I was Invincible for a Billion Years

Chapter 2008 - Come back, Lord

Chu Lingxiao’s words.

Suddenly, the heaven of the eighth district was a little silent, or a little guilty.

But what Chu Lingxiao said was also true.

He really did not want Chu Lingxiao to come back.

“Okay, what are you going to do with me?”

this moment.

Heavenly Dao in the eighth district was also relieved. He thought he had overestimated Chu Lingxiao from afar, but he did not expect that it was still underestimated.

At the beginning.

He had thought that after Chu Lingxiao entered the world of the Lord, he would never come back.

The best result is.

Chu Lingxiao died directly in the world of the Lord.


The details of this eighth district can also fall into his heavenly hands.

The world only knows that he is heaven.

But it was only in the regional world heaven like him that he knew in his heart that what they longed for most was not what dominated the fate of the monks, but what they wanted to become real people.

Practice like those monks.

And his heavenly path in the eighth district, before he met Chu Lingxiao, had a hunch that in the years to come, there will be a shocking change, which will lead the monks in the entire eighth district world to cultivate rapidly. .


He disappeared at this time.


Only he knew that it was a red mural with a 100-meter mound that caused all this. However, it was necessary to wait for the first person to get the mural to unravel all the words on the mural.

Only then will the final details of this eighth district appear.

if not.

He killed the other party long before Zi Tian’s ancestors got the crimson mural.


Unexpectedly, Chu Lingxiao not only did not die in the world of the Lord, but now he is back …

But the next moment.

In the eighth district Tiandao, I thought Chu Lingxiao came this time to destroy him completely, but heard Chu Lingxiao said lightly:

“I won’t kill you, I still said the same sentence, as long as you continue to protect the sky blue star for me, your agreement will still count.”

“Not only that, when I finish dealing with things in the world of heaven and earth, how will I create a monk body for you?”

In an instant.

Upon hearing these words from Chu Lingxiao, Tiandao in the eighth district clearly became excited in a moment.

Talk way:

“But what you said is true?”

“You think you deserve to be fooled by you?”

The Eighth District Heavenly Path: “…”

“Okay, what to say, I have finished speaking, and I should go.”

next moment.

Before Ling Dao responded to the eighth district, Chu Lingxiao turned and left.


After Chu Lingxiao left the area, the surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet again.

Seeing Chu Lingxiao left like this.

this moment.

Tiandao in the eighth district was completely silent.

He really did not expect that Chu Lingxiao just let him go. You know, he was cheating Chu Lingxiao from beginning to end.

But where is the Eighth District Tiandao?

If it had not been for him for 5,000 years, he had been guarding the sky blue star, otherwise, if Chu Lingxiao came back this time, it is possible that the first person to kill was his eighth district heaven!

After a flash of white clothes from this heaven and earth space.

As if this eighth district.

There has never been a person like Chu Lingxiao.


After a few hours.

Ancestral domain.

More than a dozen figures followed behind Chu Lingxiao, left the eighth district, and flew directly towards the world of the heaven and earth.

But when I learned that I could finally return to the world of the Lord, the happiest was Taiyin, Ye Feng and others.


The reason they will follow is for the same flower.

This is anything in the world.

It ’s an incomparable practice product.

As for the eighth district giants such as Feng Muxue, they were all excited, looking at the entrance to the world of the main world closer and closer to them. No matter who they were, they couldn’t help but clenched their hands.

Lord world.

Unexpectedly, these monks from one side of the world can actually come here one day.

Even the ancient giants are not a strong world here.

The real monk, the place to go!

“Sir, you just left. If there is anything wrong with that ancestral domain in the future, will it happen …”

en route.

Taiyin couldn’t help but asked.

after all.

Chu Lingxiao walked too fast, except for the monk of the ancestral domain, basically no one knew that Chu Lingxiao had left.


Chu Lingxiao didn’t speak, but the star son on the side, but flew over immediately, smiling with a smile:

“Senior, you can rest assured. The little old man has already arranged it all. My few disciples, who will not be able to handle it, will take care of it.”


The ancestors of the five great ancestors, as well as a group of ancient giants, also flew over quickly.

It seems.

They have already arranged for the future of that ancestral domain.

See here.

Taiyin returned to his indifferent appearance.

But these giants in the eighth district, the ancient giants, do not know where they need to be arranged.

There is the heaven of the eighth district.

The ancestral domain will never be like that again.

Do n’t look at the Heavenly Path of the Eighth District. In the past, it could only suppress the monks who lived in the main class of Heaven and Earth, but in fact, the Heavenly Path of the Eighth District is stronger than the Heavenly Path in the world of any side.

Just before.

In order to hide his strength in front of Chu Lingxiao, he did so deliberately.

If there is a real giant monk, deal with it.

I’m afraid I can’t use a trick at all, and I will be cut off.


A group of people followed Chu Lingxiao’s figure and finally returned to the entrance of the world of the Lord.

next moment.

The entrance door opened.

And when the giants in the eighth district finally walked in, the scene of the world of heaven and earth suddenly surprised them and jumped.

Just a moment of effort.

They could fully feel that their own power seemed to be limited, and there was a kind of feeling with a sword hanging on their head, which made them extremely uncomfortable.

“This … is that the order of the world of the Lord?”

For a while.

All the giants in the eighth district, with their eyes wide open, felt extremely incredible.

The path of the monk.

There are three major components.

One is the law.

The second is order.

The last thing is heaven.

But now.

They only feel the part of order, they have a kind of soul, and they are about to feel the soul flying away.

This is really unimaginable.

How powerful is the heavenly way of the world of the Lord …

“Adult ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It seems that someone has come across these nine heavens.”

But the next moment.

A word from Taiyin, the group of giants in the eighth district who were shocked again, tremble with a heart.

What is the nineth heaven?

“Look, what is that!”

Suddenly, at this moment, I do n’t know who yelled. In an instant, when all the giants of the eighth district could not follow someone, they looked at it, when they saw the nineth heaven above the sky.

this moment. .

All the eighth district giants stared straight up.

So … what is that? !

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