I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 450 Rove: Ma'am, come at me!

As a stowaway, Karin is not clean, but she still wants to report others. This sense of justice is really unreasonable.

Seeing that the girl still didn't give up, Luo Fu couldn't help laughing and said, Why don't I report you as a stowaway first?

Don't...don't be like this, we are still working together. Karin said with a smile:

Besides, I smuggled here just to go home. I didn't have any malice. That guy is different. Even the civets attacked her...

First of all, just because the civet can find a wizard with malicious intent, it doesn't mean that it has malicious intent to bite the lady. It might really go mad. Secondly...

Luo Fu slightly paused, and said in a deep voice:

She is a wizard from the delegation of the Norwegian Ministry of Magic. She is not a stowaway like you. If there is no evidence, why should she report it... just because the civet bit her?

Such reckless reporting without evidence is likely to trigger a diplomatic crisis.

Okay. Karin curled her lips and said, Then why are you going now?

Go to Carmel. Rove said, He's going to get rid of that civet, I just asked him where he is.

Let's check again to see if there is really something wrong with that civet.

Hearing the boy's words, Karin suddenly became happy again, and wrote off all the bad things he did to her last night.

The two walked along the corridor surrounded by colonnades, passed through the pointed arches, and came to a deep spiral staircase. After descending seven or eight steps, the boy suddenly stopped.

Karin was about to speak, but Rove had already covered her mouth, put his arms around her and leaned back against the wall.

Seeing the boy give her a look, Karin also closed her mouth tightly and listened with her ears up. She heard a voice coming from far below.

It was the grinding of boots and the faint sound of conversation.

Rove used the Disillusionment Charm on himself, and then looked up, and there were two wizards walking down the spiral staircase.

His eyesight was very good, and he quickly recognized the two wizards, they were the witch attacked by the civet cat and her companion.

Their hurried voices echoed up the empty spiral staircase.

... Sally... listen to me...

The wizard grabbed the witch's arm, but she broke free.

Kiora, I've heard it. I've made up my mind, leave me alone!

Kiora walked a few steps quickly, blocked her way, and said seriously: Sally, according to the plan, we should use the Portkey to leave, you can't go find that guy...

The beast attacked me!

It will be killed immediately!!

He was killed humanely...without leaving any pain... Sally growled angrily.

Kiora hurriedly looked up to see if anyone was there, but fortunately there was no wizard, and he whispered, Then what do you want?

I want to take that animal away and torture it slowly!

Are you crazy? Kiora said, Where are we now? You still have trouble... That wizard named Carmel will not let you take that civet away...

Then kill him... Lysa sneered, We're leaving anyway...he doesn't matter...

I won't let you go! The boss said, let me take you away! Chio grabbed Lysa's arm.

Let me go! roared Sally, drawing a wand from under her cloak, which she slashed down like a knife.

After a flash, Kiora's arm seemed to be on fire, and she let go of Lysa's arm.


But the woman had already rushed forward, and Kiora could only sigh helplessly, and followed up again, but the two kept a distance.

The sound of footsteps completely faded away, Rove turned his head to look at the girl, frowned and said, They seem to be speaking German... what are they talking about?

Karin thought for a while and said: It seems that they are going to kill the civet, and they said they are leaving... The distance is too far, and the other content cannot be heard clearly.

Leaving? Rove narrowed his eyes, and pondered again: They are wizards from Norway, why do they speak German?

I'll just say she has a problem! Karin said triumphantly.

Rove glanced at the girl, beckoned and said, Go, follow.

Sally and Kiora walked along the spiral staircase and soon came to the bottom floor. They followed the signposts and walked through a long corridor to the end.

Lysa knocked on the door, and after more than ten seconds, the door was opened, and a man came out. After seeing the visitor, he frowned and said:

Ms. Eleanor, why are you here? You should go back to your room to recuperate.

My injury is fine, Sally said with a smirk on her face. She looked towards the room and asked curiously, Did that animal be killed?

Not yet. Carmel kept smiling and said, I'm feeding the civet now, and I'll send it on the road after it's full... I'll definitely tell you when I kill it.

Carmel, how about leaving it to me? Sally reached out to hold Carmel's hand, and said softly, Leave it alone.

No, Ms. Eleanor. Carmel retracted his hand, and he refused:

I will kill that civet, it has already paid for its mistakes with its life, so don't torture it, okay?

It seems that the negotiation failed? Lysa said coldly.

Carmel still wanted to speak, but Kiora had already sighed, and suddenly raised his wand and said:


The spell hit Carmel's chest, and he suddenly fell into a coma, threw himself backwards, and lay face down on the ground, motionless.

Lysa raised her foot, stepped on Carmel's body hard, and walked quickly towards the house. She quickly saw a big cage.

The civet was kept in the cage. When it saw the two of them, it bared its sharp teeth and roared forward.

Lysa walked around the cage, holding up her arm, bandaged and still aching from the bite.

I didn't expect you, a beast, to be able to detect something wrong with me... so that our plan was forced to advance urgently...

You are very lucky not to die...but also unlucky...I will take you away...slowly torture.

The civet leaped forward, the cage shook and scraped against the ground under the impact, and the iron chain made a harsh sound.

A cruel sneer appeared on Lysa's lips, and she said in a bitterly sweet tone:

You should have bitten me to death at that time... Unfortunately, that boy saved me. Speaking of which, he is really young and handsome, and he probably hasn't been opened...

Lysa giggled and said, It's a pity, I don't have enough time, otherwise I'll take him away and let him try my old lady's tricks...

Hurry up, don't be fussy here. Kiora took out a pocket watch from his pocket, and said, We're leaving...

Sally raised her wand and pointed it at the cage, a red light shot from the side, she flew backwards and fell heavily on the ground.

Who? cried Kiora.

You can take me away now. Rove's figure appeared, and he said with a smile:

I'm right here, Madam...whatever tricks you have...you can come at me!

I will continue! !



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