I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 2: About poor decision making

She was tired, so tired...

Why was our dear protagonist tired you ask? Well, socializing was tiring.

"...And then she had the gall to say that her baby girl would be the next top magical girl of this generation!" her mother kept saying in another long tirade.

"But you put her in her place right love?" her father asked from the other side of the table.

They were supposed to be eating, but ever since her twelfth birthday this was a normal occurrence, she missed the good old days when her parents hadn't come clean with their secret identities.

In those days they couldn't complain about their jobs like they can now.

" OF COURSE I DID!" her mother said huffing.

Ugh...she could feel the jab coming already.

"Just because Eli-Eli hasn't awakened as a Magical Girl doesn't mean she won't. Even with a decade's advantage over our Eli-Eli, they still think they can surpass her talents?!? HAH! " Yeah...Awakening magical talent...

Father save me........

"Well, she could also trigger and turn into a super too..." her father said in a meek voice...

Father you coward...

"Did you say something, honey?" Of course, Mother wouldn't let this one go.

"NOTHING DEAR! GOTTA GO TO WORK NOW!" and there he goes, the poster boy of America's might...

Running away from his wife...

"Ugh...Men..." was all she could say.

For her part, her mother was amused if nothing else "Make no mistake young lady. We will both love you no matter if you awaken or trigger. " Of course, they would.

Even with all their mistakes her parents still tried their best to be accommodating.

They even lined up the best schools for her to attend...And as a good daughter she didn't even look at them and left the choice up to luck!

"I know..." For now, she liked her uniform, because it was nice and comfy overall.

It was a sailor uniform made of a black, lightweight material that draped elegantly over her figure. It also had a gold trim around the collar and cuffs that added a touch of glamour to the overall design. It came with a double-breasted jacket, featuring large gold buttons that accentuated the curves of the torso. The sleeves were long and fitted, with a gold stripe on the upper arm just below the shoulder.The collar is white and pointed, with a black necktie and a simple knot that elegantly completes the neckline.

The skirt is knee-length and slightly flares out, providing a gentle swish as the wearer moves. The waistband is also gold and a black ribbon is tied in a bow at the back, cinching the waist and accentuating the curves of the hips.

The uniform is finished with black knee-high socks and polished black shoes with gold accents, which elongate the legs and complete the classic sailor look.

The black and gold theme creates a striking and sophisticated appearance, making this uniform appropriate for formal occasions and events. The feminine design and sleek silhouette elevate the classic sailor style, resulting in a timeless and elegant look!

It also helped that even with all the ornaments and materials, the uniform was comfy, she could already see herself searching for a good spot in the school library to sleep.

It kind of bothered her that she hadn't known of a school with such kind of uniform before, but alas...she left the choice of her schooling up to her parents.

It would be easier to deal with the backslash from her school if they were the ones to send her...She wondered which normie school she would end up with since her father would oppose any magical school her mother tried to send her to, and her mother would oppose any superhero school her father tried to worm her into.


"Now get ready, the school teleporter will soon start charging," her mother said while giving her a backpack. It has the same theme design as her uniform too...

"Mother...What is my school called?" asked the protagonist while having a bad feeling about her schooling future.

"Why...I thought you would never ask, it's a new model of school that just became popular...It's called The Mystic Powers Institute," said her mother with a smirk while a blue circle started forming in her dining room.

"So it's a Magical academy? How did you manage to convince Father to yield?" Damned Father and his chicken heart...How could be he the proud American crusader if he couldn't even control his wife?

"Sadly no...This one deals with powers differently, they take in awakened and triggered and train them the same...If you awaken you have extra magical classes, if you trigger...You have...I dunno, extra triggering classes? Don't know how the supers deal with their shabby stuff" said her mother dismissing half of the powered people in the world.

Magical supremacy people are always like this...

How did she even manage to marry a powered?

Father, you are indeed the hope of America...


"So...I will go to normal classes till I either trigger or awaken?" Please say yes...Please say yes...

"Well...If you attended from the public side...Then yes...But we got you in from the dark side, that's why your uniform has gold decorations. If you Trigger then you will get a badge with a sword on the chest. If you join the glorious magical side and awaken, then you get a staff...For now...You have a shield. Meaning you are still to be protected but will also protect those behind you," said her mother while trying to hide the staff badge...How did she get that already?

"So...Training for survival and protection while also attending the superhero academy..." said our protagonist with a defeated sigh.

Her mother for her part just laughed a little. "Of course not, you will train in a special academy while attending normal classes? Yes," she affixed her badge on her chest and took a close look as if judging and looking for imperfections.

"But we never said this was a 'Hero' academy. Neither your father nor I will ever force you into a 'Hero's Life. If you wish to be one after graduation the school will help you. If you instead wish to be a villain...The school will help you too..." added her mother while looking into the teleport circle.

"Just don't tell them I told you that last part...That is supposed to be a secret" Of course it would be a secret!

How would they even help one with the whole villain thing anyway?

Aren't villains supposed to be...like secrets?

"Wait...then this isn't a hero school?" asked Elizabeth surprised at the revelation.

"There is only one real superhero academy...And to be honest, it isn't that good at being one...If you live within 10 km of it and have powers, then you are marked as a hero by default on most villain databases...So unless you awaken a powerful affinity for magic or an S-Tier power...Don't go near one" Well, that sounded...reasonable?

Now that you think about it, going to a hero academy wasn't probably the smartest choice even if they offered normal courses.

"And if they offer help to villains, then it's a villain school?" Gotta ask the important questions now after all...


"No, there isn't really a true Villain school...They aren't good at getting students and most villains train their spawns at home or in their lairs." Mother, your princess heritage is showing...

"Besides, the Heroes always crack down on any villain school they find. Since most of those tend to be created by the weird cultivator mindset people. And to be honest, they only make schools in name, since those are made with the idea of 'Only the worthy will survive' and then ask their students to kill everyone." They what?

"And even then, if there is somehow a survivor they usually either awaken some weird cultivator magic and kill the founder of said school. Or trigger and get a weird S-Tier power and then kill the founder of the school. " Well isn't that a nice thing to know...

"So no, this is a school for learning powers either magical or not. And to find friends. Now stop stalling and go girl" Crap, Mother noticed.

"Yes...Mama..." was all the young girl could say while walking to the now ominous-looking teleport circle.

If it was both a magical and a superpowered school why did they use a teleport circle though?

"Go on young lady, this circle isn't cheap and my mana isn't infinite," said her mother from behind her while giving her a soft push into the circle.

"Ah..." so it was eating from her mother's mana...

Who was she trying to deceive, if anything her mother was leeching mana from at least four different planes of existence to feed into her innate magicks.

"Remember to send us letters ♪~" Was all she could hear before the magic circle flashed once again and then her world got turned upside down.

The school...Senior's Highschool...

A magical moment when one starts to make a name for themselves in this dark and cruel world. A moment when one's personality is fully formed.

When you meet the friends that will go with you for the rest of your life...A bittersweet moment in life when you go into the world and find out who you truly are.

If you are lucky you might even start living in your own apartment or in the school's dorms, a kind of test to show you how to start living on your own without the safety net of parents around.

Also, you can make mistakes without dooming yourself to a life on the streets.

This school was also like that in some aspects, since it encouraged students to live on their own in dorms, but it also had a points system, and if they could make enough points they could even purchase better accommodations.

"And if you manage to rake enough points you can even buy a penthouse!" said a kid on the outer areas of her hearing range.

He was rambling on and on about the advantages of this powered school over the others, and by the volume of his voice she didn't doubt if he had a sound-based power.

One she hoped he could get under control...

It had been about an hour since she arrived at the school grounds and the dizziness from the teleport spell hadn't been nice.

If she had to guess her mother had tweaked the spell so she would get the backlash...

She was still among the better ones since some of the people that arrived by teleport circles were still emptying their stomachs near the garden...

"ATTENTION!" Came an imperious voice from the other end of the room.

It was a somewhat old man, he looked like an army camp drill sergeant or something...

"I SAID ATTENTION!" And he even spoke like one...

Either way, if she had learned something was that if someone looks like a drill sergeant you better listen to him before finding out if he is one or not.

So our protagonist made her way to the front and got into the weird attention position her father tried to teach her last week.

That looked like it was the right choice too.

"Hmm....only eight..." Mumbled the old man while looking into his tablet.

By now everyone else was starting to walk to this side, some tried to get into the unofficial line created by Elizabeth and her more smart cohorts. But not many since most of them were standing lazily around.

"Everyone, but the ones in line drop and give me fifty," said the old man while marking something on his tablet.

"Huh? Is this old man crazy?" said someone at the back of the mass of people.

"I'm Command Sergeant Major John Williams. The person responsible for physical training and the one that decides who passes and can join the ranks at this school." Said the man while still searching for something on his tablet, after a few moments he finally found it.

"And on that note Mister Dylon, you failed this part of the exam. You can either join the upside school, try your luck in the next six months and be six months behind everyone else or try again next year." Said with a smile this man while a bright light focused on the person that called the crazy old man crazy.

To be honest, that person wasn't wrong, every single drill sergeant was crazy after all.

But you just don't call them like that.

"And to everyone else, you do need to give me fifty (Or try) if you don't want to fail too." The crazy man added while the kid in the background was trying to scream something but only silence was what we got from him.

She knew he was trying since his mouth kept opening and closing while that bright light started to lift him before teleporting him to god knows where.

She was happy that she decided to get in line earlier...

She didn't envy the other girls that would now have to do fifty push-ups...

Are they supposed to do that while wearing a skirt !?!?

The crazy old man was indeed crazy "Also to the males...If I find any of you peeping on the girls you will fail the test as well...We raise gentlemen here" SO HE KNEW THAT HE WAS PUTTING THE GIRLS ON A BAD SPOT!

"Psst...Thank you for starting this attention thing line, wouldn't want to try to do push-ups on a skirt..." said a girl to her left, it was a pink-haired one...

So she was probably empty on the head, her mother always rambled about how pink-haired girls were always empty-headed and more of a problem than it was worth it.

"Yeah, my dad was in the army and he always complained about his drill sergeant. Since this one sounded like the ones he described I didn't want to test my luck..." For now, she would answer and be polite.

If nothing else.

She would plot her escape from this social circle that seemed to be forming, always staying away from pink-haired girls.

And if you can't....then become their friend. That was the best solution her mother could come up with.

According to her pink-haired girls would either turn psycho or make trouble wherever they went and get a harem of pretty boys.

Also, half of them were princesses or would end up married to royalty.

How does that work?

Her mother never clarified that, but she was adamant about it. And since the few pink-haired women she saw were either indeed royalty (At least the ones on TV) or married to royalty (But since her mother was a royalty herself she couldn't be sure if that was a good comparison).

Wait...If mother was from royalty didnt't that mean that she was royalty too?

...Was her chastity at stake here?

"I'm Rosalina Singh, trying to get myself into the Magical side of the school," said the pink-haired girl. Dammit, she even has a Magical Girl kinda name too...

"...I'm Elizabeth Starbright...Here trying to not get into the magical nor the powered side of school" Time to try and sound like a bad idea to socialize with!

Who would try and keep a friend that doesn't want to join the fun side of this school, right?!? RIGHT?!?

"Such a funny joke, as if someone coming here would like to do that!" and this girl was laughing...Did she really think this was a joke?


Mother was right, pink-haired girls are trouble. And are also airheads.

"That's good enough for now," said the crazy old man. Oh right, he was around...Why didn't he stop us from speaking if we are at attention though?

"This was an example of consequences. How our bad choices will punish us..." Tell me about it...

"And how our good choices would reward us..." Why is he looking this way?

"If that girl didn't get into attention when she did...If the other people near her didn't follow her example...You all would be running after those fifty push-ups" said the crazy old man while pointing at her.

...She was screwd...

Lesson number 2 from Papa on how to deal with Drill Sergeants...Don't get noticed.

A lesson she failed.

"So thank her and thank the people that followed her example, because of them you all get a free pass...for now at least," said the crazy old man before writing something again on his tablet and after doing so bringing a remote.

"And welcome...To MPI" and with that and on a bad note my time at this dammed school begins.

Being noticed by two people that mother and father warned me against.

A pink-haired girl that looked like a problem and a drill sergeant.

At least it can't be worse than this...


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