I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 123

Start turning

In the morning I asked the farm adults, and for the first time in a long time, to go to school, after school, to gather herbs with the school children, and Shaw and Hull, who had been busy, to let themselves be comfortably tired, and to tell the mentor and Edgar what had happened today, as they had been floated a little by fever.

“I knew you wouldn’t listen to the stranger. Are you saying this is the first time you’ve heard me try to get inside? This time, I figured it out.”

Even though Edgar gaveled at the conversation, he did share his thoughts.

“I came and I did, and when I feel like it, I end up hostile. As a young pharmacist, I thought I had to remember this very well because I think I might be sent to other towns.”

Even though Shaw and Hal are the best at what they do every day, Edgar is amazing to think about until after he finishes his work in the town of Canaan. I saw Edgar as my mentor was impressed.

“Edgar, you’ve grown up.”

“What is it, mentor? I’m not a child.”

Edgar lit up and was about to finish his meal with pleasure as it was.

At that time, it was Delilah who kept the inn door in momentum with Byrne. Someone like your father is following you with an open face.

“Hal! Shaw! They’re here fast.”

Shaw said he wanted the momentum to be used for herb collection from the beginning. But for now, Hal’s in charge. But Hal seemed a little sloppy, too. I mean, there’s so much going on today that I’m tired.

“I’m sorry. I heard from Deep Forest first, but I was wondering if it might be a rush.”

Delilah’s father lowered his head lightly and greeted me with a bitter smile.

“For once, I want to see what came with a description of the people in Deep Forest. If you like, can I go up to your room?

aggressive. After checking with his mentor, Shaw and Hal nodded.

The garments in the pouch are still central to women, as well as small items such as leather craftsmanship.

“Originally, we had a deal once a year. In the form of an exchange of fashionable items and specialties in each other’s towns. But again this year, the fashion has changed a lot.”

Delilah’s father could put his hand on his chin.

“Although the basic mould hasn’t changed, there’s a lot more short lengths in tunics for women. Then the embroidery feels different than before. The colors are a little more soothing.”

Delilah will analyze the epidemic in detail. Hal returns explanations for it, one by one.

“There are more demons in the deep forest. For that matter, the kids are still hunting extra slime and picking medicinal herbs. So I think active short length tunics have become popular. But, look, there’s gonna be a race on here.”

Delilah gave Hal and Shaw a glimpse as she listened to Hal. If these two were moving around in short length tunics, those eyes said it would be fashionable.

“Then, when Hull moved out of the lake swamp, he also came in with colors and designs specific to the lake swamp.”

Shaw will explain it with me.

“I mean, you mean this is the current epidemic in the deep forest. Hmm.”

Not so many clothes I brought.

I also left a little on Ampha.

“To incorporate this in Canaan, you should lengthen the tunic a little longer and treat it rather as a short piece, don’t you, Father?”

“I think so too.”

Delilah’s father laughed gently.

“Hal, Shaw”

Delilah laughed at the ladies.

“I’m probably perfectly fine getting into the grass and knocking down the slime.”

Probably because I’ve never done it.

“I thought so.”

“I knew it.”

Both Shaw and Hal were convinced of what smelled the same as Aura.

“But that’s not true of the quiet kids in town. I don’t like sand on my hands. But those kids, they’re usually good ladies, so I mean.”

They spit on Delilah’s naughty appearance unexpectedly.

“In other words?”

“I mean, you’re good at it. I hope you don’t expect too much from herb collection, but if you want to show me new designs of clothes, I’ll be out there, and I’ll be turning to delivery.”

“Delilah, unexpectedly belly-black?

“Excuse me. I’m just thinking about things.”

Delilah paid off her belly-black bullshit with one snort.

“To do that, we need more people to sew new clothes in a hurry. Father.”

“Hmm. The mayor’s son moved, which would mean that the mayor was also willing to speak up. Finally, we have to move along with our peers.”

Delilah and her father cleaned up thoroughly and retrieved every pouch and left.

“It was like a storm.”

“But it’s going to work all over a lot. What Delilah’s trying to do, after all, is close to what Shaw was thinking.”

“Really. That would help.”

It was like a day when all kinds of gears went around at once.

From the next day, Shaw and Hal, and Rick got very busy. Even a few people at a time, people coming from outside of town come in the morning to beg for teaching. People are uninterrupted because the people they teach tell their neighbors to go to town. After lunch, I go to church school and go straight from school to collect herbs with the kids.

They don’t come for a slime hunt, but it’s Garsh’s house to get the carriage out, so Garsh is planning on delivering the potion responsibly. That’s what he said he was doing in the morning, and when school was over, he seemed to keep going to apprentice with the girls.

After such a rushed day, Garsh came to collect herbs with the girls who were always supposed to go to apprenticeship work on the afternoon off.

“Are you done?”


That was the only word Rick spoke to Garsh, and that was the reply Garsh gave.

But the particular air where we were rebelling against each other was nowhere, where I felt a sense of fellowship working on the same job. Seeing that, Shaw also felt a little jealous.

Are you done beating me up?

“I didn’t hit you. I beat him up, Shaw.”

“If you say so, I will, Hal”

Shaw erupted unexpectedly into a sharp penetration.

“The two of us who were hanging out, like, making up for the fight, I thought we were romantic.”

“That’s right. But look, Shaw, here comes the guy you hit.”

Hal told me to make fun of him. Garsh and the girls came to Shaw and Hal with a bright face.

“Shaw, I, I really didn’t see a lot of things. I felt nothing but anger and embarrassment when you rolled me over. If I thought about it, I’d piss you off enough to do that.”

“Hey, just because I was short tempered”

Shaw somehow lit up, and modded.

“Thanks to you, I think I figured out a lot more about my school buddies than I did before. Sorry. And thanks.”


Hal is nodding Nico next door.

“Shaw, Hal”

The threesome of girls I’ve followed along with have also spoken to Nico, Shaw and Hull.

“Thanks to Garsh working with me all the time, I’m able to get a penny as an apprentice. Not only us, but all the people who worked for Mr. Thurwin.”

“But, you know, Mr. Bell’s place suddenly got busy, and I’m looking for someone I can sew for, so this week, Dad, I can move over there. Of course, so are we.”

Apparently, he pulled out at Bell’s Chamber of Commerce.

“I just wanted to know what an apprentice was like who wouldn’t even give me a penny. But I found out that the only reason the clothing at the Thurwin Chamber of Commerce was cheap was because I was using new hires cheaply.”

Exactly that it’s unfair to make a profit from that, which seems to have led to simultaneous complaints from the Chamber of Commerce dealing with clothing.

“This kind of thing doesn’t mean there’s a decision. So the environment for working people varies considerably from chamber to chamber. But I still can’t afford to be unreasonably cheap or not tip an apprentice.”

“But we, because we don’t know that, thought your father would be in trouble if he was forced to quit his job, and we couldn’t say anything.”

Zarwin seems to have thought that if he just gave Garsh a dime, he wouldn’t be able to break it.

“Me, boy. Not yet.”

Garsh shyly put his head to shame. I can’t say it’s different. Shaw and Hal smiled ambiguously.

“Boy, I’ve been underestimated that you must have come to work on a whim, that you’d be tired anyway, and you wouldn’t know the big deal,”

“But you looked right at me, and although I certainly couldn’t do my job,”

The girls chuckled. (13) When it comes to the age of three, it is also the year in which we have been sharpening our skills for years now. Beginner Garsh, I guess, couldn’t do it.

“He was listening to the treatment between jobs and telling Garsh’s father all about it. Eventually, the mayor and Mr. Bell convinced my parents to settle the charges from the working people.”

I guess you assured me it was because you’d hire me at Mr. Bell’s.

“So, we, with our help in the morning, are going to get a penny, so I came over this afternoon to help. Anyway, I’m experienced.”

Saying so, the three gently headed for the meadow.

“Garsh! Come on! Because I’ll teach you how to hunt slime!

From the meadows, there is a voice calling for Garsh.

“Huh. You’re late. Let’s go.”

“Yeah. Hang on.”


One hand softly up and walking over the meadow, Garsh may indeed have changed a bit.

“Almost a month so far. That was cool.”

“It’s not over yet. Come on, let’s go too.”

Both Shaw and Hull walked out to the meadow where there were only a few signs of summer.

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