I was Invincible for a Billion Years

Chapter 2009 - Unknown, a group of young people

All the giants in the eighth district, including Feng Muxue, were dumbfounded.

no way.

Anyone who saw the sky above for the first time, suspended in the sky of the ninth heaven, would have this expression.

Long Bingyao and Feng Jiuxiao looked at each other helplessly.

I thought about it.

The first time they came to the world of Lord Heaven and Earth, they looked like this when they saw Jiu Chong Tian.


At the beginning, their cultivation practice was too low, so they didn’t feel the horror of Jiuzhongtian too.

Now think about it.

Time flies so fast.

A blink of an eye.

They have been in the world of the Lord’s world for five years.

But at the moment.

What they really cared about was the sentence that was just too yin.

Nineth Heaven …

Has anyone run through?

Who is so bold!

How dare you break into the Nine Heavens while this person is away, is this impatient?

“grown ups……”

“You don’t have to worry, I will handle this matter, as for these people, I will leave it to you later.”

Chu Lingxiao said lightly.

Wen Yan.

Taiyin had no choice but to say more.

But in my heart.

But it is still thinking, who is so presumptuous in the end, dare to break in even today’s Jiuzhongtian.

Although this one left before.

It has been stated in advance.

This life, including millions of monks in the future world, can freely go to the nineth heaven, but just now she clearly felt that there are more distant monks in the future, when they left the world of the heaven and earth, forcibly broke through here!


These nine heavens …

How could it be offset a little bit from its original position!

Ye Feng, who was standing on the side, couldn’t help but frowned straight. This man’s strength, even the same flower, could be found.

Not to mention this life.

It is a monk after ten million years.

All must kneel under this one.

Who is so bold … How dare you not even listen to this!

Are you crazy? !

Feng Muxue and other giants in the eighth district, although they don’t know what happened, but from the slightly dignified expression of Taiyin, they can also see that it must be a big deal!

But they are not willing to mention it again.

Then they are not easy to ask.

“You go back first.”

Chu Lingxiao said lightly.

Wen Yan.

After Taiyin looked at the crowd, he bowed directly to Chu Lingxiao and saluted him. Then, he led the crowd and left.

After Feng Muxue took a deep look at Chu Lingxiao, he had to follow him together.

As for Ye Feng, Long Bingyao and Feng Jiuxiao.

It was also after a ceremony.

He left.

Although they have not gotten the same flower, I believe that Chu Lingxiao will not lie to them.

And wait until everyone leaves.

Chu Lingxiao spoke lightly again:

“Come on, who are these people.”


A man appeared.

It is the dragon worm old man.

The entrance was close to the old forest in the deep mountains, so when Chu Lingxiao returned, the first person he sensed was the dragon and insect old man.

“Master, the old slave doesn’t know who the guy is. Just two days after you left, there was a group of young men in purple and green costumes who broke into the ninth heaven.”

The old dragon insect respectfully said:

“Then the old slave took out the token you gave me, the master, and then the group was repulsed.”


The old dragon insect took out a purple-green stripe from his arms, which appeared to be torn on his clothes.

“Master, this is one of the clothes that fell off.”

But Chu Lingxiao didn’t mean anything.

See here.

The old dragon worm had no choice but to put it away.

to be frank.

Even now, he still has a little bit of ups and downs in his heart. Even he did not expect that after Chu Lingxiao left, there were actually people who would go to the Nine Heavens.

And it looks like …

He went straight to the flower.

At first he thought he was a monk in the future world, but later he found that this group of young people of unknown origin actually stood up and flew out the founding master of the legendary forces.

At last.

He also had to take out the token that Chu Lingxiao gave him.

But even so.

Still surprised him a little.

I thought that the power of borrowing tokens could easily repel this group of people, but I did not expect that this group of people did not know where to give a white bone skeleton. Under the other party.

But the other side’s expression at the time.

It was also extremely shocking.

It seems that I did not expect that here, I can actually encounter something that can compete with the bone skeleton.

Recall the scene at the time.

In the heart of the old dragon worm, there was some fear.

If there is no token, it is estimated that there is the same flower in the ninth heaven.

Just as the old dragon worm recalled his thoughts, suddenly Chu Lingxiao heard a faint voice in his ear:

“How is the other party?”

Hear this sentence.

The old dragon insect quickly said:

“Master, a total of eight people, three died, and the bone skeleton they sacrificed was also broken.”


The old dragon worm hadn’t felt anything yet, but as soon as he heard Chu Lingxiao speaking in this tone, his body suddenly shuddered, and he quickly knelt down towards Chu Lingxiao.

“Also ask the master to come down.”

“Get up, I don’t mean you.”


The old dragon insect dare to stand up.


After Chu Lingxiao explained some things about the old dragon worm, he flew directly towards the ninth heaven.

Although before leaving.

Chu Lingxiao has already said that.

Anyone can now step into the ninth heaven, even the ninth heaven.

But because of a group of young people of unknown origin, after breaking in, the ninth heavy day is now back to what it used to be.


The founders of several legendary forces are still inside.

This will work hard.

Still studying the mystery of the flower in front of him, he didn’t even notice Chu Lingxiao who had come in.

“Everyone, you said this flower, how could there be another piece of cake for no reason?”

Under silence.

The founder of the future palace, after watching it for a long time, finally couldn’t help but say something.


The founders of the other legendary forces still had the most solemn expression, staring directly at the flower in front of them, and what happened in the past few days was really weird.

First, a group of people of unknown origin.

Breaking in ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ can’t even cope with their founders.

It stands to reason.

At present, the most monks who can come to this life are only the monks of the future world in a million years, and several of them are the strongest among them, but even one of the other parties can’t win.

after that.

There is also a weird scene where there is an extra petal out of thin air.

“Why, have you seen enough?”

But it was just a few people, when I was looking at it, when a familiar, but faint voice suddenly fell in the ear, a few people suddenly felt like a horror, and their bodies could n’t help themselves. Tremble.

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