I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 50: Nervous Iwamoto Yuu

That night—

Kurokawa and Mi experimented with a stone ghost face in the JOJO world in their dreams—

Kurokawa and Ya failed.

Kurokawa and Mi's brains were burnt out.

Kurokawa and Ya woke up.

It's dawn, a new day has come—

Kurokawa and Ya's day was as usual. After sending my sister to school during the day, I returned to the studio and began to think about the idea of ​​the next manga—

the other side!

Tokyo, Yurongsha.

Yu Iwamoto, who came back here, came here with Kurokawa and Yashin's manga.

Handed over the manga titled "Fate/Zero" to the editor-in-chief.

"Has Kurokawa-sensei's new manga arrived..." Yoshikawa Taishi took the folder from Iwamoto Yuu's hand and said.

He knew about this matter, because Iwamoto Yu had already told him yesterday when he rushed over, and generally speaking, this is not necessary...including showing him a look at the original manuscript.

However, Kurokawa and Ya are a little special.

He paints too fast.

That day, Kurokawa Kazuya didn't show him how fast he was drawing manga, but he still went over to take a look because he felt curious afterwards.


how to say...

Very aesthetically pleasing. Generally, cartoonists draw a draft first and then do a little bit of fine work.

But Kurokawa is different from Mi, he does not need to come up with the original manuscript at all.

The pen is constantly moving on the manuscript paper, and soon a manuscript has come out.

Coupled with his storytelling ability shown in JOJO and that battle royale... It can be said that he has the ability to support a magazine by himself. Even if there are no good stories in the future, just start with his painting speed Being an assistant can also make a lot of money.

Not to mention...he has already seen the back of JOJO, and knows the plot behind it, he can already vaguely feel that a pillar of JUMC in the future will continue to grow.

"Look at this thickness... Is it after finishing the painting as usual... Well, forget it, put it here, I just have time to take a look. Don't you still have work? Wait until I finish reading it here Afterwards, it doesn’t look like much.”


After Iwamoto Yu finished speaking, he left, leaving Yoshikawa Daishi to read this manga slowly...

Yu Iwamoto, who was working outside, was a little restless.

He doesn't know how it will turn out...

The comic's story was indeed good, but that was in his opinion. Everyone has their own aesthetics. It may be a masterpiece in their own eyes, but it may be a **** in the eyes of others.

He really hopes that "Fate/Zero" can pass this serialization meeting.

He has already made up his mind, even if the editor-in-chief denies it, he will still fight for it as an editor. If he sticks to his opinion, even if the editor-in-chief rejects it, he still has a chance.


Time passed so slowly, and an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, what's the matter with you today? You look restless." Takeshi Mogi, who returned from pouring a glass of water, looked at Yu Iwamoto, who had been fidgeting since he went to work today.

"No, nothing nothing."

"It's really strange...you." Takeshi Motegi shook his head and left it alone, he still has a job...

Two hours passed.

Still no news at all.

Iwamoto Yuu panicked a little...

three hours have passed

He didn't even eat lunch, and the editor-in-chief never came to call him. He didn't understand what was going on.

In the end, the editor-in-chief was as deeply involved in this comic as himself.


Thinking about how to convince myself to reject this comic?

"I think it's better for you to eat something?" Mogi Takeshi looked at his colleague puzzled while eating the boxed lunch. A person who is usually very stable, what happened today?

Taking the wrong medicine? Where is the convulsion?

"Oh...it's nothing, you can just eat, I don't have any appetite." Iwamoto Yu shook his head and stood up: "I'll go outside for a walk."

Having said that, in fact, he just walked around the door for a while, smoked a cigarette, poured a glass of water, and came back.

No one knows when the editor-in-chief will call him.

It would have been bad if he hadn't been there at that time.

four hours...five hours...

The sun has gradually begun to tilt.

But there is still no news at all, Iwamoto can't help comforting himself, this must be the reason why the editor-in-chief is so fascinated by watching. But even so, it's still frustrating.

His heart was beating continuously until the clear information was confirmed.

He obviously didn't do any work today, but he felt very tired, very tired. Tired more than ever—



It's time to get off work.

In about half an hour, it will be time to get off work—

However, even so, there is still no news at all, his heart is already cold, he seems to see when he waits for work tomorrow.

When the editor-in-chief passed by and saw him, he casually said, "That comic from yesterday? No, it's not suitable for JUMC." Such words...

"Is Yuu Iwamoto here?"

At this moment—Shoji Weito, the team leader of Yu Iwamoto's team, opened the door and said.

"Ah, yes."

"Well, Yuu Iwamoto, come here." Zhuang Siweidou, who weighed 80 kilograms with his eyes, nodded and said, "The editor-in-chief calls you for an urgent meeting."

"Huh? Urgent meeting?"

"That's right, it's exactly what you thought, the editor-in-chief is going to hold a pre-serialization meeting on the manga you brought over earlier."

"...Yes!" Iwamoto Yu said in surprise, he didn't expect to see the dawn at this time.

"Pre-serialization meeting?" Takeshi Mogi looked at Yu Iwamoto who hurried over and asked the people around him with some puzzlement: "That... have you heard of any pre-serialization meeting?"

"No." The person on the side looked at Takeshi Mogi, then at Yu Iwamoto's back and said, "However, I can guess that it must be some good manga brought by that guy... What luck, That guy, what was JOJO first, and what is it now? It seems that he met some powerful teacher."

"Is it a new manga again?" Takeshi Mogi looked over there, then withdrew his gaze: "Ah, I have to work harder, and strive to sign a good manga artist!"

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