I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 6: The Status screen chapter! (Hopefully)

After speaking for almost two hours with her parents and promising her father that she would indeed do more exercise (He found fault in her low constitution) and her mother that she would try to learn magic on the opposite side of the spectrum of her Magic Origin (Never revealing what it was her origin since she was so fuzzy about it) she was free at last!

"WELCOME BACK ELI-ELI!" Oh right, she was sharing the apartment with that thing, somehow she forgot to mention to her mother that she was stuck with a pink-haired being.

"The communication room is open if you wanna speak with your parents" For now try to get the pink-haired thing out of the room to have some time alone.

"Oh that's okay, they get scared by all the magick stuff. I already sent them a text about it!" why was she such a good daughter only for this kind of thing?

"I see...Well...I'm tired from all that stress, so I'll go to rest in my room..." If you can't deal with an enemy, run to your base, Papa always said that.

"Okay Eli-Eli, just remember we need to wake tomorrow early, so if you sleep in the afternoon you might not be able to sleep during the night!" Ugh....why is this airheaded girl so responsible only for this kind of thing!

The blonde girl couldn't help but think like that, even though she only knew her for a few hours and she still hadn't seen her bad habits so she really shouldn't be judging the poor Roseline!

"Okay ♪~ " Was all the blonde girl said before running away towards the door that said Eli-Eli in bold yellow letters and a few stars on the door.

How did that pink-haired girl even get this kind of stuff while she was speaking with her parents?

Thinking back the whole apartment was already furnished, and her stuff was in the corner of her room waiting to be put in his place.

But she couldn't do that right now, besides there was a spare uniform hanging on her door already so tomorrow's outfit was ready!

"Gotta get this out of the way first..." she said to herself jumping into the bed and thinking the blue screen back.

And there it was...

It said the same as before...Well, her stress bar had gone up by 15% and now it was resting at 45%...

She was that stressed?

Talking to her mother and father always stressed her since she had to deal with their shenanigans, so maybe it was true...Also, half of her plans went out of the window after that awakening-triggering event.

And her father said that she would need to attend powered classes...It seems that you can go to powered classes even if you awaken, and can go to magick classes even as a triggered.

Something about bonding and fighting the bias or whatnot.

But that didn't matter to her!

Not right now, since she had to find a way to use her other two skills...

The first one was easy enough, she only needed to either think or say "Status".

So maybe..." Identify...?" said the blonde girl while looking at her hand.


Elizabeth Starbright's Hand:
The left hand of the inheritor of the Akashic Records, it has 15 years of age and is taken care of by her owner. It was recently moisturized and the manicure is perfect but modest. No problems on the skin or the general area. Even though the user doesn't take good care of her body in general her strong genetic ascendence makes sure the body (And the hand in this case) is strong enough to thrive.

"...I don't even know what to think about this," said the blonde girl after reading the new blue screen that showed. It indeed identified her hand and gave her information...

At least she would now have a handy way to know if she needed more moisturizing on her hands...

"What is even the Inheritor of the Akashic Records?" asked to herself the blonde girl.

To which of course the answer was.


Inheritor of the Akashic Records:
The Tittle that was bestowed to Elizabeth Starbright after looking at her heritage and potential. No further information can be given since the right level of the user and the potential hasn't been met.

So her mother and father were at fault for that title. Somehow that didn't surprise her that much.

She still learned something useful from this, and that was "I can Identify something on the screen too..." That would make it easier. Just follow the words and find the right information.

But for now, it would be in the order that it came!


Representation of the power threshold the user has arrived at. Currently locked since the body is adapting to the ascension of the user. 18 hours remaining for the lock to finish.
The threshold of power is broken by the action the user takes or the information the user earns. This is a visual representation of how much the person has impacted the world. A power in the shadows could be at Level 1 and still be stronger than a Politician at Level 200. So caution is advised.
[User has special privilege granted by the status skills and will currently earn seven extra stats on level up]

That's....interesting, so she would earn seven stats points per level...The "Currently" implied that she could earn more in the future?

Maybe there was a way to power up the status skill?

Since it gave examples of third persons then maybe Identify worked in other people too...Since this was a visual representation then that means that everyone has status, but only she could see them because of this skill. That...was something to look forward to and would test it tomorrow...

For now, time to look into health, mana, stamina, and stress!


Visual representation of the body conditions to work at full capacity. Lower health means the worst condition of the body, at full health it means the body can work without problems. But it doesn't mean one is in perfect condition. One can be sick and be at 100%.

Also, 0% hp doesn't mean death either, it just means the body can't work without risking further damage, and negative health is possible too. Meaning a risk of chronic damage to the body


Visual representation of the energy used to cast spells and skills. This energy was usually extracted from another dimension, but after the advent of Catherine Starlight, it started being permeated into this world, making the creation of magical-wielding users easier.


Visual representation of the energy spent on quick burst movements and active skills. When this one arrives at 0% Health will be consumed in its stead, accelerating the stress bar and taxing the body. A powered spends some of this energy to stimulate the mana in the air to fuel their skills.


Visual representation of the condition of the mind. Rest is needed to keep this low. Higher levels of stress can make use of skills harder and magic more propense to failure.

Four in a row, so you can Identify several things without stopping, that would be useful to know.

Also, these statuses were dangerous...Not that she didn't get where they came from. Most of this stuff she was already aware of. Like how even if you looked and felt healthy you could still be sick, and also how overtaxing your body beyond your limit could affect your health.

It didn't mention how exercising was overtaxing your health, so maybe it didn't consider it overtaxing till it hurt you?

Stamina brought some possibilities though. It mentioned active skills, so maybe she would be able to learn extra skills at some point?

Since this Status thing looked like it came from an RPG maybe it used proficiency to get her skills?

The level worked with something like a milestone system, so it wasn't that much of a jump in logic that some action would get her proficiency and evolve into skills at some point.

Now, to see if she could manipulate how this gave her the information...And with the real status of the status screen.



This stat represents how physically strong the user is. It affects the ability to deal melee damage, carry heavy items, and perform feats of strength.

(Base average in a humanoid is 10)


This stat represents the user's overall health and endurance. It affects the ability to withstand damage and resist negative status effects.

(Base average in a humanoid is 10)


This stat represents the user's speed and agility. It affects the user's movement speed, and ability to dodge attacks and perform actions quickly.

(Base average in a humanoid is 8)


This stat represents the user's precision and fine motor skills. It affects the user's ability to aim ranged attacks and perform stealthy actions.

(Base average in a humanoid is 7)


This stat represents the user's mental capacity and knowledge. It affects the user's ability to learn and cast spells, understands complex situations, and solve puzzles.

(Base average in a humanoid is 5)


This stat represents the user's perception and intuition. It affects the user's ability to notice details in the environment, sense danger, and make wise decisions.

(Base average in a humanoid is 5)


This stat represents the user's charm and social skills. It affects the ability to persuade others, barter for goods, and interact with the world at large.

(Base average in a humanoid is 5)


The average status total is 50 in the average humanoid. The user isn't average since her base status is 70 in total.


Well, that was easy enough, so it seemed identity could showcase and tweak the information as the user wished for, most of the stats were self explicatory and the skill so far didn't seem to spend that much energy, neither stamina, or mana. Or at least it was at a level that it wasn't noticeable.....yet. Maybe it was because it was her own status...Or maybe because she was weak enough that it didn't stress the skill. More testing was required...Maybe she would try with a monster like her mother or father?


And somehow she wasn't average, that was a total surprise indeed, absolutely no one saw that coming, she, of course, knew that...In no way in form was she cursing a certain existence that was forgotten till now. Yep.


Carry on with the identify we are almost done.

Magic Origin: It showcases the origin of the magic affinity for the user, so long as the user tries to learn from her origin magicks her learning speed will be twice as fast, her spells four times more powerful and the spell casting will be faster and swift. There is a chance that a spell can be invoked without chant or mandalas so long as this follows the user's magic origin.
Spell Slots: A representation of how many spells the user has mastered, this isn't a hard cap for the learning of the user but symbolizes how many spells one can learn without having to think too hard about them. With enough talent, one can surpass this hard cap. The base number usually is the same the wisdom of the user. The user is capable to move spells into these slots manually after learning them by going into her soulscape.
Magic Circle Slots: A representation of the number of mandalas the user has mastered and saved for later use, the mandalas saved on these slots can be invoked without having to use magical formulas or rituals for later use. User can create and move mandalas into these slots in her soulscape.


So the magic origin was her affinity? Something was weird in this phrasing, as far as she knew by what her mother had told her the magical affinity didn't help that much and was only a baseline, just how her original affinity was fire but she specialized in space magic later in life to return to her home (Even if she settled in this world with Father in the end). But by the description of this, she would have an easier time by using the magic of the Shadow Weaver...Whatever that is.


The spell slots would be useful if she could use magic without chants, rituals, or mandalas involved...Who knows, she might even pass as a powered with this!


It helped her situation? Not really.


The Magic Circle slots were also a nice thing to have, now she might even pass as a top-tier Magical Girl since her mother was fuzzing during the call about how she would send her books and equipment to paint rituals and magic circles on her skin (Not on visible places) so she could summon mandalas at a whim more easily.


Maybe her trigger affected how her awakening worked and that was how she ended like this?


Either way, now the only part remaining would have some answers for her...With some luck

Status This skill gives the user a visual representation of her own body and her conditions, it can give more or less information depending on the knowledge. This skill represents your ability to assess your own physical and mental condition, as well as the condition of others

This skill grants the user a subspace where she can store her belongings, for it to work the item in question must be hers or be granted to her. It works by the user's subconscious so it can't be used to steal something even if the user tries to convince herself of ownership of it. It can be tweaked in its presentation and it has personalized options. It can summon objects to any part of her body and can be used to change clothing. At higher levels of masteries, it can be even used to wash and air dry clothes!

The current level doesn't allow washing or air drying, since the user must find a way for said effects to work.

Note: It doesn't stop the time of the objects nor can store living beings.

Identify This skill allows the user to bring information from the Akashic Records to understand and visualize the hidden truth of the world at large. It brings information to the level that the user is capable of understanding, if the Akashic Records doesn't have the information, it tries to pry said information from the target of the Identify skill. While some can resist the influence of the skills usually the target will not notice the effects of the skills unless said target has a good affinity with the world or has experienced the influence from the Akashic Records before.

Well, while there are so many questions that the blonde girl has about her skills there is still one more that must be identified before she starts complaining about this.


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"GAAAAH!" screamed the blonde girl as the information came streaming into her head.


She couldn't make heads nor tails of it, soon her sight turned red as she started crying blood, blood started leaking from her nose, mouth, and ears too...


And she couldn't think of anything else before trying to dismiss the last screen to try and stop the pain from coming into her mind.


She could swear a pink head came running into her room, but to be honest, she was just tired right now...And was happy that she was already on her bed.

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