I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 10 - a cross-examination

After Shen Zhaokuai and Li Si shook hands and made peace, Shen Jiajia was able to see the most important evidence of the case, the purse.

The purse is of indigo base color, embroidered with twigs and lotus flowers, and contains several kinds of herbs and a few acacia beans. After Shen Jiajia watched it, she quietly said to Chengfeng, “It looks like it was given to a lover.”

“You know a lot.”

Shen Jiajia raised her cheeks and pondered: “I heard from the people of Qianfu that Madam devoted herself to worshiping Buddha. She has always been honest and kind, so why did she beat and scold the maid last night, and even threatened to kill? Could it be related to this?”

Cheng Feng thought about it carefully, and said, “Last night, that maid named He Xiang insisted that Madam would not let her go. She must have really done something wrong.”

“What about the other one?”

“Another maid, Lanxiang, has been comforting her. Later, the two thought of many ways together, and the more they talked, the more outrageous they became.”

Shen Jiajia was thoughtful.

When the governor arrived at Qian’s house, Shen Zhukuai and the others had already questioned most of the slaves who had been to the main courtyard on the day of the crime, and they all had alibi. They were waiting for Qian Yushi’s wife, concubine and two sons, as well as their alibi. The servants came to ask questions. Because I had already asked once before, when the arrest came again today, these people all felt that they were wasting their time. It wasn’t until I heard that the Fu Yin came to sit in the hall in person, and then they hurried over.

The governor asked them to wait. He sat down in the main hall, but the first sentence he said was: “Which one is Shen Sanniang?”

Shen Jiajia was stunned for a moment, then stood up quickly, and said with a blessing, “Shen Sanniang, the daughter of the people, has seen the manor.”

Fu Xu, the governor of the government, smiled and said, “I heard that you are very talented in solving cases.”

“It’s just a little clever, Fu Jun praises it.”

“It seems that Shen Jukuai’s teaching daughter is in a good position. You can ask questions at will in today’s court hearing.”

“Thank you Fujun.”

Next, the governor first summoned Qian Yushi’s concubine. The concubine was well maintained. At first glance, she was only twenty-seven or eighteen years old. In fact, he was Qian Erlang’s biological mother, and Qian Erlang was eighteen years old this year.

The concubine’s eyes were red, and her speech was a little hoarse because she cried for two days. She said, “On the night of Lang Jun’s accident, the slave was in the room making his winter shoes and socks, and the two personal maids were tailoring clothes in my room. The three of us can testify against each other.”

The governor glanced at Shen Jiajia, Shen Jiajia understood, and hurriedly asked, “When did you do it?”

“During the second watch, I drank a little ginseng tea and fell asleep at about four o’clock in Hai Shi.”

“Is there anything abnormal at home before the incident?”

“No, nothing unusual.” Saying so, tears fell.

Shen Jiajia patiently said: “You have to tell everything you know, so that we can find the culprit as soon as possible and avenge your husband.”

The concubine cried: “It’s really not a big abnormality. It’s just that Lang Jun and his wife quarreled again, and the wife said that she would sell me, so she couldn’t hold back because she thought about it. The slave knows that his luck is short and his life is short, and I just hope that my wife will see it. In Erlang’s face, at any rate, have pity on me.”

“Madame often says she wants to sell you?”

The concubine nodded silently.

After the concubine left, the governor summoned her two personal maids, which were basically the same as what the concubine said.

Then there is Mrs. Ma, the wife of Censor Qian.

Ma Shi was a few years older than Qian Yushi, and he already had white spots on his temples. He suffered from lung disease and took medicine all the year round. Ma said that she had been chanting scriptures in the Buddhist hall after dinner, and her two big girls were doing embroidery work next door.

When asked if he had said that he wanted to sell his concubine, Ma admitted frankly, and then sneered: “You all don’t know, this young lady often provokes the relationship between Erlang and my husband and wife, and her heart can be punished!”

After Ma’s departure, the governor summoned her maid, but only one Lanxiang came, and the other named Hexiang didn’t come.

Shen Jiajia raised her eyebrows.

The description of Lanxiang is basically the same as that of Ma’s.

Shen Jiajia asked, “Why didn’t He Xiang come today?”

“I haven’t seen her early this morning, and the slave does not know where she went.”

“You and He Xiang have been together the night of the incident?”

Lan Xiang hesitated for a moment before answering, “Yes.”

When Fu Jun saw her demeanor, he found it unusual, slapped the table heavily and said, “If you don’t tell the truth, you will be covered by the same crime!”

Lanxiang knelt down and hurriedly said: “Fujun Mingjian, the villain, the villain is just… only said this by Hexiang. She said that there was something going on that day, so I don’t tell others, especially not to let my wife know. Madam is sincere towards the Buddha and doesn’t like being disturbed by others when she is chanting, so she didn’t notice it.”

“Did He Xiang say where he went? What did he do?”

“The villain really doesn’t know! Fujun, everything the villain said is true. If you don’t believe it, wait for Hexiang to come back and testify with her. If the villain has half a lie, the mansion can handle it at will.”

The next person who came to ask was Qian Erlang. Qian Erlang looked smart. He ate wine at Xinghualou that night, and there were a lot of friends who were wine and meat to testify. He didn’t come back until four o’clock in Hai Shi, and there was a concierge who testified, and there was no doubt.

The last person to come is Qian Dalang. Qian Dalang was a little stiffer than Qian Erlang. He claimed that he was not feeling well because of the cold the day before yesterday, so he rested early, and there was a servant who testified.

Shen Jiajia asked, “Did the little servant sleep with you?”

Qian Dalang looked embarrassed.

Xie Chengfeng pecked her ear and whispered, “You idiot.”

Qian Dalang: “No, the little servant sleeps outside.”

“Oh. Did you wake up during that time? Did he wake up? Have you met?”

“No, no.”

Shen Jiajia touched his chin, nodded and said, “So, neither of you have an alibi.”

Qian Dalang was in a hurry and hurriedly said to the governor: “Fujun Mingjian, how could I kill my father?!”

Shen Jiajia: “As far as I know, Yushi Qian is very strict with you, and often reprimands you. The most serious one, he beat you so hard that you couldn’t get out of bed for more than half a month. Is it true?”

“Yes, yes, but my father beat me up for my own good. How dare I have any complaints? I…”

The governor raised his hand to stop him from continuing, comforting: “Don’t worry, this government will never wrong a good person, and naturally, it will not let a bad person go.”

Shen Jiajia took out the purse and asked Qian Dalang, “Have you seen this purse?”

Qian Dalang turned his face away, “No.”

Finally, the governor summoned Qian Dalang’s personal servant.

The little servant also fell asleep very early and slept until dawn. Shen Jiajia asked, “Are you sick that day?”


“Then why did you fall asleep early? Sleep so deeply again?”

“Ah, it’s strange to say that the villain has been feeling sleepy from time to time recently, and I have also asked the doctor. The doctor said that I am not sick, and the reason why I am sleepy is probably because of the changing seasons and lack of sleep in spring and autumn.”

Shen Jiajia’s eyes flashed when she heard this.

The governor responded quickly, beckoning to call a few people: “Go and search Qian Dalang’s room.”

A few of the arresters went quickly, and they won’t come back to report: “Fu Jun, the little people found these sweating medicines in Qian’s room.” He said and handed an opened paper package to him.

The governor smiled.


Qian Dalang was called back again, and the governor pointed to the Mongolian sweat medicine on the table, and asked with a half-smile, “You give medicine to the little servant, but what shady things are you doing?”

Qian Dalang’s expression changed, he knelt down and said, “Fu Jun Mingjian, I really didn’t kill Daddy! I, how could I!”

“Oh, then tell me, where were you and what were you doing the night before yesterday? Is there any evidence?”

“I’m with Hexiang, she can testify for me!”


“It’s true! We, we have already made a private life, and the reason why we gave the little servant the sweat medicine is to avoid being discovered in our private meeting with Hexiang.”

Shen Jiajia asked: “So, this purse was given to you by Hexiang?”

Qian Dalang’s eyes flickered, “No. I have never seen this purse.”

At this moment, someone from outside hurried in: “Fu Jun, Fu Jun! Just now a body was retrieved from the well, it is the missing girl Hexiang!”

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