I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 51: Possibility of Fate/Zero serialization

"It seems that everyone has arrived." Yoshikawa Taishi looked at a person in the room and said, "Just now I urgently copied a few copies of this manuscript, and each person will take a copy. I will use it in the serialization meeting tomorrow. .”

"Tomorrow? Is it too late?" The leader of a group said, "I have received enough manuscripts this week."

"Generally speaking, it's true, but it's like I called you here at this time." Yoshikawa Taishi said to everyone: "This is a very good manga..."

Is it that exaggerated?

Iwamoto Yu looked at the current situation with some puzzlement.

Although he was asked to come here, but with his identity there, he had no room to intervene.

I also don't understand why the editor-in-chief is eager to put "Fate/Zero" on the serial meeting...

"Okay, don't quarrel anymore." Yoshikawa Taishi stopped them and said: "This is only qualified for tomorrow's serial meeting. Whether you can pass it or not depends on tomorrow. We are going to get off work today, so there is no What are you talking about, go back and take a good look, and make a decision tomorrow! In addition, Iwamoto Yu stays, I have something to tell you."


It's time to get off work.

Yoshikawa Taishi flipped through the manuscript in his hand and said to Iwamoto Yu: "Did Mr. Kurokawa tell you which pen name is used for this manga?"

"Well, he said to use the pseudonym [Black]..."

"No." Daishi Yoshikawa immediately shook his head and said, "Call him later and explain this matter. If this manga is published in other magazines, it doesn't matter what pseudonym it is, but if it is registered on JUMC, it will be fine." You can’t use this pen name, if you want to use it, it’s better to use [Kurokawa Kazuya] or just create a new pen name.”

"Oh? Why?" Iwamoto Yuu froze for a moment.

"The pseudonym of [Black] is rotten, at least that's the case when the serialization of the battle royale comic is not over, you know this. It’s normal to have the upper hand on one side.”

Iwamoto Yuu nodded, indeed.

The bloody, violent, depiction of human nature in that comic, as well as some illogical but inexplicable plot trends that make people feel real, as well as the painting style that is incompatible with the contemporary era... all prove this.

"Right now, the weekly YOUNGJUMC is under tremendous pressure to serialize this comic. You know about it. The daily complaint letters and threatening letters have piled up. The reason for not cutting it in half is also very ironic. The current weekly YOUNGJUMC is supported by such a very crooked manga. Even if it is negative news, it is indeed news. Before there is no new and better manga to support it, it may not be the only one who cut this manga in half. It's a comic, but a magazine. However, these still can't change the fact that the pseudonym [Black] was cast aside by some readers in a short period of time."

Yoshikawa Taishi paused and continued.

"Then, let's talk about the situation where a reader is facing the same manga, but the author's pen name is different... If this manga is published under the pen name [Black], then the first chapter at the beginning The gloomy atmosphere is enough to make many readers give up on this manga directly. Especially when it comes to the experience of the little girl-Sakura...Many people may think that [Black] is a cartoonist who never changes, and draws such a disgusting People’s things. In this case, they will give up this manga, and even give up the magazine JUMC. After that, no matter how others say this manga is interesting and good. But the inherent impression formed at the beginning is not so easy to change, even if it is In this way, only some of them will come back, and the rest will be given up forever. Moreover, in the process, we will have to bear huge pressure from readers, and there will probably be a lot of complaint letters.”

"However, if you use the pen name [Kurokawa Kazuya], it will be different. First of all, Mr. Kurokawa's JOJO has been serialized on JUMC for a while, and the plot has entered the second part. The new protagonist Joseph Joe Star also showed a brilliance that is different from the previous Jonathan and even the traditional protagonist of JUMC. And this brilliance is undoubtedly very attractive, which can be seen from the rankings of the last two issues of JOJO, that is to say—no There is no doubt that it will bring a lot of initial popularity to this [Fate/Zero]. And even if Jonathan died in the last one, it is a glorious death. Although it makes people sad, it is also very moving. So.. .At this time, even if I saw the experience of the little girl-Sakura, I would feel uncomfortable and think that she would be saved. After all, Mr. Kurokawa praised the golden spirit in JOJO before."

"Uh...but..." Iwamoto Yu was stunned for a moment: "but, that little girl has been until the end..."

"That's right, she was not saved, and even the ending of the person who wanted to save her can be said to be quite tragic, but ah... At that time, everyone should be immersed in the plot and have no time to come out and say these things."

It's like cheating...

The corner of Iwamoto Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

"That... what if Kurokawa-sensei doesn't want to change it?"

"Then there is no way..." Yoshikawa Taishi shook his head: "It can only be said that if Fate/Zero is published under the pseudonym [Kurokawa Kazuya], it may become a quite famous novella manga, and The integrity of the story...and Mr. Kurokawa’s speed of creating manga, there is no need for him to deliberately draw the latter part to prevent it from ending.”

"And if you use the pseudonym [Black] to post it, you will persuade countless readers at the beginning, and there is even the possibility of cutting it in half in the end. And if you use other brand-new pseudonyms, it will add unpredictability. That is to say, in the end It’s easy to use [Kurokawa Kazuya] to publish, the worst is the worst, and let him use a brand new pen name, understand?”

"Yes!" Iwamoto Yu nodded and said, "I will do my best!"

As he said that, he couldn't help but feel a little admiration, should the editor-in-chief be worthy of being the editor-in-chief? An old man who has been in the comics industry for more than ten years has a farther vision than a "newcomer" who has only been there for a few years.

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