I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 182 Meal


Name→ Lucas Morningstar

Race→ Human


Strength→ 92 [+30]

Endurance→ 108 [+60]

Speed→ 99 [+30]

Stamina→ 124 [+50]

Accuracy→ 88

Charm→ 440

Intelligence→ 188

Mana Capacity→ 322/1000


Mana Core Rank→ Bronze 1

Mana Core Potential→ Gold 3

Professions→ Spearman Lvl. 3 [+1] || Archer Lvl. 2



››Weapon Arts: 

• Thousand Falling Lightning Needle Strike (Lvl. 1) [98%]

• 6-Movement Lance Style: Blossom Shattering Blast (Lvl. 3) [87%]

• 12 Movements Scarlet Demon Devouring Art (Lvl. 4) [42%]

››Combat Arts:

• Soul Smashing Killer Fist (Lvl. 2) [75%]

››Breathing Technique

• Breath Of Vitality 


Affinity→ Fire » Lightning || Light

Spells→ Fireball ⟨Low⟩ || Zap Touch ⟨Low⟩ || Fire Lance ⟨High⟩

Blessing→ Mana Burst 

Possessions→ Phoenix's Embrace ⟨Semi-Divine⟩ || Editor's Pen ⟨Divine⟩ || The Bringer Of Lost Flames ⟨Legendary⟩

Edit Points: 286


Bored, I interlocked my fingers and rested my chin on top of them while staring at my status screen.

Undoubtedly, I had grown stronger. Leo not only taught me a Level 4 weapon art, but he also gifted me a Legendary-ranked spear.

I also acquired a high-tier magic spell and learned how to utilize basic Martial Aura.

Even my Spearman profession had leveled up. 

If I have to venture a guess, I might now be on par with main characters like William or Amelia in terms of physical stats and battle prowess alone.

Soon, when my mana beast egg will hatch, I will surpass them and reach the same heights as Quinn and Anastasia, even without relying on Embrace Discard!

Yes, no matter how I may look at it, agreeing to become this jerk's disciple and coming on this trip was a wise decision.

Although I was almost starved to death, thrown off a cliff, beaten to death, and beaten to death again and again, the results were undoubtedly worth it.

"What are you looking at?" 


Leo's voice startled me, pulling me out of my deep thoughts. I lifted my head and faced him.

After climbing down the southern mountain range, we arrived at a nearby city.

Following a bit of walking—and a lot of crying, yes, I was the one crying because of hunger—we stumbled upon a nice, cozy restaurant.

We hurriedly entered it without wasting a second.

Right now, we were occupying a seat near the wall, patiently waiting for our food to be prepared, while I ignored the curious and disgusted glances directed towards me.

Yes, people were staring at me.

Why were they staring at me, one might ask?

Well, part of the reason was the smudges of blood on my clothes and face, which made me look like a murderer...


The other reason was the loud growling noise coming from my stomach, which could very well be mistaken as the roar of a mana beast.

Hey! These people had no right to judge me!

They had no idea what kind of hell I had been through.

They don't know how much sheer willpower it's taking for me to resist the temptation of delicious food!

I can barely hold myself back from lunging at other people's plates!

"Oh, nothing. I'm just checking my status screen," I replied after staring back at some of the people who were looking at me.

They quickly averted their eyes, probably scared by the way I looked at them with blood smeared on my face.

"I see," Leo nodded. "Are you satisfied with your progress?"

"Yes," I responded eagerly, offering a slight bow of respect. "I couldn't have made such strides on my own in such a short time. I am truly grateful, Master."

Leo chuckled in response. "Don't give me all the credit. It was your resilience that allowed you to endure four weeks of starvation. I must admit, your mental strength surprised even me."

Hearing him acknowledging my efforts, I grinned and rubbed the back of my neck.

However, Leo's tone turned serious in the next moment. 

"But don't get too comfortable," he said. "By the end of your first academic year, I will shape you into an unparalleled fighter. To achieve that, you'll have to endure even more hellish trials than the one you've just passed. So be prepared."

Even more hellish than this?! Huh? Wait, is he actually planning to kill me?!

But then again, as weird as his methods may be, they had proven effective. 

If he hadn't starved me for so many weeks straight, I would have never mastered the Scarlet Demon Devouring Art.

So after understanding that, I ultimately nodded back. Seeing this, a smile played on his lips.

"But that's a matter for later," Leo said, his tone returning to normal. "For now, tell me, what reward would you like?"

"Everything on the menu," I blurted out without hesitation.

"...You've already ordered everything on the menu," Leo responded, a mixture of amusement and resignation on his face. "That's why they're taking so long to prepare the food."

"Then let's order everything again, so they'll have to hurry," I suggested.

"...I don't think that's how cooking works," Leo shook his head, a look of exasperation crossing his face. "Anyway, I was referring to the reward I promised you upon your successful hunt."

"Oh, that!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together as I remembered. "Alright, I want to learn how you create those illusionary clones."

Leo stifled another chuckle and said, "It's called Mirage Walk. But are you sure you want to learn that?"

"Yes," I affirmed. "It seems like a good technique for disguising one's true body and movements. It would be a great help when I'll be facing multiple opponents."

Leo raised an eyebrow. "Are you planning to fight someone?"

"Remember, I mentioned that I'll be facing someone during the King's Tournament," I reminded him. "Well, he happens to have a lot of friends."

Leo frowned. "And just who is this person, exactly?"

I hesitated for a moment. 

Should I disclose his identity? I thought. 

However, for some reason, I felt like I could trust him.

Even if he is associated with Spider... Even if he may be an enemy I'll have to face in the future... Perhaps, for now, I could trust him.

With a nod, I revealed, "His name is Kai Wiseman."

"That guy?" Leo frowned. "Oh yeah, he's strong."

"You're aware of that?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah," Leo shrugged. "I don't know how he managed to hide his rankings from Athena, but he can't fool my eyes."

"He hid his rankings? What?" I frowned, visibly puzzled.

"Oh, yeah. I was suspicious of him, so I ordered the Academy AI to check his status and background. But the report I received didn't explain the strength he possesses," Leo responded. "He's hiding his true strength. If I had to guess, he's only slightly weaker than that guy in your class– Nero."

Huh? Only slightly weaker than Nero? 

Damn. I knew he was strong since he defeated Quinn, but I didn't expect Kai to be THAT strong.

"So, do I stand a chance against him?" I asked, swallowing hard.

"In terms of pure physical strength? No," Leo replied bluntly. "But you possess a divine-rank armor, a legendary-rank spear, a sharp strategic mind, and some good weapon arts. I'm willing to bet you have a few hidden aces up your sleeve as well. If you play your cards right, then yes, you can match him. Whether you can defeat him or not will depend on you."

"I see," I mused, rubbing my chin, lost in thoughts until Leo spoke up again.

"Remember, technique is always superior to brute strength," he emphasized. "Not many individuals can successfully hunt a pack of mana beasts only a rank lower than their own without sustaining any injuries. You achieved that because your technique surpasses theirs. Remember what I taught you..."

"The world around me is chaos; the technique is my sanctuary," I finished his sentence, reciting the words he ingrained in me. "The only thing that should exist is the form, the technique."

"Excellent," Leo nodded, a satisfied smile gracing his face. "And here comes our food."

As the waiters arrived with our food, a sweet and spicy aroma filled the air, momentarily distracting me from our conversation. 

Plates upon plates of delicious dishes were placed before us, each one more tempting than the last. 

My stomach growled with anticipation, eager to indulge in this well-deserved feast.

Leo observed my reaction with amusement, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Enjoy your meal, my dear disciple. You've earned it."

With a nod of gratitude, I dug into the delectable spread before me, savoring every bite. 

The flavors exploded on my tongue, and I felt warm in my stomach, providing me relief from the pain and cold of hunger that I had grown accustomed to by now.

After chuckling at the way I was stuffing my mouth like a squirrel, Leo also had a bite or two from the variety of dishes before us.

As we continued to enjoy our meal, snippets of conversation from nearby tables caught our attention.

–"By the way, have you heard?" 


–"Rumor has it that a first-year cadet from the Global Military Academy has the Gift that allows him to fully control the basic elements!"

–"What nonsense? Wouldn't a Gift like that make you a God?"

–"Well, yeah. It's a Godlike power, for real. According to the sources, he can summon a sword and control an element without any restrictions."

The gossipers fell into a brief silence. 

The very thought of someone possessing such an incredible Gift seemed almost unfathomable.

–"Well, I don't believe it, but if it's true, then it'll surely be a wonder of the world. A Gift like that could make him a national treasure."

As I refocused my attention on the food before me, Leo interjected with a question. "Are they referring to the same boy in your class?"

"Nero, yes," I replied, nodding in affirmation.

Leo, his hand resting on his chin, pondered aloud, "How are these rumors spreading beyond the confines of the Global City? I must address this matter to the academy."

I wanted to stop Leo in his tracks. I wanted to tell him that it doesn't matter anymore. Don't waste your efforts.

Why? Because these rumors must have already reached the ears of the vampires. 

And by now, they might even be preparing to launch an attack on the academy during the upcoming King's Tournament.

I don't have much time left. In a week, first-semester exams will start. And after the exams, the King's Tournament will commence.

At most, I have around a month and a half.

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