I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 41

The journey continues

That is how the journey continues. I don’t hunt when I stay in town, so I run the carriage a little longer. When you take an inn where you can also keep your carriage,

“Am I with my mentor again?”

and Leon blurs. The mentor looked serious, too.

“The disciples are usually full of young people who want to be in the same room as me, Leon, because they want to listen to me at all costs while they sleep. You don’t have enough upliftment.”


‘Cause I’m not a healer.

“Truth is, I’d rather have a room with Shaw, but I’m patient with Leon.”

“Me, too.”

Then one room would be fine, but the two of us taking the same room as we talked were so close.

Because this area of the deep forest is also close to the northern town, healers regularly come to the northern forest for training, and healing moves are at the highest level. The mentor would visit the church just in case, but it was turning well enough.

Meanwhile, the hunters bring their prey to the guild and liquidate their daily hunt. Even if it’s no big deal compared to demon stones, the demon meat that Shaw brings him because he doesn’t like it when he wastes his meat also makes a lot of money. The coach’s escort, who may or may not be a line-up hunter, is honestly foiled, that is, nimbleness is the main job, so this is how he earned a good income from hunting.

Shaw also goes to sell the slime and other demonic stones he took along the way.

“Well, you’re a healer’s apprentice, you’ve got a great number for a youngster.”

“Yes, I’ve stuck with my mentor, because there were so many along the street. It’s a big fish.”

“Travelers don’t bother hunting. Thank you. Slime’s magic stone will help no matter how much it takes.”


That’s how he made a lot of money, like when he was in the North Forest. And take the money you earn and run to the confectionery shop in town.

“Hey, Shaw, I’ve always wondered.”

At dinner at the inn, Leon asked Shaw.

“You’re saving up for the guild. Why don’t you buy snacks with that money? You must be buying snacks for what you earned that day.”

Leon takes a good look.

“Mm-hmm. I don’t think there’s any money I saved once. If you want something, you buy it from money you earn, not from savings.”

“You spend money, you get it out of anywhere, you’re the same, right?

“Same thing, but with this mindset, you get nature and money.”

Dredd said, “I like it.”

“Well, maybe a good hunter just happens”

Shaw says, Leon,

“But hey, I went to Rock Cave in the summer, and when I saw a good sword, I bought it, and I used it like this.”

And I put my head on. Falco said it was pompous.

“Don’t even use Leon on girls.”

“No, it was the same for Falco.”

“If you’re in a good mood just to spend money, it’s easy.”

Guess. Shaw unexpectedly looked at the two of them with cold eyes. When they were annoyed by the unusual atmosphere, they noticed Shaw’s gaze.

“Chi, no. This was before I became your foster parent, and I mean Leon.”

“No, it’s not just me, is it, Falco? Besides, if you’re a single man, I mean, free love, or, uh, Shaw, wait!

To the two of you who make excuses in advance,

“Because it’s already time for the child to go back to his room. Come back and eat some sweets.”

and Shaw sneered and went back to his room.

“Oh, my impression gets worse…”

“You can’t back down Leon anymore.”

“Mostly because you say weird things.”

Lila laughed sarcastically when she saw the two of them.

“You’re not gonna grow up either. Hey, Falco. That’s a rare topic to talk about where you have children in the first place. And a woman.”

Watch Falco and Leon.

“You can’t have anything about an old woman.”

The two dropped their heads.

“Well, the topic was just not child-friendly, and Shaw wasn’t angry or disappointed about anything else. You just wanted a snack.”

Dredd calmly pointed it out, but he was right. By the way, the mentor was in a good mood to drink when he saw it.

Shaw lined up today’s harvest on the bed in the room, thinking he’d do it to Leon and Falco, who are adults but are so out of it. In candy, baked sweets. Little apples. A little closer to the plains, this area has a rare cake of butter.

If you keep too much livestock, you have to give it to the grain that people eat. Besides, not much livestock is flourishing due to the possibility of collecting a large number of demons.

But an aunt at the confectionery store said butter has become more readily available recently.

Still bought expensive cakes, Shaw excited. ‘Cause you made a lot of money.

Shaw wanted to pick up Hal, but to be honest, he was even a little confused. In my homeland, I haven’t had an adult take care of me for three years. Shaw, who has been taken care of by Falco, couldn’t even try to imagine that sagginess, and even if he were, he probably would have managed to survive 28 years of experience on Earth.

So even though I knew Hal was hurt, I didn’t know what to do for him.

But if you’re Japanese, it’s sweet to be absolutely delighted. That’s what I think, I pick and collect a lot of things that I want to eat too.

The chatter opened the door. Falco.

“Are you arranging snacks?”

“Yeah. I was hoping there was something Hal liked”

“Right. If you’re playing games with me, you like everything.”

“I hope so.”

Shaw snacked except for the cake.

“This is the new cake I found in this town. Let’s have a taste.”

“Right. Can I have some tea?

I thought much of it in Falco’s words.

“Yes, I also bought tea. It’s tea from the south.”

“Well, tea is tea everywhere.”

“It’s not, the taste is subtle due to the cold and the sun. Let’s try it.”

That’s how wierd a good but good evening snack is. If it tastes good, I’ll give Lyla a taste of it tomorrow at lunch. Because I’m sure you like it. Shaw thought of his carriage trip tomorrow.

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