I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 449 Karin, the Messenger of Justice

As the civets continued to split and the number increased, the entire restaurant was disrupted.

Karin stared at the raging magical creature with fiery eyes. She hadn't tried making a wand core out of civet hair yet.

It's like eating ice cream. I have tried countless flavors, but I have never tasted mustard and garlic... It really lacks novelty and excitement!

The girl was about to sneak over to pick up a few cat hairs, but found that the boy beside her had already jumped into the air before her and flew towards the center of the restaurant.

That is the magic that can split the physical clone, Rove certainly doesn't want to miss this good opportunity!

It's actually very simple to appease a furious civet, you just need to grab the back of its fate's neck, and it will calm down and be at the mercy of others.

Of course, the premise is to find its body!

The split civet's clone is one size smaller than the main body, so Rove flew in the air, just looked around, quickly found the main body, and flew straight towards it.

The civet also spotted Rove in mid-air. It shook its fur, let out a meowing roar, and directed the other clones to attack him.

They have a super jumping ability, and when they jump up, they can easily catch Rove flying against the ceiling.

The claws that were poised to run wild seemed to be able to grab the child from midair with ease. Many wizards also showed horror and fear when they saw this scene.

The boy didn't change his face, he folded his hands on his chest, and tapped his arm slightly with his thumb.

Karin suddenly noticed the knife and fork on the table beside her and trembled violently.

Not only her, but all the wizards in the restaurant noticed this.

All of a sudden, all the metal products were affected by some kind of magical power, and they began to be restless, colliding with the surroundings constantly, and the clanging sound resounded throughout the restaurant.

A thousand years ago, Rove helped the goblin king Ragnac to remove the sarcoma, and obtained the magic Fairy Hand, which can control metal substances, absorb and change the form of metals at will.

There was a buzz, and those metal knives, forks, plates, bowls, tables and chairs were all controlled by Rove and flew towards the sky.

The jumping civet was directly knocked into the air, and fell onto a table full of food, and the table exploded with a bang!

There was a flat landscape in front of Luo Fu, and in everyone's field of vision, they could only see the handsome young man, gracefully landing not far from a civet.

The civet let go of the bitten witch and pounced on him. At the very moment, the young man turned sideways to avoid the attack, instead of entangled with it, he ran forward swiftly.

He came in front of the witch, bent down and grabbed her collar to wrap around his chest, then jumped up in an extremely chic way, and swept back.

The young man retreated extremely fast, and in a very short time, he and the civet made a long distance, bringing the injured witch to a safe place.

The whole process of saving lives is smooth and smooth, which is pleasing to the eye!

Bertha, get someone to treat her wound, Rove said.

Bertha was stunned for a moment before stammering: Okay...ok...you...

Before she finished speaking, Rove had already rushed forward again, and the civet also rushed towards him.

The next moment, everyone's eyes widened and their hearts were surging. They saw the young man raised his arm, and an iron plate fell from the sky, blocking the civet in an instant.

It wanted to go around from the left, and another iron plate crashed down, blocking the path on the left.

The metal gathered in the sky all fell from the sky, and after sinking into the ground, it pierced the eardrum, trapping it densely in the middle.

Eventually a prison is formed.

The civet was about to jump out of the sky with its hind paws strong, but Rove had already floated up and stepped on its back. He raised his wand and tapped it down

The civet neighed in pain, and its four legs bent and limp on the ground in an instant, as if they were crushed by a heavy burden.

Rove reached out and grabbed the back of its neck, and lifted it up suddenly. In an instant, all the clones disappeared.

The civet growled a few times and began to shrink. It quickly shrunk to the size of a house cat in the Muggle world, meowing pitifully.

The entire restaurant was silent, and the civet, who had made everyone helpless just now, was subdued so quickly. All this was just a few blinks of an eye, and the situation was completely reversed.

Karin opened her mouth even more and looked at Rove in horror.

When he dealt with himself last night, didn't he try his best? !

How can I be so vulnerable? !

Under everyone's strange eyes, Rove calmly carried the black cat and walked towards the injured witch.

The wound on her arm was so deep that the bones were almost visible, and the scalp was bleeding from the few strands of hair she had roughly pulled off just now.

Carmel, a staff member of the floating dragon boat, was wiping off the blood on her body with a soft cloth, and holding Bai Xian to help her stop the bleeding.

The civet's owner was standing aside, desperately apologizing:

That's why I brought Heitan up here to look after my luggage. It's always been gentle. I don't know what happened today...it's all my fault...

Bertha came over, first looked at the civet nervously, and then asked, Rove, are you alright?

I'm fine. Rove shook his head, raised his hand and asked, What are you going to do with this civet?

This beast, Carmel said, is supposed to be chained.

It can't be allowed to run around like this anymore. Sooner or later, people will die. It must be tied up... What do you think, Mr. Bostan?

Bostein was the owner of the civet. He wiped the sweat from his brow and said, I totally agree, lock it up...

No! The witch lying on the ground said resentfully, I didn't mess with it at all, but it bit me... this beast must be killed!

That's right. The witch's companion also said seriously: We can't tolerate this animal committing a crime without any punishment at all. This is a provocation to the Norwegian Ministry of Magic.

Everyone looked at Bostein, he hesitated for a moment, and had no choice but to say in a low voice: Okay...but I don't want it to be tortured.

Carmel assured: Of course, sir... I will handle it humanely, you don't have to worry.

Soon everyone left in a hurry, but Rove frowned and stood still.

Karin, who was wearing an invisibility cloak, stared at the boy and said in a low voice, Rove, what's wrong with you?

I'm just a little confused. Rove narrowed his eyes and said, Although I haven't raised a civet before, I heard my grandfather mentioned it...

The civet is a very spiritual magical creature. Unless others actively attack it, it generally will not attack wizards.

But the witch didn't take the initiative to attack it. Karin said: Many people have seen it.

This is exactly what I'm confused about. Rove nodded, The French Ministry of Magic even uses civet cats to guard the Ministry of Magic, because they, like cats and cats, can identify malicious wizards...

Karin was stunned and said, Do you suspect that there is something wrong with that witch?

Rove hummed, he was indeed more inclined to believe in the judgment of magical creatures.

Then let's report her? Karin, who suddenly had a sense of justice, said excitedly:

In case she really has a problem, what kind of conspiracy is she planning? This is a ship with representatives from various countries. We can't let such problematic wizards stay on board.

Rove was speechless.

What's wrong? Karin asked, Where did I say something wrong?

Before you talk about others, can you look in the mirror first? Rove rolled his eyes and said:

You yourself are a 'dangerous element' who came here by smuggling. You have hair all over yourself, and you still call him a monster?




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