I watched the short video of Genshin Impact and the character broke his defense.

Chapter 158

In the chat group, the fellow friends are now in a state of agitation!!!

Although Nacida doesn't usually speak much in the group, and sometimes she feels that Nacida's common sense is a bit strange when she speaks, but overall, everyone still likes

Nacida. Watch it now. After the previous two videos, it can be said that everyone likes it even more!!! Just like Elhaysen said, although Nasida appeared in the video before, she was just a back figure, and Lin Qi complained that she looked like a badminton!!! hateful!!! And now, after seeing Nacida's face, various cute behaviors of Nacida, and her appearance that is completely inconsistent with her age, everyone's love for Nacida has reached a new level!!! But!!! What's going on with this light curtain!!! Everything is fine up front


Why do you want to issue a knife later? ? ?

OK OK!!!

That’s how you play, isn’t it?!! fuck your mother!!!

【Ying was banned for five minutes】

【Star was banned for five minutes】

【Huo Huo: them………What's wrong? ? ?】

【Tails was banned for five minutes】

【Huo Huo: Uncle Tai, what’s wrong with you!!!】

【Paimon: Why was Ying suddenly banned? ? ?】

【March 7: Because they must be cursing the light screen in their hearts.………】

【March 7: At least that’s what Xing told me………】

【Fu Xuan: Have you all forgotten about Lin Yi? ? ?】

【Fu Xuan: How many times has this guy been banned from criticizing the light screen behind his back? ? ?】

【Jingyuan: According to incomplete statistics, it should be no less than 30 times.】

【Jing Yuan: But compared to Chang Le Tianjun, who is still banned today………】

【Jing Yuan: It seems that Lin Yi is nothing more than this………】

【Lin Yi: Is this how you talk to your master? ? ?】

【Fu Xuan: Master? ? ?】

【Yanqing: Master? ? ?】

【March 7: What the hell is Master!!!】

【Jingyuan: You can try it and see if my master agrees.】

【Jingyuan: But you said before that if I introduce my master to you………】

【Jingyuan: You recognize me as a brother………】

【Jing Yuan: Now you are trying your best to become my master, right? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Is this a conflict? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: There is no conflict!!!】

【Lin Yi: From now on, we can talk about our own affairs!!!】

【Lin Yi: I call you brother………】

【Lin Yi: You call me Master!!!】

【Jing Yuan: Good guy!!!】

【Jing Yuan: You alone have taken advantage of all the benefits of co-writing, right?!!】

【Lin Yi: I, Lin Yi, will never succumb to others in my life!!!】

【Lin Yi: To have fun, look for the biggest one!!!】

【Lin Yi: My wife wants to find the best one!!!】

【Lin Yi: Brothers want to find the one who is the most attractive!!!】

【Lin Yi: My daughter wants to find the cutest one!!!】

【Lin Yi: My son wants to find the one who has been beaten the most!!!】

【Paimon: It would be unlucky to be your son!!!】

【Lin Yi: If my son doesn't fight for three days, won't he have to go to the wall? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Let’s talk again………】

【Lin Yi: My sister said he is his biological son!!!】

【Lin Yi: My biological son must be more strict!!!】

【Shen He:………】

【Poppy: Then what kind of son do you want? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: That won’t work. There is an old saying in my hometown.】

【Lin Yi: There are three types of unfilial piety, the worst is not having children!!!】

【Lin Yi: At least I have to have a son!!!】

【Lin Yi: Of course, it would be nice if this son was as cute as Yanqing or Atreus.】

【Yanqing: Uh………】

【Yanqing: Wait a minute………】

【Yanqing: What if Teacher Lin Xin is really together with his master?………】

【Yanqing: Then Teacher Lin Xin is my grandmaster? ? ?】

【Yanqing: Then can I eat Master Zugong later and beg Master Zugong pitifully? ? ?】

【Jing Yuan: What a boy!!!】

【Jing Yuan: You lost me, master, so quickly? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Happy!!!】

【Fu Xuan: I am just curious………】

【Fu Xuan: Lin Yi, didn’t you watch the video just now? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: I saw it】

【Fu Xuan: Then you were not banned? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Why should I be banned? ? ?】

【Fu Xuan: Didn’t you scold the light screen after watching that video? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Why should I scold? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Isn’t that video pretty good? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: At the end of the video, I gave Nasida’s daughter a flower crown.】

【Paimon: This is the second act, the third act is the last】

【Lin Yi:? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Where is the third act? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Isn’t there only two acts in the float? ? ?】

【Leosley: Direct selective amnesia? ? ?】

【Fu Xuan: This is an ending I never imagined.………】

【Lin Yi: Laughing to death!!!】

【Lin Yi: As soon as I saw this B video and it was looping, I felt something was wrong!!!】

【Lin Yi: After watching the second act, I got down to business.】

【Lin Yi: Judging from your reactions, it’s as expected!!!】

【Lin Yi: Was he stabbed? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Jie Jie Jie!!!】

【Elhaysen: It seems that our Great Sage has indeed reached some unknown cooperation with the Fools.】

【Elhaysen: Imprisoning the Little Lucky Grass King………】

【Elhaysen: Are you planning to become the king yourself? ? ?】

【Paimon: No, it can't be? ? ?】

【Elhaysen: I have enough theories to deduce】

【Elhaysen: The little Lucky Grass King is now imprisoned】

【Elhaysen: But the Void Terminal is still running smoothly】

【Elhaysen: This is technology realized by the Heart of God】

【Elhaysen: Just like the Cardinal at Fontainebleau】

【Elhaysen: I think this machine will stop once it loses the support of the Heart of God, right? ? ?】

【Navilet: It would be true if there was no energy.】

【Elhaysen: So the Little Lucky Grass King is now imprisoned. Is the Heart of God in the hands of the Great Sage? ? ?】

【Elhaysen: What does he want to do with Little Lucky Grass King’s God’s Heart? ? ?】

【Elhaysen: Can an ordinary person become a god if he holds the heart of God? ? ?】

【Shadow: Ah this………】

【Wendy: Great question!!!】

【Elhaysen: So this is the purpose of the cooperation between the Great Sage and the Fools.】

【Alhaysen: From the previous video I think so】

【Elhaysen: The Great Merciful Tree King passed away, but the new Little Grass King was not enough to become a qualified god.】

【Elhaysen: I don’t know if you have noticed, but in the video, when the little Lucky Grass King is talking in the third scene………】

【Elhaysen: There is a Teyvat text underneath every word of hers】

【March 7: We did see it】

【March 7: I thought it was some kind of pattern.………】

【March 7: It turns out it’s your Teywat writing.………】

【March 7: But why is there no translation for the light curtain? ? ?】

【Kavi: The light curtain should not be translated on purpose, right?………】

【Elhaysen: Just like Kawi said】

【Elhaysen: It should be deliberately not translated.】

【Elhaysen: In the first few sentences, the float was bumping and bumping to the point of having a dream. There is no problem here.】

【Elhaysen: Where the Flower Knight found her, the Teyvat text expresses that the sages found her】

【Elhaysen: And in the next sentence, when the little Lucky Grass King was dragged away, he said: God, I have found you, everyone is looking forward to meeting you.】

【Elhaysen: The Tiwat text here means: Oh my God, where has the Great Merciful Tree King gone? ? ? We are all looking forward to meeting her………

【Elhaysen: Then the next sentence, that is, from the opening of the flower god's birthday festival to the circle around, this is what the Tewat text says———】

【Elhaysen: Realizing that the Great Ci Tree King had passed away beside her, everyone surrounded her in grief.………】

【Elhaysen: Then the next sentence, the little lucky grass king said she boarded the float and said goodbye to everyone.】

【Elhaysen: Here the Teyvat text means: In the end, Nasida was imprisoned by her devotees………】

【Elhaysen: At the end, Nacida was unable to contact or respond to anyone, nor could she call for help.………】

【Ying: OK, OK!!!】

【Ying: Knife in hand, follow me!!!】

【Bronya: No wonder those people in the video looked so sad………】

【Bronya: I thought they hated Nasida………】

【Zhongli: It’s not so much that I hate it, but that I want to forget it.】

【Zhongli: It’s obvious………】

【Zhongli: In the eyes of the people of Xumi and these sages………】

【Zhongli: No matter how hard Buyer tries to learn to become a qualified Seven Earthly Rulers,………】

【Zhongli: They won’t care either.】

【Zhongli: Because in their hearts, Buyer will never be as good as the former Great Cishu King.】

【Wendy: So now they work with the Fools………】

【Wendy: Do you want to create a new Great Mercy Tree King? ? ?】

【Paimon: Make yourself a god!!!】

【Xiang Ling: Are the fools so powerful? ? ?】

【Star: I made a poem】

【March 7: Huh? ? ?】

【Dan Heng:? ? ?】

【Walter Young: Uh.………】

【Himeko: Ah this………】

【Star: The float is bumping and bumping………】

【Star: The great sage opens his eyes………】

【Xing: He said he just had a dream………】

【Star: I dreamed that the great sage’s death anniversary is today!!!】

【Star: in a dream………】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Star: God’s followers and believers discovered him!!!】

【Star: Sage, I have finally found you. Everyone is looking forward to meeting you!!!】

【Star: The wise man goes to the execution ground………】

【Star: People looked at him spinning around happily………】

【Star: Until the gunshot rings out………】

【Star: Everyone looked at the body of the great sage and said goodbye………】

【Star: The float is bumping and bumping………】

【Star: The great sage opens his eyes………】

【Xing: He said he just had a dream………】

【Star: I dreamed that the great sage’s death anniversary is today!!!】

【Star: I said………】

【Star: This is not a dream!!!】

【Xing: Your death anniversary is today!!!】

【Hutao: What a poem!!!】

【Xingqiu: Excellent literary talent!!!】

【Jingyuan: Easy to understand!!!】

【Lin Yi: You came up with this thing just five minutes after being banned, right? ? ?】

【Xing: Just tell me whether he is handsome or not!!!】

【Lin Yi: Cricket, birds eat crickets!!!】

【March 7: Do you still have this hidden talent? ? ?】[]

【Star: This is what we Galaxy Batmen are like!!!】

【Jing Yuan: Then I’ll sing one too】

【Fu Xuan: 6!!!】

【Jing Yuan: Psalm Original Wind Float】

【Jingyuan: On the threshold of the flower carriage, a woman is getting up. Nai talks about your dream and tells about the time of his birth】

【Jing Yuan: There is a girl who wants to sleep, and the eunuch is asking for her. The words are divine, the words are fascinating】

【Jing Yuan: Then the flower god was sacrificed, and people were happy. A hundred liang of imperial guards, the horses are gone.】

【Jing Yuan: The float is about to be drawn up, and a girl is getting up. Nai talks about your dream and tells about the time of his birth】

【Jing Yuan: There is a woman who is sleeping well, and a traveler is asking for her. The words are divine, the words are fascinating】

【Jingyuan: Then the flower god was sacrificed, and people were mourning. Hundreds of generals, obey their horses and say goodbye.】

【Jing Yuan: In the float industry, there are women. Nai talks about your dream and tells about the time of his birth】

【Jing Yuan: There is a woman who is suitable for sleeping, and a wise man seeks her. Ask the gods, feel fascinated】

【Jing Yuan: Then the flower god was sacrificed, but people were hurt at that time. One hundred and two percent, farewell】

【Zhongli: The general is so talented!!!】

【Jingyuan: Where where?】

【Fu Xuan: You write poems at work, right? ? ?】

【Su Shang: I can’t understand!!!】

【Paimon: I can't understand!!!】

【Funina: I can’t understand!!!】

【Lin Yi: What’s wrong? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Isn’t this the translation of the original words of the third act? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Did this group of idiots get together again in four days? ? ?】

【March 7: Aren’t these three people? ? ?】

【Star: There are four stupid people, their names are Three, March Seven, and you are one of them!!!】

【March 7: Hello!!!】

【Funina: You're calling me stupid again!!!】

【Paimon: How stupid am I!!!】

【Su Shang: How can I be called stupid if I learn to sleep?!!】

【Fu Xuan: Alas………】

【Lin Yi: Why is Fu Xuanxuan’s wife sighing? ? ? 】

As soon as he said these words,

Lin Yi’s arm was twisted by Poppy with a smile:

"`Wife? ?..?"

"Yes, that’s my wife!!!

Tighten harder!!!

Didn't you eat?!!"

Lin Qi is confident!!!

A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water!!!"

【Fu Xuan: Nothing】

【Fu Xuan: Isn’t it okay for me to sigh? ? ?】

【Lin Yi: Sigh in my mouth】

【Fu Xuan:? ? ?】

【Yu:? ? ? 】

And when everyone in the group was enthusiastically discussing things about Nasida. In a secret base in

Lidu Valley,


Teyvat Continent , the great sage Azar did not watch the short video. Those who didn’t watch included the skirmishers. They were standing in front of a huge mecha, discussing something. This mecha is completely purple and has Inazuma's lightning pattern. The skirmisher stood at the feet of the mecha, frowning. Beside the skirmishers, a man in rich clothes, blue hair, and an exquisite mask said:

"Now only the crucial Heart of God remains."

The skirmisher heard this and said angrily:

"Then take it from Buyer."

The man wearing the mask smiled and said:

"Not really."

His hand slowly spread out, revealing a purple chess piece.

The skirmisher's eyes suddenly widened:

"This is………!!!"


The man wearing the mask laughed a few times and then said:

"That's enough for now.

I still have other uses for Buyer's Heart of God."


How did you get it? ? ?"

The skirmishers looked at the Heart of God in front of them and felt it was unreal!!!

"Of course it's knowledge………

This thing is not free………"

"Will she switch with you? ? ?

After watching those short videos? ? ?"

As soon as he heard this, the smile on the masked man's face gradually disappeared.

"Ah, it has indeed been changed.

Let's go ahead,



The skirmisher nodded immediately, then looked at the great sage standing on the other side, laughing so coolly that he said:

"Get ready to meet your new god!!

This time!!!

I'll make them crawl on the ground!!"

The great sage smiled slightly,

"Let’s wait and see!!!"

Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards! Servant!

This book already has 600,000 words!!

The number of words is not that small!! Don't worry, everyone, don't keep it!!


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