I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 183 Rumours [1]

We returned to the Global City two days ago.

I was tired, understandably so. 

After freshening up, I ate everything I could find in the apartment, even the junk and packaged food that I don't usually enjoy.

After that, I fell asleep.

…That was a blunder.

There's a term for what happened to me after that – Digestive System Shock.

Essentially, when we eat a lot after a long period of starvation, our digestive system struggles to handle the sudden influx of food.

It takes time for our digestive enzymes to adjust to the increased workload.

This can lead to a lot of other things like cramping and pain in the belly, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and even diarrhea. 

And naturally, since the shock to my digestive system was so big, I experienced every single thing mentioned above.

That's the reason why when we went to the restaurant, Leo didn't let me finish everything I ordered.

I knew why he was stopping me and what could happen if I suddenly ate a lot of food after being hungry for four weeks. 

However, after coming back to my apartment, where no one was to stop me, I succumbed to the temptation and ate everything I had.

What else could've happened after that? 

My body forcefully pushed out the food I had stuffed into it, escaping through every possible exit—sounds disgusting, right?

Well, it was! It was disgusting! Believe me, it was absolutely revolting!

I couldn't even go to the academy. Because of my absence, Leo personally made his way to my apartment to check on my well-being.

Upon witnessing my pitiful state, he let out a disappointed sigh and shot me a glare that screamed "I told you so."

He then threw me some quick health recovery potions. 

Just for reference, health recovery potions are incredibly expensive.

They can cure almost any ailment.

They can even temporarily suspend menstruation for women—which was its goal from the start since the United Military couldn't afford to have numerous female soldiers unable to perform at their peak for seven days every month.

Anyway, I'm digressing from the story.

Right, so I gratefully took those potions and quickly consumed them. 

Almost instantly, I sensed my condition improving.

While I could've created my own health recovery potions with the Edit Pen, I'm running low on Edit Points at the moment, so I need to save them up.

Besides, an incident like this gave me a quick reminder that even though I'm in a different world, blessed with inhuman speed and supernatural strength fueled by mana, at the core, I'm still just a human.


Anyway, Leo mentioned that he already submitted my leave application to the academy. He assured me that I won't face any repercussions for the days I was absent.

When I asked him what reason he gave for my absence, Leo mentioned that he simply stated we had gone somewhere together.

I snapped at him. I told him he shouldn't have said that, as it might lead to gossip, and someone might speculate that he has taken me as his disciple.

If such rumors were to reach Kai's ears, my entire plan would veer off course.

In response to my outburst, Leo calmly uttered but a single sentence, "Would you rather prefer being subjected to a punitive training drill under Instructor Matterhorn's supervision?"

At those words, I was rendered speechless.

Yeah, I'd rather have Kai know about my plan than endure training under that maniac!

And that pretty much sums up the past two days, bringing me back to the present moment.

-"Hey, there he is."

-"Are the rumors true? Has Leo taken him as his disciple?"

-"Impossible! We're talking about Leo Kurogami here. Why would he choose someone like him, a talentless good-for-nothing, as his first disciple?"

-"Yeah, I mean, sure, he may have a high intelligence score, but his physical abilities are laughable. Leo, the brilliant fighter who has never taken on a disciple before, won't pick him."

-"Well, you might be right, but my father once told me that Leo Kurogami and the Morningstar family were comrades. Maybe he took Lucas in because he's a Morningstar, you know?"

-"...Oh? I had no idea about that. So that's why Lucas ended up under Leo's wing? Damn nepotism! These nobles! Arghh, I can't stand them!"

-"Dude, relax. Even if he got in through nepotism, there's no way he can keep up with Leo's training. He'll never be able to match him."

As I walked through the corridors of the academy after my absence of four weeks and one day, I couldn't help but notice the glaring looks and hushed conversations happening around me.

Their reactions were expected. I would have been surprised if I hadn't garnered at least this much attention.

For a seasoned fighter like Leo to take on a disciple is a big deal. 

Taking a disciple is different from just accepting students; it signifies something much more profound.

A disciple is not merely a student; they are entrusted with carrying the torch of their master's legacy and keeping it alive even after their master passes away. 

It's a lifelong commitment and a sacred bond that surpasses mere instruction or teaching.

Taking a disciple represents the passing of wisdom, knowledge, and skills from one generation to the next. 

The master becomes not only a teacher but also a mentor, guide, and a wellspring of inspiration.

In return, the disciple becomes a vessel for the master's wisdom, a custodian of their techniques, and a source of pride.

As I mentioned earlier, it's a BIG deal.

That is especially the case for living legends like Liz Snyder, Leo Kurogami, or even my own father, Reynold Morningstar.

So naturally, when the rumors about one of these revered legends taking someone like me as their disciple start to circulate, reactions like these are to be expected.

But it wasn't their gossip that caught my attention.

No, it was something else entirely.

Among their murmurs, I overheard someone mentioning that the Morningstar family and Leo Kurogami were comrades.

"What's that all about? I'm not aware of anything like that based on my knowledge of the novel and the memories in my head," I muttered quietly to myself.

I should talk to Leo about it as soon as I see him again. Is he really connected with the Morningstars?

Perhaps it could be something connected to the false memories planted in my head.


Just as I was lost in my thoughts, I heard someone calling out my name, stretching it out.


Before I could even turn around, I felt someone leaping onto my back, wrapping their arms tightly around my neck and chest.

Who else could it be but Kent?

"Get off me, you idiot! We'll both fall down like this!" I exclaimed, trying to steady myself while attempting to pry him off.

"Where were youuuu! Waaaah waaaah!"

"What the! Are you crying!"

And sure enough, he was indeed crying. 

Tears streamed down his cheeks, his nose running as well. Disgusting, yet oddly amusing.

Rolling my eyes, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I managed to get a hold of him and pulled him in front of me.

"There, there," I said, patting his head as he continued to sniffle like a puppy. If he had a tail, it would be wagging right now.

This guy. Aren't Elves supposed to be prideful?

Shaking my head, I couldn't help but smile as I succeeded in calming Kent down.

"Wh-Where were you? Hic!" Kent asked, stuttering through his sniffles. 

But suddenly, his eyes widened. "Wait, have you heard? Rumor has it that you are Leo's disciple now. Is it true?" he asked.

"Ahh, I guess?" I rubbed my chin, contemplating. "But first, let me ask you something, how-"

Before I could proceed with my question, another voice, this one deeper and more commanding, called out to me.


Furrowing my brow and recognizing the voice, I turned around to face its source.

It was Quinn.

"Why is he here?" Kent grumbled, glaring daggers in Quinn's direction.

"...I need to talk to him," I replied.

"Hmm? About what?" Kent inquired, curiosity evident in his expression.

"Don't worry about it for now," I waved my hand dismissively. "Head to class. I'll catch up with you later and fill you in."

Reluctantly, Kent nodded and left, leaving me to have my talk with Quinn.

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