I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 40: Inhibition

"Ding dong—"

Kanako Sawada rang the doorbell, then took a few steps back, and confirmed once again that this is indeed the home of her student "Kumi Kurokawa".

During this period of time, she has been going to many students' homes one after another. From the nervousness at the beginning, she has been able to cope with it freely now.

According to Kurokawa Kazumi's information.

She lives with her brother, that is to say, the main purpose of her coming this time is to meet this Kurokawa Kazumi's brother, a person named Kurokawa Kazuya...

According to the students in the class, this person is probably a cartoonist.

I heard that there is a manga artist with the same name and surname as him in JUMK.

Thinking of these, she automatically made up the appearance of a dead fat house.

I can't help but feel a little disgusted in my heart... I even have a little thought of not wanting to come here, but for her own students, she still came here, but she put the order of this family at the end, so I have seen many people like myself You should get used to it...



The door opened slowly.

Kanako's heart beat slightly, but—

Totally different than expected...

The door did not reveal light because it was opened, but there was a person who was about the same height as the door, blocking her view.

"It's so high..."

She couldn't help but marvel in her heart, her height was 151, and the person in front of her seemed to be several heads taller than herself.

However, it does not give people a feeling like a pillar, but looks very handsome and strong.

Could it be this person?

"Um... are you Mr. Kurokawa Kazuya?"

"That's right... at this time, you should be Kazumi's teacher Kanako Sawada, right?"

"Oh? Yes... hello." Kanako bowed and said, "I am Kazumi's teacher, hello, Mr. Kurokawa."


"What's wrong?"

"No, nothing." Liang Ri, who was taking a Chinese character class, withdrew his gaze from the distance and put it on the textbook in front of him, sighing slightly in his heart: "Go on."

"Well...well, now I will explain the poem..."

The teacher was explaining a poem by a Chinese poet named Du Fu, but she didn't listen at all.

This is not the case in the past.

But now I don't know why... I feel a little confused today.


"Hmm... Teacher, what's the matter?"

"...Let's stop here today." The old man in his eighties shook his head helplessly. He could tell that today's style had no interest in continuing to learn, but...he didn't I'm not going to delve into it, and I'm not going to say anything else.

He is not from the Liangyi family, but was invited to teach the two ceremonies.

However, he is probably clear about the affairs of the Liangyi family, although it is impossible to treat the girl in front of him like an ordinary child of this age.

But...the feeling that she is very pitiful is still there.

Such a small burden.

"Yes... I see, thank you." The two said with a salute.

"Yeah." The old man nodded and pushed open the door and left: "I'll try to talk to your father and see if I can cancel the afternoon class as well." As he spoke, he turned his head slowly : "Holidays...do you still need a little bit?"

The two ceremonies froze for a moment, and before she could say anything, the old man had already closed the door and left.

Sure enough... there is no kendo class on this day...

Her father, on the advice of her teacher, gave her a day off.


I don't know why, but she always feels a little restless...

"what happened?"

The heart of the two rituals—

In the depths... Individuals that neither Ryoji nor Ryogiori have found... Their true roots, representing the existence of roots, have awakened.

This being, perhaps, can be distinguished by the formula of origin.

Now, she wakes up.

Although it doesn't take control of the body of the two rituals...

"Let's do it... the restraining power of the planet." Gengen smiled.

Two ceremonies... This existence suppression force has been paying attention to her, or it has been paying attention to her.

Although, if she wanted to, she could hide it from the restraining force, but she didn't have this idea when she was just born, and the restraining force had already discovered it at that time.

It's too late to hide now.

However, apart from restraint, other things that can see the past and the future can still be concealed.

So, those people... most of them didn't notice the existence of the two rituals.

But - Kurokawa and Ya are not like that.

Accidents, variables, unknowns.

But this unknown has a good relationship with the two rituals.

That is to say, now, in the eyes of Repression, among the people who may end up with the two rituals... Kurokawa and Ya actually have a lot of possibilities.

Especially for the mysterious world, age is not a big problem.

However, if you get the two rituals... then it is equivalent to everything... For the world, it is equivalent to having all the power, whether it is destroying the world or rebuilding the world.

Therefore, it is impossible for restraint to sit back and watch the threat of death. Originally, in the mind of restraint, Liang Ri should be surrounded by a person who has no desires and desires, but can control her... But now, in this person When it has not yet appeared.

Unknown but plugged in...

It is precisely because of the unknown that everything is possible. Impossible for Restraint to believe the possibility...


Restraint has struck.

Because of the two ceremonies, it is impossible for the restraining force to kill, ruthless, etc...but other things are fine.

For example...

Make Kurokawa and Mi look at other women.

For the two ceremonies... it is impossible for her to bear sharing a person with other people... So, as long as Kurokawa and Ya accept one of the large group of people arranged by the suppression force...

Well, it means staying away from the two rituals.

This is also the reason why the two ceremonies feel restless. She has an intuition that is close to future vision...or the eyes of the mind, it is undoubtedly A-level...

She felt something was wrong...

It wasn't anything else but... the feeling that someone was targeting her.

Genji thought about it for a while, and suppressed this feeling. Now, all of this is still under her bearing...

In the future, she doesn't care who Kurokawa and Mi will be with... whom the two rituals will be with, and what will happen to the world.

As long as... the existence of the two rituals can feel happiness.

That's it.

To put it simply, if Kurokawa and Ya have the idea of ​​wanting to be with the two rituals in the future, there is one prerequisite - rejecting everyone else.

That's the only way there's a chance.

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