I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 41: restraint shot

"...that woman...what's the matter?" Standing at the door of his studio, he looked through the gap in the curtains at his sister's teacher who just came to his house for a home visit.

Kurokawa and Mi frowned slightly.

There was something wrong with the woman's appearance from the first time I saw him.

"Hey, Oni-chan, what do you think of Kanako-sensei?" Behind Kurokawa and Ya, his sister asked.

"This one...it's beautiful and has a gentle personality. What's wrong?"

"Oh~~ Didn't you see it?" Hemei smiled, "Teacher, she seems to have taken a fancy to you."

"Huh? Fancy me?" Kurokawa and Mi frowned slightly: "I see... No wonder it feels weird, um, love... This is an experience I have never experienced before, maybe I can draw it as a It will be used as a reference for future comics."

Kazumi listened to Kurokawa Kazuya's words, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly: "That...that's all? Don't you have any other ideas?"

"Didn't I say that her previous expression is very informative... But, at your age, you already know what love is? You shouldn't have a boyfriend in school, right?"

"No, no, not at all, don't slander others, brother!" Hemei waved her hands quickly and said.

"Really... Well, if you really have someone you like, I won't object, but first of all, consider your age. You are only 11 years old now?"

"I've said it, it's really gone...Okay, don't change the subject, how do you feel about the teacher?" Kurokawa Kazumi asked expectantly: "I feel good."

"No, it's not suitable for me. Just refuse it next time... But, wait for her to say it before refusing? Otherwise, it will appear a little self-indulgent. No, to avoid trouble, let's just refuse it directly." ...It's better this way. Just right, her expression when she was rejected...can be drawn, which is very valuable for reference."

Kurokawa Kazumi was a little dazed: "That... manga artists... are all like you?"

She felt that her cognition had been refreshed. She thought it was a very handsome profession, but now...what the **** is this...No matter what, the first thing she thinks is "draw it down and keep it as a reference" so...

"Probably not, I'm probably the only one like this." Kurokawa and Mi thought about it seriously and said: "Of course, the reason for this is very simple, she didn't leave a deep impression on me, even if she didn't If you draw it down, you may forget it at any time, it's that simple. And—if you can't even impress me, I think the possibility of happiness after being together is very low. So just Better to say no."


I didn't expect it to be completely different from what I imagined!

Kanako Sawada's heart was beating slightly on the way back...

He is very handsome and tall... No, even she has never seen a taller than that in real life.

Inexplicable... Let her heart beat. if you can...


Time passed so slowly...

Kurokawa and Ya noticed something was wrong...

Recently, there are always people who meet me for various reasons.

And all of them are beauties with outstanding figures and faces.

Teachers, nurses, female students, policemen, witches...even the editors of the editorial department, next to the newly moved single beauties.

Twins, wives, sick girls.

Glasses girl, maid, canine teeth, natural dumb, maid, queen, imperial sister, three no, poisonous tongue...

I have what I want.

There are even European ocean horses, African blacks...

All he could think of was meeting him one after another in just one month...

All I can say is, I'm really thankful that I didn't send a man over here to test if he's crooked.

Idiots also know...someone must be doing something behind the scenes, but the strange thing is...according to his observations, these people seem to be willing...they threw themselves upside down, and some of them seemed very proud Dear, he took a closer look, and it seemed that as long as he was willing to attack, it would be no problem to win in two days.

Accept everything, and there will be no conflicts...


get out!

Who is playing with him? Are you bothered—!

Even when he sends his sister to school in the morning, he can encounter a lot of things... He is completely out of the mood to conceive his own new manga!

If it wasn't for being able to go to sleep and relax every night...he felt like he would be depressed to death.

That's right... I challenged the DIO who turned into a vampire over and over again in my dream, and died over and over again. Now...it's relaxing. The mental pressure of reality is too much...

As for so many women, is there anyone you like...

Yes, of course there is.

But... piles of paste come up, others don't know what happened, he just feels bored and disgusted...

It's annoying!


In the void...

Two consciousnesses are communicating.

Gaia, this is the consciousness of the planet. Everything is centered on the world and the planet. It has only one purpose, to ensure the existence of the planet.

Alaya, this is a collection of human consciousness, everything is human-centered, and its purpose is only one, to ensure the continuation of human beings.

The actions between the two consciousnesses are almost simultaneous, but... there is no communication, because to some extent, the two existences are hostile, but they are on the same side.

Because the survival of human beings is based on the destruction of the planet. Gaia and Alaya are hostile at this point.

And even if humans disappear, the planet can exist.

But if the planet disappears, the current human beings will not be able to survive. From this point of view, the two existences are partners again.

But... it's only now—

In the future of mankind, it is not impossible to step into the endless star sea, and even in some parallel worlds, it has already been done.

That is, once it reaches this level.

Even if the planet is destroyed, human beings can still exist. From this point of view, Gaia and Alaya are hostile again.

Therefore, the two existences did not intend to communicate, but they almost thought of going together.

Can't kill Kurokawa Kazuya, because Genen won't allow, he got the friendship of Genen's incarnation. Well... destroy this friendship.

But...Because we did it together without discussing it, it affected the women nearby...

As a result, Kurokawa and Ya felt something was wrong...

The two beings are silent...

They discussed it... and came to a conclusion - do it again in a few years... Next time, do it slowly, slowly, without being noticed by him.

Now... Let's restore everything to the original.

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