I will strive beyond this cursed bloodline!

Chapter 7: That wasn’t my fault….

This wasn't one comfy bed.

What does this tell us if the first thought that came to mind was of how awful was the bed she was laying on?

First, it tells us how they needed to get better bedding wherever she was currently laying in.

Secondly, it also tells us how she wasn't in a weird dreamscape again.

Wait, dreamscape?

She was suddenly stricken by dread, she remembered the dream, but some facts about it were slowly drifting away, and she somehow knew that she should cling to them as there was important information in them.

"A PEN! I NEED A PEN!" screamed the blonde while quickly trying to stand.

The commotion that she was causing made the nurse come in to check on her "Help! The Patient is having an attack!" said the nurse and soon enough more nurses and a doctor came into the room.

"JUST GIVE ME A GOD DAMNED PEN!" She logically knew that this way of acting wasn't the right way to get what she needed.

But the memories were drifting away faster and faster, now she barely remembered a few things.

"GET THIS BRAT TO SLEEP ALREADY!" screamed one of the nurses...That was one rude nurse, but then again...She might have bitten someone's hand when they tried to shove her down into the bed.

"On it," said someone to her left...And he was injecting something on an IV Drop...

She was getting sleepy again...Following that IV drop she found out how it was going into her arm...

"I...need an adult...." was all that she could say before being deprived of her conscience by the power of drugs.

"I'm an adult," said someone in the background. Ain't that one cheeky bastard...

Finally, someone got the joke and the right answer for it.

School Nurse POV

The patient was finally slept again, she doubted when they told her that this scrawny girl was a powered too. Especially since she had a wizard's badge on her chest.

But that went out of the window when she awoke and started trashing around asking for a pen.

"Doc... That's propofol..." said one of her cohorts to the doctor.

"I mean, if you five couldn't hold her down I wasn't going to risk it, also...You didn't get a bite on your arm..." said the doctor while writing new orders on the patient expedient.

"Just keep her tied to the bed and call me if she starts trashing again," said before running away the coward.

Why wasn't the dedicated healer around when he was needed?

"Sure thing doc..." The poor girl was sleeping peacefully, if one ignored the fact that they had shoved enough of the thing to give her a respiratory arrest and a normal person would need a breathing apparatus...

Good thing she was a powered, those tended to be more sturdy than the average.

"Amm...She stopped breathing...." said the new nurse, these fresh nurses are making problems where there weren't any...

"That girl is strong enough to fight us all together, she is stronger than the average, how could she go into...." That was all I could say before looking at the monitor...

And indeed her SPO was tanking...hard.

"GET ME A HEALER AND START THE RCP!" said the head nurse, getting everything in motion.

The doctor came in back after seeing the whole circus that was a code red in action too, the man had barely bandaged his hand and now he was doing chest compressions on the girl.

"Stupid powered girl with below-average resistance to drugs..." was mumbling the doctor in the middle of chest compressions.

She couldn't help but smirk, that would teach the man to stop giving dosage without verifying the drug resistance to a patient. Granted, usually, they were indeed resistant enough to their drugs. But still...

Soon enough a healer would come and their diagnosis spells would bring light to the girl's situation, and with some luck they would fix this problem before something else happened.

She awoke still on an awfully uncomfortable bed.

A few things were different this time, for starters, she felt more refreshed than usual...

Almost like she had slept for a whole day...Without stopping and without having to worry about eating or those pesky things one needs to do to survive.

On another note, she was tied to the bed...

"Head Nurse, the patient is awake!" said a way too young girl with a nurse outfit. Probably a student doing practice or something.

"First of all, calm down Miss Elizabeth," said the older-looking nurse, she looked like the age her Mother said she had.

"Hard to not be calm while tied to a bed" answered the blonde girl making a show of trying to raise her hand.

She only made a show since she almost could hear how the bandages they used to not hurt her wrist were being torn by her show...At least it looked like they hadn't noticed that...

"Sorry about the restrainings, you made a show the first time...We had to call a Healer to fix the damage you incurred by the whole ordeal" Oh, so she had indeed been awake before.

She had a vague impression of being awake before and something about asking for a pen and getting drugged for her effort.

But the blonde girl couldn't remember quite well why she wanted a pen...

She had the impression about a dream and important stuff being discussed, something that had to do with her own situation...

But nothing came to mind.

"I see, any chances you take these off? I no longer require a pen" said the blonde girl with a smirk.

By the reaction of the nurse and nurse student that wasn't part of the dream...

"Take the restraining off" and just like that, the poor nurse student girl was trying to undo the knots on the bandages that tied her to the bed.

"I will leave you with your teachers now. If you need something or feel side effects come at a later date to be checked up by the school healer. "Said the nurse after the student had finished taking off the restrainings.

She kinda wondered why they didn't use something else, but hey. If it works it works.

And since the witch of the awakening test was coming she didn't have much time to think about that.

"Usually, we have this conversation midway through the week, when the students start learning more about their soulscape and how to use their magicks...Or when they start to push the limits of their skills..." Said the witch while taking a folder from her purse and putting it in front of the blonde girl.

"Care to explain what in the seven heavens and four hells did you do to end like this?" in the folder there were a few pictures.

Just a couple of pictures of a gorgeous blonde with blood pouring out of her eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. It was kinda ho...Kinda gruesome.

Yes, kinda gruesome the image of such a beauty suffering like that.

"Amm.....I was inspecting my skills from the triggering - Awakening thing and I think one may be bugged?" said the meekly blonde girl.

She was wondering too what had brought that kind of backslash.

"Hmm......That...shouldn't happen. My first thought was that your mother gave you a summoning circle and you tried to use it before being ready" Said the witch while showcasing extra photos, these of her room.

"But there wasn't any evidence of summoning on your room. Nor was the mana disturbed. So we arrived at the conclusion that your problem wasn't magical" and with that, the witch beckoned someone into the room.

It was the crazy old man.

"So obviously the problem was powered, but your body didn't have evidence of conflicting skills nor tampering by external skills...You will need to do extra exercise since your constitution is lower than it should be though "Great, now even the teachers said that.

It wasn't only her status claiming she was below average now.

"Especially if you are to receive care by powered medicine. Since that is designed with sturdier bodies in mind...If not you will depend solely on healers and magick to cure you. And if you don't learn healing magick that will be expensive" added the witch teacher, Agatha.

If healing magick helped be this rested she might think about learning such magicks.

"Okay, should I look into my skills to see if the problem still persists?" asked the blonde girl.

Both teachers just looked at each other before one answered "Let me call the healer back first" Ironically that was said by the crazy old man John.

One would think the witch would call them first, but it seemed that the old man had more faith in them...Or was it because of seniority?

"Ready when you are." said the healer that had come into the room. It was a silver-haired woman, she somehow stimulated a memory but at the same time, nothing came to mind.

"Here goes nothing...[Status]" And without further addo, she invoked her first skill. Of course, saying the name was more for the sake of informing her teachers about the activation of the skill.



Name: Elizabeth Starbright

Title: The Inheritor of the Akashic Records

Alias: None

Level: 3

Health: 83%

Mana: 100%

Stamina: 120%

Stress: 0%

Strength: 10

Constitution: 5

Agility: 9

Dexterity: 14

Intelligence: 17

Wisdom: 7

Charisma: 24

Free Status: 14

Magic Origin: Shadow Weaver

Magic Spells Sloted: 0/10

Magic Circles Sloted: 0/10


- Status

- Identify

- Inventory


Well...That wasn't right...

"Hah?" she couldn't help but exclaim that out loud.

"Something wrong?" quickly came the witch while making a signal to the healer in the back.

"No problems on her part, not health-related anyway...Her body is stronger than before so her skill is body strengthening in nature?" asked the healer.

Well, she was indeed stronger than before, she was Level 3 now after all.

But how did that come about?

"We don't know, she just triggered her powered skills yesterday so we haven't had time to test them. Her father's skillset is of the strengthening type, so maybe she inherited a version of it?" said the crazy old man. Did Father's skill as powered count as a strengthening type then?

"If that's all. I have more work to do, just keep her from using her skills that way and she should be fine" said the healer before leaving the room. At least her skills were okay to use?

She wasn't sure how she was level 3 and why her stats had been raised...Maybe this status used a proficiency system or something?

At least the doubts lasted a few more seconds till she noticed a little symbol in her peripheral vision, some exclamation sign?

"What is that?" asked the blonde girl trying to turn her head and just seeing the stupid symbol move with her.

"Something the matter?" asked the witch teacher with worry on her face.

"Maybe the blood loss?" said the old man, still somewhat irked? It seems he didn't take well that the fault was on the powered side instead of the magic side.

"Oh, nothing, just wondering out loud a side of my skillset, and how to bring it up," said the blonde girl, hoping that either teacher would know the solution to her problems.

Both just looked at each other and again, after the witch shrugged her shoulders the old man answered "Just focus on the feeling, powers are all like that" said the unhelpful old man.

"So what? Just focus on it and wish for an answer?" said the blonde girl focusing her will on the admiration symbol.


User has learned the truth behind her birth, proficiency acquired.

User has spoken with a being far above her social-power level, proficiency acquired.

User has arrived at death's door, survived, and came back stronger, proficiency acquired.

User has forgotten partial truths, proficiency gain is reduced by 99.99%.

Adjustment Notice:

User has been granted a free first-time bonus because she is being pitied by the local administrator.

2 Levels have been granted.

Extra information allowance is being granted.

...She was annoyed.

And maybe it reflected in her face since the old man started saying "Well since you are good and well...I will...take my leave, don't miss classes tomorrow since we will speak about safe skill use" and with that he left.

"If you feel compelled to summon something, do use the rooms on the wizard wing...We will speak about them later on in class" and with that, both teachers left her.


Left her with the annoying screens saying about how a local god pitied her...


Or was it a local administrator? What's the difference anyway?


She felt like someone had told her about them, but somehow she couldn't bring the info to the front of her mind, but then a gain, these stupid screens said how she had forgotten 99.99% of the information so maybe that was the reason?


And what does it meant that her bugged skill had now a weird shade over it, like someone was trying to say 'This is out of service, come again later on ♪' or something.


Should...Should she try and identify again?

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