I Was Called A Demon

Arc 5: Chapter 5

They spent quite a while wandering about, but ultimately they settled on the fine establishment that Yu Juan had shown them.

It was indeed rather cheap for what it offered, and more importantly, it turned out to be quite central in the Abode, meaning that they would be able to head out to anywhere they needed to without crossing the entirety of the city just for one trip.

Furthermore, when they stepped inside, they all found it too difficult to reject the opportunity to reside in luxury for a little while. The rooms were spacious and comfortable, the beds – they chose a double bed room, since it made little difference whether Bianca and Song Ming tried to sleep apart – were incredibly soft and pleasant, and they were pretty sure that the soundproofing was indeed as good as Yu Juan claimed.

That last part ended up being proven by Xue Yaling finding some excuse to moan so loudly it should’ve been heard across the entire city, though testing the sound isolation certainly hadn’t been the intention. Instead, it was something about arousing Bianca, which… well, wasn’t hard right now.

After the unintentional teasing from Yu Juan, the lewd thoughts about Han Rushu, and the fact that she hadn’t been able to orgasm in a long, long while, she was far hornier than she really should’ve been with the kind of company she kept. Song Ming would’ve happily gagged on her cock if she just asked, or even considered asking, and whatever the kitsune would’ve chosen to do, she would’ve also gotten her off by the end of the day.

And yet, she couldn’t bring herself to ask, nor did she have a good idea of what else she would prefer to do. The only thing she was sure of was that touching herself would be a little… wasteful at this point.

She wasn’t sure she’d even be able to get off within a reasonable amount of time with all that experience under her belt. Back on Orbis, she’d had very few nights with her former girlfriend, and while she wasn’t going to badmouth them, she had never felt anywhere near as good until she got to feel Song Ming’s loving touch, or Xue Yaling’s skilled and incredibly magnificent techniques, or the sensation of her cock entering someone’s wet pussy and-

‘Down, girl, down… F-Fuck, I shouldn’t have picked shorts as tight as these,’ Bianca grit her teeth and tried to ignore her cock hardening with every breath, ‘I’ll really, really need to do… something about this. Even just getting rid of it would do, whether I get to cum or not… Though I can feel the wetness down there too, so if all of my arousal was focused just there… I’d need to change pants so often.’

“Bianca, want a hug?” Song Ming suddenly asked, perhaps unintentionally distracting Bianca just as she had wanted.

“Uh, well… sure, why not,” she shrugged and smiled, reaching out to embrace her lovely pet.

Bianca had been sitting on their bed to pass the time and make the bulge in her shorts slightly less obvious, so Song Ming had to lean down to hug her, which she did without much hesitation. Her embrace was tight and warm, their boobs pressing against one another for some lovely softness.

“Though… why the hug?”

“You seemed rather… stressed. Is it the dick, still, or…”

“To be honest, it is mainly that. I hadn’t expected to get quite this… pent-up.”

“Want me to help?” Song Ming asked sweetly, her precious voice alone making Bianca’s cock perk up all the more, “I’ll happily do anything you’d want… Mistress.”

“F-Fuck, that’s making even harder… But maybe not yet.”

“No?” Song Ming asked, “Is there some reason you’ve been holding out this long, or… because I would’ve helped out even earlier if I could.”

“Not really. I just… feel like holding off for a while. I wouldn’t want to be a complete, uh, slut… I guess…” Bianca muttered, though she was nowhere near as sure as she’d like. Someone could tell her that she was doing it because of the will of the heavens, and she’d be as likely to believe it as any other explanation.

“W-Well… no, I’ll not say that. I do understand, Mistress, so I’ll wait for you. Um, if you want me at any moment, then just… take me. I’ll be happy with it.”

Bianca seemed to hear the sound of fabric tearing, but judging from the continued tightness wrapping her cock and the fact that her dick hadn’t yet poked Song Ming’s belly, she was quite sure that her cock remained within her pants. She wasn’t sure if she would’ve wanted it to break out, seeing as it would certainly make her go straight to fucking. It would certainly relieve all this pressure and give her a calm night…

‘I really ought to make up my mind, or else I’ll probably do something I’d regret while I’m asleep or something…’

While Bianca was in thought, Song Ming climbed into her lap, her legs wrapping around Bianca’s waist, and gazed longingly into her eyes. Of course, Bianca ended up looking back, admiring her lover’s eyes, but she didn’t end up having much time to do so.

Only a few moments later, the door opened and the kitsune returned with a tray, atop which were three cups filled with tea and a steaming teapot beside them.

“Pardon the interruption, but you two are free to keep at it if you wish,” Xue Yaling chuckled, coming in, shutting the door behind her and placing the tray at the desk positioned in between the two beds.

“You know that we weren’t… Never mind. More drinks?”

“They had some decent tea, and I had considered some ways to recoup my recent losses, so I should be able to make up for minor costs such as this…” she took a cup and sat down on the other bed, “Still, we ought to discuss our plans. Whether you two find anything to add or not, it would still be ideal to be on the same page.”

“Is this about what we’ll do after we get out of here?” Bianca asked, deciding to start patting her pet on the head since she had little else to do with her hands – groping at Song Ming’s ass or boobs aside, of course.

“Among other things. We have quite elaborate plans, after all – or need them, more like. So, to recap, the Weave of the Senses is an item that would allow your admittedly impressive power to be used significantly more effectively, and let us establish a place to call our own, provided we’re able to find a good foundation to start out from,” the kitsune said, taking a sip of the steaming warm tea, “Stealing things from powerful sects isn’t… unheard of, but neither of us possess effective movement skills that hide our presence, nor do any of us cultivate techniques that would allow us to remain unseen no matter what.”

“Are there people like that?”

“There are. I’d imagine that some would be able to overcome a large sect’s defences just for fun, as there isn’t really such a thing as a perfect defence. There is always a weakness, and always a way to get around it with enough effort. As such, someone that focuses on a single path to the point of excess will be able to get around many defences that they might as well be invisible… but they will have flaws of their own. Everyone does.”

‘Ah, she meant bypassing security, like this world’s equivalent of cameras and what not, not literally being invisible… That’s probably not very difficult in the Planar Continents, now that I think about it,’ Bianca considered, “So, we need to figure out a way to solve this?”

“One way or another, yes. We cannot overpower the sect, but I’ve had an idea thanks to Han Rushu’s craftsmanship. It may be possible to distract them, either by a show of wealth or an implication of strength, then have some of us intrude upon their territory and locate their vault while they’re focused on the distraction…” the kitsune said, thinking for a while and using the pause as an opportunity to drink almost half a cup worth of tea, “On one hand, we’re going up against a major sect. There’s almost no chance of success since they’ll have exceptional security. On the other hand, they’re a major sect, so they won’t be expecting as few as three morons to rush in and steal their things.”

“Doesn’t sound very encouraging so far, to be quite honest,” Bianca muttered, “Are we sure this is even a good idea?”

“It’s a really, really good one, provided we make things work. Bianca, you know that you’re far weaker when you’re not letting your Demon Queen side emerge, so now imagine how much stronger you could be with something that allows you to actually take advantage of your realm,” the kitsune said, “Song Ming, I’m sure you have an idea.”

“Yeah… If this item works like she claims it does, then you would benefit from it immensely for the rest of your life – especially if it’s easy to keep on at all times,” she agreed, “I wish that it wasn’t necessary, but as is, you may never be able to truly be free from all the stigma and all the… hatred that people direct at you.”

“… You do make a decent case there. I wish I didn’t have to do any of this nonsense, but I’m not sure how much any kind of distraction could give us, either. Unless you can capture the attention of just about everyone in the sect with no more than two of us – or more if we convince someone else to join in, but… I’d never join in if I knew that this was the sort of madness I’d be signing up for,” Bianca sighed, resting her chin on Song Ming’s shoulder, “I mean, one group of random dickheads from the Blazing Skies Sect ended up putting us in significant danger, so…”

The kitsune sighed as well, going for another sip of her tea before freezing midway as she realised she was done with the cup, “We’ll need to exploit more than that, of course. If we can figure out a schedule for the sect that involves most of them departing for whatever reason or being otherwise occupied, that would only mean that we need to clear up one point of entry for ourselves and get in and out before they return.”

“Which is unlikely, given that those places are – according to you – filled with thousands of people, so most wouldn’t have a reason to leave all at once.”

“Indeed, even in the case of a full-blown attack upon them by the likes of the Exarch, they wouldn’t pull away everyone to fight. There would need to be some guarding their treasuries and warehouses, some that would provide healing and aid for the injured, some that would be tasked with maintaining artefacts and so on. That being said, we don’t need literally everyone to leave.”

“Only enough to let us get through to wherever they’re keeping the Weave?” Song Ming said.

“Mhm. That’s not as challenging as clearing out the entire sect, but still… and, needless to say, even if we were able to get away without any losses after a failure, we wouldn’t get another chance no matter what.”

There was a long break in their conversation, with Xue Yaling seeming to consider their plan while Bianca drifted off to thinking about whatever came to mind first.

Even if she was entirely on board with the plan to storm a sect, which might as well be equivalent to an incredibly secure and guarded army base from her own world, she had little to say. She knew nothing about this world’s security systems, nor did she know much about Orbis’ security to be able to comment on how those would work. Perhaps the fact that she knew that movies weren’t very accurate in their portrayals of such things made her more knowledgeable than some, but that didn’t set an especially high bar for her.

Therefore, it seemed simplest for her to simply let the kitsune do and say whatever she wanted. In the end, even if she knew what she was doing, she couldn’t do much about it. After all, the only way to fully dissuade the kitsune would be to provide an alternative, as it would also ensure that Song Ming was on board and that the kitsune would be happy.

‘It is nice how committed she is to ensuring I’m okay, even if I’m pretty sure it’s just to make things nice for herself as well…’ Bianca noted, “So, do we have any particular ideas for now, or are we just brainstorming?”

“For now, nothing save for one – we require some items from our new blacksmith friend. If we prepare sufficiently convincing star metal lookalikes, anyone wearing them will immediately seem like a far bigger deal than they really are. Thus, their ability to offer a distraction will also increase significantly,” Xue Yaling explained, “Just imagine someone wandering in with incredible equipment fit for someone in the seventh realm while, say, in the third realm. You’d certainly catch a lot of attention.”

“I hope you’re not suggesting one of us does it… though you’re right, it does sound quite distracting.”

“Well, it depends, but I’d definitely like that sword and some armour to show off. We’re not too different in height and figure – your boobs and ass aside, Bianca – so we should be able to fit regardless.”

“Uh… thanks for the compliment?”

“You’re welcome, sweetie. Anyway, Bianca, would you mind taking care of that tomorrow? I have a few things in mind to check, and I think Song Ming could do some more time out in the city as well to get used to it, so I’ll bring her with me,” the kitsune said, “Later in the day, we should get an invitation from the leader of the Dancer’s Abode, so we ought to reconvene after a few hours and speak with her. If we’re lucky, she might offer us some help.”

“So you do know her? I wasn’t honestly sure,” Bianca muttered.

“Do put a bit more trust in me. I know her – or knew her, since it has been a while – rather well, and I imagine that she’ll be very likely to help us out if she knows what we’re planning. She and I have seen eye to eye on a number of occasions.”

“I see…”

“Anyway, take your time and enjoy the amenities here. As far as I can tell, the wanted notices didn’t reach this place, so we won’t be bothered unless we choose to stand out excessively.”

The kitsune put down her empty cup and went back to the door, turning back to quickly gesture to her right.

“Bathroom’s down that way, incidentally. With how much we’ve had throughout the day, I imagine we’ll need it,” she said, opening the door, “I’m pretty sure they’ve also got a gloryhole in there, judging from the state of a woman I’d seen leaving from there, but I don’t imagine either of you need to use it… Nor would I recommend it. When you don’t know the person on the other side, you never know what they’re like.”

“That’s… fair.”

Bianca had never visited a gloryhole back on Orbis for obvious reasons, but she did know better than to expect everyone to be perfectly healthy, hygienic and otherwise respectful. Even then, Song Ming only seemed to have eyes for her, and Bianca would have to be a complete moron to get some random woman to suck her cock instead of going to Song Ming.

‘However, considering that I’m not thinking about pushing her to her knees the moment that the kitsune leaves, I must want something a little different…’

As the door shut behind Xue Yaling, Song Ming and Bianca were alone once more, with the setting sun shining into their room. The silence prompted Song Ming to adjust her position just a little, and that alone got her cock to harden yet again.

With it pressed straight against her pet’s groin, it was inevitable that she’d notice right away.

“Are you sure you don’t need some help, Mistress?” she whispered, “I promise I’ll do a good job. I’ll satisfy you however you wish me to-”

“I said this already, my pet, but it’s fine. I’ll sort it out, and if I decide I’d like your help, I’ll not hesitate to ask,” Bianca confirmed again, giving Song Ming’s cheek a brief kiss, “Don’t worry about me as much, things seem to be going okay lately. I’ve yet to be called a demon even once in this place… Yu Juan and Han Rushu didn’t seem to even notice anything different about me.”

“True, they didn’t seem to bat an eye… I’m pretty sure your aura is still around, though. I can feel it, even if it doesn’t… it’s nice, actually.”

“… Noted,” Bianca frowned for a moment, though she ultimately relaxed and patted the spot on the bed beside her, “Come on, let’s sit down together and enjoy the rest of the tea, then I guess we can find the bathroom and head to bed, unless you’d like to do something else.”

“I’d just like to be close to you, so… not really,” she chuckled, “And honestly, I’m tired, so if you don’t want to do anything, I’ll happily fall asleep the moment I lie down.”

“I’d like to do a bit of cuddling first, but…” Bianca said, “We’ll see.”


Song Ming got off of her lap and took up a spot beside her, the soft bed beneath them creaking just a little bit in the process, then both of them picked up a cup of tea – which had cooled quite a bit since it was brought in, though it remained warm enough to enjoy – and enjoyed it in silence.

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