If you do happen to pick up such a thing and find that it isn’t bound to anyone yet, it could easily become a tool for you to reach the peak of this world if you make good use of it.”

“The peak of the world? That sounds… rather impressive,” Bianca said, glancing around the room as she spotted a bit of cloth hanging in the corner, ‘I wonder, could that be the Flowing Cloth?’

“No, it’s not.”

“I didn’t even say anything…”

“It was obvious. We were just talking about these things, and now you’re staring at a bit of colourful cloth. No, it’s not the Flowing Cloth, it’s not the Soaring Shards, and it’s definitely not the Divine Shell… it isn’t, right?” Xue Yaling asked, looking to Yan Taijun, “If you’re hiding one of them here, with it looking like that, then-”

“No, no, I am not. If I had any conceptual artefacts, I’d definitely be using them, and I would never allow them to be stolen, though that’s unlikely to happen to begin with since such things are partially bound to the owner. If they wish to retrieve the item, it takes a single thought to do so, so unless someone gives you ownership of the conceptual artefact, it’s going to remain within their possession till their death.”



“Lord Hua, we have received confirmation that the escapees were sighted heading southward, towards Long Shiyi’s Warband,” a disciple in white robes said, bowing to his superior.

“That kitsune was identified to be Xue Yaling, someone who is aligned with the dragon, so it’s not surprising. I hope they will not be caught in the fighting between her and the Exarch, though if heaven wills it, then there is naught to be done,” Hua Jun sighed, “Casualties?”

“A number of loggers were killed and injured. Some of the survivors were crippled, and the one that had led them, Lao Ping, reports that she had attacked them in order to steal-”

“He is lying. Considering certain statements about her, theft isn’t out of the question, but not a violent attack. Furthermore, I recall Lao Ping’s name being listed among a number of wanted criminals by the sects. He is hardly innocent himself… Jiang Song? Who is this?”

“Someone using the Heart of Dao for the Information archetype.”

“The Codex of All That There Is and Will Be? That one is… curious. No matter, the cultivation of such a Heart of Dao is not against our principles, so we need not investigate… But keep track of Bianca and the others. If there is ever a chance to confirm their destination, report to me, as we must intercept them as soon as possible. There is still a chance for a demon not to be born.”

He dismissed the disciple of the Righteous Court and sighed, focusing on the void before him. Within his mind, the figure of a woman surrounded by crimson energy that glared at him in return grew darker and more uncertain.

‘I know not her origin, but there are clear hints of good nature within her. However, with every thing that happens, it decays, and the demon takes over what was lost…’ he reached out, and Boundless Edge manifested in his hand, arcs of lightning sparking from it, ‘And as her strength grows, so will the demon. Few are capable of resisting the temptations of power, especially not when surrounded by all these other factors. Oh heavens, grant me the opportunity to put things right…’

“Hua Jun, we need to talk,” a voice forced him out of his mental landscape, and he turned to find one of the Righteous Court’s leaders standing near him, an ever-present and sickeningly sweet smile on her lips.

She was tall for a woman, standing at almost one metre and eighty, her figure resembling an expertly carved marble statue without a single imperfection. Her skin was smooth and white, her figure was lithe and athletic, her light blonde hair cascaded down her back like a flawless waterfall, her parted ruby lips showed off her pearl-like flawless teeth, and her slightly narrowed eyes shone with a pure white light, not unlike Hua Jun’s own planar energy.

However, where his light was soothing in nature, her glow was overwhelming – blinding.

“Judge Yi Huang… Congratulations on your breakthrough to the seventh realm. I’m glad to see you successfully overcame the Ascension Ceremony,” Hua Jun said half-heartedly, bowing his head to her, “What do you need of me?”

“Thank you. The heavens saw fit to reward me with a higher realm so that I may carry out their judgement more effectively. Too many demons remain alive in this world, and I shall not rest until every single one of them is slain and shown before the masses, so that all may know that our Righteous Court has freed the world of their corruption!” Yi Huang exclaimed, her expression intensifying into a wide grin, her glowing eyes getting lost somewhere within her imagination, “And right now, there are two vile groups of demons gathering in the south, to fight amongst themselves. That is a perfect opportunity!”

‘You may glow with heavenly light, but you do not represent the heavens. That sickening, sadistic laughter is… it is not what our Righteous Court should be,’ Hua Jun thought, but he couldn’t possibly say such a thing out loud, “You wish for me to join that fight?”

“Hm? Ah, yes, indeed. It would be best for us to capitalise on the advantage and to pick off some of the strongest demons on either side to prevent their corruption from spreading,” Yi Huang returned to her unnerving smile, seeming to drip with venom as she said, “You and your disciple will accompany a number of other righteous warriors to purge the vile and wash the lands with their blood! Let the heavens behold the sacred slaughter and send upon us their favour!”

‘To think that a Judge could be so…’ Hua Jun refrained from continuing his thought as he could feel the Judge’s gaze upon him, her blazing white eyes fixed upon him without blinking, “Then, I shall obey.”

“Excellent. Make sure to show your disciple and the others the full might of our Punishing Blade, the Heavenly Slayer, the Mortal Tribulation!”

With that, she stepped aside, leaving Hua Jun to stand there and ponder. To consider the Righteous Court as it was, not as he would’ve wished it to be. Anyone could tell, but no-one dared to speak out against the Heralds of Heaven that claimed to follow the will of the heavens more closely than any Soldier of Heaven could.

From that perspective, they were undeniably better at interpreting the intentions of Heaven’s Will, and yet…

‘If the heavens are so vindictive and sadistic, then how did they create this world, why would they make the laws of the world fair and sensible? Why would they allow righteousness to prevail over villainy?’ Hua Jun wondered, gripping the handle of Boundless Edge even more tightly.

Although he gazed up, the heavens offered no response, like usual.

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