I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 122

It’s starting to move.

“People in town aren’t in trouble, to be honest.”

Delilah continued not to care about the cold gaze of the farm children, who told her to look at it.

“But the farm outside the town of Canaan is in trouble with lots of slime. There’s not enough potion, is there?

Delilah confirmed with her eyes to Shaw and Hull, so they nodded.

“I didn’t know you were in such trouble. I can help you sometimes.”

“I want to know how to knock Slime out.”

“I’d like to try herb collection, too. It’s like picking flowers.”

Quite a few kids are putting their hands up to help.

“But I kinda hate it when that goes on forever”

“What should people do who don’t want to harvest the herbs?

Still, some people are unwilling to ride.

“Why don’t you go around the farm, deliver the potion, or you can stay? Many kids can ride a horse. If you want a carriage, you can ask your father to give you a carriage that you didn’t use.”

Surprisingly, it was Garsh who made that statement. I did feel like I heard yesterday that we were a carrier.

“I wonder how much potion is actually missing. How many do you need to hand out one house at a time?”

At that time, the sound of pampering and slapping my hands sounded. A young healer.

“We’re all aggressive and I’m happy. But when kids do herb collection, I guess it would have been nice to have a threesome, Shaw, Hal.”

“It’s not impossible, but it’s safer. And the kid who’s scared of slime but is okay with herb collection can also work with the kid who hunts slime.”

There are also a number of kids who have the face of being able to help without slime.

“Then I want the women’s Delilah as well as the men’s group to be represented. Garsh, what’s wrong with you today? Usually I’d be the first to speak.”

The children who were coming to collect the herbs saw a glimpse of Garsh. I guess it’s because I watched you get in the way of Rick and Shaw.

“I’m doing what I think I should do right now. So I can’t take command of herb collection. Rik.”

“What, me?

Rick is suddenly nominated and in a hurry.

“Instead of me, Rick will represent me and decide. You don’t have to follow me. At least, if this number of participants increases, that, the Deep Forest girl, that”

Garsh is doing what it’s hard to say, and everyone in the classroom seems to be harassed like they are.

“Because when it’s just Shaw and Hal, I think it’s hard to teach”

“Garsh, you”

Two days ago, the prestigious boy seemed to have disappeared somewhere.

“Okay. Shaw, Hal, I’ll talk to my mentor.”

“Yeah. Please”

Rick got up when he got confirmation from Shaw and Hull.

“Me, I’ve never done much of this, but at least because I’m more familiar with herb collection than everyone else, and also because I know a lot of people on the farm. Get Delilah to use her head and I’ll use my body to do my best.”

“Oh, Rick, use your head properly, too.”

Delilah told me to tease her, Rick turned a little red, and the classroom was wrapped up in laughter again.

Shaw called off Garsh, who was headed for an apprenticeship with the three girls that day.

“What the fuck?”

Garsh only replied without looking at each other. It must be a lot awkward.

“You know, Garsh”

Garsh raised his gaze, which he had accidentally dropped in surprise. This is the first time I’ve called my name from Shaw.

“I’m sorry I slapped you then and let you fall”

Just because you were angry doesn’t mean you can get your hands on it. Shaw has always regretted his behavior.

“Yeah, no, that’s enough. I don’t think I put it that way either.”

Garsh still replied properly with a stiff look on his face.

“But you were a swordsman. I thought it was powerful.”

“Well, I’m working out.”

Shaw made Fun and Likobu to show them. I still do it every day.

Hal next door also makes and shows Likobu. Though I haven’t had the strength to do it.

“Hey Hal, I’m cute”

‘Cause I work out, too.

“pu, hahaha”

Garsh, who had a hard look, erupted unexpectedly.

“It’s not the same thing you brag about. You’re a magician.”

“Magic too, when fighting demons, it doesn’t end in one go. So muscle strength and endurance are important.”

Hum and Hal putting force into his arms was adorable, but whether anyone noticed Hal’s sincerity in fighting demons.

Let me see if I can calm down a lot.


Just a little, I feel like we could make up. Then Garsh rushed after the three girls.

“Come on, let’s go slime hunt -”

There’s a man’s voice,

“I’m unprepared. Get a little knife and, if possible, a stick as long as this, and meet us out of town.”

and Rick’s voice answers.

“We decide to get parental permission today. I’ll help you tomorrow. I’m not dressed to play outside.”

Delilah and the girls are cautious. If you’re going to collect herbs, you’d better be as careful as that.

They told me to play outside, and I looked like Hal noticed something all the time.

“Speaking of which, they asked me for clothes from Deep Forest, but I have to go wholesale to the store. I wonder which store it was.”

Hal was telling Aura to come and wholesale a lot to the clothes store in the town of Canaan. Once again, I thought Hal would hate it if it was Zarwin’s shop.

“Why not?”

Delilah’s neck moved loosely.

“I’m scared.”

Shaw took an unexpected step back.

“Not quite, is it? Not at all. Where is the store?”

Hal tried to find the porch, recalling that the porch of clothing was kept in the inn. I can’t get such a lot of baggage in Hull’s beginner’s porch.

“Uh, the name of the store was definitely short. Bella, Belle……”

“It’s not ours! Bell Chamber of Commerce! We’ve been having a tough time lately with shops offering cheap clothes. Come and deliver it quickly.”

“But because it’s only your last use. Because first you do what you have to do.”

Hal is not flushed.

“Already. Then I’ll go get it from here to the inn. If it’s a short tunic and trousers in the deep woods, there might be a kid who says it’s okay to go in the grass.”

Delilah’s smile to say so was refreshing.



Perhaps every town is full of girls.

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