I Was Called A Demon

Arc 5: Chapter 6

That day ended up passing uneventfully, even in the bathroom where Bianca did find hints of what could be the gloryhole that Xue Yaling mentioned, but as she had expected, neither of them had any interest in trying it out.

Hence, when they did head to sleep a little later on, Bianca was still on edge. They had initially attempted to sleep facing one another, in a comfortable embrace, but that just ended with her cock getting hard from Song Ming’s warmth and then being pressed in between their bodies, resting on the cutie’s belly. It was nearly impossible to relax and sleep, so she soon had to abandon the idea and instead turn around, since Song Ming’s boobs resting on her back were a little less distracting.

It still took quite the annoying while, and even when she woke up the next day, the sheets were still being lifted by the hard length of her dick. There was a slight wet spot at the tip, implying she’d been leaking some precum while she slept, meaning it must’ve stayed hard for at least a while.

‘Well, guess I’ll be going through the rest of the day half-hard. I imagine that Han Rushu would notice right away, but I’ll deal with her somehow. It’s not that difficult if the others aren’t with me, since I don’t need to watch out for how they’ll respond, but still…’ she sighed while she was getting dressed, prompting looks from both the kitsune and her pet, ‘Ah, crap.’

“Are you okay? Is going to quickly chat with another woman with a bigger dick than yours really such a bad thing?” Xue Yaling smirked.

Bianca couldn’t help but glare at the kitsune, “No, I’m just tired in general. I’ll sort things out, don’t you worry, though if she asks for more than we can provide, there’s nothing I can really do. I’m not good with negotiating, after all.”

“Don’t worry, so long as she can provide, I’ll pay up. She shouldn’t ask for everything upfront, either, so just get an idea of what she’s willing to take and then give her half. This pouch has quite the generous sum in it, and I have more and can gather more by the time she’s done, so… you know, it shouldn’t be a problem,” she explained, handing Bianca a large pouch the moment that she was done with putting on her shorts, “And do try and take care of that small problem of yours. It almost hurts to see you try and fit it into your clothes.”

“… Yeah, sure, whatever,” Bianca glanced at Song Ming, but eventually tore her gaze away, “I’ll be alright for now, don’t worry. Just, remember, if this somehow ends up in an armed confrontation, I’m not to blame.”

“Nah, no way. Just go ahead.”

“Good luck, Bianca!” Song Ming said, offering her a warm smile, “I’ll be looking forward to seeing you again.”

“Me too, cutie,” she replied, departing first.

She remembered the route to the blacksmith from yesterday, and so she didn’t have much trouble getting bath there. Nobody got in her way, and even when she arrived at Han Rushu’s place, there weren’t many people queuing up to visit her – or more precisely, none at all. That didn’t seem too odd, considering that her store wasn’t exactly a convenience store that one would visit every few days, and it meant that she would not be anywhere near as nervous as she could be.

Therefore, she went in without too much fear, enduring the heat as she wandered in, following the sound of weak hammer strikes on metal.

When she had wandered in far enough – it felt like the building was significantly larger and more complex than it had any right to be, though that may just be caused by the excessive heat – she called out, “Um, Han Rushu? I’ve got a request for you!”

The hammer strikes stopped, and moments later the blacksmith appeared before her, a concerned look on her face.

“You know you could’ve called out from further away, right? Whether you’ve got some body cultivation technique or not, wandering into a place like this for the first time is bound to exhaust you…” she grabbed Bianca’s hand and pulled her away, “Come with me, this is no place for idle chatter, nor proper business.”

Everything around her seemed to blur more and more until, all of a sudden, the orange hues vanished alongside the slam of a door, and she found herself in a place resembling an office. There was a nice desk with a chair in front and behind it and plenty of leg space, and a bunch of cupboards and shelves with some displaying more of the blacksmith’s work. Best of all, it wasn’t anywhere near as blazing hot as the outside, so for Bianca it might as well have been freezing cold, which she was happy to endure whether it truly was that cold or not.

“Oh fuck… was it so hot that I nearly passed out?” she muttered to herself, the sheer contrast in temperatures forcing her to ponder just how close she had gotten to dying a moment ago.

“Mhm. I work with flames that far exceed any mortal fires, so it could easily overwhelm your senses if you just barge in like that,” the blacksmith said, handing her a cool glass of water before getting into her chair and putting her feet up onto the desk, “Drink that and recover first. I don’t like scamming my customers out of their wealth just because they’re not feeling well enough to think things through.”

“Thanks, I guess…” Bianca took a sip of the water and felt her whole body shiver as the water within chilled her to the bones, ‘Alright, the office is probably room temperature and this water must be at 0, or else this is some magical water that can exist at absolute zero… Feels really good, though.’

Being true to her word, Han Rushu did little while Bianca was cooling down, only glancing idly at her nails or glancing at her with no clear intent behind her gaze. Thus, she was able to regain her senses, and then had enough time to start feeling rather awkward about being the centre of attention for someone she had fantasised about not that long ago.

“So, uh… weren’t you working on something?”

“Nothing important, and it was mainly small adjustments. I finished it up before coming over to you,” she said absentmindedly, glancing over again once she finished and then keeping her gaze there, “Feeling better, right?”


“Good, then we can get onto business. Wanna fuck?”

“I- uh, w-what?” Bianca would’ve certainly spat out her drink if she had taken a sip of water a moment prior, but luck had averted that particular disaster.

“Oh, did I misunderstand? You were giving me horny eyes yesterday, and then you suddenly need to see me for ‘business’, so… Not the first time it’s happened that way, and frankly, it’s way more common than someone actually wanting to hire me,” the blacksmith shrugged, “Considering just how shocked you looked, I’m guessing I got it wrong this time.”

“W-Well… uh, I did have something to order, actually. Remember the blade you showed off yesterday?” Bianca tried not to fidget, instead focusing entirely on the task given, “If possible, we’d like that, and also some armour pieces that would fit any of us in the same style.”

“Meaning star metal-like pieces, right? I can have them done within a week or two, less if you don’t need them to have any true defensive properties,” the blacksmith looked away again, her interest clearly lessened.

‘If one of us has to wear them and show off, there’s a chance that we’ll be hurt, so…’ after thinking for a moment, Bianca replied, “It’d be best if they worked, at least to some extent. Also, they’re to be worn on the outside, so-”

“Mhm, you wouldn’t bother getting a fake unless you wanted others to see it. I suppose you could be so unfortunate that you’d believe in your own lie if you told it to yourself often enough, but that would be a rather sad thing, so I hope you’re better than that,” Han Rushu said, their eyes meeting for a moment, “Assuming you’re fine with the time, I can get started right away, so long as you give me something to prove you’re going to pay me.”

“Y-Yes, I’ve got-”

“Though I would like to know… you sure you’re not interested?”


“Not sure if you’ve heard about me out there yet, but I’ve been with quite a few women. I know when someone is interested, and unless you’re one of those innocent types, I’m sure you know as well. So?”

“… Uhm… I am somewhat curious…” Bianca admitted, both to the blacksmith and herself, feeling her cheeks burn from her words, “I’ve known I like women for a while, but I hadn’t exactly considered one having a dick until about a day ago.”

“Heh, that certainly makes it interesting,” Han Rushu said, sitting up and putting her feet down, “I can’t say that your body will appreciate having me as your first, but… few people have complained for long. Just say the word, and I’m happy to introduce you to a whole new world in any way you like – it’s fine by me no matter what we do, after all.”

Bianca looked at her, then at some distant part of the room, and then back again several times in a row before she eventually sighed, put the pouch she’d been given on the edge of the table, and forced herself to look the blacksmith straight in the eyes, “Alright, but if I want this to stop at any moment, you better stop.”

“Hm… alright, fine by me. Not like I have any issues getting off even if you run off midway…” she shrugged, “So… any preferences, or should I just grab you and rail you until you can’t walk for a week?”

“L-Let’s not rush things. At least give me a chance to see if I’m actually into this… how about a blowjob?”

“Want to get addicted to my taste? Go ahead, then,” the blacksmith chuckled, reaching down and starting to pull her pants down before she froze and looked back at Bianca, “Actually… Want to do it yourself? I’ve seen it be quite the experience.”

Bianca rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t deny that she was somewhat curious as well. As such, she reluctantly got up and headed over to the other side of the desk, where she almost instantly spotted a thin cushion placed beside the chair, just in front of it thanks to the blacksmith pulling the chair back and turning it a little.

“… You get people on their knees often, don’t you…”

“Of course. It gets rather addictive once you’ve tried it out enough times… something you may find out eventually,” she nodded towards Bianca’s bulging shorts, “You must’ve gotten rather lucky with your draconic blood to get that and nothing else.”

She didn’t say anything back, though her cheeks did redden anyway. Resisting the temptation to pull down her shorts and let her sweaty cock go free – as it was very tempting indeed, since it felt it would either end with that or her shorts tearing apart – she went down to her knees and immediately realised she did the right thing.

The blacksmith’s scent was extremely strong down there, and she couldn’t mistake exactly what she was smelling. Cock and ball sweat mixed with the remaining scents of past encounters, the thick stench of dried cum flooding Bianca’s nose.

It should’ve been awful… and it was quite the attack on her sensitive senses to some extent, but she couldn’t help but want more. To pull Han Rushu’s pants down and get straight to the source, to take it into her mouth, and see what it would feel like filling her throat. She’d never felt like this before, but now that she was out of the realm of imagination alone, it was harder to associate the woman before her with a man than not, and to appreciate her as she was.

Like, for instance, the prominent bulge in the blacksmith’s pants, her thick rod clearly snaking down along her leg. She couldn’t help but gulp at the sight.

“You’re big…” she exhaled, reaching up for the top of her pants.

“Thank you, cutie~,” Han Rushu grinned, “And do take your time. You look hot as is, but on your knees and with your eyes so wide… mhm, just gorgeous.”

The blacksmith licked her lips, and Bianca resisted the urge to talk back. She could’ve jabbed at her with a word or two, regardless of whether she’d do well or not, but if she didn’t focus on her present interest and give it a proper go at least once, she’d regret it for quite a while.

Hence, she kept her mouth shut for now and pulled down the blacksmith’s trousers, struggling the most not on her admirable hips but rather on the girthy rod that she could smell through the fabric.

But the moment she got them down, the immense length that jumped out and somehow managed to nearly slap her in the face despite her being nowhere near the blacksmith’s groin didn’t disappoint. It was an absolute monster, a tower that seemed to eclipse her entirely and filled her vision the moment it was let loose. Veins riddled the surface, the darker skin and the thick bush of pubic hair by the base making it feel as though it didn’t belong on Han Rushu’s body.

Frankly, it felt that way for plenty of reasons. The blacksmith’s cock looked huge – or perhaps enormous, immense, overwhelming or even absolutely mindboggling – even on a larger frame than hers. With the short body that she had, it was utterly gargantuan.

“D-Damn…” the word slipped past Bianca’s lips as she felt her whole body heat up, breathing suddenly becoming harder, “It’s… wow.”

“Heavens, faces like that are what makes it all worthwhile,” Han Rushu said, resting one of her elbows on the edge of her desk, then simply remained quiet and watched. Bianca was expecting more comments, but apparently she was committed to letting Bianca explore entirely on her own… though she had a feeling she wouldn’t be able to stall forever if she had yet to make up her mind.

Fortunately for the blacksmith, she didn’t plan to make her wait too long.

As intimidating as the thing before her was, since her mind didn’t associate it with a man’s one, she felt far less hesitant that she otherwise might have. In her mind, it felt almost like facing any other woman, and thus she could do what she had wanted to since she first met the blacksmith.

She leaned in, shutting her eyes and bringing her nose to the huge cock’s base, inhaling as deeply as she could. The scent of the blacksmith’s dick flooded her lungs and her mind, nearly drowning her in an instant, the overwhelming musk making her shudder. Her cock hardened even more, precum leaking into her shorts, but she couldn’t bring herself to care for now as she pressed her nose against the shaft and breathed in again.

The coating of sweat upon the rigid length marked her skin, but she could barely feel it in comparison to the scent. Han Rushu’s work at the forge, short as it may have been today, already made her smell like she should’ve had a shower a day ago, if not two, but something about its unique quality made her crave it all the more.

It was filled with a certain sense of power and virility that just drove her wild, to the point that she even felt her pussy tighten around nothing, getting wet from the prospect of engaging in the most primal of human acts.

“Well, well… From how reluctant you were at first, I was expecting some hesitation, but you clearly know what you want… and you dove straight in, too,” the blacksmith said, a smile clearly at her lips, “And a scent slut, to boot… Didn’t expect another one to show up just like that.”

“Another one… you mean Yu Juan?” Bianca backed up for a moment before her brain could be fried completely, and slightly opened her eyes to gaze at Han Rushu.

“Mhm, she says that since her blindness, her sense of smell had improved a dozen times, and being the bitch in heat that she is, she can’t ever get enough of my scent… though I suspect that’s just a lie so that she doesn’t seem like too much of a pervert.”

“That’s a problem for you lot?”

“There is always such a thing as too much, even here,” the blacksmith shrugged, “But enough about her. You weren’t just planning to stop with this, were you?”

Bianca breathed in through her nose again, feeling as though all the clean air had long been replaced with Han Rushu’s musk, “Nope… but I did need a moment. Hard to take something this impressive in a single go, regardless of how I do so…”

Every further breath did little more than enhance her arousal, so she stopped delaying the inevitable and instead sat up, bringing her mouth closer to the tip, letting the different scent wash over her senses. While the faint scent of cum was obvious even down below, at the base, it was mixed amidst the sweat that built up beneath her bushy pubes. Up here, it was very much the opposite.

Whatever scents lingered up there couldn’t match the strong smell of cum that was added to by the drop of precum that had already appeared at the tip. It was so much like what she knew from Orbis – thanks to one asshole whose name seemed to have long escaped her – but even then, she couldn’t be repulsed by it in the slightest. All that scent did was make her desire it more, crave it more, hunger for it even though she’d never considered sucking cock prior to yesterday… so she didn’t spend too long looking at it.

As oddly appealing as the dark throbbing head of the blacksmith’s cock was, as tempting as the rest of her veiny, but otherwise smooth shaft looked, she had gotten down to her knees for a reason.

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