I Wish to Ride the Wind

Chapter 11 - a letter

The deceased, Hexiang, was nineteen years old. The cause of death was that he was hit in the back of the head and fell into a coma. He was then pushed into a well and suffocated to death. The time of death was between Zi Shi and Chou Shi.

Everyone looked at the corpse lying on the ground and didn’t say a word, but four words popped up in everyone’s mind: kill and kill.

The governor called Lan Xiang, who was in the same room with He Xiang, and asked, “Did the deceased have any abnormality last night?”

Lanxiang burst into tears since she saw Hexiang’s body, crying: “Last night, Hexiang was punished by Madam. I was afraid she couldn’t think about it. I talked to her for a long time at night, and didn’t fall asleep until the third watch.”

“Oh? Do you know why He Xiang was punished?”

Lanxiang lowered her head and thought for a while, and seemed to have made up her mind. Then she said: “I entered the mansion with Hexiang, and we have been friends with sisters for more than ten years. Now I don’t dare to hide anything, I just hope that the man of the manor can Be the master of the lotus incense.”

“Let’s hear it, what’s going on.”

“The purse was made by Hexiang. When the purses were asked by several brand owners yesterday, the lady recognized at a glance that it was Hexiang’s embroidery work. At night, when she asked Hexiang, Hexiang admitted that the purses were given to Dalang. Madam was furious, and because she was afraid of involving Dalang, she strictly ordered her not to admit it, and said that if she said something she shouldn’t have said, she would be sent to see the Bodhisattva.”

Shen Jiajia turned her head and whispered to Chengfeng, “It matches what you heard last night.”

Xie Chengfeng sighed suddenly.

“What’s wrong?”

“If I went back late last night…”

“If you dragged back until Hexiang was killed, you may not be able to see the murderer in the dark, but you may hit the wall eighteen times and the tree twenty-eight times.”

Xie Chengfeng was so angry that he wanted to hit her with his wings, “Shen Jiajia, do you want to be mad at me?”

Shen Jiajia tilted her head away with a smile, and the tip of Chengfeng’s wings touched the bridge of her pretty nose, making her movements a little intimate, which made him embarrassed, so he quickly put away his wings and ignored her.

Because the voices of the two were very soft and chattering, others could not hear what they were talking about. People who saw it accidentally just thought the bird was very interesting.

The governor asked Hexiang, “You have said so much, do you have any evidence?”

“Yes! He Xiang was afraid that she would be silenced, so she wrote a letter in advance for me to keep, saying that if something happened to her, she could hand over the letter, and then the truth would be revealed.” Take out a letter and present it with both hands.

Li Si hurriedly took the letter, checked it, and presented it to the governor.

The governor opened the letter and asked, “Can Hexiang write?”

“Yes, she has read books for a few years, and she is responsible for the accounts of Madam.”

The governor glanced at Shen Chakuai, Shen Chakuai understood, and led someone to go out to find Ma Shi to get the account book. Just as he opened his legs, he realized that it was inconvenient for a group of men to go to the inner house, so he called his daughter too.

The account book went smoothly. When I came back, it was a pair of letters from Hexiang. The handwriting was correct. The letter was indeed written by Hexiang.

The content of the letter was basically the same as what Lan Xiang had just said.

Qian Dalang and Mrs. Ma were brought back, and the governor asked them to confront them with letters, asking, “What else do you two have to say now?”

Both of them panicked, Ma Shi shouted injustice, panting and crying: “I have been eating fast and reciting Buddha for 30 years, and I usually don’t dare to step on an ant, how could it be possible to kill someone! Last night was just to frighten her. I understand. His own son, although he is dull but kind-hearted, he cannot kill, let alone kill his own father!”

“After many deductions by this official and his subordinates, this purse is likely to be pulled from the murderer in a hurry when Qian Yushi was restrained. Maybe it is human instinct, maybe it is the intention to leave evidence. , He held the purse tightly in his hand, and was never found by the murderer. About this purse, this official asked several times, and you lied several times, isn’t it a guilty conscience?!”

Qian Da defended: “The villain dare not admit it, just because he is afraid of being wronged. This purse was lost a few days ago.”

“Oh? How did you lose it? Where was it?”

“I…I can’t remember…Fu Jun, we were really wronged! He Xiang must have been used, this letter must be fake, yes, it’s fake!” As he spoke, he was about to **** Shen Cao Kuaishou letters in.

Shen Chukuai raised his knife slightly, but the handle hit Qian Da’s wrist, causing him to scream in pain.

The governor of the government said: “Bring the mother and son back to the government office, and the official will interrogate them carefully. In addition, keep some people here, and beware of fellow party members.”

Shen Zhukuai made arrangements in response, turned his head and saw that his daughter was standing there in a daze. He pushed Shen Jiajia and said, “Sanniang? Let’s go, this case is about to come to an end.”

Shen Jiajia frowned and said, “Dad, I always feel that this case was solved too smoothly.”

“Isn’t that bad? Sanniang, by showing your face in front of the mansion today, it can be regarded as a face for daddy. When daddy sorts this out, I will buy you roast goose at night.”

“Dad, I want to go to the crime scene again. When I went there for the first time, I felt something was wrong, and I couldn’t tell what it was.”

“Huh? Well…”

The two went to the study where Qian Yushi was killed. While walking, Shen Jiajia asked, “Has anyone been here since we left yesterday?”

“No. There are people guarding here. If anyone has been here, they should let me know.”

The study was not very different from when they left yesterday. The only thing that changed was that the leaves of the lotus flower in the jar had been completely wilted by the window.

Shen Jiajia stood in front of the window, holding her cheeks and staring at the lotus in a daze.

Shen Chukuai said with emotion: “Flowers and plants are also human. When the master dies, they are also like frost.”

“Shuang hit…Shuang hit…” Shen Jiajia repeated these three words, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He reached out and dipped the water in the tank and put it on the tip of his tongue.

Shen Chukuai was taken aback: “Sanniang, what are you doing, turn around and upset your stomach, your mother can nagging for a day.”

“Dad, we’re afraid we really caught the wrong person.”

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