I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 40

The same two adults.

Shaw, who is relieved to have a much more splendid demonic stone than Slime, returned to the Slime hunt when he finished preparing under the dish. Instructors somehow tell them to hunt closer to the carriage.

Eventually, when the sun was almost down, the four hunters returned satisfied. It’s hard to tell because it’s in a storage bag, but I guess I’ve hunted enough.

“Shaw, what are you gonna use for dinner this evening? We’ve been through a lot.”

Leon asked Shaw. Shaw is

“Well, I hunted a honey lizard today, so I’m gonna use that.”

That said, I showed a lot of skewers that were just being prepared and baked below.

“What’s a honey lizard, a mentor?

“Hmm? Me”

“I’m Shaw, you…”

“Hmm, if you’re hunting birds, I guess I’d like to use that tomorrow”

“I also hunt birds…”

As Leon bewildered and watched Shaw, Falco returned from his mentor. Leon told Falco as relieved,

Shaw said he hunted a honeymoon lizard.

I said.

“Oh, my mentor told me. I heard you didn’t notice lizards until you got a lot closer because of how much meadow it is.”

“Oh, you noticed that?

Shaw’s eyes swim.


“Sorry, I haven’t had a lot of slime in a long time and I was obsessed”

Shaw is looking down as Shinsen.

“I know you won’t get hit as hard as a honey lizard, but caution is important to hunters,”

I’m not a hunter.



Shaw said it back a little bumpy, but he was honestly nodding to prudence. Seeing it, Falco said,

“This is Shaw’s first big shot. I look forward to eating it.”

and tapped Shaw’s head gently. Well, Leon thought. I thought you must be worried and angry because you care so much about Shaw, Falco, but these two have so much trust. If Shaw was anxious about his powers, he wouldn’t have left them alone with his mentor in the first place.

Soon, we were both growing up. When Leon is warming his chest,

“Shaw was a lot older, and I couldn’t even hold him up anymore.”

and the mentor said relax.

“Do you want a hug?”

Falco saw the mentor. Shaw turned to the side gently.

“Hmm? I’m not holding you up. I tried to hug her and she was heavy. I just held him gently. Ha ha.”

Not really, Master Sein! Shaw looked up to heaven.

“Shaw hasn’t even let me hold him lately! Shaw!”

“I wonder if it’s time for the meat to cook up”



Falco held Shaw up gently.

“It’s not big or heavy on me”


Shaw sighed a little while as he was held vertically.

“There’s something wrong with a kid your age who can hunt a honey lizard.”

“It’s not weird”

I can’t help it. Shaw softly embraced Falco’s head as he shins. Gently put Falco’s curly hair through his fingers burying his face in Shaw’s stomach. I like curly hair if it belongs to Falco.

“Do you want some meat?

“A little more”

“Yes, sir.”

By the time Falco’s mood was fixed, the honey lizard meat was cooked in good shape.

Is Shaw the only one who’s grown up? Leon looked down and hid his niggling, but that’s the same for Lila and Dread, and I can’t help but say Shaw was in a bit of a bad mood when he saw it.

Only the mentor and Falco were in a good mood to surround the fire.

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