I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 3: So…Where is the cafeteria?

The famed MPI...

Tons of people want to join, but not many manage it. Some who get kicked out of this school choose to enroll on the public side of the institute. A famous high school with a University attached. Most of the smartest people on this planet graduate from it.


"Or so he said," said the pink-haired girl, who for some reason, retold the whole story that they just got told.

Did she think she would sound smarter if she repeated verbatim what the student council just told them?

They were at the School Assembly. So the student council was listing the rules of the school and where to go to get what. Also a full explanation about the points system of the school.

They would also get a data pad to register for their classes. If they weren't already registered that is. And that wasn't a problem for her since her classes were already listed!

By the look of it, mother and father had fought over her schedule...and it seems, somehow, Father hadn't lost completely!

Half of it was powered classes, and the other half was magical ones...

"I wonder if we can ask for a transfer to the upside school..." was all she could think about, and apparently say out loud.

"I don't think that's possible, you can get expelled...But that just kicks you out of the school outright," said the pink-haired girl.

Hmm...Getting expelled didn't sound that bad.

"But if you do get expelled they apparently erase your memory and send you home. Half the time the expelled apply again and are accepted, but then are monitored or something until they decide if you are safe again," said the pink-haired girl with a shrug.

...That didn't sound right, and if she knew her mother, then she would probably raise hell and make them accept her again... they would probably also restore her memory...

If they managed to erase it that is. If she was a betting girl then she would bet that her mother had done something, or cast something into her to prevent memory tampering.

She was way too fuzzy about memory tampering, it seems that she got her own memory tampered with in one of her travels or something. Nasty stuff, something about a healer using his powers the wrong way and abusing the causality of his powers to get away with stuff you aren't supposed to be able to do with healing powers?

Weird stuff, to be honest, she didn't pay attention after the second world her mother told her about.

"So what class do you have first?" Oh right, she was talking with the airhead...

What was she talking about?

Autopilot to the rescue!

This sacred skill that got her through her junior years would come and save the day again today!

"Hmm...It looks like geometrical analysis of magical formulas and then Powered Psychology" answered her own autopilot.

"Hmm... that's harsh, maybe you should focus your study only on the magical side? You are cute enough that it would be a crime if you didn't use Magical Girl dresses!" said the pink-haired girl.

And she was right, it would be a crime if she didn't use at least a Lolita dress one day...

Not that she would ever admit to it!

"Yeah, but Papa will raise hell if I ditch the powered classes without awakening first...And if I ditch the magical ones, mama will unleash hell if I don't trigger first..." said the blonde girl with a defeated sigh.

"So...Mama Eli-Eli wants you to be a magical girl and Papa Eli-Eli wants you to be a hero?" surmised pink haired girl.

That was a way to oversimplify her life problems "In a nutshell" but it was a good way to presume her problems.

"Hmm...." what is that airhead thinking?

"So Papa wants you in a leotard and Mama wants you in frilly dresses...That's one dangerous family" said with a serious expression the airhead girl.

"Ah..."And she couldn't even defend her family...

I mean...

How do you even answer that?

It was true that her father wanted her to trigger since then he could use that as an excuse to doll her up with ultra tech that he got from god knows where.

But it was mostly powered armor, not leotards...Granted most newly powered did indeed use a leotard...I mean, most newly powered used body suits...

At least till they could either afford body armor or managed to nab one from the market at a good price.

This airhead had no way of knowing that her dad had already prepared several levels of body armor for her ready to be used though...

And while her mother wanted her to awaken magical powers...She had already prepared a long list of enchantments and magical clothes with the armor equivalent of a top-of-the-line force field...

So while it would indeed be a frilly dress......Not even the descendant of Saint George's Dragon could harm her in one of those.

But some people might get lucky photos if she didn't learn the right spells first...And that was dangerous in another meaning.

"Yeah, my family is complicated...Mama is from the magic side and Papa is from the powered side...So each one wants to nab me to their side" For now she would answer as such.

Not many families were outspoken about it, but it wasn't that uncommon, most of the time low-level magical girls ended up married to low-level powered since they didn't have that much influence on the world at large it was easy enough to carry on.

"Ooof, I hear you, girl. That must make family reunions awkward. I for once am happy with a normal family! " said the pink-haired girl.

That didn't sound right...If Mama was right about pink-haired girls then that just means...

"Dunno about biological family, but my adoptive or foster parents don't have an ounce of magic or power on them! " Yep, sounds about right.

Now comes the necklace...

"Only thing I have about biological mama is this necklace that they found in my crib on the orphanage" And said necklace can't be open~

"Haven't managed to open it once, but I thought 'Maybe if I become a Magical Girl I can open it using magic!' and so. I busted my ass studying and managed to get into this after finding all the clues on the upside side...So here we are!" yep yep, sounds about right with the plot...

I mean, with the studies mamma did on pink-haired girls on her travels. The plot is strong on this one...

I mean, the tropes are strong on this one. Then she will awaken her magical heritage and a whirlpool of deceit and romance will be all around her.

God, at least after this the rooms will be decided and she will no longer have to deal with this.

"It seems we're done with the introduction," said the protagonist of this story...

Finally listening to the poor student council girl, she really wasn't that.... what's the word...Memorable.

She wasn't that memorable, the poor girl didn't stand out. If the stories her mother told her were right, then that poor girl would lose her spot to either a pink-haired girl (Like the one that was stuck to her) or a red-haired boy with way too much energy and the lungs of a professional diver.

And by a quick scan of the people in attendance, there were a few red-haired ones around. Also a few blue-haired...and a green...

"THERE IS NO ONE NORMAL HERE?!?!?" screamed to the nine heavens the blonde girl that also wasn't normal looking. Way too beautiful, but she wouldn't point that.

"AAAH! YOU SCARED ME ELI-ELI! " said the pink-haired one.

"Ah sorry...Carry on..." said meekly the blonde girl, trying to not think about how half the people here were now looking at her.

"Yeah, thank you for bringing order to the assembly," said the student council that wasn't that memorable.

At least she was quick on the uptake and was making the best of the situation.

"And with that, we will finish the assembly, everything that was said will be uploaded to your datapads if you need to review it at a later date," said the prim and proper girl.

One could admire her will to keep talking even though she probably knew no one was paying attention to her.

"The ceremony for your first Ascension will be tomorrow, be it Magical or Powered. This ceremony will stir your soul and give us an answer. If you trigger we will reschedule your classes to include your new power. If you awaken, then we will do the same for your magic affinity. "And with that, the school assembly ended.

And as promised her datapad now had a new library with way too many entries on it.

Did that girl speak that much?

A quick search of her immediate memory answered that yes. That girl did speak that much...

There was a power shenanigan in there somehow. No way in hell she crammed that much information in only 3 hours...

There was at least a library of data here!

"Oooh, so all the info that was missing from her speech is here..." said the pink-haired girl to her left.

The what?

"The what?" asked the blonde girl.

"You know, her speech was missing some information like she only spoke about the most important information and then moved on to the next thing on her schedule. I stopped paying attention when I noticed how she didn't go too deep into the information" said the pink-haired girl.

Somehow she was hurt, did she lose to an airhead?

Was she really an airhead?

"I only noticed because it looked weird how you started glazing over all the information she was giving, to be honest" added more salt to the injury of this dammed pink girl.

"Y...Yeah...Good thing she gave us the most important points and then left us the debriefed version for further analysis right...?" Be cool, don't let her know you were defeated.

"Yeah!, If you didn't notice it I would have tried to memorize all her speech, but thanks to you I could mess around and gossip with you instead! " It worked?

It seems she didn't notice.

Can't wait to ditch this girl, her psych hazard is no joke.

"There is the room allocation, let's see where we will sleep today! " said before rushing to a billboard by the pink girl.

Wait...sleep together?

"They were right, if our numbers are sequential then we could end up in the same room...." mumbled the pink-haired girl.


"Oh, you noticed the numbers too?" Be nonchalant and ask about it, papa always said. Don't let them know you don't know.

"Yep, couldn't make the numbers of the people around since their badges have the weird sword or staff around, but since yours had a shield it was easier to look. And mine was on the ID so I just stick with you since we were going to be roomies anyway!" said this with a bright smile by the pink-haired girl.

Dammed mother you ruined your own daughter!

You told me to stay away from pink-haired girls, but it was the school you choose the reason I ended with one as a roomie!

"Let's go to our new room Eli-Eli!" and like that, our dear protagonist was going to start her new life with a pink-haired girl.

In a school with a dangerous schedule.

Near the living cliche of all that her mother warned her about.

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