I watched the short video of Genshin Impact and the character broke his defense.

Chapter 157

Faced with Xing’s question,

Elhaysen replied:

【Elhaysen: It’s really not clear.】

【Alhaysen: As mentioned before, after the death of the Great Kind Tree King,………】

【Elhaysen: Although the great sages of the Order Academy welcomed back the new little Lucky Grass King,………】

【Elhaysen: But in the past five hundred years, apart from the great sages and stakeholders………】

【Elhaysen: Almost no one has seen the little Lucky Grass King】

【Nilu: The children have seen it before】

【Elhaysen: In a dream, right? ? ?】

【Elhaysen: Adults in Sumeru don’t dream.】

【Elhaysen: Children are the ones who dream】

【Elhaysen: This is also the reason why the Little Lucky Grass King has a high status in the hearts of children.】

【Alhaysen: Lady Nasida indeed once said in the group,】

【Elhaysen: She has the ability to control dreams.】

【Elhaysen: Although adults in Sumeru cannot dream,】

【Elhaysen: But Nasida-sama should be able to enter children’s dreams.】

【Nelu: That’s true!!!】

【Desiya: My lady also said this kind of thing!!!】

【Disiya: My young lady’s name is Dina Zedei, everyone must know it.】

【Desiya: The lady has been suffering from magic scale disease since she was a child. She can only lie in her room all year round.】

【Desia: Although Dina’s ladies are looking for a way to cure her illness, in her case, she can neither make friends nor obtain knowledge in the void.】

【Disiya: At this time, the young lady has neither dreams nor any expectations.】

【Disiya: During a serious illness, the lady was half asleep and half awake for several days.】

【Disiya: One night, when the lady woke up, the room was empty, but she couldn’t move or cry.】

【Disiya: At this moment, an incredible voice appeared in the young lady’s mind, comforting her not to be afraid and not to cry.】

【Disiya: This voice not only knows Dina Zede’s name, but also everything about her】

【Disiya: The mysterious voice guided the lady to reveal her wish———Get better from your illness】

【Disia: Although the owner of the voice said that with his current strength, he is still unable to satisfy the young lady’s wish.………】

【Disiya: But when the young lady asked her to be her friend, the 06 voice still agreed.】

【Disiya: In the days after she fell ill, mysterious voices often appeared to encourage her and told her many interesting things.】

【Desiya: But after surviving this attack, the mysterious voice disappeared.】

【Desiya: Even though people around her thought she was dreaming, she knew that the voice was not her imagination.】

【Disia: Because that voice mentioned Teyvat, and the lady has never heard of the continent of Teyvat before.】

【Disiya: Because of this mysterious voice, the young lady became curious about the world and began to learn, recognize and read.】

【Desiya: It is no exaggeration to say that the mysterious voice brought the young lady into contact with wisdom.………】

【Disiya: So the lady identified him as the Little Lucky Grass King and became a loyal admirer of the Little Lucky Grass King.】

【Desiya: This is why Miss was so sad when she heard that the Flower Goddess Festival was canceled and the Zubair Theater was demolished.………】

【Desiya: Now listen to what Alhaysen and Nelu say………】

【Desiya: Maybe that mysterious voice that talked to the lady in the dream was really the Little Lucky Grass King!!!】

【Xing: So something like this happened!!!】

【Paimon: Oh my god………】

【Paimon: Is Dina Zedei okay now? ? ?】

【Desiya: Are you talking about the lady’s mental state? ? ?】

【Disiya: My lady’s spirit is really good lately.】

【Desiya: But my physical condition is getting worse day by day.………】

【Desiya: Oh………】

【Desiya: You don’t know?………】

【Desiya: The lady ran out secretly this time………】

【Desiya: That’s why the young lady’s father asked me to find the young lady.………】

【Disiya: Although the lady has been found now, she still refuses to go back with me.………】

【Desiya; the lady looks so sick now.………How dare I force her to take her back?………】

【Jing Yuan: Is it because of this disease called magic scale disease? ? ?】

【Bai Lu: Can’t it be cured? ? ?】

【Desia: Yes, magic scale disease】

【Disiya: This is a disease unique to Sumeru. It is named after the gray-black scaly tissue that appears on the patient's body. There is no cure yet.】

【Elhaysen: At first, patients will only feel some numbness in the areas where the skin surface has changed.】

【Elhaysen: As the disease progresses, there will be loss of strength and occasional loss of feeling in the fingers and toes.】

【Elhaysen: Eventually, you will become unable to control your body and completely lose your ability to move.】

【Tinari: Collet also has this disease………】

【Tinari: Even though I try my best to suppress it, Collet still gets sick occasionally.………】

【Amber: Woo hoo hoo~~~Cole~~~!!!】

【Kelai: Okay, okay………】

【Kelai: Aren’t I fine now?………】

【Collet: As long as Master Tinari is here, I will be fine!!!】

【Bai Lu: This symptom sounds very similar to a chronic syndrome in our Xianzhou Luofu.………It is somewhat similar to ALS………】

【Bai Lu: How about Ke Lai and that Dina Zedai come to visit our Fairy Boat Luofu together? ? ?】

【Cole: Huh? ? ?】

【Cole: Is that okay? ? ?】

【Bai Lu: What’s not allowed? ? ?】

【Bai Lu: But when you come, remember to bring the best food in Sumeru!!!】

【Tinari: If it is the advanced technology of Immortal Boat Luofu………】

【Tinari: Maybe we can really solve the problem of Demon Scale!!!】

【Elhaysen: I think Tinari you think of the problem too simply.………】

【Tinari: Huh? ? ?】

【Elhaysen: Dead Realm, Demon Scale, Sandstorm………】

【Elhaysen: Don’t you think it’s very similar to the forbidden knowledge pollution in the desert a thousand years ago? ? ?】

【Elhaysen: Today the contamination of forbidden knowledge has also reappeared………】

【Elhaysen: Our gods are also missing now.………】

【Tinari: This………】

【Tinari: Indeed, there is a saying in Sumeru academia that magic scale disease is related to forbidden knowledge.………】

【Su Shang: What exactly is this forbidden knowledge? ? ?】

【Alhaysen: I don’t know.】

【Gui Naifen: What does it mean to obtain knowledge in the void? ? ?】

【Elhaysen: This refers to a device unique to our Sumeru.】

【Elhaysen: It looks very much like the headphones everyone saw on the Fairy Boat before.】

【Alhaysen uploaded a photo.jpg】

【Alhaysen: This is it】

【Elhaysen: This thing is called Void Terminal】

【Elhaysen: It is a tool to enter the void system】

【Elhaysen: The so-called void system is a treasure trove of knowledge.】

【Elhaysen: The Void Terminal is a tool made by the Order using the legacy left by the Great Ci Tree King.】

【Elhaysen: In the territory of Sumeru, as long as you wear and open the void terminal………】

【Elhaysen: Then everyone will be able to connect to the void and obtain the knowledge they need from the void】

【Elhaysen: As long as there are more terminals, the operation will be smoother and the capabilities will be more powerful.】

【Elhaysen: This is also called the void server.】

【Elhaysen: It is driven by the heart of God and is the embodiment of the power of the God of Wisdom.】

【Elhaysen: It unites the wisdom of all people and gives knowledge to the people】

【Black Tower: That’s why I’ve been emphasizing that your technology tree in Teyvat is really wrong.】

【Jing Yuan: This kind of technology is cutting-edge even in our universe.】

【Elhaysen: After all, Teyvat is indeed a place full of mysteries.】

【Navilette: Indeed. 】

And this time. in the video. in the screen.

I don’t know what happened.

Nasida had obviously waved goodbye to everyone, but the scene changed.———

Still with the float bouncing,

Nasida opened her eyes again and said the same lines as before, but this time the scene changed.………

In the first act,

Nacida, who was originally lying in the grass and sleeping, now leans on a stone, and the Knight of Flowers who wakes Nacida up now also changes from the scholar from the Order Academy in the first act. We have become the bastards in the group!!!

They include Elhaysen,

Nelu, Tinari,




Desiya, and Dina Zedei standing next to Desiya, and standing behind everyone,

A group of cute little lolita, including Keli,



Zaoyou, and even visitors from another world, including Bailu,

Swaro and Clara,

Hook and her old Fisman Dad and the Mole Gang………

At the place closest to Nasida were Yingmei and Paimon, the Seven Pillars of March and the Star, and a dog named Lin Xin. Next to him stood a Funina, a black-haired girl. Beauty, a Shenhe.

Their faces were all filled with joyful and happy smiles.

Lin Yi put a corolla made of flowers and plants on Nacida's head, and everyone sang and danced around Nacida in the gorgeous palace that appeared in the first act. , (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Finally, everyone put Nacida on the float.

Nacida threw Yalda candies to the little lolita and the children of Sumeru, and waved to say goodbye to everyone.………

Seeing this heartwarming scene, the sand sculpture friends in the group suddenly felt relieved!!!

【Nilu: Ah………】

【Nilu: It’s everyone!!!】

【Fonina: Is this a picture of the future? ? ?】

【Fonina: Nasida invited us to the Flower Goddess's festival? ? ?】

【March 7: Who is the black-haired girl next to Lin Yi? ? ?】

【March 7: Is there this person in our group? ? ?】

【Poppy: Me………】

【star:? ? ?】

【Leosley: Yeah.………It seems that our Lord Water God has seized the opportunity】

【Navilette: Look at it this way………really】

【Funina: What? ? ?】

【Funina: What do you mean? ? ?】

【Funina: Can you please stop half-talking? ? ?】

【Keli: I know Qiqi and Yaoyao.………】

【Kelly: Who is that girl with the bear hat? ? ?】[]

【Arataki Yidou: What a bear, that’s a tanuki!!!】

【Zayou: Zayou is not a tanuki!!!】

【Arataki Yidou: Huh? ? ?】

【Arataki Yidou: Isn’t this thing a tanuki? ? ?】

【Kuki Shinobu: Boss………】

【Kuki Shinobu: That’s a raccoon dog】

【Arataki Yidou: What? ? ?】

【Zaoyou: It’s the raccoon dog!!!】

【Su Shang: I can pronounce this word!!!】

【Su Shang: It’s just one of a kind!!!】

【Xing: You can read a ghost, you can read it!!!】

【Su Shang: Huh? ? ?】

【Su Shang: You don’t read 1uo!!!】

【Gui Naifen: Changshang, you are hopeless.………】

【Gui Naifen: This word is pronounced he!!!】

【Fu Xuan:………】

【Fu Xuan: Don’t sleep in school】

【Su Shang: Then Fu Taibu went and told my mother to let me not practice sword practice in the morning.】

【Fu Xuan:? ? ?】

【Fu Xuan: But then again………】

【Fu Xuan: This should be a scene from the future, right? ? ?】

【Fu Xuan: Still say………】

【Fu Xuan: Just a dream of Nasida? ? ?】

【Jingyuan: It seems like it’s still a recurring dream】

【Zhongli: And this dream seems to have a third layer. 】

As Zhongli said, this video is not over yet. in the screen.

When Nasida waved goodbye to everyone737 again,………

After changing from the bright and beautiful colors and the obviously daytime environment in the previous two scenes, the picture suddenly turned dark.———

The cheerful and melodious charming music before suddenly stopped.———

It was replaced by a tune that was very unsettling and solemn, and

Nacida's voice was no longer as lively and lovely as before, but became heavy.———

"The float bumps and bumps………

Nacida opened her eyes………"

Nacida's expression was full of sadness and sadness,

"She said she just had a dream………

I dreamed that Nasida’s birthday is today………"

The picture is fragmented, like broken glass, like a broken dream. The previous beauty has long disappeared.

The scarlet sky has replaced the blue sky and white clouds, and the pale earth has replaced the green grass and flowers.

Nasida is still sleeping, and the order Scholars from the academy surrounded Nasida who was awake and forcefully dragged her away.………

"in a dream………

The Flower Knight and his squire discovered her………


I found you!!!

Everyone is looking forward to meeting you!!!"

At the entrance of Jingshan Palace, people surrounded the little Lucky Grass King.

Their faces showed sadness and sadness, and some even shed tears.………

"Flower Goddess Festival Begins………

People circled happily around her………

Until Nasida got on the float………

Say goodbye to everyone………"

At the end of the scene, the great sage Azar and a group of sages from the Order locked Nasida in a barrier sealed by a strange device.………

Nasida's voice finally sounded:

"The float bumps and bumps………

Nacida opened her eyes………

She said she just had a dream………

Dreaming about Nasida's birthday………

It's today………"

Since then………

The entire video ends.

The idiots in the group fell into silence

【Star: The video played by this light screen today feels strange to me】

【Ying: I'm so stupid, really!!!】

【Ying: I should have stopped watching after the second act!!!】

【Paimon: So Nasida was imprisoned by the Order!!!】

【Nilu: It’s indeed the fault of the Imperial Academy!!!】

【March 7: Nasida is so cute………】

【March 7: Why do you treat your own gods like this? ? ?】

【March 7: What did Nasida do wrong? ? ?】

【Su Shang: That’s right!!!】

【Su Shang: Hasn’t she been working hard to become a qualified god? ? ?】

【Shadow: Imprisoning his own god? ? ? ]

Yingbao snorted coldly.

I thought to myself:

What a shame to these people!!!

【Zhongli: Everything happens for a reason. It’s worth unraveling the reasons behind the Jiaoling Yuan’s move.】

【Wendy: It must be the fools!!!】

【Keli: The Great Sage is so evil!!!】

【Keli: Keli is going to punish him with a bouncing bomb!!! 】.

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